Uploads by Alexandre.saumur

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
13:31, 11 September 2020 PTM DataModificationRequest-Demandedechangementdedonnées GRT.docx (file) 28 KB   1
12:06, 13 July 2021 Autorisation d'acces aux microdonnees SCREL.pdf (file) 431 KB New cycle covering 2021 to 2023. 2
12:07, 13 July 2021 CORS Micro-Data Authorization.pdf (file) 421 KB New cycle covering 2021 to 2023. 2
10:54, 14 October 2021 PTM SupportForm-FormulaireDemandedesoutien GRT.docx (file) 45 KB   2
16:16, 26 October 2021 PAS - Instructions aux administrateurs GRFP pour soutenir leurs utilisateurs.pdf (file) 830 KB   3
16:16, 26 October 2021 TAP - Instructions for PSPM Administrators to Support Their Users.pdf (file) 674 KB   2
10:47, 28 March 2022 HowClaimEmployee.docx (file) 210 KB   1
10:50, 28 March 2022 HowClaimEmployee accessibility.docx (file) 118 KB   1
12:22, 28 March 2022 HowAcceptRefuseClaimRequest.docx (file) 203 KB   1
12:23, 28 March 2022 HowAcceptRefuseClaimRequest accessibility.docx (file) 118 KB   1
16:16, 28 March 2022 CommentAccepterRefuserDemandeRéclamation.docx (file) 211 KB   2
16:16, 28 March 2022 CommentAccepterRefuserDemandeRéclamation accessibilité.docx (file) 118 KB   2
16:16, 28 March 2022 CommentRéclamerEmployé.docx (file) 202 KB   2
16:16, 28 March 2022 CommentRéclamerEmployé accessibilité.docx (file) 118 KB   2
16:17, 28 March 2022 ModifySectionAPSPM.docx (file) 398 KB   1
16:18, 28 March 2022 ModifySectionAPSPM accessibility.docx (file) 119 KB   1
16:18, 28 March 2022 ModifierSectionAGRFP.docx (file) 415 KB   1
16:19, 28 March 2022 ModifierSectionAGRFP accessibilité.docx (file) 120 KB   1
14:22, 5 April 2022 Instructions pour chiffrer et signer numériquement un fichier.docx (file) 107 KB   1
14:25, 5 April 2022 Instructions on How to Encrypt and Digitally Sign a File.docx (file) 107 KB   1
11:26, 14 April 2022 Administrateurs SSAV-GC - Instructions.pdf (file) 694 KB   2
11:27, 14 April 2022 GC-VATS Administrators - Instructions.pdf (file) 663 KB   2
11:07, 26 July 2022 Administrateurs GRFP - Instructions.pdf (file) 820 KB   8
11:09, 26 July 2022 PSPM Administrators - Instructions.pdf (file) 763 KB   5
09:52, 20 September 2023 ISEO-Storytelling-Social-media-2023-4EN-Thomas.png (file) 272 KB   1
09:52, 20 September 2023 ISEO-Storytelling-Social-media-2023-4FR-Thomas.png (file) 258 KB   1
09:52, 20 September 2023 ISEO-Storytelling-Social-media-2023-2EN-Camille.png (file) 296 KB   1
09:54, 20 September 2023 ISEO-Storytelling-Social-media-2023-2FR-Camille.png (file) 293 KB   1
09:55, 20 September 2023 ISEO-Storytelling-Social-media-2023-9EN-Holly.png (file) 301 KB   1
09:55, 20 September 2023 ISEO-Storytelling-Social-media-2023-9FR-Holly.png (file) 309 KB   1
09:55, 20 September 2023 ISEO-Storytelling-Social-media 2023-10FR-Amber.png (file) 326 KB   1
09:55, 20 September 2023 ISEO-Storytelling-Social-media-2023-10EN-Amber.png (file) 317 KB   1
10:25, 10 May 2024 EOSDISEO FR.jpg (file) 90 KB   1
10:25, 10 May 2024 EOSDISEO EN.jpg (file) 90 KB   1