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MS365 Banner - Teams.png "Teams" "Word" "PowerPoint" "Excel" "SharePoint" "OneNote" "Outlook" "OneDrive" "Planner" "Power BI" "Power Automate" "Power Apps" Cliquez ici pour consulter la version française de cette page.

Microsoft Teams - Training Materials

Below is a collection of MS Teams training products to support public servants.

Upcoming Virtual Training Sessions

Microsoft is hosting online training sessions in both English and French. The sessions are intended for for GC employees and aims to help with building the skills to support the adoption of Teams and M365. Topics to be covered will include:

  • intro to Teams
  • using Chat, Channels, Activity, Meetings
  • coordination of meetings, activities and more

The sessions will be offered in two formats, pre-recorded and live. Click here to find a date and time that works for you.


Departmental Resources

Various departments and agencies across the GC are developing content to support the adoption of M365 applications. Instead of creating your own, review the content that is already shared here. If you have drafted content, please consider sharing it for your colleagues. Click here to add your own.

Quick Guides

"Microsoft Teams : Quick Start Guide"

Additional Resources

Interactive Demo MS Teams: Quick Guide
1. Teams - Demo - EN.PNG Blank.png "Microsoft Teams : Quick Start Guide"
Recorded Webinars Podcasts
MS Teams - Webinar.PNG Blank.png 1. Podcast.PNG

Upcoming Instructor-led Learning Events

Videos (Beginners)

What is MS Teams? Welcome to MS Teams Get your team up and running
1. What is MS Teams.PNG Blank.png 2. Welcome to Teams.PNG Blank.png 3. Get your team up and running.PNG

Videos (Intermediate)

Go-to guide for team owners Organize your teams Overview of teams and channels
4. Go-to guide for Team owners.PNG Blank.png 5. Organize your teams list.PNG Blank.png 6. Overview of teams and channels.PNG
Show and hide channels Work in channels Send email to a channel
7. Show and hide channels.PNG Blank.png 8. Work in channels.PNG Blank.png 9. Send email to a channel.PNG
Create and format a post Get attention with @mentions Save a post or a message
10. Create and format a post.PNG Blank.png 11. Get attention with @mentions.PNG Blank.png 12. Save a post or a message.PNG
Start and pin chats Create instant meetings
13. Start and pin chats.PNG Blank.png 14. Create instant meetings with Meet now.PNG Blank.png

Videos (Advanced)

Managing meetings Use apps Turn a file into a tab
15. Managing meetings.PNG Blank.png 16. Use apps.PNG Blank.png 17. Turn a file into a tab.PNG
Use the command box Filter your activity Managing notification settings
18. Use the command box.PNG Blank.png 19. Filter your activity feed.PNG Blank.png 20. Managing notification settings.PNG

Learning Paths

Click here to find over 20 Learning Path modules.

Manage meetings & events Manage team collaboration
1. LP - Teams - EN.PNG Blank.png 2. LP - Teams - EN.PNG

Discussion Board

Do you have a question about Teams? Simply click here to join the community and get started.

Contact Us

M365 Training Feedback