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Do not use the 663 technique to show relationships between corporate bodies or between persons and corporate bodies.
Do not use the 663 technique to show relationships between corporate bodies or between persons and corporate bodies.
More information on creating NARs for persons with alternate identities is found in the [[Images/f/f3/FAQ – Pratique de LC-PCC pour la création de notices d’autorité de nom pour les personnes qui utilisent des pseudonymes.pdf|FAQ – LC/PCC RDA and AACR2 practice for creating NARs for persons who use pseudonyms]].
More information on creating NARs for persons with alternate identities is found in the [[Media:FAQ – Pratique de LC-PCC pour la création de notices d’autorité de nom pour les personnes qui utilisent des pseudonymes.pdf|FAQ – LC/PCC RDA and AACR2 practice for creating NARs for persons who use pseudonyms]].
==== Only two identities ====  
==== Only two identities ====  

Revision as of 12:02, 23 March 2021

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Name Authority Manual    |    Manual - MARC 21 Supplement   |    667 Field Examples   |    008 field : names


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Name Authority Records

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Series Authority Records

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Fixed Fields

008/10 Descriptive cataloging code

All new name authority records created and contributed by PFAN catalogers must use code 008/10 “z” and include subfield $e rda in the 040 (Cataloging source) field.

When an existing NAR using code “a”, “b”, “c”, or “d” is modified in any way, evaluate the NAR and re-code it to RDA, changing the 008/10 code accordingly.

Exception 1: If an existing NAR using code “c” is modified only to change or add a 5XX field, catalogers are strongly encouraged, but not required, to evaluate the NAR and re-code it to RDA, changing the 008/10 code accordingly.

Exception 2: Existing undifferentiated name authority records coded 008/10 “c” may be modified to remove one or more identities in order to create differentiated RDA authority records. When modifying an existing undifferentiated name authority record for this purpose, the updated undifferentiated name authority record must retain the existing 008/10 code.

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008/11 Subject heading system/thesaurus


When applying RDA Chapter 9 for fictitious characters and RDA Chapiter 10 for family names assure that the NAR 008/11 is set to "n".

Corporate names for high government and religious officials

Assign value "n" (Not applicable) to name authority records for corporate names representing the office held for Heads of state, heads of governments, etc., International intergovernmental bodies, Religious officials, and Popes when the name of the incumbent is included as part of the authorized access point. Also assign value "b" in 008/15, and make a 667 note indicating the form of the access point used in subject cataloging.

Examples of corporate names not appropriate for use as subject headings:

États-Unis. Président (1953-1961 : Eisenhower)
Iran. Shah (1941-1979 : Mohammed Reza Pahlavi)
Illinois. Gouverneur (1973-1977 : Walker)
Église catholique. Pape (1958-1963 : Jean XXIII)
Church of England. Diocèse de Londres. Évêque (1675-1713 : Compton)

See also Manual 008/15 and the Manual 667 section "NARs and subject usage."

Follow these guidelines for newly-created NARs. Make these changes also when modifying existing name authority records for any reason.

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008/15 Heading use-subject added entry

Family names

When applying RDA Chapter 9 for fictitious characters and RDA Chapiter 10 for family names assure that the NAR 008/11 is set to "b."

Corporate names for high government and religious officials

Background: For Heads of state, heads of governments, etc., International intergovernmental bodies, Religious officials, and Popes, descriptive catalogers may be required to establish an authorized access point for the corporate name for the office as well as a personal name for the office holder. It is subject cataloging policy to assign only the personal name, not the corporate name, as a subject access point. This policy was established for collocation purposes (cf. SHM H 430). For example:

États-Unis. Président (1789-1979 : Washington)

may be used in descriptive cataloging as an access point, but in subject cataloging only the personal name:

Washington, George, 1732-1799

would be used as a subject access point.

Assign value "b" (Not appropriate) to name authority records for corporate entities representing the office held for Heads of state, heads of governments, etc., International intergovernmental bodies, Religious officials, and Popes when the name of the incumbent is included as part of the entry. Also assign value "n" in 008/11, and make a 667 note indicating the form used in subject cataloging.


110 2# $a Église catholique. $b Pape (1958-1963 : Jean XXIII)

008/11 = n

008/15 = b

667 ## $a UTILISATION COMME VEDETTE-MATIÈRE : Ce point d'accès ne peut pas être employé comme vedette-matière. Les œuvres sur cette personne se trouvent sous Jean XXIII, pape, 1881-1963.

See also Manual 008/11 and the Manual 667 section "NARs and subject usage."

Follow these guidelines for newly-created authority records. Correct existing records when making any other change to the records.

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008/32 Undifferentiated personal name


When creating an NAR for a family name, assign value “n” in 008/32.

As LC and the PCC, PFAN has agreed to the following guidelines for persons whose preferred names are identical:

  • Do not use code “b” in an RDA name authority record; all personal name authority records coded RDA should be differentiated.
  • Do not add a new identity to an existing personal name authority record coded 008/32 “b.”

Instead, apply RDA 9.19.1 to create a unique authorized access point for the person, using suitable additional elements.

Maintenance of existing undifferentiated records:

It may happen that an existing undifferentiated name authority record, especially one that has been imported from LC/NAF, contains pairs of 670 fields used to group information about each individual covered by the NAR. The first 670 in the pair is an “identifying” 670 field containing a term descriptive of the person’s relationship to the title cited in the second 670 of the pair. The data in the identifying 670 field is contained in subfield $a and enclosed in square brackets. The second 670 in the pair is a “citation” 670 that contains the normal data elements in a resource being cataloged citation.


008/32 = b
100 1# $a Lloyd, Richard
670 ## $a [Author of Bound and minor words in Baruya]
670 ## $a Bound and minor words in Baruya, 1989: $b p. de t. (Richard Lloyd)
670 ## $a [Added entry for Alex, the amazing juggler]
670 ## $a Alex, the amazing juggler, 1981: $b p. de t. (Richard Lloyd)
670 ## $a [Editor of Allen Jones]
670 ## $a Allen Jones, 1995: $b p. de t. (Richard Lloyd)

Alternatively, an existing undifferentiated name authority record may include a 667 note indicating that the record is undifferentiated and identifying the resource(s) associated with other persons with the same name. In this case, the record generally does not include 670 fields for persons other than the first one identified.


008/32 = b

100 1# $a Jacques, Pierre

667 ## $a L'auteur de Les gouvernements au Canada n'est pas la même personne que le co-auteur de Esteve, A. Inventaire des secteurs résidentiels soumis ... ni la même personne que le co-éditeur de Les plus beaux textes sur les jeux ...

670 ## $a Les gouvernements au Canada, ©1978 : $b p. de t. (Pierre Jacques)

When information is found to distinguish a person in an existing undifferentiated name record:

  • Always create a new name authority record for that person, with distinguishing information, and add an indication that the person was formerly on an undifferentiated record (see "667 notes on records for identities previously on undifferentiated records" below). If an authority record already exists for that person with the 667 note "CETTE NOTICE VERSÉE EN LOT DOIT ÊTRE ÉVALUÉE AVANT D'ÊTRE UTILISÉE, POUR S'ASSURER QU'ELLE RÉPONDE AUX NORMES DU PFAN", use that notice as the "new record".
  • Transfer the citation 670 pertaining to that person from the undifferentiated name record to the new name authority record and edit as necessary.
  • Re-evaluate the new name authority record if it contains the 667 note "CETTE NOTICE VERSÉE EN LOT DOIT ÊTRE ÉVALUÉE AVANT D'ÊTRE UTILISÉE, POUR S'ASSURER QU'ELLE RÉPONDE AUX NORMES DU PFAN".
  • If the undifferentiated NAR is not being deleted because multiple identities remain, delete the pair of 670 fields pertaining to the newly created NAR.
  • If more than one identity remains in the undifferentiated NAR, and there is not sufficient information in the NAR to create new NARs for each name, leave the NAR coded AACR2.

In order to facilitate machine processing of authority records (e.g., matching, linking), when only one identity is left on an undifferentiated personal name authority record (i.e., other identities are being disambiguated and removed), take the following steps:

  • Create a new NAR for the remaining single identity. If an authority record already exists for that entity with the 667 note « CETTE NOTICE VERSÉE EN LOT DOIT ÊTRE ÉVALUÉE AVANT D'ÊTRE UTILISÉE, POUR S'ASSURER QU'ELLE RÉPONDE AUX NORMES DU PFAN »), use that notice as the "new record". The authorized access point itself may be differentiated or it may be identical to the authorized access point in the undifferentiated NAR. In the new record:
    • Transfer the citation 670 pertaining to that person from the undifferentiated name record to the new name authority record and edit as necessary.
    • Add a 667 note:
      667 ## Anciennement incluse dans une notice de nom indifférenciée : [Canadiana number of undifferentiated name record].
    • Add in 016 field subfield $z the Canadiana number of the undifferentiated name authority record to be deleted, if any.
  • Re-evaluate the new name authority record if it contains the 667 note « CETTE NOTICE VERSÉE EN LOT DOIT ÊTRE ÉVALUÉE AVANT D'ÊTRE UTILISÉE, POUR S'ASSURER QU'ELLE RÉPONDE AUX NORMES DU PFAN ».
  • Assure that the undifferentiated NAR only contains information relevant to the single identity remaining (e.g., 670s). If applicable, delete field 667 indicating that the record is undifferentiated.
  • Add that information in the 667 note on the undifferentiated record to assure that a duplicate NAR will not be created:

    667 ## $a Dernière identité sur notice indifférenciée; signalée pour suppression car remplacée par [Canadiana number of undifferentiated name record].

  • PFAN cataloguer: Report the undifferentiated name authority record to
    Suggested generic message:
    Objet : Notice non différenciée à supprimer
    La notice doit être vue par un catalogueur.
    Notice à conserver :
    Notice à conserver :
    Notice à supprimer :   
  • BAC cataloguer: Delete the undifferentiated authority record.

Example of an undifferentiated LAC record

Undifferentiated authority record before disambiguation:

008/32 = b
016 ## $a [Canadiana number]
100 1# $a Dupont, André
667 ## $a L'auteur d'Histoire du département de la Manche n'est pas la même personne que l'auteur d'Hydraulique urbaine.
670 ## $a Histoire du département de la Manche, c1975- : $b vol. 6, p. de t. (André Dupont)

New notice for the author of Histoire du département de la Manche:

008/32 = a
016 ## $a [New Canadiana number]
100 1# $a Dupont, André, $d 1920-
667 ## $a Anciennement incluse dans une notice de nom indifférenciée : [Canadiana number of undifferentiated name record].
670 ## $a Histoire du département de la Manche, c1975- : $b vol. 6, p. de t. (André Dupont)
670 ## $a LC/NAF, 24 février 2021 : $b (point d'accès : Dupont, André, $d 1920-)

Undifferentiated authority record before disambiguation. Remained identify is for the author of Hydraulique urbaine:

008/32 = b
016 ## $a [Canadiana number]
100 1# $a Dupont, André
667 ## $a Dernière identité sur notice indifférenciée; signalée pour suppression car remplacée par [Canadiana number of undifferentiated name record].

New record for the author of Hydraulique urbaine:

008/32 = a
016 ## $a [New Canadiana number] $z [Canadiana number of undifferentiated name record]
100 1# $a Dupont, André
667 ## $a Anciennement incluse dans une notice de nom indifférenciée : [Canadiana number of undifferentiated name record].
670 ## $a Hydraulique urbaine, 1965 : $b page de titre (André Dupont)

Example of undifferentiated record derived from LC/NAF

Undifferentiated authority record before disambiguation:

008/32 = b
100 1# $a Bowman, Anne
670 ## $a [Author of Esperanza]
670 ## $a Her Esperanza, 1855: $b t.p. (Anne Bowman)
670 ## $a [Illustrator of Reptiles]
670 ## $a Reptiles, c1996: $b copyr. p. (illus.: Anne Bowman)

New record for the author of Esperanza:

008/32 = a
016 ## $a [New Canadiana number]
100 1# $a Bowman, Anne, $d activité 19e siècle
667 ## $a Anciennement incluse dans une notice de nom indifférenciée : [Canadiana number of undifferentiated name record].
670 ## $a Esperanza, 1855 : $b page de titre (Anne Bowman)

Undifferentiated authority record before disambiguation. Remained identify is for the illustrator of Reptiles:

008/32 = b
100 1# $a Bowman, Anne
667 ## $a Dernière identité sur notice indifférenciée; signalée pour suppression car remplacée par [Canadiana number of undifferentiated name record].
670 ## $a Reptiles, c1996: $b copyr. p. (illus.: Anne Bowman)

New record for the illustrator of Reptiles :

008/32 = a
016 ## $a [New Canadiana number]
100 1# $a Bowman, Anne
667 ## $a Anciennement incluse dans une notice de nom indifférenciée : [Canadiana number of undifferentiated name record].
670 ## $a Reptiles, c1996 : $b page de copyright (illus.: Anne Bowman)

667 notes on records for identities previously on undifferentiated records

Always add a 667 note to a new NAR to identify the Canadiana number of the authority record in which information about that person had been recorded:

667 ## $a Anciennement incluse dans une notice d'autorité de nom indifférenciée : [Canadiana number of undifferentiated name record].

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008/33 Level of establishment


Provisional (008/33 value “c”) records:


Code an NAR as provisional (008/33 value “c”) if the authorized access point cannot be formulated satisfactorily because of inadequate information. If the necessary information later becomes available, re-evaluate the NAR and upgrade it to fully established (008/33 value “a”). In no case should a provisional-level authority record be created with an access point that conflicts with an existing NAR according to PFAN normalization rules.

Special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau

Because there is uncertainty about whether Hong Kong and Macau will continue to have two official languages, code all NARs for government bodies in these two places, at the level of the special administrative region and below, as provisional (008/33 value “c”), regardless of the language in which the authorized access point has been established. If a form in the second of the two official languages becomes available, add that form as a variant access point rather than revising the existing authorized access point. Consult RDA and the related policy statement for instructions on choosing the language of the referred name. Please note that this policy for provisional status does not apply to non-government bodies.

Additional information for PFAN participants

PFAN participants may also create provisional records in the following two exceptional situations:

  1. If the contributing library does not have the language expertise to establish the authorized access point as a fully established authority record; this would include situations where the library lacked adequate reference sources for research or where the cataloger was not confident of the correct grammatical form for the access point.
  2. If the contributing library is unable, due to limited resources or other constraints, to complete related authority work or to determine the appropriate reference structure that is required for fully established authority records.

Preliminary (008/33 value “d”) records:

Preliminary authority records (008/33 value “d”) generally are the result of retrospective projects. PFAN catalogers are expected to routinely upgrade NARs coded preliminary when making other modifications to the record. Because of this maintenance requirement, PFAN participants are asked to contact the PFAN Standards Committee before embarking on projects that may result in large numbers of NARs coded preliminary being added to the NACO Authority File.
As needed, catalogers may upgrade NARs coded preliminary when working with earlier/later corporate body records, even if the access points in the records being upgraded are not used in the local bibliographic database. Occasionally catalogers may need to create a new NAR without having an item in hand, e.g., for an earlier or later name heading using information from reference sources, or a heading based on information found in field 245 subfield “c” of bibliographic records when resolving NAR conflicts. Do not code these occasional NARs as “preliminary”.


PFAN series practice: Transcription of the series statement is mandatory if applicable. Searching for series authority records, tracing the series, and the creation and maintenance of series authority records are optional.

Generally, series data elements should be viewed on the publication and series authority records should be coded “a” (full). In post-cataloging authority work it is permissible to create SARs without the piece in hand; these records are coded “d” (preliminary). When a publication in the series has been examined and the preliminary authority record reviewed and updated as necessary, upgrade the SAR to full level.

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008/39 Cataloging source

PFAN series practice: Transcription of the series statement is mandatory if applicable. Searching for series authority records, tracing the series, and the creation and maintenance of series authority records are optional.

Whatever value is originally input into this field remains; do not change this value when updating a record unless the original value was incorrect.

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016 National Bibliographic Agency Control Number

Field 016 is mandatory whenever a cataloguer creates, updates or uses an authority record.

When creating an authority record, and when updating or using an existing record without a Canadiana number in field 016, first check the LC/NAF to see if the same entity is represented by an authority record, and if this authority record includes a Canadiana number. Note that the authorized access point, in the LC/NAF, may be different from the Canadiana access point. If the LC/NAF record does include a Canadiana number, add this number to the Canadiana record, changing the final E to an F (or adding an F at the end of the Canadiana number, if there is no final letter).

When updating or using an existing authority record that includes a Canadiana number, please check that the language code F is present at the end of the field.


Do not “reuse” a Canadiana number. Once an authority record has been created for a given entity, and once a Canadiana number has been attributed, do not change the data in this authority record to describe a DIFFERENT entity. For instance, do not change the authority record for “Dupont, Jean” to transform it into an authority record describing “Tremblay, Marie” (except if the person’s name has changed).

    When identifying a duplicate, ask that the duplicate be deleted (see Procedures for duplicates). DO NOT “reuse” the authority record to describe a different entity. This causes problems for bibliographic services and for other library systems.
    If field 016 is present in the authority record to be deleted, record the Canadiana number of the deleted record in field 016, subfield $z, in the preferred authority record.
    If there is no field 016 in the record to be deleted, please add one, using the number 0000X0000F. Do not record this number in field 016, subfield $z, in the preferred authority record. See also the “Duplicates” section in this Manual, field 667.

    When identifying a duplicate, delete it. DO NOT “reuse” the authority record to describe a different entity. This causes problems for bibliographic services and for other library systems.
    If field 016 is present in the authority record to be deleted, record the Canadiana number of the deleted record in field 016, subfield $z, in the preferred authority record.

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022 International Standard Serial Number

PFAN series practice: Transcription of the series statement is mandatory if applicable. Searching for series authority records, tracing the series, and the creation and maintenance of series authority records are optional.

Record the ISSN whenever it is available from the item in hand, from analytic bibliographic records, or from the collected set bibliographic record for the series; otherwise, recording the ISSN is optional.

When it is known there are separate ISSN assigned to different formats of a series represented by a single SAR, prefer to record in 022 subfield $a the ISSN that is the linking ISSN (ISSN-L) for the different formats. Identify ISSN for specific formats in separate 667 fields, following this pattern:

667 $a Version imprimée : ISSN YYYY-ZZZZ
667 $a Version en ligne : ISSN YYYY-ZZZZ

When the title of a publication has changed, confirm that an ISSN appearing on the publication belongs to the new title and not to the earlier title.

An incorrect ISSN can be given in a 667 field (e.g., “ISSN 1122-3344 is not a valid ISSN for this publication”).

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024 Other standard identifier

Follow the guidelines in NACO Best Practices for the 024 Field. As a general rule, limit the number of 024 fields in a NACO authority record to five. Do not routinely delete or change existing 024 fields when adding new ones.

Catalogers are not required to maintain identifiers coded in the 024 field of PFAN authority records. When an 024 field is present in an authority record that is being reported for deletion (for example, in the case of a duplicate), catalogers should transfer the field to the record that is to be retained. When two authority records are being collapsed into one, and each record has a different 024 field, catalogers should include both 024 fields in the updated record.

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034 Coded cartographic mathematical data

Recording coordinates for countries, states, counties

Coordinates for outside limits (bounding boxes or polygons) should generally be used with larger geographic entities such as countries, states, and counties to identify the coordinates of the entity. The coordinates may be recorded in either degrees/minutes/seconds, decimal degrees, decimal minutes, and/or decimal seconds. Styles should not be mixed in a single 034 field, but the field may be repeated to represent the different styles (see below for conversion utilities); the order of 034 fields when both styles are given does not matter. To facilitate the reuse of coordinates in geographic applications, the point (not the comma) should be used as the decimal point.

Degrees/minutes/seconds: record in the form hdddmmss (hemisphere-degrees-minutes-seconds).
034 ## $d W1800000 $e E1800000 $f N0840000 $g S0700000
Decimal degrees: record in the form hddd.dddddd (hemisphere-degrees.decimal degrees)
034 ## $d E079.533265 $e E086.216635 $f S012.583377 $g S020.419532
Decimal degrees with plus ou minus: record in the form +-ddd.dddddddd (hemisphere[+/-]-degrees.decimal degrees) (“+” or N and E, “-” for S and W ; the plus sign is optional)

034 ## $d +079.533265 $e +086.216635 $f -012.583377 $g -020.419532

(Example with +/-)

034 ## $d 079.533265 $e 086.216635 $f -012.583377 $g -020.419532

(Example without the optional plus sign)
Decimal minutes: record in the form hdddmm.mmmm (hemisphere-degrees-minutes.decimal minutes)

034 ## $d E07932.5332 $e E08607.4478 $f S01235.5421 $g S02028.9704

Decimal seconds: record in the form hdddmmss.sss (hemisphere-degrees-minutes-seconds.decimal seconds)

034 ## $d E0793235.575 $e E0860727.350 $f S0123536.895 $g S0202858.125

Recording coordinates for cities, towns, and townships
Coordinates for cities, towns, and townships should generally be recorded as center points rather than outside limits. For the 034 field, the longitude and latitude that form the central axis are recorded twice to define the center point (i.e., the contents of $d and $e are identical, the contents of $f and $g are identical).

034 ## $d W0950500 $e W0950500 $f N0303000 $g N0303000

(Example showing degrees/minutes/seconds)

034 ## $d W119.697222 $e W119.697222 $f N034.420833 $g N034.420833

(Example showing decimal degrees)

034 ## $d -119.697222 $e -119.697222 $f +034.420833 $g +034.420833

(Example showing decimal degrees with plus/minus)

Coordinate Conversion Tools
PFAN institutions are encouraged to provide both degrees/minutes/seconds and decimal degrees when available. Numerous conversion tools are available on the Web to derive one from the other; here are two examples:

Degrees/minutes/seconds to Decimal degrees:
Decimal degrees to Degrees/minutes/seconds:

Subfield $2 has been defined for recording the source of the coordinate information– codes for commonly used sources are available from: Cartographic Data Source Codes.

A 670 citation to the source would not be required if the only information from the source is recorded in field 034; a 670 citation should be made if necessary to record information beyond coordinates, such as variant names, hierarchy, time period of applicability, etc.

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035 System Control Number

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040 Cataloging source

Catalogers should consult the PCC Post RDA Test Guidelines for instructions on using RDA and/or AACR2 in new and existing authority records.

Subfield $b – Language of cataloging
Subfield $b fre added automatically by WMS.

Subfield $d – Modifying agency
Subfield $d [MARC 21 code] is added automatically by WMS when modifying NARs or SARs unless your institution’s is already the last MARC subfield $d in the 040 field.

Subfield $e – Description conventions
All new authority records created and submitted by PFAN cataloguers must have the code "z" in Field 008/10 and include the $e rda subfield in Field 040.

When adding the subfield $e manually, add it after subfield $b and before $c. It is not necessary to move the subfield $e to this position if it is already present elsewhere in the 040 or if it is being added by a macro or a template. Subfield $e rda is automatically added by the system in NARs and SARs when fixed field 008/10 (Rules) is set to “z” (Other).

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042 Authentication Code

This field is found in all authority records used by LAC. Do not modify or delete this field when code CaOONL appears in field 040.

When cataloguers (other than LAC cataloguers) derive an authority record from an LAC record which includes field 042, they must remember to delete this field.


In the Canadiana authority file, cataloguers must add 042 $a nlc every time they create, derive or revise an authority record. This code identifies the “virtual” Canadian authority file, which is spread across two separate authority files (LC/NAF and Canadiana).

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046 Special coded dates


Best practice: When encoding date information, give the fullest information about the date that is readily available (the date in field 046 may be more precise than a date used in the 100 subfield $d). When revising existing authority records, record dates in field 046 even if the heading itself does not have dates in 100 subfield $d, when the information is readily available.

When recording dates in field 046, use the Extended Date Time Format (EDTF) schema in all cases except for centuries; supply dates using the pattern yyyy, yyyy-mm, or yyyy-mm-dd. See date table in LAC-BanQ PS


046 ## $f 1884-10-11 $g 1962-11-07 $2 edtf

100 1# $a Roosevelt, Eleanor, $d 1884-1962

670 ## $a When you grow up to vote, 1932 : $b p. de t. (Eleanor Roosevelt (Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt))

670 ## $a Wikipédia, consultée le 21 juillet 2010 $b (Eleanor Roosevelt; Anna Eleanor Roosevelt; née le 11 octobre 1884 à Manhattan, à New York; morte le 7 novembre 1962)

046 ## $s -0199~ $2 edtf

100 0# $a Hellanicus $c (Grammairien), $d environ 200 av. J.-C.

670 ## $a Brill's new Pauly, consulté le 2 août 2011 $b (Hellanicus; grammairien d'Alexandrie; environ 200 av. J.-C.)

046 ## $f 1946-06 $2 edtf

100 1# $a Vickers, Roy Henry, $d 1946-

670 ## $a Solstice, c1988 : $b p. de t. (Roy Henry Vickers) jaquette (artiste amérindien; né en juin 1946 à Greenville, Colombie-Britannique)

046 ## $k 1981 $2 edtf

100 1# $a Allende, Isabel. $t Casa de los espíritus

670 ## $a Cox, Karen Castellucci. Isabel Allende, 2003 : $b p. 4-5 (en 1981 Allende a commencé à écrire une version romancée des histoires qu'elle avait entendues dans son enfance, qui a été publiée en Espagne en 1982)

When recording a century in the 046 field, use the first two digits of the hundred year span (e.g., use “16” to represent the 17th century, 1600–1699).


046 ## $s 17

100 1# $a Turner, Elizabeth, $d activité 18e siècle

670 ## $a Cohen, A.I. Int'l encycl. of women composers, 2nd ed. $b (Turner, Elizabeth, compositrice anglaise du 18e siècle)

Note that the 1st century A.D. is represented by value “00” and B.C. centuries have a hyphenminus before the digits (e.g., “-04” for the 5th century B.C.). An approximate century (e.g., active approximately 12th century) cannot be recorded in the 046 field.

Subfield $2 – Source of date scheme

Always add subfield $2 edtf except after a century.

Subfield $s – Start period, and $t – End period

For instructions on using $s and $t for start and end periods in fields 368, and 370-376, see the instructions provided in the 373 field.

Subfield $u – Uniform Resource Identifier and Subfield and Subfield $v – Source of information

The following represents PFAN practice on recording sources of information in $u and $v in fields where they are defined, and/or in field 670:

  1. 670s must be used to support information used as part of a heading in 1XX and 4XX fields.
  2. For fields 046, 368, 370-378, and 381:
    1. use of $v is optional if the same information/source is already cited in the 670
    2. use $v if the information/source is not cited in a 670
    3. use of $u is optional, and should always be preceded by $v

Use a 670 field if needed to justify information recorded in other fields for which subfields $u and/or $v are not defined or defined differently.

Subfield $v – Source of information

Follow the same basic citation principles when recording data in subfield $v (Source of information) of fields 046, 368, 370-378, and 381 that currently apply to field 670 subfield $a (Source citation).

Supply specific citation information (page number, sub-page of website) in subfield $v if, in the cataloger's judgment, this greater specificity is needed to find the information within the source cited.

If the information in fields 046, 368, 370-378, and 381 is in the same form as found in the source, there is no need to cite usage information. If the information recorded in those fields is in a different form from that in the source, use 670 $b (Information found).

For tangibles sources:

If the information was derived from a tangible source (e.g., a print book, removable digital media) subfield $v should contain sufficient information for a cataloger to find the item cited in a catalog or bibliographic database. This can usually be limited to title proper and imprint or date. If that combination is not unique, the title citation may be preceded by the creator’s name

For online resources:

Provide information sufficient to find the resource via a search engine. Include either title and publication date (if it is a formally-published resource, such as an e-book) or a suitable description of the document and date accessed (for a less formal resource). Optionally include subfield $u.


100 1# $a Lazzarini, Sérgio G.

372 ## $a Relations industrielles $2 rvm $v Lazzarini, Sergio G. CV-English, consulté le 22 février 2012 $u http ://

670 ## $a Capitalismo de laçeos, 2011 : $b page de titre (Sérgio G. Lazzarini)

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050 Library of Congress Call Number

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053 LC classification number

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055 Library and Archives Canada Call Number

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065 Other Classification Number

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080 Universal Decimal Classification Number

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082 Dewey Decimal Call Number

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083 Dewey Decimal Classification Number

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086 Government Document Call Number

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087 Government Document Classification Number

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1XX Headings - General Information


PFAN catalogers should consult the PCC Post RDA Test Guidelines for instructions on using RDA and/or AACR2 in new and existing authority records.

When modifying an authority record for any reason, delete a final mark of punctuation in the 1XX field unless it is a part of the data (e.g., a period in an abbreviation) or is called for by the cataloging instructions (e.g., a parenthetical qualifier).

Note: in order to minimize the impact of database maintenance with associated bibliographic records and/or related authority records, catalogers are urged to refrain from making unnecessary changes to 1XXs.


PFAN series practice: Transcription of the series statement is mandatory if applicable. Searching for series authority records, tracing the series, and the creation and maintenance of series authority records are optional.

For the title proper of a multipart monograph, consult RDA

Choosing a monographic series title proper:

  1. If the resource has more than one form of series title, consult RDA and
  2. If the resource has the series title in more than one language or script on the same source, consult RDA
  3. If the resource has series title pages in more than one language and or script, consult RDA
  4. Consider spacing and changes in typography when determining where the series title begins and ends. Also consult RDA

Establishing an SAR access point:

  1. Determine choice of authorized access point based on RDA 6.27 and its associated LAC-BAnQ PS.
  2. Exclude from the authorized access point the following information included in the series statement in the bibliographic record for the component part:
    1. initial article in subfields $a, $t, $n, and $p;
    2. other title information;
    3. statement of responsibility;
    4. parallel title(s);
    5. ISSN;
    6. numeric/chronological designations.
  3. Add a parenthetical qualifier(s) if appropriate according to the guidelines in LAC-BAnQ PS

For instructions on converting an existing NAR to an SAR, see Should an SAR be made? in the Introduction of DCM Z1.

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100 Heading - Personal Name

Authorized access points for families General

Use first indicator value “3” in field 100 when creating an NAR for a family. See in this Manual, 667 section, NARs and subject usage, for subject usage instructions in NARs for families.

Subfield instructions

There is no prescribed MARC order for the subfields beyond subfield $a in the X00 fields. When providing multiple additions to the name generally follow these guidelines:

  1. Additions to the name are contained in a single set of parentheses separated by colons.
  2. The term for the type of family is added after the name and is contained in subfield $a.
  3. Subfield $d (date) follows the term for the type of family.
  4. Subfield $c is used for place associated with family and follows the date.
  5. Subfield $g is used for prominent member of family. Give authorized access point for the person as found in the 1XX of the NAR without any internal subfield coding.


100 3# $a Jones (Famille : $d 1801-1950 : $c New York, N.Y. : $g Jones, Samuel, 1830-1899)

Authorized access points for persons


Use first indicator value “0” or “1” in field 100 when creating an NAR for a person.

Subfield instructions

There is no prescribed MARC order for the subfields beyond subfield $a in the X00 fields. RDA provides guidance for the placement of words indicating relationship (e.g., Jr.) and MARC defines subfield $q as “Forme développée du nom de personne.” When providing multiple additions to the name generally follow these guidelines:

1) Subfield $d (date) should always be the last element in a 100 string unless the term (Esprit) is being added to the name. Add $c (Esprit) as the last element in a 100 string.

    100 0# $a Élisabeth $b Ire, $c reine d'Angleterre, $d 1533-1603 $c (Esprit)

2) Generally add subfield $c before subfield $q when also adding words, numerals, etc. indicating relationship. (See RDA for treatment of Portuguese names)

    100 1# $a McCauley, Robert H., $c Jr. $q (Robert Henry), $d 1913-1979


    100 0# $a M. Alicia $q (Mary Alicia), $c Sister, S.C.N.

3) For exceptional situations, such as when subfield $a contains only a surname or only a forename or the name includes a prefix, etc. consult LC-PCC PS 1.7.1.

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336 Content Type


Field 336 may only be used in NARs and SARs for expressions. 336 is always accompanied by a subfield $2.

Subfield $2 – Source of term

In subfield $2 give “rdacontent/fre.”

Subfield $a – Content type term

Use terms from RDA The list of terms is also available in the Term and Code List for RDA Content Types.

Subfield $b – Content type code

If giving subfield $b instead of/or in addition to subfield $a, use the code from the MARC format Term and Code List for RDA Content Types.

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368 Other attributes of person or corporate body


Prefer controlled vocabulary for terms in subfields $a, $b, and $c, recording the source in subfield $2. For consistency, capitalize the first term in each subfield $a, $b and $c. When terms in subfields $a and $b do not come from a controlled vocabulary, use a singular form.


110 2# $a Freer Gallery of Art
368 ## $a Musées d'art $2 rvm

151 ## $a France
368 ## $b États $2 ram

151 ## $a Garwolin (Pologne : Powiat)
368 ## $b Powiat

100 0# $a Jeanne, $c d'Arc, sainte, $d 1412-1431
368 ## $c Saints $2 rvmgd

100 0# $a Palamède $c (Personnage du cycle arthurien)
368 ## $c Personnage du cycle arthurien

110 2# $a Church of Christ (Rigdonites) 
368 ## $c Rigdonites  

110 2# $a Indiana (Cuirassé : BB-50)
368 ## $a Cuirassés $2 rvm
368 ## $c BB-50

Do not record professions or occupations in subfield $c (Other designation). Profession or occupation may be recorded in field 374.

Record titles of royalty, nobility or religious rank (RDA– in subfield $d in the form used in the authorized or variant access points.


100 0# $a Alexandre $b VI, $c pape, $d 1431-1503
368 ## $d pape $s 1492 $t 1503

100 0# $a Jane Seymour, $c reine, épouse d'Henri VIII, roi d'Angleterre, $d 1509?-1537
368 ## $d reine, épouse d'Henri VIII, roi d'Angleterre

100 0# $a Jeanne Marie, $c sœur, $d 1926-2013
368 ## $d sœur

100 1# $a Walsh, Joseph-Alexis, $c vicomte, $d 1782-1860
368 ## $d vicomte


In choosing between repeating a field vs. repeating a subfield: If the only addition to an existing field is an additional term from the same vocabulary, repeat the affected subfield. If the vocabulary source differs, or if another associated element differs (such as a range of dates), repeat the field. Overall best practice: repeat the field when needed for clarity.


368 ## $c Saints $2 rvmgd

368 ## $d métropolite de Rostov

(La première 368 renferme un terme provenant d'un vocabulaire contrôlé mais pas la seconde)

Subfield $s – Start period and Subfield $t – End period

Follow the instructions given in the Manual for subfield $s and subfield $t provided in the 373 field

Subfield $u – Uniform Resource Identifier and Subfield $v – Source of information

Follow the instructions given in the Manual for subfield $u and subfield $v provided in the 046 field

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370 Associated place


For jurisdictions or other place names with authority records in Canadiana or, failing that, the form found in the RVM, recording the source in subfield $2. The form of place name in the 370 field may differ from the form of place name added to a preferred name of place or an access point per RDA and LAC-BAnQ PS instructions.


Geographic name in Canadiana :

151 ## $a Washington (État)

(Authorized access point for the place includes type of jurisdiction)

Authorized access point recorded in 370:

370 ## $e Washington (État) $2 lacnaf

Form of name as an addition in an access point:

110 2# $a Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (Wash.)

(Abbreviation for the place per RDA B.11)

Form of name as part of preferred name of a local place:

151 ## $a Seattle (Wash.)

(Abbreviation for the larger place per RDA B.11)

Geographic name in Canadiana :

151 ## $a Québec (Province)

(Authorized access point for the place includes an other designation)

Authorized access point recorded in 370:

370 ## $e Québec (Province) $2 lacnaf

Form of name as an addition in an access point:

110 2# $a Parti libéral du Canada (Québec)

Form of name as part of preferred name of a local place:

151 ## $a Rimouski (Québec)

Geographic name in Canadiana :

151 ## $a Congo (République démocratique)

(Authorized access point for the place includes an other designation)

Authorized access point recorded in 370:

370 ## $c Congo (République démocratique) $2 lacnaf

Form of name as an addition in an access point:

110 2# $a Centre d'information et d'animation missionnaire (Congo)

(Preferred name of place)

Form of name as part of preferred name of a local place:

151 ## $a Lubumbashi (Congo)

(Preferred name for the larger place)

Authorized access point recorded in 370:

370 ## $e Lubumbashi (Congo) $2 lacnaf

Form of name as an addition in an access point:

110 2# $a Institut Imara (Lubumbashi, Congo)

(Preferred name of local place modified per RDA

Geographic name in Canadiana :

151 ## $a Ottawa (Ont.)

(Abbreviation for the larger place per RDA B.11)

Authorized access point recorded in 370:

370 ## $g Ottawa (Ont.) $2 lacnaf

Form of name as an addition in an access point:

130 #0 $a Histoire et généalogie (Ottawa, Ont.)

(Preferred name of local place modified per RDA

Other place name in Canadiana :

110 2# $a Auschwitz (Camp de concentration)

Authorized access point recorded in 370:

370 ## $a Auschwitz (Camp de concentration) $2 lacnaf

If there is no authorized access point for the place in Canadiana or RVM, it is not necessary to create an NAR in order to code the 370 field. Record the place in the 370 field following RDA and the LAC-BAnQ PSs, including consulting appropriate sources and adding additional elements (e.g., type of jurisdiction) to break conflicts. Do not add a subfield $2 if no NAR is created.

For non-jurisdictions, prefer names from an authorized vocabulary such as RVM and identify the source in subfield $2. If the name is not found in an authorized vocabulary, record it in field 370 without giving a subfield $2.

Pour déterminer quand créer une notice d'autorité pour un nom géographique, consulter la section « Name Authority Records (NARs) » dans l'introduction du manuel DCM Z1. When determining when to create a name authority record for a geographic name, consult the “Name Authority Records (NARs)” section of DCM Z1, Introduction.


In choosing between repeating a field vs. repeating a subfield: If the only addition to an existing field is an additional term from the same vocabulary, repeat the affected subfield. If the vocabulary source differs, or if another associated element differs (such as a range of dates), repeat the field. Overall best practice: repeat the field when needed for clarity.

Subfield $s – Start period and Subfield $t – End period

Follow the instructions given in the Manual for subfield $s and subfield $t provided in the 373 field.

Subfield $u – Uniform Resource Identifier and Subfield $v – Source of information

Follow the instructions given in the Manual for subfield $u and subfield $v provided in the 046 field.


PFAN series practice: Record the place of origin of the work in field 370, unless it is merely a place of publication or other place associated with a manifestation (use field 643, when appropriate, for the latter). Although the “place of origin” of a serial work may be the same as the place of publication of the component part for which the SAR (or serial bibliographic record) was created, use judgment in distinguishing between place of origin of the work and a place of publication not actually related to the work itself.

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371 Address


Best practice:

  • Supply based on cataloger’s judgment, if the information is readily available and not already being recorded in field 370 subfield $e (Place of residence/headquarters).
  • In cases where subfield $a is not recorded, include at a minimum subfield $m (Electronic mail address) or subfield $b (City).
  • Do not record physical addresses for living people.
  • Catalogers are not required to maintain address information when updating a record that contains an address.


Record multiple addresses, with or without ranges of dates, in separate occurrences of field 371.

Subfield $m – Electronic mail address

Subfield $m should contain only an e-mail address. Do not add an internet address for the 1XX in this field.

Subfield $s – Start period and Subfield $t – End period

Follow the instructions in the Manual for subfield $s and subfield $t provided in the 373 field.

Subfield $u - Uniform Resource Identifier and Subfield $v - Source of information

Follow the instructions in the Manual for subfield $u and subfield $v provided in the 046 field.

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372 Field of activity


Prefer controlled vocabulary, such as RVM, recording the source in subfield $2. For consistency, capitalize the first term in each subfield $a

If using an RVM heading string for field of activity, replace the subfield coding for the subdivision(s) with two hyphens and close up the spaces between the main heading and subdivision(s).


372 ## $a Japon--Histoire $2 rvm

If using an entity from Canadiana for field of activity, remove any subfield coding not authorized for use in the 372 field.


Authorized access point in Canadiana:

130 #0 $a Bible. $p Nouveau Testament

Field of activity in 372:

372## $a Bible. Nouveau Testament $2 lacnaf


In choosing between repeating a field vs. repeating a subfield: If the only addition to an existing field is an additional term from the same vocabulary, repeat the affected subfield. If the vocabulary source differs, or if another associated element differs (such as a range of dates), repeat the field. Overall best practice: repeat the field when needed for clarity.


372 ## $a Poésie $2 rvm

372 ## $a Brasserie artisanale

(372 fields with a term from RVM and a non-controlled vocabulary term)

Subfield $s – Start period and Subfield $t – End period

Follow the instructions in the Manual for subfield $s and subfield $t provided in the 373 field.

Subfield $u – Uniform Resource Identifier and Subfield $v – Source of information

Follow the instructions in the Manual for subfield $u and subfield $v provided in the 046 field.

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373 Associated group


Prefer a controlled vocabulary, such as the Canadiana or LC/NACO Authority File, recording the source in subfield $2. Subfield coding for subordinate bodies is not used in the 373 field.


Corporate name in Canadiana:

110 2# $a Canadiens de Montréal (Équipe de hockey)

Authorized access point in 373:

373 ## $a Canadiens de Montréal (Équipe de hockey) $2 lacnaf

Corporate name in Canadiana:

110 1# $a Québec (Province). $b Conseil supérieur de l'éducation. $b Direction de la recherche

Authorized access point in 373:

373 ## $a Québec (Province). Conseil supérieur de l'éducation. Direction de la recherche $2 lacnaf


In choosing between repeating a field and repeating a subfield: If the only addition to an existing field is an additional term from the same vocabulary, repeat the subfield. If the vocabulary source differs, or if another associated element differs (such as a range of dates), repeat the field. Overall best practice: repeat the field when needed for clarity.


NAR with 373s with subfield $2 and dates:

373 ## $a Toronto Raptors (Équipe de basketball) $2 lacnaf $s 2006 $t 2009

373 ## $a Vancouver Grizzlies (Équipe de basketball) $2 lacnaf $s 2009 $t 2011

373 ## $a Toronto Raptors (Équipe de basketball) $2 lacnaf $s 2012 $t 2014

NAR with 373s with different vocabulary sources:

373 ## $a Gendarmerie royale du Canada. Liaison Branch $2 lacnaf

373 ## $a Buffalo State College $2 naf

Subfield $s – Start period and Subfield $t – End period

Best practice: Although the MARC format does not specify a form of date in these subfields, the following practice is recommended for consistency. Input dates using the Gregorian calendar in the form yyyy. If more specific dates are necessary, consider recording them in another field (e.g., 670, 678). It is not necessary to reformulate dates in existing NARs to conform to this practice.

Subfield $u – Uniform Resource Identifier and Subfield $v – Source of information

Follow the instructions in the Manual for subfield $u and subfield $v provided in the 046 field.

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374 Occupation


Prefer a controlled vocabulary, such as the RVMGD or RVM, recording the source in subfield $2. For consistency, capitalize the first term in each subfield $a. When terms do not come from a controlled vocabulary, use a singular form.

See LAC-BAnQ PS for instructions on recording profession or occupation as an element. See LAC-BAnQ PS for instructions using a profession or occupation term in an access point.


In choosing between repeating a field vs. repeating a subfield: If the only addition to an existing field is an additional term from the same vocabulary, repeat the affected subfield. If the vocabulary source differs, or if another associated element differs (such as a range of dates), repeat the field. Overall best practice: repeat the field when needed for clarity.

Subfield $2 – Source of term

Codes from either the Occupation Term Source Codes or the Subject Source Codes lists may be recorded in subfield $2 for the 374 field.

Subfield $s – Start period and Subfield $t – End period

Follow the instructions in the Manual for subfield $s and subfield $t provided in the 373 field.

Subfield $u - Uniform Resource Identifier and Subfield $v - Source of information

Follow the instructions in the Manual for subfield $u and subfield $v provided in the 046 field.

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375 Gender



When recording a term indicating gender, prefer the terns masculin and féminin. For these terms, do not capitalize or indicate the source of the term in the $2 subfield. If neither of these terms is appropriate or sufficiently precise, record an appropriate term or phrase preferably using a controlled vocabulary, such as the RVMGD or the Gender and sexual diversity glossary, recording the source in subfield 2. For consistency, capitalize the first term in each subfield $a for terms other than masculin and féminin. When terms are not taken from a controlled vocabulary, use the singular form. Use terms rather than ISO 5218 codes.


In choosing between repeating a field vs. repeating a subfield: If the only addition to an existing field is an additional term from the same vocabulary, repeat the corresponding subfield. If the vocabulary source differs, or if another associated element differs (such as a range of dates), repeat the field. Overall best practice: repeat the field when needed for clarity.


100 1# $a Lenoir, Axelle, $d 1979-
375 ## $a Transgenres $2 rvmgd
375 ## $a féminin $s 2018 
375 ## $a masculin $s 1979 $t 2018 

Subfield $2 – Source of term

Codes from the Gender Source Codes list may be recorded in subfield $2 for the 375 field.

Subfield $s – Start period and Subfield $t – End period

Follow the instructions in the Manual for subfield $s and subfield $t provided in the 373 field.



Do not record gender. Exception: When information has changed over the course of a person's life. Follow PFAN instructions.

Do not delete gender information recorded by other organizations.

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376 Family information


Prefer controlled vocabulary, such as RVMGD or RVM, recording the source in subfield $2. For consistency, capitalize the first term in each subfield $a. When terms do not come from a controlled vocabulary, use a singular form.


In choosing between repeating a field vs. repeating a subfield: If the only addition to an existing field is an additional term from the same vocabulary, repeat the affected subfield. If the vocabulary source differs, or if another associated element differs (such as a range of dates), repeat the field. Overall best practice: repeat the field when needed for clarity.

Subfield $b – Name of prominent member

When giving the name of the prominent member of the family in 376 subfield $b, give the form for the person as found in subfield $g of the 100 field of the NAR for the family. Do not include any internal subfield coding in subfield $b.

Subfield $s – Start period and Subfield $t – End period

Follow the instructions in the Manual for subfield $s and subfield $t provided in the 373 field.

Subfield $u - Uniform Resource Identifier and Subfield $v - Source of information

Follow the instructions in the Manual for subfield $u and subfield $v provided in the 046 field.

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377 Associated language


Prefer language codes over language terms, using codes from the Code List for Languages in MARC21. Use subfield $l (Language term) only to provide information not available in the MARC Code List for Languages. Encode multiple languages for a person or corporate body only if more than one language is used for publication, communication, etc.

Subfield $2 – Source of the code

Subfield $2 is not required when the MARC Code List for Languages is used as the language source code (second indicator value “#”). PFAN institutions may supply an additional 377 field from another language code list by using second indicator value “7,” with subfield $2 containing a code for a language source list taken from the list in Language Code and Term Source Codes


377 ## $a myn

377 #7 $a acr $2 iso639-3

(ISO 639-3 code for Achi (acr); assigned a collective code (myn) for Mayan languages in the MARC Code List for Languages)

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378 Fuller form of personal name


Best practice: Encode the fuller form of name in the 378 field when this information is readily available, even if the same information is already present in the 100 field.


100 1# $a Lennon, John, $d 1940-1980
378 ## $q John Winston

100 1# $a Eliot, T. S. $q (Thomas Stearns), $d 1888-1965
378 ## $q Thomas Stearns

100 1# $a Guiles, Kay D.
378 ## $q Kay Dean

Subfield $u - Uniform Resource Identifier and Subfield $v - Source of the Information

Follow the instructions in the Manual for subfield $u and subfield $v provided in the 046 field.

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380 Form of work


Prefer a controlled vocabulary, such as RVM or RVMGF, recording the source in subfield $2. For consistency, capitalize the first term in each subfield $a. When terms do not come from a controlled vocabulary, use a singular form.


In choosing between repeating a field vs. repeating a subfield: If the only addition to an existing field is an additional term from the same vocabulary, repeat the affected subfield. If the vocabulary source differs, repeat the field. Overall best practice: repeat the field when needed for clarity.


100 1# $a Picasso, Pablo, $d 1881-1973. $t Gertrude Stein
380 ## $a Portraits $a Peintures $2 rvmgf

100 1# $a Shakespeare, William, $d 1564-1616. $t Hamlet
380 ## $a Tragédies $2 rvmgf
380 ## $a Tragédie $2 rvm


For instructions on recording form of work as an element in a work-level series authority record, see LAC-BAnQ PS

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381 Other distinguishing characteristics of work or expression


This field is used to record the RDA elements other distinguishing characteristic of work (RDA 6.6) and other distinguishing characteristic of expression (RDA 6.12). Other characteristics of expressions that are unique to musical works (see RDA may also be recorded in the 381 field.


100 1# $a Dickinson, Emily, $d 1830-1886. $t Because I could not stop for Death

381 ## $a Fr. 712

(Franklin number recorded as other distinguishing characteristic of work)

130 #0 $a Bible. $p Psaumes. $l Anglais. $s New American. $f 1991

381 ## $a New American

(Version recorded as other distinguishing characteristic of expression)

100 1# $a Bach, Johann Sebastian, $d 1685-1750. $t Chorals. $s Partitions de chant. $l Anglais

381 ## $a Partitions de chant $2 rvmgf

(Other distinguishing characteristic of expression of musical work)

Some terms recorded for other distinguishing characteristic of work or expression may be appropriate to record in field 381 and another MARC field for which there is no corresponding RDA element.

For example, a corporate body (such as a publisher) used as an other distinguishing characteristic of work or expression could be recorded in either the 373 field (associated group), the 381 field or both. Note: Subfield coding for subordinate bodies is not used in the 381 field.


130 #0 $a Bible. $l Français. $s Bayard. $f 2001

381 ## $a Bayard éditions $2 lacnaf

(Corporate body recorded as other distinguishing characteristic of expression)

130 #0 $a Journal of adult education (University of Zambia. Centre for Continuing Education)

373 ## $a University of Zambia. Centre for Continuing Education $2 naf

381 ## $a University of Zambia. Centre for Continuing Education $2 naf

(Corporate body recorded as associated group and other distinguishing characteristic of work)

RDA has no specific element for places associated with expressions, but field 370 subfield $f (Other associated place) and subfield $g (Place of origin of work or expression) may be used in authority records for expressions. Some places associated with works or expressions would be considered other distinguishing characteristic of work or expression in RDA and could be recorded in the 370 field, the 381 field, or both.


130 #0 $a Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal para las Islas de Cuba y Puerto Rico (Cuba; Porto Rico)

370 ## $f Cuba $f Porto Rico $2 lacnaf

381 ## $a Cuba $a Porto Rico $2 lacnaf

(Places used as other distinguishing characteristic of a legal work; recorded in 370 and 381 fields)

Record the RDA element place of origin of work (RDA 6.6) in a 370 field (see Manual, 370 section).

When other distinguishing characteristic of work or other distinguishing characteristic of expression has been used in an authorized access point and is also being recorded as an element in a 3XX field, use the 381 field to record the other distinguishing characteristic. Optionally, also record the same information in any other appropriate 3XX field.


In choosing between repeating a field vs. repeating a subfield: If the only addition to an existing field is an additional term from the same vocabulary, repeat the affected subfield. If the vocabulary source differs, or if another associated element differs, repeat the field. Overall best practice: repeat the field when needed for clarity.

Subfield $u – Uniform Resource Identifier and Subfield $v – Source of information

Follow the instructions in the Manual for subfield $u and subfield $v provided in the 046 field.

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382 Medium of performance


Record the medium of performance using thesaurus terms from "Moyens d'exécution en musique du RVM (RVMMEM)". Record the medium of performance by applying the instructions at RDA–, the associated LAC-BAnQ PSs. Note: The 382 field may also be used in authority records for expressions.


If the vocabulary source differs, repeat the field. If considered important for identification and access, provide an additional 382 that does not apply these guidelines.

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383 Numeric designation of musical work


Best practice: Encode when available. Create separate 383 fields for different numbering schemes associated with a single work.

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384 Key


Best practice: Encode when available for works. In case of doubt, do not encode. Do not encode for expressions.

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385 Audience characteristics


PFAN catalogers may use this field but are encouraged to wait until best practice guidelines are developed by the PFAN.

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386 Creator/contributor characteristics


PFAN catalogers may use this field but are encouraged to wait until best practice guidelines are developed by the PFAN.

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4XX - See From Tracings - General Information


When modifying an authority record for another reason, delete any final mark of punctuation in a 4XX field unless it is a part of the data (e.g., a period in an abbreviation) or is called for by the cataloging rules (e.g., a parenthetical qualifier).

When otherwise modifying NARs or SARs that contain obsolete codes such as subfield $w position zero (0) code “d,” PFAN catalogers should upgrade the NAR to RDA.

Not all 4XX references require justification; see “Justifying variant access points” in the 670 section of this document.

Do not make a 4XX that normalizes to the same form as another 4XX on the same authority record or a 1XX on any name authority record. See the section “NACO normalization” in the DCM Z1 Introduction.

Best practice guidelines for RDA:

  • Record variants found in the manifestation being cataloged:
    ○ Use cataloger's judgment;
    ○ No limitation on the number or form of references;
    ○ Instead of or in addition to adding variants, consider providing access by adding 37X fields.

    Example showing 378 without a variant for the fuller form of name:
    100 1# $a Bucknum, David W.
    378 ## $q David Walter
  • Establish additional NARs for the authorized access points needed to support elements used in 4XX variant access points (e.g., parent body associated with subordinate body being established).
  • Generally provide a variant form 4XX access point for a former 1XX authorized access point, unless the former authorized access point was egregiously incorrect. See the section “Subfield $w – Control subfield” for more information.
  • Use the established form of components in 4XX variant access points, except for non-Latin script variants, which may represent a mixture of scripts or may be entirely in a non-Latin script.
  • Generally, do not remove variants unless egregiously incorrect (e.g., a non-Latin script variant that does not represent the same person).
  • If a form found on the manifestation being cataloged includes a variant form of a component of a 4XX variant access point, that form may be used in its entirety as an additional 4XX variant access point, provided that it is not divided into its component parts through the use of subfields.


    100 1# $a Faulkner, William, $d 1897-1962. $t Nouvelles. $k Extraits
    400 1# $a Faulkner, William, $d 1897-1962. $t Uncollected stories of William Faulkner
    430 #0 $a Uncollected stories of William Faulkner

    110 1# $a États-Unis. $b Bureau of Labor Statistics
    410 2# $a Estados Unidos de América, Buró de Estadísticas Laborales
    and not
    410 2# $a Estados Unidos de América. $b Buró de Estadísticas Laborales

    110 2# $a Zhongguo yi ke da xue. $b Fu shu di 1 yi yuan
    410 2# $a China Medical University, First Affiliated Hospital
    and not
    410 2# $a China Medical University. $b First Affiliated Hospital

When changing the form of a superordinate body, a geographic name, or a personal name in a 1XX, update all of the existing NARs that use that component in a 4XX, unless the 4XX represents the former authorized access point (e.g., $w/2=e). Exception: Do not apply this instruction in the case of migrated authority records that have not been re-evaluated.

Subfield $w – Control subfield

When an authorized access point for a person (100) is changed because the person has changed his or her name, record the earlier form of name in a 400 with $w nne if the variant is valid under RDA instructions.


100 0# $a François, $c pape, $d 1936-
400 1# $w nne $a Bergoglio, Jorge Mario, $d 1936-

(Name changed upon election as pope)

100 1# $a Rancic, Giuliana
400 1# $w nne $a DePandi, Giuliana

(Nom changé après le mariage)

When an authorized access point (1XX) based on CIP cataloging is changed because its form on the published resource is different from that on the CIP galley, a 4XX from the previous authorized access point form with subfield $w nne may be added unless the former 1XX form was egregiously incorrect (e.g., the author's date of birth was given as 1775 instead of 1975 in the CIP galley).

When an authorized access point (1XX) is changed because of a change in cataloging instructions, record the earlier form in a 4XX using $w. If the variant form is a valid reference under current RDA instructions, use $w nne. If the variant form is not a valid reference under current RDA instructions, use $w nnea.


130 #0 $a Bible. $p Matthieu
430 #0 $w nnea $a Bible. $p N.T. $p Matthieu

(Coded "nne" because the variant is valid in RDA)

100 1# $a Smith, Jonathan Kennon Thompson, $d 1939-2014
400 1# $w nne $a Smith, Jonathan Kennon

(Coded "nne" because the variant is valid in RDA; 100 form changed based on usage and dates of birth and death added because 100 was being changed)

100 0# $a Périclès, $d environ 495 av. J.-C.-429 av. J.-C.
400 0# $w nnea $a Périclès, $d ca 495-429 av. J.-C.

(Coded "nnea" because the abbreviation "ca." is not valid for period of activity in RDA)


PFAN series practice: Transcription of the series statement is mandatory if applicable. Searching for series authority records, providing authorized access points for the series, and the creation and maintenance of series authority records are optional.

Variant access points may be recorded in any SAR, including those for series-like phrases.

If the volumes of a multipart monograph have different forms of the common title, use a 4XX reference rather than a 5XX reference for the form of the title not chosen as the title proper of the multipart monograph.

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5XX - See Also From Tracings - General Information


When otherwise modifying a NAR that contain codes that are no longer used such as subfield $w position zero (0) code “d” or “f,” PFAN catalogers should upgrade the NAR to RDA.

PFAN catalogers applying RDA instructions may use subfield $i in conjunction with subfield $w code “r” for relationship designators. When applying RDA relationship designators in 5XXs, supply terms from Appendix I, J or K; capitalize the initial letter of the term and follow the term with a colon.

For information on the use of relationship designators and/or $w codes in a specific 5XX field, see the section in this Manual for that field.

Subfield $w – Control subfield

Follow the conventions in the authority format for use of subfield $w. Do not supply subfield $w unless a value other than “n” would be appropriate in one of the positions. When supplying subfield $w, give it as the first subfield in the field. Supply character positions preceding, but not succeeding, the value, e.g.,

$w a = to indicate a reference from an earlier authorized access point

$w b = to indicate a reference from a later authorized access point

$w r = to indicate that a subfield $i or subfield $4 is used to denote relationship information

$w nnnc = to indicate a see also reference for multiple pseudonyms (record also contains a 663 field)


A see also reference tracing (5XX) must not normalize to the same as another see also reference in the same authority record, unless both 5XX fields contain a relationship designator in subfield $i, and the texts of the relationship designators are different.


PFAN series practice: Transcription of the series statement is mandatory if applicable. Searching for series authority records, tracing the series, and the creation and maintenance of series authority records are optional.

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500 See Also From Tracing - Personal Name


Catalogers may use subfield $i with subfield $w coded “r” when providing relationship links between a personal name and 1) the name of another person, family, or corporate body or 2) the authorized access point for a work or expression. This technique may also be used to relate authorized access points for works and expressions containing personal names. When using a term from Appendix I, J or K in subfield $i, use a capital letter for the first letter of the term and follow the term with a colon.

Examples :

130 #0 $a Yentl (Film)
500 1# $w r $i Réalisateur de cinéma : $a Streisand, Barbra

100 1# $a Alcott, Louisa May, $d 1832-1888. $t Little men
500 1# $w r $i Suite de : $a Alcott, Louisa May, $d 1832-1888. $t Little women

When recording pseudonymous relationships for personal names when only two authority records are involved, catalogers may either 1) use subfield $i and code “r” in subfield $w or 2) use simple see-also references. For more information on these techniques and instructions on recording multiple pseudonyms (i.e., those involving a 663 field), see the FAQ – LC/PCC RDA Practice for Creating NARs for Persons Who Use Pseudonyms.

Catalogers are reminded that when a variant name (400) and an authorized access point (100) are in conflict an addition should be made to either the 400 or 100 to resolve the conflict (e.g., fuller form of name, date of activity, etc.); the previous practice of changing the 400 to a 500 to resolve the conflict is no longer an option. When catalogers encounter a variant form in a 500 field in the course of updating a NAR, they should resolve the conflict and change the field to a 400.

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510 See Also From Tracing - Corporate Name


Follow instructions provided in the PCC Guidelines for the Application of Relationship Designators in NACO Authority Records.

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511 See Also From Tracing - Meeting Name


Follow instructions provided in the PCC Guidelines for the Application of Relationship Designators in NACO Authority Records.

See BAC-BAnQ PS for guidance on relating authority records for ongoing conferences.

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530 See Also From Tracing - Uniform Title


Catalogers may use subfield $i with subfield $w coded "r" when providing relationship links between authorized access points for works or expressions. When supplying RDA Appendix J terms in subfield $i, use a capital letter for the first letter of the term and follow the term with a colon.


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551 See Also From Tracing - Geographic Name

Do not use subfield $i with subfield $w coded “r” until relationship designators for places are developed. (Currently RDA has a placeholder for Appendix L).

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64X Series Numbering Peculiarities

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642 Series Numbering Example

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643 Series Place and Publisher/Issuing Body

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644 Series Analysis Practice

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645 Series Tracing Practice

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646 Series Classification Practice

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663 Complex See Also Reference - Name


The 663 field contains the explanatory text and authorized access points for relationships between a 100 (established name) and other 100s (established names) that cannot be adequately conveyed by one or more simple see also references generated from 500 fields.

Generally, this situation occurs when a person uses more than two identities, when more than one person shares an identity with one or more others, or when multiple persons use the same pseudonym independent of each other or as a result of some other arrangement.

The text of the 663 may be adjusted to fit extraordinary situations; however, keep the text as simple as possible, allowing the MARC fields and coding to convey the information desired.

Do not use the 663 technique to show relationships between corporate bodies or between persons and corporate bodies.

More information on creating NARs for persons with alternate identities is found in the FAQ – LC/PCC RDA and AACR2 practice for creating NARs for persons who use pseudonyms.

Only two identities

When only two NARs are created for a person, the NARs are generally connected with 500 see also references and no 663 field. However, when one of the NARs is for a joint pseudonym or a pseudonym used by several persons working independently of each other, the 663 technique is used.

More than two identities - "basic" authorized access point and references

When more than two authorized access points are created for the same person, identify a “basic” authorized access point using the 663 field technique. This decision is based on the desire to simplify the reference structure and to assist catalogers in determining which name to use as the subject of biographical or critical works. The “basic” authorized access point should be determined by the predominantly used form of name or, lacking sufficient evidence, by choosing the real name of the person as the “basic” form.

On the authority record for the “basic” name authority record add 500 see also references with a subfield w coded “nnnc” from all other names used. Justify the 500 in 670 citations according to normal practice. Provide a 663 field listing all the other names with the following text (may be adjusted to fit the situation):

663 ## $a Pour les œuvres de cette personne écrites sous d'autres noms, chercher aussi sous : $b [established form of name] $b [established form of name]

On each of the other name authority records, trace a 500 see also reference with subfield $w coded “nnnc” from the “basic” name, justifying that reference in a 670 citation, according to normal practice. Other names may be mentioned in the 670 if it is convenient to do so. Provide a 663 field with the following or similar text (may be adjusted to fit the situation):

663 ## $a Les œuvres de cette personne sont identifiées par le nom utilisé dans le document. Pour une liste d'autres noms utilisés par cette personne, chercher aussi sous : $b [established form of name chosen as the basic heading]

When the author uses another new name, create a new name authority record for that name and also add it to the reference structure and 663 listing on the authority record for the “basic” name. References to the new name in the 500 and 663 fields are only added to the “basic” NAR.

Examples :

"Basic" NAR:

100 1# $a Harris, John, $d 1916-1991

500 1# $w nnnc $a Hennessy, Max, $d 1916-1991

500 1# $w nnnc $a Hebden, Mark, $d 1916-1991

663 ## $a Pour les œuvres de cette personnes écrites sous d'autres noms, chercher aussi sous : $b Hebden, Mark, 1916-1991 $b Hennessy, Max, 1916-1991

NAR for first 500 on "basic" NAR:

100 1# $a Hennessy, Max, $d 1916-1991

500 1# $w nnnc $a Harris, John, $d 1916-1991

663 ## $a Les œuvres de cette personne sont identifiées par le nom utilisé dans le document. Pour une liste d'autres noms utilisés par cette personne, chercher aussi sous : $b Harris, John, 1916-1991

NAR for second 500 on "basic" NAR:

100 1# $a Hebden, Mark, $d 1916-1991

500 1# $w nnnc $a Harris, John, $d 1916-1991

663 ## $a Les œuvres de cette personne sont identifiées par le nom utilisé dans le document. Pour une liste d'autres noms utilisés par cette personne, chercher aussi sous : $b Harris, John, 1916-1991

Joint pseudonyms

A joint pseudonym represents one identity used by two or more persons working in collaboration with each other. If a person uses a joint pseudonym and another name (as found in the catalog), the “basic” authorized access point technique is used.

Examples :

NAR for joint pseudonym:

100 1# $a Phillips, Mark

500 1# $w nnnc $a Garrett, Randall

500 1# $w nnnc $a Janifer, Laurence M.

663 ## $a Pseudonyme conjoint de Randall Garrett et Laurence M. Janifer. Pour les œuvres de ces personnes écrites sous leurs propres noms, chercher aussi sous : $b Garrett, Randell $b Janifer, Laurence M.

NAR for first 500 on joint pseudonym NAR:

100 1# $a Garrett, Randall

500 1# $w nnnc $a Phillips, Mark

663 ## $a Pour les œuvres de cette personne écrites en collaboration avec Laurence M. Janifer, chercher aussi sous : $b Phillips, Mark

NAR for second 500 on joint pseudonym NAR:

100 1# $a Janifer, Laurence M.

500 1# $w nnnc $a Phillips, Mark

663 ## $a Pour les œuvres de cette personne écrites en collaboration avec Randall Garrett, chercher aussi sous : $b Phillips, Mark

Pseudonyms used by multiple persons

When multiple persons working independently of each other use the same pseudonym and one or more other names (as found in the catalog), the “basic” authorized access point technique is used.

Examples :

NAR for pseudonym used by multiple persons:

100 1# $a Robeson, Kenneth

500 1# $w nnnc $a Dent, Lester, $d 1904-1959

500 1# $w nnnc $a Goulart, Ron, 1933-


663 ## $a Pseudonyme utilisé par plusieurs personnes qui écrivent individuellement. Pour les œuvres de ces personnes écrites sous leurs propres noms ou d'autres noms, chercher aussi sous : $b Dent, Lester, 1904-1959 $b Goulart, Ron, 1933- […]

NAR for first 500 on pseudonym used by multiple persons NAR:

100 1# $a Dent, Lester, $d 1904-1959

500 1# $w nnnc $a Robeson, Kenneth

663 ## $a Pour les œuvres de cette personne écrites sous un autre nom, chercher aussi sous : $b Robeson, Kenneth

NAR for second 500 on pseudonym used by multiple persons NAR:

100 1# $a Goulart, Ron, ‡d 1933-

500 1# $w nnnc $a Robeson, Kenneth

500 1# $w nnnc $a Silva, Joseph, $d 1933-


663 ## $a Pour les œuvres de cette personne écrites sous d'autres noms, chercher aussi sous : $b Robeson, Kenneth $b Silva, Joseph,1933- […]

(Author has a pseudonym used by multiple persons and individual pseudonyms)

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667 Nonpublic general note


Give information of permanent value and general interest that would be useful also to PFAN institutions and outside of PFAN. A representative listing of notes is given below. Generally, wording is recommended but not prescriptive unless specified in the instructions. The separate 667 fields may be given in any order.


667 ## $a N'est pas la même personne [ou œuvre] que : [name or title, Canadiana number].

667 ## $a Ne peut être identifié comme étant : [name or title, Canadiana number].

667 ## $a Réexaminer avant de réutiliser.

667 ## $a Anciennement incluse dans une notice de nom indifférenciée : [Canadiana number of undifferentiated name record].

667 ## $a Codée "provisoire" car [reason for coding].

667 ## $a Date de naissance supprimée de toutes les zones suite à la demande de l'auteur, [date updated].

667 ## $a Pour les œuvres parues avant/après [date].

(Used for official language changes)

See Appendice 1 in this manual for information and instructions about 667 fields added to authority records as part of a special project.

NARs for persons with identities not established

When a person uses two or more identities in manifestations, name authority records may be created for each identity. In the interest of efficiency, catalogers may use a 667 field to list pseudonyms not found in publications instead of creating NARs for these unused pseudonyms. In this case, list the unused pseudonyms in a 667 field following the phrase: “Pseudonymes non trouvés dans les œuvres publiées.”


667 ## $a Pseudonymes non trouvés dans les œuvres publiées : Miz Scarlett, SCC et Stevenopolis.

This note may also be added to an NAR for a person who has multiple NARs for multiple identities when some of the pseudonyms are not found in publications. In this case, list only the unused pseudonyms in the 667 field, and follow appropriate instructions for the other pseudonyms.


100 1# $a Gorey, Edward, $d 1925-2000

500 1# $w nnnc $a Dowdy, Regera, $d 1925-2000

500 1# $w nnnc $a Mude, O., $d 1925-2000

663 ## $a Pour les œuvres de cette personne écrites sous d'autres noms, chercher aussi sous : $b Dowdy, Regera, 1925-2000 […]

667 ## $a Pseudonymes non trouvés dans les œuvres publiées : Drew Dogyear, Wardore Edgy,


More information on creating NARs for persons with alternate identities is available in the manual, 663 section, and the LC/PCC Practice for Creating NARs for Persons who use Pseudonyms.

NARs for series of conferences, etc. (ÉP de BAC-BAnQ

Add a 667 field on the NAR for the collective conference when there are authority records for both collective and individual instances of an ongoing conference.


110 2# $a Veterinary Orthopedic Society. $b Annual Conference

667 ## $a Voir aussi les points d'accès connexes pour les occurrences individuelles de cette conférence, qui comprennent de l'information spécifique sur le numéro, la date ou le lieu de la conférence individuelle.

NARs and subject usage

Apply these instructions when creating new NARs and revising existing NARs.

1) Add notes indicating subject cataloging usage when an authorized access point is not appropriate for use as a subject heading for these situations:
  1. Heads of state, etc.
    This instruction applies to NARS for corporate bodies representing the office when the name of the incumbent is included as part of the authorized access point for the corporate body. See RDA (Government Officials) and RDA (Religious Officials) for instructions on the corporate bodies. Use this 667 note on the NAR for the corporate body to indicate subject cataloging usage:

    667 ## $a UTILISATION COMME VEDETTE-MATIÈRE : Ce point d'accès ne peut pas être employé comme vedette-matière. Les œuvres sur cette personne se trouvent sous [personal name heading].

    Assign value “n” in 008/11 and value “b” in 008/15.


    008/11 = n

    008/15 = b

    110 1# $a États-Unis. $b Président (1923-1929 : Coolidge)

    667 ## $a UTILISATION COMME VEDETTE-MATIÈRE : Ce point d'accès ne peut pas être employé comme vedette-matière. Les œuvres sur cette personne se trouvent sous Coolidge, Calvin, 1872-1933.

    008/11 = n

    008/15 = b

    110 2# $a Église catholique. $b Pape (1503-1513 : Jules II)

    667 ## $a UTILISATION COMME VEDETTE-MATIÈRE : Ce point d'accès ne peut pas être employé comme vedette-matière. Les œuvres sur cette personne se trouvent sous Jules II, pape, 1443-1513.

    See also 008/11 and 008/15 in this manual.

  2. Earlier/later linear jurisdictional name changes
    The "politique d'indexation du RVM" is to assign as a subject access point or as a geographic subdivision only the latest name of a political jurisdiction that has had one or more earlier names, as long as the territorial identity remains essentially unchanged (see "Guide pratique du Répertoire de vedettes-matière de l'Université Laval", When creating a NAR with an earlier/later authorized access point for a place in in this situation, catalogers must add a 667 subject usage note to the authority record with the earlier place name and adjust the appropriate 008 fields (008/11 and 008/15).

    008/11 = n

    008/15 = b

    151 ## $a Ceylan

    667 ## $a UTILISATION COMME VEDETTE-MATIÈRE : Ce point d'accès ne peut pas être employé comme vedette-matière. Les œuvres sur ce lieu se trouvent sous Sri Lanka.

  3. NARs for families
    Authorized access points for families are not valid for subject use. In an NAR for a family, 008/11 should be set to value “n” and 008/15 should be set to “b.” Per LAC-BAnQ PS 10.0, when creating an NAR for a family add this 667 field noting subject usage:

    667 ## $a UTILISATION COMME VEDETTE-MATIÈRE : Ce point d'accès ne peut pas être employé comme vedette-matière; utiliser une vedette de nom de famille provenant du RVM.

  4. NARs for fictitious characters
    Authorized access points for families are not valid for subject use. In an NAR for a family, 008/11 should be set to value “n” and 008/15 should be set to “b.” Per LAC-BAnQ PS 9.0, when creating an NAR for a family add this 667 field noting subject usage:
    667 ## $a UTILISATION COMME VEDETTE-MATIÈRE : Ce point d'accès ne peut pas être employé comme vedette-matière; utiliser une vedette de personnage fictif provenant du RVM.
2) Add this note to a name authority record for a city section indicating that it is not appropriate for use as a geographic subdivision (see SHM H 835 for more information):

667 ## $a UTILISATION COMME VEDETTE-MATIÈRE : Ce point d'accès ne peut pas être employé comme subdivision géographique.


151 ## $a Hollywood (Los Angeles, Calif.)

667 ## $a UTILISATION COMME VEDETTE-MATIÈRE : Ce point d'accès ne peut pas être employé comme subdivision géographique.

Non-Latin script reference notes

In an authority record that contains a non-Latin script variant access point, use the 667 field with a note stating: “Le renvoi en écriture non latine n'a pas été évalué.” If there are multiple non-Latin script variant access points, use a note stating: “Les renvois en écriture non latine n'ont pas été évalués.” Assign 008/29 value “b” to indicate that the variant access point is not evaluated.


008/29 = b

100 1# $a Moroz, Valentin, $d 1936-

400 1# $a Мороз, В. Я. $q (Валентин Якович), $d 1936-

400 1# $a Мороз, Валентин Якович, $d 1936-

667 ## $a Les renvois en écriture non latine n'ont pas été évalués.

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Add the following note to a name authority record that has been reported for deletion:

667 ## $a Notice doublon, signalée pour suppression car remplacée par [numéro Canadiana de la notice à conserver ([date])].

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670 Sources found

PFAN series practice: Transcription of the series statement is mandatory if applicable. Searching for series authority records, tracing the series, and the creation and maintenance of series authority records are optional.


The purpose of this field is to record information about the name or title represented in the 1XX field. It includes facts that contribute to the identification of the entity, that justify the choice of the name or title and any additional elements used to construct the authorized access point (1XX). The information also justifies, as needed, variant forms of the name or title (4XX), other identifying elements (046, 3XX, and 678), and clarifies relationships between the 1XX and other entities in the file.

    Functions of the 670 field:
    • To record information, from sources (e.g., books, phone calls, websites), in support of the choice and form of the authorized access point, variants, and other identifying elements
    • To store information that may be used to break a conflict later
    • To record information on relationships between entities (e.g., a person is the author of a work, a corporate body was absorbed by another corporate body)
    • To identify a person with works in diverse subject areas or of diverse forms
    • To identify different individuals whose access points must remain identical for now (i.e., undifferentiated personal names)
    • To clarify whether different forms of a name or of a title are simply variations or reflect a change in the name or title
    • To record research required by the current guidelines
    • To facilitate authority and bibliographic file maintenance, i.e., the information in 670 fields aids in making decisions about duplicate authorized access points and misattributions
    • To support machine manipulation based on algorithms using information in the 670

Generally, the first 670 field cites the resource for which the authority record is being established, i.e., the resource being cataloged. If the resource being cataloged or consulted provides no information to justify the authorized access point, variants, or other elements recorded in the NAR, see the 675 section of this Manual for instructions on citing the resource in a 675 field.

Give subsequent 670 fields in any order, adding new fields after existing ones. Do not routinely delete or change existing 670 fields when adding new 670 fields.

When adding subsequent 670 fields, prefer objective, authoritative sources (e.g., an encyclopedia) and those sources that provide firsthand information (e.g., an author’s blog). Use sources that provide additional information rather than repeating information that is already present in other 670 fields.

    Best practices for 670 fields:
    • In subfield $b, summarize and edit information found as needed to avoid extraneous or repetitive information.
    • Avoid citing subjective information or information that is of dubious value in identifying an entity within a bibliographic context.
    • Exercise caution when recording information about living persons that may be private or controversial in nature.

670 fields in existing NARs may not conform to these guidelines. For example, 670 fields in older NARs may lack subfield $b with justifying information. 670 fields in NARs that were part of a special project may not conform to these guidelines and/or may contain information that seems unusual or incorrect.

Note: The examples given throughout the following text have various conventions in regard to punctuation and style. These conventions are not prescriptive and should be considered as best practices to facilitate the exchange of information in a shared database environment. Catalogers are expected to use judgment and common sense. Punctuation and style need not be consistent from record to record as long as the information is clear and accurate.

Format of 670 fields


With the exception of the eszett (ß or ſʒ) and the euro sign (€), all characters found in the MARC code table are valid for use in authority records contributed to the Canadiana Authority File (voir LC-PCC PS pour 1.4). When pasting data from a website into a 670 field, verify that all characters are valid for use in the record. Some non-valid characters resemble those that are valid. For example, the invalid en dash (–) resembles the valid hyphenminus (-).

If a substitution for a symbol that cannot be reproduced is given in brackets (see LAC-BAnQ PS for 1.7.5 et LC-PCC PS for 1.7.5), an explanation of that interpolation may also be provided.


670 ## $a Poch, Dina K. I [love] my in-laws, 2007 : $b page de titre (I [love] my in-laws; "[love]" est représenté par un symbole de cœur sur la page de titre)

Data must be given in romanized form. Normally it is understood that the cataloger has provided the romanization; therefore, when transcribing romanization found in the source, add after it the bracketed phrase [forme romanisée]. In such languages as Arabic and Hebrew, where vowels are commonly omitted from the orthography of texts, the cataloger supplies the missing vowels when transcribing data. When transcribing text that does include the vowels, add after it in brackets [vocalisé] or [en partie vocalisé] as appropriate.

If a cataloger chooses to provide nonroman script variant access points, the 670 $b should contain both the nonroman script transcription(s) found in the source, and the systematically romanized form(s).


670 ## $a Moskovskie matematičeskie olimpiady 1993-2005 g., 2006 : $b page de titre (Р.М. Федоров = R.M. Fedorov)

When authority records are created using automated authority generation programs, additional information may be included. This data may also be formatted in a different way than instructed in this document. Generally, this data should be retained as generated to maintain the cost effectiveness of this process unless the data is confusing or causes validation errors. The exceptions to this are names and titles for which NARs are created. Follow the instructions in those sections for recording this data.

Subfield $a – Source citation

A 670 field should include the following data in subfield $a:

  1. The title proper of the resource being cited, complete enough for later identification in an online catalog. Abbreviations and ellipses may be used. Precede a generic or indistinctive title with the creator’s name that would begin the authorized access point for the work. If the authorized access point for the work is the same as the title proper plus a qualifier, it may be provided instead of the title proper to avoid ambiguity. When information in subfield $a of a 670 field is provided to justify an authorized or variant access point, follow the additional instructions at Recording names and titles.
  1. The date of publication.
    670 ## $a Barlow, Nadine G. Mars, 2008 : $b page de titre ([data])
    670 ## $a Socialism (Routledge (Firme)), 2003 : $b $b page de titre ([data])

Also see the guidelines below for specific categories:

  • Multipart monographs. If the part is the first part, give the date of publication as an open date.
  • Serials other than monographic series. Generally, use a chronological designation instead of a publication date. If there is no designation date, use the numeric designation and the date of publication. Indicate, following the designation statement, if a “surrogate” was used.
    670 ## $a The Verdict, February 1975 : $b page de titre ([data]) 
     670 ## $a The Verdict, vol. 2, no. 1 (February 1975) : $b page de titre ([data])
    670 ## $a Studies in Confederate history, No. 1 (1966), substitut : $b couverture ([data]) 
    670 ## $a Studies in Confederate history, 1966, substitut : $b couverture ([data])
  • Integrating resources. Apply the instructions at RDA for source of the title proper of a website. Identify the iteration from which information was taken (e.g., “viewed on”dates for updating websites, update number or release number for updating loose-leafs).
    670 ## $a Internet Broadway database, consulté le 21 janvier 2003 : $b about IBDB (League of American Theatres and Producers)

Subfield $b – Information found

A 670 field should include the following data in subfield $b:

  1. The specific location(s) of the information found. For multipart resources with numbered parts, provide the designation of the part and the location within the part (e.g., v. 6, page 10; map recto, label). Abbreviations may be used (e.g., t.p., v. 6).
  2. Information found. Following the location, cite the information found there, enclosed in parentheses. As appropriate, give multiple occurrences of information from the same source following the location of the information.
    670 ## $a The complete guide to creating enduring festivals, 2015 : $b page de titre (Dr. Ros Derrett, OAM) page xi (Roslyn Derrett)
    670 ## $a Da real world, 1999 : $b conteneur (Beyoncé)
    670 ## $a The World Book encyclopedia, 2010 : $b v. 17, p. 106 (Sand, George ; 1804-1876; nom de plume de Amantine-Lucile-Aurore Dupin)

Also see the guidelines below for specific categories:

  • CIP. [information coming soon]
  • Internet resources. For websites, provide the name of the location within the website if appropriate (e.g., about us; history, timeline; government, executive branch).
    670 ## $a Site Web de l'organisme, consulté le 16 août 2019: $b page d'accueil (Carrefour jeunesse-emploi Drummond; CJE Drummond) À propos (ouvre ses portes en novembre 1998; organisme sans but lucratif) Nous joindre (749, boul. Mercure Drummondville (Québec) J2B 3K6;
  • Multiple locations within a resource.
    CIP et ressource publiée. Lorsqu'on ajoute de nouvelles informations à une zone 670 créée pour un CIP, indiquer que les nouvelles informations proviennent de la ressource publiée.
    [Exemples à venir]

    NARs. For NARs, generally, use “etc.” to avoid giving more than two locations or a sequence of locations (e.g., p. 316, etc., for sequence p. 316-325, 329-331).

    670 ## $a Drevon, André. Alice Milliat, 2005 : $b page de titre (Alice Milliat) p. 9, etc. (née Alice Joséphine Marie Million le 5 mai 1884 à Nantes; morte le 19 mai 1957; athlète féminine)

    SARs. For SARs, always give each location separately. PFAN series practice: In post-cataloging authority work without the piece in hand, use the location “ressource non disponible.” If the piece is examined again and the authority record is updated, it is allowable to edit the corresponding 670 field to provide a location and additional forms of series titles as needed.

    670 ## $a From child to adult, 1970 : $b ressource non disponible (American Museum sourcebooks in anthropology)

Subfield $u - Uniform Resource Identifier and Subfield $v - Source of the information

Follow the instructions from the Manual for subfield $u and subfield $v provided in the 046 field.

Catalogers may optionally provide a uniform resource identifier (URI) in subfield $u of the 670 citation to link to the cited resource if it contains significant information related to the established entity that cannot be cited succinctly in the authority record. Note that use of a URI in the 670 $u does not take the place of the requirement to cite relevant data in subfields $a and $b of the 670 field needed to support the authorized access point (including additions) or variants (this information will continue to be available if the site changes or disappears). However, information found in online sources may be added to the 046 or 3XX fields with the appropriate citations in subfields $v and $u and not repeated in a 670 when that information is not used in the 1XX or a 4XX. If a URI is included in a 670, it must be given in subfield $u.


670 ## $a British Oceanographic Data Centre, consulté le 23 novembre 2009 : $b About us (British Oceanographic Data Centre, National Environment Research Council; BODC, is a national facility for looking after and distributing data concerning the marine environment) $u [http :// http ://]

Recording names and titles

Record names or series titles used in the authorized access point or variant access points in full, as they appear in the source, without abbreviation by the cataloger.

When preparing an authority record for the text of a law or a subject compilation of laws, if a source being cited contains an official short title or citation title, cite that title, preceded by the term “citation title” and its exact location.


670 ## $a Workers' compensation law of the state of North Carolina, c1980 : $b page de titre (Workers' compensation law of the state of North Carolina) titre de référence, p. 49 (The North Carolina Workers' Compensation Act)

For corporate name authorities, include in the data cited all the hierarchy required to justify needed variant access points, Use judgment in deciding what information (e.g., subordinate body’s name) is extraneous to the record being created and should not be recorded.

For all of the above categories, if the only presentation of the name or title on the chief source of information is in the bibliographic title given in subfield $a of the 670 citation, repetition of the name in subfield $b may be omitted, provided no important information is lost.

If information about an earlier or later name or title is found in the same source as the name or title in the authorized access point, give all the information in the 670 field. Do not separate the information about the earlier or later name or title in order to give it in a 675 field.


670 ## $a Strafvollzug, 1985 : $b page de titre (Rechtsgeschichte) p. 2 (Suite de : Veröffentlichungen / Justizministerium Nordrhein-Westfalen)

Recording dates

To facilitate international contribution and use of authority records, when recording dates, generally use the spelled out or abbreviated forms for months. (For dates recorded using automated authority generation programs, see the Format of 670 fields section of this document.) Do not change the style of dates in existing records. As a best practice, if a date is not included in subfield $d of the 100 field, consider adding a 046 field if dates are available.

Justifying variant access points

Justify names or titles given as variant access points by information cited from sources. However, justification is not required in the following cases:

  1. Variant access points made on the basis of the cataloger's awareness of different romanizations or orthographies;
  2. A variant title derived from the resource being cataloged, from other resources cataloged under the same access point, or from information in standard reference sources;
  3. References for authorized access points of corporate bodies reflecting changes due to national orthographic reform, changes in names due to an official language change, or changes involving only a parent body to which the body being established is subordinate.
  4. Optional references from AACR2 or pre-AACR 2 forms on SARs and on retrospective NARs.

Justifying other elements

Information recorded in the 046, 3XX, or 678 field of the authority record should generally be justified unless it is otherwise obvious from information recorded in subfield $a of a 670 citation or it can be easily inferred from other identifying elements recorded, including the preferred name.

For the 046 field and many of the 3XX fields, a subfield $u or subfield $v recorded in the same field may be used instead of or in addition to a 670. See the 046 section of this document for guidelines on subfield $u and subfield $v.

Recording other data

Use judgment to determine how much data to record in the authority record. Do not abbreviate or translate attributes such as title of the person (RDA 9.4) that appear in conjunction with personal names in statements of responsibility and that potentially could be used as part of the access point. Other data may be abbreviated or summarized. Generally informally translate other data from foreign languages into English, paraphrasing or summarizing as convenient.

Use judgment to determine how much data other than forms of the title/phrase to record in the permanent authority record. Numbering and names of issuing bodies are not required but may be given.

Special types of citations

The most commonly occurring citations are listed below. If these are not appropriate, devise others as needed.


When converting information found in obsolete or non-active MARC fields (e.g., 664, 665, 666) into a 670 note, cite Canadiana in a citation such as those provided in the examples below:

670 ## $a Information convertie à partir d'une zone 665 dans cette notice, [date of conversion] $b ([data converted from 665 field])

670 ## $a Information de la zone 665 anciennement dans cette notice ([data moved from 665 field])

LC/NAF, OCLC and fichier interne de BAnQ [BAnQ internal file]

Cite these files in zone 670 as follows:

670 ## $a LC/NAF, [date of the search] $b (point d'accès : [data]; variantes : [data])[1]

670 ## $a OCLC, [date of the search] $b (point d'accès : [data]; usage: [data])

670 ## $a Fichier interne de BAnQ, [date of the search] $b (point d'accès : [data]; variantes : [data])

NARs. Give the date of the search, using month names or abbreviations. In parentheses, prefaced by the label point d'accès : or points d'accès :, give the access point (or access points) found, even if it is the same as the current authorized access point. If it is judged useful to mention one or more variants found in an authority record, give them with the label variante : or variantes :

If different forms of the name appear in the bibliographic records, record the access point and also any forms found, including usage identical to the authorized access point. Separate the access point from the other forms, and preface the other forms with an appropriate label, e.g., usage :[2], forme non transcrite : or formes non transcrites :[3].

Do not normally cite specific bibliographic records or the exact location of the variations found.

670 ## $a OCLC, 7 août 2020 $b (points d'accès : Riva, J.; Riva, J. (John), 1929- ; Riva, John; Riva, John, 1929- ; Riva, John F.; Riva, John Fioretto Valder; usage : John Riva [forme prédominante]; J. Riva; John F. Riva)

670 ## $a LC/NAF, 7 janvier 2020 $b (point d'accès : Schumann, Clara, 1819-1896; variantes : Shuman, Klara, 1819-1896; Shūman, Kurara, 1819-1896; Vik, Klara, 1819-1896; Wieck-Schumann, Clara, 1819-1896)

SARs.. Give the date of the search, using month abbreviations, followed by the citation of the bibliographic record. In parentheses give the series statement found in that record.

1. ^ LC/NAF has been cited previously under other names, e.g., Base de données LC/NACO and Fichier de LC/NACO.
2. ^ "Usage" for bibliographic records refers to the transcribed forms of name usually found in statements of responsibility of bibliographic records. It may also appear in other parts of the bibliographic record such as a title proper or a quoted note. Because of changes in cataloging instructions, catalogers should be careful when taking information from the publication statement, distribution statement, etc. and the series statement.
3. ^ « Forme non transcrite » (or « formes non transcrites ») for bibliographic records refers to a form of the name that may not represent a transcribed form. For example, in AACR2 records, a publisher’s name that appeared on the resource as “ABC Publishing Company” might have been recorded in the publication statement as “ABC Pub. Co.” Normally, there is no need to cite such a form in a 670 field..

Citing other files or catalogs.

If an access point is found in a manual catalog or online database, use judgment in creating a 670 citation. Begin the 670 field with a designation of the catalog/database in which these other bibliographic records were found. There is no prescribed formulation of such citations; examples are listed below:

670 ## $a NUC pre-56 $b ([data])
670 ## $a Catalogue de BAnQ, , [date] $b ([data])
670 ## $a BnF dans VIAF, [date] $b ([data])
670 ## $a Autorités BnF, [date] $b ([data])
670 ## $a SUDOC, [date] $b ([data])
670 ## $a Fichier ISNI de BAnQ, [date] $b ([data])
670 ## $a Advitam, [date] $b ([data])

Geographical Names Database

Provide the name of the database and the date searched in subfield $a. In subfield $b provide names given for the entity, feature designation or class (e.g., ADM1, PPL, civil) coordinates, and name of larger place if appropriate. (Other relevant information may also be provided.)Variant names (including non-roman script names) may be given in a single listing as shown below. If possible, use the degree sign (not superscript zero) to show degrees, use the modifier letter prime for minutes and the modifer letter double prime for seconds.

670 ## $a Base de données toponymiques du Canada, consultée le 4 décembre 2020 $b (nom : Avonmore; lieu : Stormont; province : Ontario; terme concis : UNP-Lieu non organisé; terme générique : localité; latitude - longitude : 45° 10ʹ 17ʺ N, 74° 58ʹ 2ʺ W; 45.17152, -74.96713)

670 ## $a Banque de noms de lieux du Québec, consultée le 3 septembre 2020 $b (Rouville; type d'entité : municipalité régionale de comté; établie en janvier 1982, la MRC de Rouville a succédé à l'ancienne municipalité du comté de Rouville d'où elle tire son nom; coordonnées : latitude nord 45° 26ʹ 00ʺ, longitude ouest 73° 03ʹ 00ʺ; coordonnées décimales : -73.05, 45.43333)

670 ## $a GNIS, consulté le 5 mai 2016 $b (Allegany County; civil, 39°37ʹ17ʺN 078°41ʹ56ʺW, situé au Maryland; variante : Alligany County)

670 ## $a GEOnet, consulté le 12 avril 2014 $b (Bellinzona [forme approuvée]; PPLA à Ticino, Suisse, 46°11ʹ43ʺN, 009°01ʹ22ʺE; il existe aussi un district du même nom à Ticino)

670 ## $a GEOnet, consulté le 4 mai 2016 $b (Taitung [forme conventionnelle], Taitung County [forme conventionnelle], Taidong [forme approuvée], Taidong Xian [forme approuvée]; ADM1 à Taiwan, 22°53ʹ01ʺN 121°02ʹ54ʺE; variantes : Taidong Sian; T'ai-tung; T'aitung Hsien; écriture non latine : 臺東縣; 臺東)

Non-bibliographic sources

Give the non-bibliographic source, the date, and the information. The source can be given specifically (« Lettre de l'auteur » , « Appel téléphonique à l'éditeur » , etc.) or in general terms (« Information de l'auteur » , « Information de l'éditeur » , etc.). When noting a specific source, it isn't necessary to show how information was received, e.g, that letter was received via FAX rather than via mail. When a telephone call to a publisher/agency/organization is cited, usually give the name of the group called, rather than the title or name of the person contacted.

670 ## $a Appel téléphonique à H. Jones, 31 janvier 1992 $b (Harry Jones est le vrai nom de Lionel Jones)

670 ## $a Lettre de l'auteur, 29 mai 1994 $b (la date de naissance correcte pour ______________ est le 14 octobre 1950)

670 ## $a Information de l'éditeur, 6 février 1991 $b (le deuxième prénom de James Allan est Stephen, pas Steven)

670 ## $a Courriel de l'éditeur, 6 avril 2016 $b (__________)

Citations for republication SARs.

If an SAR is for a republication only, begin the 670 with the term for the type of republication and a slash. Do not include a 670 for a republication if the SAR covers both the original and one or more republications. Do not add additional 670 fields for other types of republications cataloged later. (See 64X Series Treatment, Republications for more information about republications.)

670 ## $a Édition en gros caractères/La diligence du fou, c1989 : $b page de titre du CIP (Un roman de l'Ouest d'Evans)

Citations for undifferentiated NARs.

For information on existing 670 citations found in undifferentiated NARs, see in this Manual, 008/32 Undifferentiated Personal Name.

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672 Title related to the entity


The 672 field may be used to record a title that is related to the entity represented by the 100, 110, 111, or 151 in the name authority record.

For example, in an authority record for a corporate body, 672 fields may be used to record titles for which the corporate body is a creator, issuing body, or subject. The primary purpose of the 672 field is to document that there is a relationship between the 1XX entity and the title recorded in the 672 field.

Use of the 672 field does not negate the need to use the 670 field for the title for which the authority record is being created, nor to use the 670 fields to justify information recorded in the 1XX and 4XX such as preferred and variant forms of name.

New 672 fields may be added after existing ones to record additional titles associated with the entity. Do not routinely delete or change existing 672 fields when inputting new 672 fields.

Non-Latin script elements should be given in romanized form.

A title recorded in a 672 field in subfield $a may be a title proper, title proper of series, preferred title, etc. Titles should be recorded following the appropriate RDA and LAC-BAnQ PS instructions for that element. Apply the same instructions on non-filing characters in the 245 field to record the number of non-filing characters in the second indicator of the 672 field.


100 1# $a Boyer, Frédéric, $d 1961-
672 #3 $a La consolation
672 #0 $a Yeux noirs

(672 fields with titles proper)

100 1# $a Boyer, Frédéric 672 #0 $a Cervantes

(672 field with title proper)

111 2# $a Concile du Vatican $n (2e : $d 1962-1965 : $c Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano) 672 #0 $a Constitutio de sacra liturgia

(672 field with preferred title)

151 ## $a Espagne 672 #0 $a Llei d'enjudiciament civil i normes complementàries

(672 field with variant title for the work associated with the Catalan expression of the work and date of expression)

Subfield $b – Remainder of title

When recording a title proper, subfield $b may be used to record the other title information or parallel title proper to eliminate confusion for titles needing further identification.


672 #3 $a La rivière $b initiations outaouaises

(Subfield $b contains other title information)

672 #4 $a Las estrellas $b Stars

(Subfield $b contains parallel title proper)

Subfield $f – Date

Subfield $f is used to record a date appropriate to the entity recorded in $a (e.g., use date of work for a preferred title and date of publication for a title proper). Do not use brackets in $f when recording a supplied date of publication or production. Do not give a date of distribution, date of manufacture, or copyright date in $f.


672 for work:

672 #0 $a Amor en los tiempos del cólera $f 1985

(Date of work)

672 for expression:

672 #2 $a L'amour aux temps du choléra $f 1987

(Date of French expression of Amor en los tiempos del cólera)

672 for manifestation:

672 #0 $a Miłość w czasach zarazy $f 2005

(Date of publication of manifestation of Polish expression of Amor en los tiempos del cólera)

Subfield $w – Bibliographic record control number

Subfield $w is used to record bibliographic record control numbers (e.g., 001, 010, and 016 fields in bibliographic records). It is recommended that catalogers provide $w when readily available. Subfield $w should be repeated for each instance of a separate control number (e.g., an LCCN and an OCLC record number should be provided in separate subfields). For further instructions on inputting record control numbers, see the subfield $w section within the CONSER Editing Guide (CEG) – Section E.

MARC 21 Format for Serials as Applied within CONSER – Variable Data Fields – 76X-78X Linking Entries – Linking Entry Fields General Information.

Note: subfield $w should only be used with titles for the manifestation.


[in $w “#” = space input by cataloger]

672 #0 $a Bread and other bakery products industry $w (DLC)###88646267 $w (OCoLC)3774505 $w (CaOONL)84079116XE

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673 Title not related to the entity


The 673 field may be used to record a title that is not related to the entity represented by the 100, 110, 111, or 151 in the name authority record. For example, in an authority record for a person, the 673 may be used to record the titles of works written by a different person with a similar name. The primary purpose of the 673 field is to document that there is no relationship between the 1XX entity and the title recorded in the 673 field.

Use of the 673 field does not negate the need to use the 675 field as described in the 675 section of this Manual.

New 673 fields may be added after existing ones to record additional titles associated with the entity. Do not routinely delete or change existing 673 fields when inputting new 673 fields.

Non-Latin script elements should be given in romanized form.

A title recorded in a 673 field in subfield $a may be a title proper, title proper of series, preferred title, etc. Titles should be recorded following the appropriate RDA and LAC-BAnQ PS instructions for that element. Apply the same instructions on non-filing characters in the 245 field to record the number of non-filing characters in the second indicator of the 673 field. For specific subfields in the 673 field, apply the same instructions given in the 672 section of this Manual.


[in $w “#” = space input by cataloger]

100 1# $a Boyer, Frédéric, $d 1961- 672 #0 $a Cervantes $f 1977

(Title proper associated with different Frédéric Boyer)

110 2# $a National Gallery of Art (É.-U.)

673 #0 $a Paintings and drawings on the backs of National Gallery pictures $w (DLC)### 47008205 $w (OCoLC)1654530

(Title proper associated with the National Gallery in London)


110 2# $a National Gallery of Art (É.-U.) 673 #4 $a Impressed by light : $b British photographs from paper negatives, 1840-1860

(Although the National of Art is not the creator, it is the publisher so this title should be record in a 672)

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675 Sources not found

PFAN series practice:Transcription of the series statement is mandatory if applicable. Searching for series authority records, tracing the series, and the creation and maintenance of series authority records are optional.

In April 2012 this field was redefined as: “Citation for a consulted source in which no information is found related in any manner to the entity represented by the authority record or related entities.” PFAN catalogers are not required to change any existing 675 fields simply to meet this new definition.

When creating a new NAR always cite the resource being cataloged in the 675 field if the item being cataloged provides no information related in any manner to the entity represented in the authority record. Also cite in the 675 field other sources consulted that contain no information, when that very lack of information is considered worth recording for future users of the authority record.


675 ## $a Oxford classical dictionary, 1996
675 ## $a GEOnet, consulté le 2 avril 2014

However, it is not always necessary to include in the 675 field every reference source consulted; use judgment in deciding what sources are important enough to retain in the permanent record.

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678 Biographical or historical data


When supplying biographical or historical data in a 678 note field, construct the note in concise but complete sentences, keeping in mind that the information will be used in public displays.


678 0# $a Joseph Smith, Jr. (1805-1844) était un prophète mormon et le fondateur de l'Église de Jésus-Christ des saints des derniers jours.

678 1# $a L'Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique Nord (OTAN) est une alliance politique et militaire créée par la signature du Traité de l'Atlantique Nord, le 4 avril 1949. Elle regroupe des pays membres d'Amérique du Nord et d'Europe. Depuis 1999, plusieurs pays anciennement membres du Pacte de Varsovie ont rejoint l'OTAN, y compris la Hongrie, la Bulgarie et la Roumanie. D'autres pays non-membres participent aux programmes de l'OTAN tels que le Partenariat pour la paix.

In anticipation of LAC building the file in WMS and the batch addition of authority records from other institutions, the contents of all 665 fields in LAC and BAnQ records have been moved to 678 field. The original 665 field may have contained instructions on the access point(s) to be used as author and subject heading :


151 ## Cascapédia (Québec)

678 1# Saint-Jules et Grande-Cascapédia fusionnent le 2 juin 1999 pour former Cascapédia. Cascapédia devient le 26 juin 2000 Cascapédia-Saint-Jules. Comme auteur, on utilise : Cascapédia (Québec) ; Cascapédia-Saint-Jules (Québec) ; Grande-Cascapédia (Cascapédia-Saint-Jules, Québec) ; Saint-Jules (Cascapédia-Saint-Jules, Québec). Comme vedette-matière, on utilise Cascapédia-Saint-Jules (Québec).

Delete these instructions in 678 field if they have been retained. Consider adding a 667 field as a subject heading if applicable.


151 ## Cascapédia (Québec)

667 ## UTILISATION COMME VEDETTE-MATIÈRE : Ce point d'accès ne peut pas être employé comme vedette-matière. Les œuvres sur ce lieu se trouvent sous Cascapédia-Saint-Jules (Québec). 678 1# Saint-Jules et Grande-Cascapédia fusionnent le 2 juin 1999 pour former Cascapédia. Cascapédia devient le 26 juin 2000 Cascapédia-Saint-Jules.

Justification of field 678

Generally, a 678 field must be justified by a 670 field. If it is not justified and its contents are appropriate for a biographical or historical note, retain the field and add a 670 note citing the internal file of the institution that provided 678 field as follows :

670 ## Fichier interne de [ abréviation de la bibliothèque participante ], [date de consultation de Canadiana] …

Example :

670 ## Fichier interne de BAC, 29 octobre 2020 $b (établie en 1940, la Commission du salaire minimum devient le 16 avril 1980 la Commission des normes du travail)

678 1# Établie en 1940, la Commission du salaire minimum devient le 16 avril 1980 la Commission des normes du travail.

If the record has been modified after being migrated, the record history must be consulted to determine who originally added zone 678.

Example :

Existing Field 678 which will be deleted as the content is not appropriate for a biographical note.

678 1# Né le 6 juin 1973.

670 field added:

670 ## Fichier interne de l'ULaval, 29 octobre 2020 $b (né le 6 juin 1973)


Do not repeat this field.

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7XX Heading linking entries

Note: This section does not apply to the 781 field used in 151 name authority records to provide geographic subdivision information. See Manual, 781 section, for instructions for that field.


The use of an established heading linking entry 7XX field in an NAR or SAR is limited to recording the authorized access point from a national bibliography or in a separate national authority file or a separate equivalence.

The form of heading in a 7XX field may match the 1XX form or a 4XX form in the same authority record. This is appropriate when the 7XX field form represents a form found in a different authority file than Canadiana.


100 1# $a Dion, Céline
700 10 $a Dion, Céline $0 (DLC)n 87834212

The source of the heading in the 7XX field may be specified using either second indicator value “7” with subfield $2 or a second indicator value that specifies the source. For access points coming from the LC/NAF file, prefer the second indicator with the value "0".

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781 Subdivision linking entry

PFAN optional practice: For a geographic name heading that may also be used as a geographic subdivision, determine the form in which the heading is to be used as a geographic subdivision following the guidelines in instruction sheet H 830 of the Subject Headings Manual. Enter the text of the geographic subdivision form in a 781 field with second indicator 0. For a geographic heading that is used directly, such as a country, enter the data in a single $z subfield. For a geographic heading that is used indirectly through a larger geographic entity, such as a city, enter the data in two successive $z subfields. Use no other subfields. Make no changes to values in bytes of the 008.

Examples :

151 ## $a France
781 #6 $z France

151 ## $a Paris (France)
781 #6 $z France $z Paris

151 ## $a Lycie
781 #6 $z Turquie $z Lycie

151 ## $a Sydney (N.-G. du S.)
781 #6 $z Australie $z Sydney (N.-G. du S.)

151 ## $a León (Espagne : Province)
781 #6 $z Espagne $z León (Province)

Do not add a 781 field to a record for a geographic name heading that is not appropriate for use as a subject added entry (008/15 value Ab@), such as the earlier name of a jurisdiction that has undergone a linear name change, for example, Ceylon.

Do not add a 781 field to a NAR for a place name that is not appropriate for use as a geographic subdivision, such as a city section, for example, North End (Boston, Mass.)

Follow these guidelines for newly-created authority records. Add a 781 field to an existing record when making any other change to it. If revising an existing record that contains a 667 field subject cataloging usage note indicating the proper geographic subdivision form, delete the 667 field and replace it with a 781 field.

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Appendix 1: Undifferentiated entities

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