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PFAN - Other Documentation
About PFAN | News and Updates | Rules for Contributions | Name Authority Manual | Participant's Manual | PFAN Policy Statements | PFAN Training | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | Other Documentation | LAC |
Establishing certain entities in the name authority file
Most access points belong to well-defined categories and are established either as names of persons, corporate bodies, jurisdictions, uniform titles, named meetings, etc. in the name authority file, or as subject headings such as automobiles, geographical entities, etc. in the subject authority file. However, certain named entities have caused problems in the past with regard to
To eliminate this confusion and standardize the wording and content designation of access points for these entities, the Library of Congress has developed guidelines for
These guidelines are published in instruction sheet H 405 of the Library of Congress' Subject Heading Manual, Establishing Certain Entities in the Name or Subject Authority File. They divide problematic access points into two groups:
(1) Access points always established according to descriptive cataloging conventions, with authority records always resided in the name authority file.
(2) Access points always established according to subject cataloguing conventions with authority records that
- reside in the subject authority file if they are used solely as subject headings; or
- reside in the name authority file if access points are to be used as descriptive access points.
The table below is a translation of the list of Group 1 entity categories on sheet H 405. For PFAN participants, the table lists named entities that are always established in the Canadiana authority file and in accordance with descriptive cataloging conventions. Seven categories of entities not listed on sheet H 405 have also been included to reflect the Canadian context. For reference, the table also gives the English categories from sheet H 405.
For Group 2 entity categories, please refer to the RVM document entitled Proper names in subject headings which gives, in List 2, the named entities that are always established in the RVM in accordance with subject cataloguing conventions.
Whenever a new access point is required for a named entity, consult both documents to determine whether the access point is classified in Group 1 or Group 2. Follow the procedures appropriate to the relevant group.
Bear in mind, however, that some geographical entities are listed in RVM List 2 because they are included in the RVM, but actually belong to Group 1. These entities are:
These entities have an equivalent in Group 1 and must therefore be established in the Canadiana authority file in accordance with PFAN standards.
Group 1 - Name Authority Group Headings
Named entities always established in the Canadiana name authority file according to descriptive cataloging conventions.
Category (PFAN) | Category (SHM 405) | MARC tag | Note |
Abbayes | Abbeys | 110 | |
Aéroports | Airports | 110 | |
Ambassades | Embassies | 110 | |
Aquariums publics | Aquariums, Public | 110 | |
Arboretums | Arboretums | 110 | |
Arsenaux | Arsenals | 110 | |
Asiles (Établissements de bienfaisance) | Asylums (Charitable institutions) | 110 | |
Asiles d'indigents | Almshouses | 110 | |
Autorités portuaires | Port authorities | 110 | |
Avions individuels | Airplanes, Individual | 110 | |
Bandes dessinées | Comic strips | 130 | Although headings in this category are generally established under title and tagged 130, those that are established under personal or corporate names are tagged 100 or 110. |
Banques | Banks | 110 | |
Bars | Bars | 110 | |
Bibliothèques | Libraries | 110 | |
Boîtes de nuit | Night clubs | 110 | |
Bourses | Stock exchanges | 110 | |
Camps de concentration | Concentration camps | 110 | |
Camps de réfugiés | Refugee camps | 110 | |
Camps d'internement | Internment camps | 110 | |
Cantons québécois (Divisions cadastrales)
[Quebec townships (cadastral divisions)] |
n/a | 151 | |
Cathédrales | Cathedrals | 110 | |
Célébrations, spectacles et anniversaires publics | Public celebrations, pageants, anniversaries | 111 | |
Centres commerciaux | Shopping centers | 110 | |
Centres d'hébergement et de soins de longue durée, maisons de soins infirmiers | Nursing homes | 110 | |
Chambres de commerce | Boards of trade (Chambers of commerce) | 110 | |
Chambres de commerce | Chambers of commerce | 110 | |
Chantiers navals | Shipyards | 110 | |
Chapelles | Chapels | 110 | Headings in this category are for chapels that are free-standing; that is, they are not building details nor parts of complex structures. Headings for chapels that are building details or parts of complex structures are established as subject headings (for further information, please consult the document Noms propres en vedettes-matière, List 2). |
Chemins de fer | Railroads | 110 | |
Cimetières | Cemeteries | 110 | Headings in this category are for named cemeteries as corporate bodies. Headings for cemeteries that are archaeological sites are established as subject headings (for further information, please consult the document Noms propres en vedettes-matière, Liste 2). |
Circonscriptions électorales
[Electoral districts] |
n/a | 151 | |
Circonscriptions foncières
[Registration divisions] |
n/a | 151 | |
Circonscriptions scolaires | School districts | 110 | |
Cirques | Circuses | 110 | |
Clubs de loisirs | Country clubs | 110 | |
Collections nommées | Named collections | 110 | |
Collectivités nouvelles | Planned communities | 151 | |
Collèges (Enseignement supérieur) | Colleges | 110 | |
Comarques | Comarcas | 151 | |
Communautés collectivistes | Collective settlements | 151 | |
Communes (Contre-culture) | Communes | 151 | |
Compagnies d'opéra | Opera companies | 110 | |
Compagnies théâtrales | Theater companies | 110 | |
Compétitions | Competitions | 111 | |
Compétitions sportives | Athletic contests | 111 | |
Concours | Contests | 111 | |
Confessions religieuses | Religious denominations | 110 | |
Confessions religieuses individuelles | Denominations, Religious (Individual) | 110 | |
Courses | Races (Contests) | 111 | |
Couvents | Convents | 110 | |
Crématoriums | Crematories | 110 | |
Dancings (Salles de danse) | Dance halls | 110 | |
Défilés | Parades | 111 | |
Dispensaires | Dispensaries | 110 | |
Districts d'assainissement | Sanitation districts | 151 | |
Districts de bibliothèques | Library districts | 110 | |
Districts de conservation | Conservation districts | 151 | |
Districts de parcs | Park districts | 151 | |
Districts de services publics | Utility districts | 151 | |
Districts des eaux | Water districts | 151 | |
Districts forestiers | Forest districts | 151 | |
Districts judiciaires
[Judicial districts] |
n/a | 151 | |
Districts miniers | Mining districts | 151 | |
Districts récréatifs | Recreation districts | 151 | |
Divisions de recensement
[Census divisions] |
n/a | 151 | |
Écloseries | Fish hatcheries | 110 | |
Écoles | Schools | 110 | |
Églises (en usage ou en ruines) | Churches (In use or ruins) | 110 | |
Émissions radiophoniques | Radio programs | 130 | |
Émissions télévisées | Television programs | 130 | |
Entités ecclésiastiques qui sont également des noms de lieux, par exemple, Église catholique. Diocèse de Trois-Rivières; Constantinople (Patriarcat œcuménique) | Ecclesiastical entities that are also names of places, for example, Catholic Church. Diocese of Basel (Switzerland); Constantinople (Ecumenical patriarchate) | 110 | |
Entrepreneurs de pompes funèbres | Undertakers | 110 | |
Établissements correctionnels | Correctional institutions | 110 | |
Établissements d'enseignement | Educational institutions | 110 | |
Étiquettes d'enregistrements sonores | Sound recording labels | 110 | |
Études (Projets de recherche) | Studies (Research projects) | 110 | |
Événements | Events | 111 | Events that are formally convened, directed toward a common goal, capable of being reconvened, and that have a formal name. See SHM H 1592 for a list of types of events to be established in the name authority file. |
Expéditions militaires | Expeditions, Military | 111 | Headings in this category are military expeditions that are not campaigns, battles, sieges, etc. Military expeditions that are campaigns, battles, sieges, etc., are established as subject headings (for further information, please consult the document Noms propres en vedettes-matière, Liste 2). |
Expéditions scientifiques | Expeditions, Scientific | 111 | |
Expositions | Exhibitions | 111 | |
Expositions | Expositions | 111 | |
Expositions | Shows (Exhibitions) | 111 | |
Festivals et célébrations | Festivals and celebrations | 111 | |
Festivals et célébrations folkloriques | Folk festivals and celebrations | 111 | |
Films | Motion pictures | 130 | |
Foires | Fairs | 111 | |
Fonds (Organismes de gestion économique) | Funds | 110 | |
Forêts (Organismes administratifs) | Forests (Administrative agencies) | 110 | Headings in this category are always qualified by the term (Organisme administratif). Headings for forests as geographic entities are established as subject headings, (for further information, please consult the document Noms propres en vedettes-matière, Liste 2). |
Gangs | Gangs | 110 | |
Groupes de discussions électroniques | Electronic discussion groups | 130 | |
Herbiers | Herbariums | 110 | |
Hôpitaux | Hospitals | 110 | |
Hospices pour indigents | Poorhouses | 110 | |
Hotels | Hôtels | 110 | |
Installations militaires actives (comprend également toutes les installations postérieures à 1899) | Military installations (active; also all after 1899) | 151 | |
Jardins botaniques | Botanical gardens | 110 | |
Jardins zoologiques | Zoological gardens | 110 | |
Jeux (Événements) | Games (Events) | 111 | |
Jeux vidéo individuels | Video games, Individuals | 130 | Headings for individual video games are established as titles. Headings for video game franchises are established as topical subject headings (for further information, please consult the document Noms propres en vedettes-matière, Liste 2). |
Juridictions antiques (autres que les villes) | Jurisdictions, Ancient (other than cities) | 151 | |
Juridictions médiévales et modernes (y compris les anciennes juridictions) | Jurisdictions, Medieval and modern (including former jurisdictions) | 151 | |
Laboratoires | Laboratories | 110 | |
Logiciels | Software, Computer | 130 | Although headings in this category are generally established under title and tagged 130, those that are established under personal or corporate names are tagged 100 or 110. |
Magasins de détail | Stores, Retail | 110 | |
Maisons de transition | Halfway houses | 110 | |
Manèges militaires | Armories | 110 | |
Manifestations sportives | Sporting events | 111 | |
Marchés | Markets | 110 | |
Marques d'éditeurs | Publisher's imprints | 110 | |
Monastères | Monasteries | 110 | |
Morgues | Morgues | 110 | |
Mosquées | Mosques | 110 | |
Motels | Motels | 110 | |
Musées | Museums | 110 | |
Musées et galeries d'art | Galleries | 110 | |
Navires | Ships | 110 | |
Observatoires | Observatories | 110 | |
Œuvres d'art individuelles | Art works, Individual | 100, 110, 130 | |
Œuvres d'art individuelles | Individual works of art | 100, 110, 130 | |
Œuvres d’art individuelles | Works of art, Individual | 100, 110, 130 | |
Orphelinats | Orphanages | 110 | |
Parcs (Organismes administratifs) | Parks (Administrative agencies) | 110 | Headings in this category are always qualified by the term (Organisme administratif).
Headings for parks as geographic entities are established as subject headings (for further information, please consult the document Noms propres en vedettes-matière, Liste 2). |
Parcs d'affaires | Business parks | 110 | |
Parcs industriels | Industrial districts | 110 | |
Parcs scientifiques | Research parks | 110 | Headings in this category are for areas of land that are devoted to institutions carrying out academic or industrial research. Geographic headings for parks intended for recreation, conservation, etc., are established as subject headings (for further information, please consult the document Noms propres en vedettes-matière, Liste 2). |
Parties de villes | City sections | 151 | This category includes historic districts and special economic zones in cities. |
Personnages bibliques | Biblical characters | 100 | |
Planétariums | Planetariums | 110 | |
Plans (Programmes) | Plans (Programs) | 110 | |
Premières Nations (en tant qu'entités juridiques uniquement; Canada uniquement) et tribus (en tant qu'entités juridiques uniquement; États-Unis uniquement) | Tribes (as legal entities only; U.S. and Canada only) | 151 | |
Prisons | Prisons | 110 | |
Programmes informatiques et logiciels | Computer programs and software | 130 | Although headings in this category are generally established under title and tagged 130, those that are established under personal or corporate names are tagged 100 or 110. |
Projets de logements | Housing projects | 110 | |
Projets, plans, etc. | Projects, plans, etc. | 110 | |
Pueblos (Villages) | Pueblos | 151 | |
Régions et sous-régions administratives québécoises
[Québec administrative regions and sub-regions] |
n/a | 151 | |
Relais routiers | Truck stops | 110 | |
Réserves (Organismes administratifs gérant des parcs, des forêts, etc.) | Reserves (Administrative agencies) | 110 | Headings in this category are always qualified by the term (Organisme administratif). Headings for reserves as geographic entities are established as subject headings (for further information, please consult the document Noms propres en vedettes-matière, Liste 2). |
Résidences pour personnes âgées | Old age homes | 110 | |
Restaurants | Restaurants | 110 | |
Salles de concert | Concert halls | 110 | |
Salons funéraires, morgues | Funeral homes, mortuaries | 110 | |
Sanatoriums | Sanatoriums | 110 | |
Satellites artificiels | Artificial satellites | 110 | |
Satellites artificiels | Satellites, Artificial | 110 | |
[Lordships] |
n/a | 151 | |
Services d'assistance téléphonique | Helplines, hotlines | 110 | |
Sites Web | Web sites | 130 | |
Sociétés savantes | Academies | 110 | |
Stations biologiques | Biological stations | 110 | |
Stations d'expérimentation | Experiment stations | 110 | |
Stations de radiodiffusion | Broadcasting stations | 110 | |
Stations de recherche | Research stations | 110 | |
Stations écologiques | Ecological stations | 110 | |
Stations-service | Service stations | 110 | |
Synagogues | Synagogues | 110 | |
Téléscopes | Telescopes | 110 | |
Temples (en usage; exclut les temples en ruine) | Temples (in use; excludes temples in ruins) | 110 | |
Tournois (Sports et jeux) | Tournaments | 111 | |
Universités | Universities | 110 | |
Usines | Factories | 110 | |
Véhicules spatiaux | Space vehicles | 110 |
Last update: 2024-08-26
PCC Post RDA Test Guidelines
PFAN follows PCC Post RDA Test Guidelines
Last update: 2020-10-02
PCC Guidelines for the Application of Relationship Designators in NACO Authority Records
Last Update with PFAN Examples: 2020-05-04
Return to Table of Contents ⮝
Authority File Comparison Rules
PFAN follows Authority File Comparison Rules (NACO Normalization) (PDF, 72 KB)
Last update: 2020-04-09
Return to Table of Contents ⮝
Generally speaking, the PFAN prefers to use current ISO romanization standards. These internationally-accepted standards normally make it possible for the user to reverse the romanization; automatic data processing is also possible.
However, for some languages or scripts, it sometimes happens that no ISO standard is available, as in the case of Inuktitut, or that the relevant ISO standard ignores some essential linguistic elements or some important aspects of romanization, such as reversibility of the operation. For instance, the ISO transliteration table for Armenian does not include letters used with a numerical value; for this reason, the BnF table (used as a basis for the ISO standard) has been preferred. The following table shows which romanization standard has been chosen for each individual language.
These were all individually selected; in each case, the goal is always to allow for a standard transliteration which is both reversible and as complete as possible.
Language | Writing System | Romanization Table | ||||||||||||||||||
Arabic | Arabic alphabet | ISO 233-2:1993 Information and Documentation -- Arabic characters into Latin characters -- Part 2: Arabic language -- Simplified transliteration | ||||||||||||||||||
Amharic | Ethiopian alphasyllabary (geʻez) | ALA-LC 2011 Amharic romanization table | ||||||||||||||||||
Armenian | Armenian alphabet | BnF Translittération de l'arménien based on ISO 9985:1996 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Armenian characters into Latin characters | ||||||||||||||||||
Assamese | Bengali alphasyllabary | ISO 15919:2001 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Devanagari and related Indic scripts into Latin characters | ||||||||||||||||||
Bengali | Bengali alphasyllabary | ISO 15919:2001 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Devanagari and related Indic scripts into Latin characters | ||||||||||||||||||
Belarusian | Cyrillic alphabet | BnF Translittération du russe, du biélorusse et de l'ukrainien contemporains based on ISO 9:1995 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Cyrillic characters into Latin characters -- Slavic and non-Slavic languages Exception: For Cyrillic letter Ё/ё, do not apply the instructions under "Remarque" in the BnF table. The letter Ё/ё is always romanized with the Latin letter Ë/ë (E umlaut/e umlaut), according to the following instructions:
| ||||||||||||||||||
Bulgarian | Cyrillic alphabet | BnF Translittération du bulgare et du macédonien contemporains based on ISO 9:1995 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Cyrillic characters into Latin characters -- Slavic and non-Slavic languages | ||||||||||||||||||
Chinese | Chinese characters | ISO 7098:2015 Information and Documentation -- Romanization of Chinese and ALA-LAC Romanization Table – Chinese follow the principle of Pinyin. In the absence of ISO ISO 7098:2015, it is appropriate to follow the ALA-LC Romanization table – Chinese, with the following exceptions:
| ||||||||||||||||||
Georgian | Georgian alphabet | BnF Translittération du géorgien based on ISO 9984:1996 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Georgian characters into Latin characters | ||||||||||||||||||
Greek | Greek alphabet | ISO 843:1997 Information and documentation -- Conversion of Greek characters into Latin characters | ||||||||||||||||||
Gujarati | Gujarati alphasyllabary | ISO 15919:2001 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Devanagari and related Indic scripts into Latin characters | ||||||||||||||||||
Hebrew | Hebrew characters | ISO 259-2:1994 Documentation -- Transliteration of Hebrew characters into Latin characters -- Part 2: Simplified transliteration
For further information, please consult Romanisation des caractères hébraïques. | ||||||||||||||||||
Hindi | Devanagari alphasyllabary | ISO 15919:2001 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Devanagari and related Indic scripts into Latin characters | ||||||||||||||||||
Inuktitut | Canadian Aboriginal syllabics | ALA-LC 2011 Inuktitut romanization table | ||||||||||||||||||
Japanese | Japanese script (hiragana, katakana et kanji) | ALA-LC 2012 Japanese Romanization Table | ||||||||||||||||||
Kannada | Kannada alphasyllabary | ISO 15919:2001 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Devanagari and related Indic scripts into Latin characters | ||||||||||||||||||
Korean | Korean script | BnF Translittération du coréen (han kūl et han ča) | ||||||||||||||||||
Slavic and non-Slavic Languages | Cyrillic alphabet | ISO 9:1995 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Cyrillic characters into Latin characters -- Slavic and non-Slavic languages | ||||||||||||||||||
Macedonian | Cyrillic alphabet | Translittération du bulgare et du macédonien contemporains based on ISO 9:1995 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Cyrillic characters into Latin characters -- Slavic and non-Slavic languages | ||||||||||||||||||
Malayalam | Malayalam alphasyllabary | ISO 15919:2001 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Devanagari and related Indic scripts into Latin characters | ||||||||||||||||||
Marathi | Devanagari alphasyllabary | ISO 15919:2001 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Devanagari and related Indic scripts into Latin characters | ||||||||||||||||||
Mongolian | Cyrillic alphabet | ISO 9:1995 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Cyrillic characters into Latin characters -- Slavic and non-Slavic languages | ||||||||||||||||||
Nepali | Devanagari alphasyllabary | ISO 15919:2001 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Devanagari and related Indic scripts into Latin characters | ||||||||||||||||||
Oriya (odia) | Odia alphasyllabary | ISO 15919:2001 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Devanagari and related Indic scripts into Latin characters | ||||||||||||||||||
Pali | Various including Bengali, Burmese, Devanagari, Sinhalese and Thai alphasyllabary | ISO 15919:2001 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Devanagari and related Indic scripts into Latin characters | ||||||||||||||||||
Persian | Persian alphabet | ISO 233-3:1999 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Arabic characters into Latin characters -- Part 3: Persian language -- Simplified transliteration | ||||||||||||||||||
Russian | Cyrillic alphabet | BnF Translittération du russe, du biélorusse et de l'ukrainien contemporains based on ISO 9:1995 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Cyrillic characters into Latin characters -- Slavic and non-Slavic languages Exception: For Cyrillic letter Ё/ё, do not apply the instructions under "Remarque" in the BnF table. The letter Ё/ё is always romanized with the Latin letter Ë/ë (E umlaut/e umlaut), according to the following instructions:
If the Cyrillic letter Е/е is used instead of the letter Ё/ё in the source, it is the letter Е/е that should be romanized according to the instructions in the table. | ||||||||||||||||||
Sanskrit, Prakrit | Devanagari alphasyllabary | ISO 15919:2001 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Devanagari and related Indic scripts into Latin characters | ||||||||||||||||||
Serbian | Cyrillic alphabet | ALA-LC Romanization Tables -- Serbian [Replaces ISO 9:1995 table as of 2021-11-12] | ||||||||||||||||||
Tajiki | Cyrillic alphabet | ISO 9:1995 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Cyrillic characters into Latin characters -- Slavic and non-Slavic languages | ||||||||||||||||||
Tamil | Tamil alphasyllabary | ISO 15919:2001 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Devanagari and related Indic scripts into Latin characters | ||||||||||||||||||
Telugu | Telugu alphasyllabary | ISO 15919:2001 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Devanagari and related Indic scripts into Latin characters | ||||||||||||||||||
Thai | Thai alphasyllabary | ISO 11940:1998 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Thai
(à confirmer) | ||||||||||||||||||
Ukrainian | Cyrillic alphabet | BnF Translittération du russe, du biélorusse et de l'ukrainien contemporains based on ISO 9:1995 Information and Documentation -- Transliteration of Cyrillic characters into Latin characters -- Slavic and non-Slavic languages | ||||||||||||||||||
Yiddish | Hebrew alphabet | ISO 259-2:1994 Documentation -- Transliteration of Hebrew characters into Latin characters -- Part 2: Simplified transliteration |
Last update: 2023-10-30
Non-exhaustive List of Verifications to Make to an Existing Record
General Information
- Verify that the characters used are only those in the MARC 8 character set.
- Generally, the information must be provided in French. When information quoted in field 670 comes from a source in a language other than French, the Guide asks cataloguers to “generally translate the information into French, in an informal manner, summarizing as appropriate”. If the existing record was originally created by LAC in English, or if it is a migrated record derived from a record that was originally in English, fields 670 and 675 can remain in English but it must be ensured that the information recorded in other fields is in French. It is understood that all information in English will not necessarily have an equivalent in French. This would be the case, for example, for terms belonging to a controlled vocabulary for which there is no French version. In this case, the information must be deleted.
Field | Verification |
008 | Verify that the coding is correct. For names (except name-title series), verify that the coding complies with the instructions relating to field 008: names (except name-titles series).
Position 10 (Descriptive cataloging rules) : must be changed to "z". Note: When 008/10 is changed to "z" (Other), a field 040 $e rda is automatically added. The reverse is not true. Position 39 (Source of cataloging): the value initially recorded in this field is retained; do not modify this value when updating a record, except if the initial value was incorrect. The initial value is incorrect if it is not " " [blank] for a record created originally by LAC, BAnQ or LC (symbol CaOONL, CaQMBN or DLC in field 040 $a) or "c" (Cooperative cataloguing program) for a record created originally by an university or NACO participant (symbol for the university or NACO participant appearing in field 040 $a). |
010 | Delete this field if it is present. |
016 | If there is no Canadiana number, verify in the LC field if the same entity is represented by an authority and if it contains a Canadiana number (it is possible to refine the search by using cs:caoonl). If yes, add this number to the record by changing the language code E at the end of the field to the code F (or by adding the code if it is absent).
If there is a Canadiana number but it does not end with the language code F, add this code to the end of the number. |
024 | Verify the coding (in particular subfields $0 and $1 for URIs). |
035 | Never delete a field 035. |
040 | Do not modify codes in subfields $a, $c and $d. If an error message during record validation indicates an inconsistency between field 040 and field 008/39, change the value in field 008/39 to make it consistent with the code in 040 $a rather than changing this code.
Exception: When updating an authority record coded FrPBN in 040 $a, recode subfield $a to the PFAN institution code contributing the record, which is present in subfield $c. Position 008/39 should be coded c. Ensure that subfield $e rda is present, after having verified that field 1XX, fields 4XX and fields 5XX comply with RDA. |
043 | This field cannot be used in records for geographic names (records with field 151). Delete this field in other cases such as when the record contains an occurrence of field 100, 110, 111 or 130. |
046 | In authority records for corporate names, please check that the dates in subfields $s and $t are indeed the earliest and latest dates in a period of activity, and not the dates the corporate body was established or terminated. If the information refers to the establishment date or the termination date, please recode these dates in subfields $q and $r. In the case of meetings, congresses, etc., please keep in mind that the dates associated with a single meeting, or a specific conference belonging to a series of conferences, are recorded in subfields $s and $t, while the dates of establishment and termination of a series of conferences are recorded in subfields $q and $r. For further information, please consult the Name authority manual, section 046. |
053 | Ensure that classification numbers for class PS8000 are moved to field 065 and that field 053 is deleted. Example: 053 #4 PS8539.R47 $5 CaOONL
becomes 065 ## PS8539.R47 $2fcps $5CaOONL
Be sure to add a period between the classification number and the Cutter if one exists. Example:053 #4 PS8595 I5834 $5 CaOONL
becomes 065 ## PS8595.I5834 $2 fcps $5 CaOONL
Caution: Field 053 remains valid for LC classification numbers (PA-PT), including the classification numbers PQ3900-3919.3 for French-Canadian literature, the classification numbers PR9180-9199.4 for English-Canadian literature and classification numbers PS1-3626 for American literature. |
083 | BAnQ records that were loaded into Canadiana and that contain this field do not contain subfield $2, which prevents the record from being saved. To be able to save the record, change the value in the first indicator to 7 and add subfield $2 23 before subfield $5 CaQMBN.
Exemple : 083 04 C841.6 C439 $5 CaQMBN
becomes 083 74 C841.6 C439 $2 23 $5 CaQMBN
1XX | If the record is not RDA compliant, correct the access point if necessary to make it RDA compliant.
If field 100 contains the term époque in subfield $d, replace it with the term activité, regardless of whether the record is AACR2 or RDA coded. Add a field 400 containing the former access point and the subfield $w nnea. |
4XX | If the record is not RDA compliant, correct the access points if necessary to make them RDA compliant.
Add missing dates in field 400 when field 100 contains dates (LAC has had a policy in the past not to add dates systematically.) Delete non-compliant $w subfields. In particular,
For more information about subfield $w, see the Manual - MARC 21 Supplement, section 4XX. |
5XX | If the record is not RDA compliant, correct the access points if necessary to make them RDA compliant, which involves upgrading the authorities attached to the access points.
In the case of a name change for a corporate body, the 5XX fields should link the corporate body in field 1XX only to the immediately preceeding and immediately succeeding entities. Delete all 5XX fields for an entity that preceeds the immediately preceeding entity or succeeds the immediately succeeding entity. For example, in the case of corporate body A which becomes B, which becomes in turn C, the authority for entity A should not contain a 5XX field for entity C and the authority for entity C should not contain a 5XX field for entity A. |
663 | Ensure that the wording of the note complies with the most recent practice (see: FAQ – LC-PCC practice for creating NARs for persons who use pseudonyms (PFAN documentation) (PDF, 829 KB)). |
665 | This field is not permitted in Canadiana. If possible, transfer the biographical or historical information to a 678 field and delete the 665 field.
Example: 151 Viernyï (Kazakhstan)
665 Fondée en 1854, cette ville a porté le nom de Viernyï jusqu'en 1921. Elle s'appelle maintenant Alma-Ata. Comme auteur, on utilise : Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan) ; Viernyï (Kazakhstan). Comme vedette-matière, on utilise : Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan).
In this example, only the first two phrases can be transferred to a 678 field. The two other phrases are not retained. As the access point is not valid as a subject heading, it is necessary to consider adding the following note in field 667: 667 ## $a UTILISATION COMME VEDETTE-MATIÈRE : Ce point d'accès ne peut pas être employé comme vedette-matière. Les œuvres sur ce lieu se trouvent sous Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan).
667 | Ensure that the contents of this field are general enough to be pertinent to cataloguers in other institutions. If not, delete the field.
Examples of 667 fields to delete: 667 Corpus UL
667 UQAC-AU. $5 CaQCU Delete the 667 field containing "CETTE NOTICE VERSÉE EN LOT DOIT ÊTRE ÉVALUÉE AVANT D'ÊTRE UTILISÉE, POUR S'ASSURER QU'ELLE RÉPONDE AUX NORMES DU PFAN" after finalizing the record. In records derived from the LC/NAF file, remove any 667 fields indicating that URIs have been added to the records. Examples : 667 ## $a URIs added to this record for the PCC URI MARC Pilot. Please do not remove or edit the URIs.
667 ## $a URIs added to 3XX and/or 5XX fields in this record for the PCC URI MARC Pilot. Please do not remove or edit the URIs.
_____ BAnQ: Before sending records to OCLC, ensure that all of the 667 fields have been copied into field 899 in Portfolio to preserve their contents in the event that local content is deleted by another PFAN participant, except fields 667 beginning with one of the following expressions: "En subdivision :", "Ne pas utiliser en subdivision" and "UTILISATION COMME VEDETTE-MATIÈRE :". If the content of a 667 field copied into field 899 is no longer pertinent for BAnQ, consider also deleting the corresponding 899 field in Portfolio. |
670 | If the existing record was originally created by LAC in English, or if it is a migrated record derived from a record that was originally in English, it is not necessary to translate the field into French, as the case may be.
It is generally not necessary to modify an existing 670 field except in cases provided in the FAQ for field 670 (Source data found) in the name authority record for NACO. |
675 | If the existing record was originally created by LAC in English, or if it is a migrated record derived from a record that was originally in English, it is not necessary to translate the field into French, as the case may be.
Occurrences of subfield $a following the first occurrence must be preceeded by a semi-colon, space. Add this punctuation if it is missing. Delete any $a subfield that cites the Canadian authority file (ex. Autorités Canadiana) without accompanying this citation with a consultation date. |
678 | Ensure that the contents of the field truly consist of biographical or historical, that it is appropriate for public viewing, and that it is supported by sources given in a 670 field. For further information, see the Name Authority Manual, section 678. |
7XX | Delete this field if subfield $2 lacnaf is present. |
Last update: 2023-11-06
Non-exhaustive List of Qualifiers
The non-exhaustive list of qualifiers comprises a series of terms to be used when an RDA instruction requires an added element to distinguish or specify an access point that represents a person, a corporate body or a work (for example, RDA
The following list is a selection of terms whose use is encouraged by the Standards Committee to ensure the consistency of name authorities when a choice between several possible terms must be made. When you have the choice between two terms, give preference to the terms in this list. For example: "Organisme", rather than "Organisation".
This is not a closed list and suggestions are welcome:
English Term | French Term | Entity |
Spacecraft | Véhicule spatial | Corporate Body |
Lyrics | Paroles | Work |
Libretto | Livret | Work |
Program | Programme | Corporate Body |
Firm | Firme | Corporate Body |
Organization | Organisme | Corporate Body |
Musical group | Groupe musical | Corporate Body |
Congrès | Corporate Body | |
Conférence | Corporate Body | |
Radio station | Station de radio | Corporate Body |
Television station | Station de télévision | Corporate Body |
Contest | Concours | Corporate Body |
Play | Pièce de théâtre | Work |
Motion picture | Film | Work |
Series | Collection | Work |
Association | Association | Corporate Body |
Lecturer * | Professeur d'université Maître de conférences |
Person |
Computer program
See Computer file |
Computer file | Fichier informatique | Work |
* Lecturer
According to the Cambridge dictionary, the term lecturer designates a person who teaches at a college or university, in Anglo-Saxon countries.
Ex. : Lecturer in psychology
This title corresponds to different cases in reality depending on the country where it is used. It would be desirable to use the equivalent French term in relation to what the title represents in the educational system where the author holds the title of lecturer.
Suggestions of French equivalents
- For an author in France who is designated as being "un maître de conférences", use (Maître de conférences)
- According to the Larousse dictionary, the title used by professors of the first rank of the second class of the teaching faculty of universities in France. Equivalent of the Anglo-Saxon term lecturer according to Wikipedia.
- For an author in Europe who is designated as being a lecturer, use (Maître de conférences) or (Professeur d'université)
- For an author who is designated as a lecturer in Australia, use (Professeur d'université)
- For an author who is designated as a lecturer in the United Kingdom, use (Maître de conférences) or (Professeur d'université)
- For an author who is designated as a lecturer in the United States, use (Professeur d'université) or (Chargé de cours)
- For an author who is designated as a lecturer in Canada, use (Chargé de cours)
When in doubt about which French equivalent to use, consult the List of academic ranks de Wikipédia in particular for the countries not mentioned above.
Lastly, note that a senior lecturer is more of a "professeur associé" than a "chargé de cours".
Last Update: 2022-03-22
Procedures for Duplicates
Step 1: Selection
Situation 1: Duplicates between migrated records, and LAC records which existed before the migration (June, 2 2020).
Choose the authority record to retain when there are duplicates by following the following order of priority:
- Prefer a LAC record over a record from BAnQ or universities.
- Prefer a record from BAnQ over a record from universities. Note for PFAN and LAC : University records have a code other than CaOONL or CaQMBN in field 040 $a.
- Prefer an RDA record over a non-RDA record.
- Prefer a more complete record over one that is less complete.
- Note for PFAN: If there is more than one LAC record amongst the duplicate records, inform LAC; send LAC the OCLC record numbers, by email, to the following address : mentioning in the subject line: Doublons de BAC. LAC will determine which record should be kept, and will replace the record(s) to be deleted. If the duplicate records also include records from other participants, simply follow Steps 2 and 3 below, once LAC has identified which record will be retained.
Note for LAC: If there are more than one LAC records among the duplicates, the cataloguer has to determine which record will be kept, and he/she must delete the other records. The oldest record will usually be preferred. Do not forget to do any bibliographic file maintenance (including the LBD), as required.
Situation 2: Duplicates between an LAC records which existed before the migration (June 2, 2020), or a migrated record, and any new record created in Canadiana on or after June 2nd, 2020.
Keep the pre-June 2nd, 2020 LAC record, or the migrated record, following the order of priority outlined above (under Situation 1). Follow steps 1 and 2.
Situation 3: Duplicates between any new records created in Canadiana on or after June 2nd, 2020.
Keep the first record (the older one), according to the date entered on file, in field 008 (character positions 00-05). Follow steps 1 and 2.
Step 2 : Modifications
Record to be retained
- Update the preferred record.
- Make the following modifications to the record to be retained:
- If the record to be deleted contains a 016 field, copy the Canadiana number from the record to be deleted into sub-field $z of field 016 in the record to be retained. Do not add the code F to the end of a Canadiana number transferred into the record to be retained if one does not exist.
- If the record to be deleted contains a 035 field with the symbol CaQQLA and a field 373 with the mention Université Laval, copy the information from both fields into the record to be retained. Do not copy a 035 field with any other symbol.
- Add a variant form (4XX) based on the form of name or title used as the authorized access point in the record to be deleted (whether it’s been evaluated or not), if it is considered a useful variant form for the record that will be retained. Please note the following:
- Do not systematically add as a variant form (4XX) the authorized access point present in the record to be deleted. Keep in mind the instructions in the Participant’s Manual: « Do not add references solely for automatic conflict detection and updating of bibliographic records » . (See the Participant’s Manual, Cross-references (4XX et 5XX).)
- Cataloguers must make sure that a variant form deemed useful in the record to be retained is a valid RDA access point and is established according to PFAN practices. For instance, if the authorized access point includes a date of birth, this date must also appear in the cross-reference, even if this form is derived from an authorized access point that did not include a date of birth (in the record to be deleted). The reverse is also true: normally, dates are not included in variant forms if not present in the authorized access point, unless a date is added to resolve a conflict between this variant form and an authorized access point in another record. Another example: in a name-title access point, the name element must be identical to the authorized access point for the agent, even if the form of this access point was different in the record to be deleted.
- Use subfield $w when appropriate, that is, when the variant form is absolutely identical to the authorized access point in the record to be deleted. Subfield $w may be used in more than one 4XX field. Since the variant form must be a valid RDA access point, code nnea should not be used.
- Copy into the record to be retained all information or fields present in the record to be deleted and judged to be useful to retain.
Exemple :
Example :
Record(s) to be deleted
- Make the following modifications to the record(s) to be deleted:
- Add a 667 field containing the note "Notice doublon, signalée pour suppression car remplacée par [numéro Canadiana de la notice à conserver] ([date]). » Exception: Use the OCLC control number when the Canadiana numbers in the record to be retained and the record to be deleted are identical.
- If there is no 016 field, add one using the number 0000X0000F. This is a generic number intended to be used in all duplicate records to be deleted that do not contain a Canadiana and only in these records. Adding this number is necessary so that the record can be saved.
- If there is already a field 016 with a Canadiana number, do not change field 016.
BAC : Does not apply. Proceed to step 3.
Step 3 : Deletion
- Do not notify LAC regarding records to be deleted identified by the generic number 0000X0000F. They will be replaced by the record identified in a note 667.
- Notify LAC regarding records to be deleted that have a unique Canadiana number XXXXAXXXX(F) by communicating the OCLC control number by email to with subject line: Doublons avec 016 valide.
LAC: The LAC cataloguer will delete the records we are not keeping. Please make sure to use the function “Supersede / Mark for deletion”, under the “Record” tab, and not the function “Delete”.
Note for PFAN and LAC:For undifferentiated records, see the instructions in section 008/32 Undifferentiated personal name in the Name Authority Manual.
Last update: 2024-10-08
Procedures for records derived from LC/NAF
This procedure explains the changes to be made to an LC/NAF authority record when deriving it from the Canadiana file to create a new record.
1XX |
Note : In LC/NAF, some records are coded “RDA compatible”. These are records which are coded AACR2, but where the authorized access point would be constructed in the same way according to RDA and according to any relevant LC-PCC PS. Just as they would do for any new access point being established in Canadiana, which has to conform to RDA, PFAN cataloguers must make sure to evaluate the access point and to code the record RDA. “Evaluate” means that the cataloguer will check the usage(s) as recorded in the 670 field(s) in the authority record, and will evaluate that the authorized access point is exact based on the usage recorded in the bibliographic records.
3XX |
670 |
100 1# Bruland, Kristine
670 ## Her British technology and European industrialization, 1989: $b CIP t.p. (Kristine Bruland) bk. t.p. (Kristine Bruland) jkt. (research fellow at the Centre for Technology and Culture, Univ. of Oslo, and at the Economic History Dept. of the Norwegian School of Management, Oslo)
670 ## Technological revolutions in Europe industrialization, 1998: $b CIP t.p. (Kristine Bruland, prof. Economic Hist., Univ. Oslo, Norway) data sheet (b. 02/10/50)
100 1# Bruland, Kristine, $d 1950-
670 ## [Title of the resource on hand], [date] : $b source d'information privilégiée ([usage]) autre emplacement([other information])
670 ## LC/NAF, 20 juillet 2020 $b (point d'accès : Bruland, Kristine; née le 10 février 1950; "research fellow" [en 1989], Centre for Technology and Culture, Univ. of Oslo, et Economic History Dept., Norwegian School of Management, Oslo; professeure d'économie historique [en 1998], Univ. Oslo)
100 1# Bruland, Kristine, $d 1950-
670 ## British technology and European industrialization, 1989 : $b page de titre (Kristine Bruland) jaquette ("research fellow", Centre for Technology and Culture, Univ. of Oslo, et Economic History Dept., Norwegian School of Management, Oslo)
670 ## LC/NAF, 20 juillet 2020 $b (point d'accès : Bruland, Kristine; née le 10 février 1950; professeure d'économie historique [en 1998], Univ. Oslo)
Last update: 2022-12-09
Procedure for partial modification of records describing works and expressions
When an authorized access point for a personal name is modified, it may happen that it then no longer matches the access point for that person as used in the access points representing works and expressions, already present in Canadiana. For instance, it may happen that an access point for a person is modified to add the death date, but that the access points for that person's works and expressions include only the person's birth date. It may also happen that a cataloguer is revising the access point for a personal name, in an authority record that was batch-loaded, but some access points for works and expressions, by this person, include a different form of name.
A PFAN cataloguer may then do some partial modifications to the records for works and expressions associated with that person, according to the following instructions:
- Applying this procedure is not mandatory, it is entirely up to the participant.
- This procedure only applies when, in an authorized access point for a work or expression, the name part is a personal name, and the form of this name does not match the AAP in the person's authority record.
- The access points representing the person's works and expressions may be modified only in part, or completely – that is, the cataloguer may evaluate only the name part, or both the name part and the title part. The procedure below applies only for those cases when the access point is modified only partially. If the entire access point is verified [validated], then the entire record has to be evaluated – that is, it has to be revised in order to be RDA compliant, and it has to follow PFAN standards. In that case, please consult the following document : List of Verifications to Make to an Existing Record.
- 4. In case of duplicate records, this procedure only applies to the records that are retained. Any duplicate records should be reported for deletion, according to the Procedures for Duplicates.
- Modify the person's access point in the authority record for that person, making sure that the record is RDA compliant and follows all PFAN standards..
- Partially modify the records representing the person's works and expressions, that is, modify the « Name » part of the access point, without editing the rest of the access point or any other existing field. It is not mandatory to modify all the records representing the person's works and expressions:
- Update the “personal name” part of the Authorized Access Point, in the records representing the person's works and expressions, so that the name is identical to the name in the authority record representing the person. Make sure that the update is done both in the 100 field and in any existing 400 fields.
- b. If the record includes the 667 note "CETTE NOTICE VERSÉE EN LOT DOIT ÊTRE ÉVALUÉE AVANT D'ÊTRE UTILISÉE, POUR S'ASSURER QU'ELLE RÉPONDE AUX NORMES DU PFAN", keep the note, and proceed as follow:
- Add the generic Canadiana number 1111X1111F in field 016. Please note that this generic number will have to be replaced by a unique number when the record is assessed at a later point, at which time the 667 note mentioned above will be deleted.
- Add the following 667 note:
- If the record does not include the note « CETTE NOTICE VERSÉE EN LOT DOIT ÊTRE ÉVALUÉE AVANT D'ÊTRE UTILISÉE, POUR S'ASSURER QU'ELLE RÉPONDE AUX NORMES DU PFAN », then update the name part of the access point, without making the changes described under 2b).
- Do not add a cross-reference to the former access point (either with a subfield $w nne or $w nnea). Please note that such a cross-reference could be required, for instance in cases where the former access point was RCAA2, when the authority record is reassessed, at a later stage, and the 667 note " CETTE NOTICE VERSÉE EN LOT DOIT ÊTRE ÉVALUÉE AVANT D'ÊTRE UTILISÉE, POUR S'ASSURER QU'ELLE RÉPONDE AUX NORMES DU PFAN " is deleted. At that point, the cross-reference to be added is the former access point which displayed in field 1XX before the record was reassessed.
Note: Only relevant fields have been included in these examples.
Example 1: Name authority record, and batch-loaded work authority records
016 ## 0100D5363F
100 1# Blais, Marie-Claire, $d 1939-2021
[No 016 field]
100 1# Blais, Marie-Claire, $d 1939- $t Dans la foudre et la lumière
016 ## 1111X1111F
100 1# Blais, Marie-Claire, $d 1939-2021. $t Dans la foudre et la lumière
016 ## 0100D5363F
100 1# Blais, Marie-Claire, $d 1939- $t Saison dans la vie d'Emmanuel
016 ## 0100D5363F
100 1# Blais, Marie-Claire, $d 1939-2021. $t Saison dans la vie d'Emmanuel
Example 2: Batch-loaded name authority record, and batch-loaded expression authority record
[No 016 field]
100 0# Arrien, $d environ 95-environ 175
016 ## 1038H8594F
100 0# Arrien, $d environ 95-environ 175
[No 016 field]
100 0# Arrien. $t Traité de tactique. $l Français
016 ## 1111X1111F
100 0# Arrien, $d environ 95-environ 175. $t Traité de tactique. $l Français
Last update: 2022-11-22
Bibliographic file maintenance (BFM) [New]
Here is a non-exhaustive list of examples that may require manual modifications to the bibliographic file following a change to a name authority record.
Each institution is responsible for applying the recommendations to its own bibliographic records in OCLC.
1. Creation of a new authority record for the name deleted from an undifferentiated record |
Example: Existing undifferentiated authority notice: |
Recommendation: Manually update the AAP in each bibliographic record affected by the change. |
2. Changing a name record into a subject heading record |
Example: Previously on Canadiana: |
Recommendation : Manually update the AAP in each bibliographic record affected by the change. |
3. Modification of a government agency access point |
Example: In a AAP of an authority record, a date is added to distinguish between Existing access point |
Recommendation: Manually update the AAP in each bibliographic record affected by the change.
If the set of records to be modified is large (more than 20 records), ask OCLC for help by sending a message to
Last update: 2024-03-26
Useful External Resources
- Bounding Box Tool
- The British Library Guide to RDA Name Authority Records : A Guide to Best Practice for RDA Name Authority records in NACO (including 2013 and 2014 changes)
- Extended Date Time Format Levels 0, 1 and 2 Validation Service [New]
- A Handbook of Examples For Use in Authority Records Created By the NACO-Music Project
- What Unicode character is this?
Last update: 2023-10-24