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ATSSC Identity.PNG

Mot de bienvenue de l’administrateur en chef


Au nom de tous les membres du Service canadien d’appui aux tribunaux administratifs, je tiens à vous souhaiter la bienvenue. Nous sommes ravis de vous compter parmi nous.

Je suis fier de dire que vous vous joignez à une organisation très spéciale qui a le privilège de contribuer directement au système de justice du Canada. Le travail que nous accomplissons au SCDATA permet aux tribunaux administratifs fédéraux que nous appuyons de s’acquitter efficacement de leurs mandats importants en les aidant à donner accès à la justice aux Canadiens partout au pays.

Que vous travailliez dans les services internes ou à l’un des secrétariats, sachez que nous formons une équipe unie et que vous faites partie d’une organisation saine et prospère qui est capable de grandes réalisations.

Dans les prochains jours, vous recevrez beaucoup de renseignements dans le cadre de votre processus d’orientation, mais ne vous sentez pas dépassé. Nous voulons seulement nous assurer de vous fournir les outils nécessaires pour faciliter votre entrée en fonction. Vous avez de nombreux collègues hors pair qui seront là pour vous épauler tout au long de votre parcours.

Nous travaillons au sein d’une organisation diversifiée et inclusive, dans laquelle les gens se sentent valorisés et respectés, et où ils peuvent se réaliser et évoluer. La collaboration, l’innovation et la créativité sont importantes pour nous ici, au SCDATA. Le soutien que nous apportons à nos employés l’est tout autant, que ce soit grâce à la formation professionnelle, aux perspectives de carrière ou aux soins de santé et de bien-être.

Dans les ressources de socialisation organisationnelle que vous recevrez, vous en apprendrez davantage sur notre mission, notre vision et nos valeurs, les éléments qui guident nos actions au quotidien et qui nous permettent de servir les Canadiens et de soutenir les tribunaux.

Chaque employé a un rôle particulier au sein du SCDATA et j’accorde une grande valeur à la contribution de chacun. Je suis toujours étonné de voir toute l’énergie que nos employés consacrent à leur travail, ainsi que leur créativité et leur volonté d’aller plus loin. Nous nous démarquons grâce aux membres de notre équipe. Je suis fier de notre culture. Ensemble, nous pouvons continuer à faire un travail formidable!

Je suis heureux que vous fassiez partie de cette aventure passionnante et je suis impatient de travailler avec vous.

Orlando Da Silva, MB

Administrateur en chef

Mandate, Vision, Mission, Values and more...

The Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada was established to build capacity to meet the needs of administrative tribunals, find efficiencies through economies of scale, and improve access to justice for Canadians.

Consult the following presentations for an overview of the ATSSC:

Our Mandate

The ATSSC is responsible for providing support services and facilities to 12 federal administrative tribunals by way of a single integrated organization.

These services include the specialized services required by each tribunal (e.g., registry, research and analysis, legal and other mandate or case activities specific to each tribunal), as well as internal services (e.g., human resources, financial services, information management and technology, accommodations, security, planning and communications).

Our Vision

We will be recognized as a centre of excellence for:

  • service delivery;
  • innovative, efficient and effective operations; and
  • supporting improved access to justice.

Our Mission

We provide high-quality services to the tribunals and the people we serve by:

  • being responsive to their needs;
  • preserving the tribunals' independence, neutrality and reputation for excellence; and
  • fostering the development of cooperative, engaged and knowledgeable employees.

Our Values

We actively promote and demonstrate the public service values outlined in the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector: Respect for Democracy; Respect for People; Integrity; Stewardship; and Excellence.

We are also committed to the following values:

Service Excellence

  • We provide high-quality, reliable, timely, effective and efficient services that meet the common and unique needs of the tribunals and the people we serve.
  • We continually seek opportunities to improve our services through innovation, leveraging resources and sharing best practices.
  • We work collaboratively, constructively, and respectfully.

Accountability and Transparency

  • We communicate openly and honestly.
  • We remain accountable at all times for what we do.
  • We maintain trust by respecting the roles, responsibilities and mandates of the tribunals and the ATSSC, and by spending public funds wisely.

Supportive Work Environment

  • We create a workplace culture that generates a sense of belonging and where people are valued and engaged.
  • We recognize the contributions of our colleagues and ensure we provide the learning and development we need to continue to grow.
  • At all levels, we demonstrate leadership through teamwork, adaptability and creativity.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is a fundamental principle at the ATSSC. Learn more by visiting the ATSSC's Equity, Diversity and Inclusion intranet page.

Departmental Reports

Visit for ATSSC reports, plans, quarterly financial reports, etc.

Public Service Employee Survey Results

Public Service Employee Surveys (PSES) give employees the opportunity to tell us how we are doing as an organization from an employee-experience perspective.

The ATSSC is proud to have scored above the Public Service in every category for the 2020 PSES, as we strive to be an employer of choice!

2020 PSES Results.PNG

Consult the ATSSC's detailed results for the 2020 PSES and compare with results for the Public Service as a whole.

About Administrative Tribunals (general info)

Administrative tribunals:

  • Were created to provide justice between citizens and the government.
  • Also recognized as "Expert Tribunals", they supply expertise and knowledge in a specific area of law.
  • Get their powers from a statute, allowing decision-makers to decide only on those matters over which their tribunal has jurisdiction under the statute.
  • Allow for matters to be heard and decisions to be made more quickly and efficiently.
  • Alleviate workload and free up time for the courts (which are more costly to operate).

Natural justice and procedural fairness are procedures that administrative tribunal decision-makers must follow to act fairly; these include:

  • Notice: The applicant must be given adequate notice of the nature of the proceedings and of the issue to be decided.
  • Disclosure: Depending on the nature of the case, all evidence to be used against an applicant must be disclosed.
  • Opportunity to present one's case and to respond: The applicant must be provided with an opportunity to present whatever evidence they wish to be considered. While the right to be heard generally implies a hearing, it does not always mean an oral hearing. Submissions can be made in writing.
  • Right to an impartial decision maker and freedom of bias
  • Institutional independence and the person who hears the case must decide
  • Duty to consider all the evidence

Consult the Canadian Encyclopedia for additional information on administrative tribunals.

ATSSC Employees vs. Tribunal Members


  • ATSSC Employees are federal public servants, working in Internal/Corporate Services or in one of the tribunal secretariats, to carry out the organization's mandate to provide support services and facilities to the tribunals it serves, as named in the Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada Act.


  • Tribunal Members are not public servants, but rather individuals who have been appointed by the Governor in Council for a term of up to 5-years, with the possibility of re-appointment. Each of the tribunals and boards served by the ATSSC is led by a Chairperson, and all its members are decision-makers of a quasi-judicial administrative tribunal.

  • The ATSSC's Chief Administrator, Orlando Da Silva, also appointed by the Governor in Council, has the rank and status of a deputy head of a department.
  • Members are also known as GICs (Governor in Council appointees).

ATSSC Intranet

Visit the ATSSC's intranet regularly to read important staff messages. You will also find useful information, tools and resources.