National Indigenous Student Circle - Cercle national des étudiants autochtones/English

Cercle national des étudiants autochtones (CNÉA)

Job Postings
About Us
Samantha Prosper
Katy Cameron


The National Indigenous Student Circle was founded by Indigenous students in the Public Service who wanted a space to connect, network, and share resources amongst other Indigenous students.

As an extension of the Indigenous Student Employment Opportunity, the National Indigenous Student Circle offers a Facebook group for previously employed students, currently employed students, and those who are interested in employment, a podcast series on most requested topics to fit with students’ busy schedules, and events that include mentorship and how to be bridged.

Check out our media for access!

Our Mission

This network was developed to:

  • To develop a community to connect, collaborate, network, and engage with other Indigenous students from across all departments
  • Create an accessible platform to easily share tools and resources, event information, and to respond to any questions or concerns from the Indigenous student population
  • To address the Many Voices One Mind report recommendations such as: Support the coordination and advancement of an interdepartmental Indigenous employee network that includes a youth-specific component for new recruits and young professionals
  • Implement the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada's Call to Action #7: which calls on the federal government to "develop a joint strategy with Aboriginal groups to close the education and employment gaps between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canadians."