|The Pride Network is a community of 2SLGBTQ2+ employees and their allies at NRCan. Pride Network holds social activities and educational events as well as provide mutual support to one antoher to promote a healthy and inclusive work environment and increase advocacy. This network contributes to NRCan's goal of being a diverse, inclusive and respectful workplace, where LGBTQ2+ employees feel valued, and are engaged and productive.
|'''NRCan Persons with Disabilities and Accessibility Network (PwDAN)'''
|All / Tous
|Departmental - NRCan
|This network is open to all NRCan employees, not just those with disabilities, who want to help make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities. Their goals are to address issues of culture change and accommodation; create a workplace that fosters dignity and self-worth; help persons with disabilities realize their full potential and how they can fully contribute to NRCan's objectives. PWDAN also shares resources for both employees and managers to bridge any gaps and ensure individuals' success.
|'''NRCan Indigenous Employees Network (IEN)'''
|Indigenous / Autochtones
|Departmental - NRCan
|This network is composed of a community of NRCan employees of First Nation, Inuit, and Métis ancestry living across Canada. The network serves as a forum to advance Indigenous interests within the Department, share information, and support awareness activities that promote Indigenous cultures and values. The Indigenous employees network also share resources on their Source page for anyone interested in learning more about Indigenous communities.
|'''Black Employees Advisory Council of NRCan (BEACON)'''
|Black / Noir
|Departmental - NRCan
|BEACON is a network of Black employees at NRCan who have voluntarily come together to share their lived experiences and support each other. BEACON works strategically and collaboratively with all levels of employees at NRCan to create awareness about Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), and eliminate anti-Black racism that exists within NRCan. One of the primary objectives of BEACON is to advocate for the resolution of issues affecting Black employees – promoting an NRCan where the qualifications and contributions of Black employees are recognized and celebrated, in addition to enabling and promoting the professional aspirations and advancements of Black talents.