CSPS Digital Academy/CSPS Digital Accelerator/Master Schedule

Week 1

Day of the Week Topic Length Participants
Monday Welcome to the Accelerator 1.5 hours Product team required

Executives required

Introduction to Miro 1 hour Product team required

Executives optional

Tuesday Team Building 2.5 hours Product team required

Executives required

Human-Centerd Design 3 hours
Wednesday Exploring the Problem Space 2 hours Product team required

Executives optional

Friday End of week check-in 45 minutes Product team required

Executives required

Lunch and Learn - with Liz McKeown 1 hour Product team optional

Executives optional

Week 2

Day of the Week Topic Length Participants
Monday Problem framing 2 hours Product team required

Executives optional

Tuesday Finding your users 2 hours Product team only (required)
Wednesday Agile 101 2 hours Product team required

Executives optional

Leading with Agility 2 hours Executives only (required)
Friday End of week check-in 45 minutes Product team required

Executives required

Week 3

Day of the Week Topic Length Participants
Monday Problem scope and output 2 hours Product team only (required)
Tuesday Potential barriers 1.5 hours Product team only (required)
Wednesday Introduction to pitching 1.5 hours Product team only (required)
Friday Show and tell 2 hours Product team required

Executives required

Week 4

Day of the Week Topic Length Participants
Monday Generating solution ideas / How-Might-We 2 hours Product team only (required)
Tuesday How to give design critique 1 hour Product team required

Executives required

Wednesday Leading with Agility 2 hours Executives only (required)
Scoping solution ideas for prototyping 2 hours Product team only (required)
Friday End of week check-in 45 minutes Product team required

Executives required

Week 5

Day of the Week Topic Length Participants
Monday Prototyping tools and techniques 2 hours Product team only (required)
Selecting solution ideas 2 hours Product team only (required)
Wednesday Desirable, viable, feasible 1.5 hours Product team required

Executives required

Thursday Lo-fi prototype output 2 hours Product team only (required)
Friday Show and Tell 2 hours Product team required

Executives required

Week 6

Day of the Week Topic Length Participants
Monday User testing 2 hours Product team required

Executives optional

Wednesday Backlogs and Roadmaps 2 hours Product team required\

Executives optional

Leading with Agility 2 hours Executives only (required)
Friday Pitch review with Accelerator team 30 minutes per team Product team required

Executives optional

Week 7