Fiche d'évaluation de 2014-2015 sur la réduction du fardeau administratif lié à la réglementation

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Message du président du Conseil du Trésor

À titre de ministre responsable de la politique de réglementation fédérale, je suis heureux d’inviter les Canadiens à lire la Fiche d’évaluation 2014-2015 sur la réduction du fardeau administratif lié à la réglementation.

Je tiens à remercier sincèrement les membres du Comité consultatif externe sur la réglementation pour leur examen attentif de cette fiche d’évaluation et pour les conseils qu’ils ont offerts à cet égard. Leur examen indépendant et leurs observations judicieuses sont fort appréciés.

Le gouvernement du Canada entend offrir aux Canadiens le gouvernement ouvert et transparent auquel ils s’attendent et qu’ils méritent. Les Canadiens ont aussi des critères élevés en ce qui concerne les services qu’ils reçoivent de leur gouvernement et c’est pour cette raison nous sommes centrés sur la production de résultats qui changent leur vie quotidienne de façon positive. Cette fiche d’évaluation rend compte des efforts considérables déployés par les responsables de la réglementation fédéraux pour réaliser des avancées sur chacun de ces fronts.

Nous sommes aussi engagés à faire croître notre économie, à renforcer la classe moyenne et aider ceux qui travaillent fort pour en faire partie. Concevoir et mettre en place des règlements qui contribuent à protéger et à promouvoir l’intérêt public, tout en réduisant au minimum le fardeau administratif imposé aux entreprises, contribuent à atteindre cet objectif. De telles mesures sont avantageuses pour les Canadiens, bonnes pour notre économie et elles appuient l’objectif du gouvernement qui consiste à aider les entreprises à devenir plus novatrices, concurrentielles et prospères.

Fait non moins important, cette fiche d’évaluation souligne les gains importants réalisés en favorisant un système de réglementation plus ouvert, en améliorant le service et la prévisibilité pour les intervenants et en facilitant la reddition de comptes envers le public à l’égard des résultats obtenus. La publication de plans prospectifs de la réglementation, le rapport sur le rendement des services, une base de référence du fardeau administratif à l’échelle du gouvernement – toutes ces initiatives contribuent à un système de réglementation ouvert qui invite les Canadiens à participer à son rendement amélioré.

Au cours des prochains jours, c’est avec plaisir que j’envisage de collaborer avec mes collègues, les intervenants et les citoyens pour faire en sorte que le système de réglementation du Canada continue de mériter la confiance de l’ensemble des Canadiens.

Original signé par

L’honorable Scott Brison, Président du Conseil du Trésor


La réglementation constitue un outil important lorsqu’il est question de protéger la santé, la sécurité et l’environnement des Canadiennes et des Canadiens, et de mettre en place les conditions propices à une économie prospère et fondée sur l’innovation. Un règlement constitue un texte juridique qui est mis en vigueur par le gouverneur en conseil, un ministre ou un organisme en vertu des pouvoirs délégués par le Parlement.

Les organismes de réglementation fédéraux mènent leurs activités dans un environnement complexe et en constante évolution se caractérisant par des progrès scientifiques et technologiques rapides, des flux commerciaux croissants et des chaînes d’approvisionnement intégrées. Ces organismes doivent répondre aux attentes élevées des citoyens et des autres parties concernées en ce qui touche l’ouverture du processus entourant les projets de règlement et la possibilité d’y participer de façon tangible, sans oublier les attentes touchant l’établissement de modalités redditionnelles claires et la transparence, de même que la mise en œuvre d’approches d’exécution qui comportent un volet axé sur le service.

Dans ce contexte de possibilités, de défis et de changements, les organismes de réglementation fédéraux s’efforcent constamment de maximiser l’atteinte des objectifs de protection qui sous-tendent la réglementation (avantages) tout en réduisant le plus possible les coûts pour les Canadiens et les entreprises. Cela est reflété dans la Directive du Cabinet sur la gestion de la réglementation, qui souligne l’importance d’exercer une réglementation qui maximise les avantages nets pour les Canadiens. Conformément à cet objectif, le Canada a entrepris un certain nombre d’initiatives de réforme dans l’optique de rendre le système de réglementation plus transparent et plus prévisible pour les entreprises et les citoyens. Les mesures de réforme en question comprennent :

Les fiches d’évaluation annuelle consistent en un résumé des progrès réalisés au regard des initiatives précitées. Tout comme par les années passées, la fiche d’évaluation de cette année a été examinée par le Comité consultatif sur la réglementation, lequel relève du président du Conseil du Trésor. Ce comité, qui est composé de spécialistes externes représentant des groupes et des associations de consommateurs et d’entreprises, présente au président du Conseil du Trésor une opinion indépendante sur l’équité et la fiabilité des progrès déclarés par l’administration fédérale.

Lentille des petites entreprises

Lentille des petites entreprises

L’objet de la Lentille des petites entreprises est de faire en sorte que les répercussions sur les petites entreprises soient dûment prises en compte lors du processus d’élaboration d’instruments réglementaires. La tenue de consultations et la réalisation d’analyses robustes aident à bien comprendre la situation des entreprises aux premières étapes de la conception de la réglementation.

La Lentille des petites entreprises s’applique aux projets de règlement qui ont des répercussions sur les petites entreprises et dont le coût annuel à l’échelle du pays est supérieur à 1 million de dollars. Dans la foulée des attentes énoncées par le Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada dans le document d’orientation intitulé Tenir compte de l’impact de la réglementation sur les petites entreprises dès le stade de l’élaboration : Guide sur la Lentille des petites entreprises, les organismes de réglementation doivent tenir compte de certaines exigences lors de l’élaboration de leurs règlements.

Exemples de l’application de la Lentille des petites entreprises

Le Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur les produits de l’érable accorde aux petits établissements producteurs de sirop d’érable agréés par le gouvernement fédéral un délai de deux ans pour mettre en œuvre graduellement de nouvelles exigences réglementaires. Ils peuvent se conformer soit à la nomenclature de classification actuelle, soit à la nouvelle nomenclature, et ils disposent d’un certain temps pour acquérir et installer du nouveau matériel ainsi que pour modifier les étiquettes afin de respecter les nouvelles exigences. Cette mesure aura pour effet de réduire dans une proportion de 227 000 $ le fardeau administratif et le fardeau de conformité de 204 petites entreprises au cours des dix prochaines années.

La prise en compte de la situation des petites entreprises ne doit pas se faire au détriment de la protection de la santé, de la sécurité ou de l’environnement. Dans certains cas, l’adoption d’une approche moins fastidieuse et plus souple n’est pas indiquée. L’organisme de réglementation doit alors expliquer pourquoi il en est ainsi dans le Résumé de l’étude d’impact de la réglementation qui est publié. Par exemple, dans le cas du Décret modifiant l’annexe de la Loi sur le tabac, Santé Canada a envisagé, puis rejeté, la possibilité de différer la mise en application de nouvelles restrictions à l’égard de produits du tabac aromatisés qui ciblent les jeunes. Le fait de différer l’application de ces restrictions aurait laissé du temps aux distributeurs de tabac pour écouler leurs stocks des produits en question, mais le ministère a démontré que cela irait à l’encontre des objectifs de protection de la santé visés par cette modification.

Les organismes de réglementation doivent remplir une liste de vérification qui orientera les consultations menées auprès des petites entreprises, tandis que le Résumé de l’étude d’impact de la réglementation (REIR) décrira les efforts déployés par ces organismes afin de réduire le plus possible le fardeau imposé aux petites entreprises. Cela comprend la définition et la présentation, dans le REIR, d’une solution de rechange qui impose un fardeau moindre. Les coûts associés à l’option première et à la solution de rechange sont également précisés. Si la solution imposant un fardeau moins lourd n’est pas adoptée, il incombe à l’organisme de réglementation d’expliquer pourquoi il en est ainsi dans le REIR. La transparence découlant de l’application de la Lentille des petites entreprises permet aux parties concernées de soumettre des observations sur les coûts estimatifs et les autres hypothèses conceptuelles lors de la publication du projet de règlement à la Partie I de la Gazette du Canada afin de recueillir des commentaires. Ce type de rétroaction aide l’organisme de réglementation à éviter les répercussions inattendues sur les petites entreprises en envisageant des solutions de rechange définies en fonction des risques qui ne remettent pas en question les impératifs de santé, de sécurité et de protection de l’environnement.

Tenir compte des répercussions sur les petites entreprises dans le cadre du processus de réglementation

Dans certains cas, même si la Lentille des petites entreprises ne s’applique pas, les organismes de réglementation font des efforts additionnels pour alléger le fardeau imposé aux petites entreprises, et ce, tout simplement parce qu’il s’agit d’une pratique de réglementation judicieuse. Ainsi, en application du Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur les semences, l’Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments a éliminé certaines exigences de tenue de documents, de reddition de comptes et d’examen qui étaient inutiles, de même que l’exigence de tenue d’essais préalables à l’enregistrement, ce qui a permis de réduire les coûts administratifs et les coûts de conformité de 29 petites entreprises. La modification en question allège de 114 426 $ par année le nouveau fardeau imposé aux entreprises, soit environ 4 000 $ par entreprise concernée, ce qui correspond à une valeur actualisée de 803 682 $ sur dix ans.

Les organismes de réglementation sont au fait de l’importance et de l’utilité que revêt la participation des entreprises au processus d’élaboration de la réglementation. À titre d’exemple, l’Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments a pris des mesures importantes pour obtenir l’avis des parties concernées au sujet d’une nouvelle approche envisagée en matière d’inspection des aliments. Elle a notamment mené des consultations auprès de microentreprises et de petites entreprises en recourant à des modes de communication variés : séances en personne durant le jour ou le soir pour composer avec les horaires des petites entreprises, webinaires et questionnaires en ligne pour recueillir des commentaires, et partenariats avec des administrations provinciales et des associations sectorielles en vue de faire la promotion de ces consultations.

Résultats et observations en 2014-2015

  • La Lentille des petites entreprises a été appliquée à la version définitive de sept règlements publiés à la Partie II de la Gazette du Canada.
  • Dans le cas de cinq de ces sept règlements, on a choisi la version flexible proposée. Cela a allégé de 4 millions de dollars par année environ le fardeau administratif et le fardeau de conformité des entreprises au cours des dix prochaines années (se reporter à l’annexe C).
  • Grâce à la Lentille des petites entreprises, on est en mesure de déterminer les répercussions de la réglementation sur les parties concernées et, dans la mesure du possible, d’atténuer ces répercussions au moyen d’approches flexibles permettant d’alléger de différentes façons le fardeau des petites entreprises.
  • Bien que l’orientation fournie par le Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada à cet égard ne soit pas prescriptive, les organismes de réglementation ont utilisé différentes approches, notamment le report de la mise en œuvre, la baisse de la fréquence d’application des exigences de rapport ou de certification, et l’établissement d’exigences adaptées à la situation particulière des entreprises réglementées.
  • En guise d’exemples, des approches fondées sur le risque ont été utilisées afin de réduire de façon sécuritaire la fréquence d’octroi de licences et les exigences de recyclage dans le cas des petits laboratoires travaillant sur des agents pathogènes humains à faible risque. De plus, on a adopté une approche fondée sur le risque au regard des exigences de sécurité dans les petits aéroports, de manière à tenir compte des facteurs de risque propres à ces installations de petite taille tout en maintenant une approche nationale coordonnée en matière de sécurité dans les aéroports.

Règle du « un pour un »

Règle du « un pour un »

La règle du « un pour un » a pour objet de contrôler l’augmentation du fardeau administratif que la réglementation impose aux entreprises. Conformément à cette règle, lorsque l’adoption ou la modification d’un règlement accroît le fardeau administratif des entreprises, les organismes de réglementation doivent réduire d’un montant équivalent le coût de ce fardeau. De plus, ils doivent supprimer un règlement existant chaque fois qu’ils adoptent un nouveau règlement ayant pour effet d’accroître le fardeau administratif des entreprises.

La règle s’applique à toutes les modifications réglementaires imposant de nouveaux coûts aux entreprises au regard du fardeau administratif. Il y a toutefois trois cas particuliers dans lesquels le Conseil du Trésor peut ne pas soumettre un règlement à l’application de cette règle[1] :

  • le règlement est lié à la fiscalité ou à l’administration fiscale;
  • Sa Majesté la Reine du chef du Canada n’a pas de discrétion à l’égard des exigences devant être incluses dans le règlement en raison d’obligations internationales ou juridiques, notamment l’imposition de sanctions internationales ou la mise en œuvre de décisions de la Cour suprême du Canada;
  • une situation d’urgence ou de nature unique ou exceptionnelle l’exige, notamment lorsque la conformité à cette exigence risque de nuire à la santé publique, à la sécurité publique ou à l’économie canadienne.

Résultats et observations en 2014-2015

  • La règle du « un pour un » atteint son objectif : contrôler l’accroissement du fardeau administratif découlant de la réglementation. Depuis son adoption en 2012-2013, elle a engendré un allégement du fardeau administratif de près de 24 millions de dollars, de pair avec une réduction estimée à 344 000 heures du temps à consacrer chaque année aux formalités réglementaires. Il y a aussi eu une réduction nette de 20 règlements.
  • En 2014-2015, 86 p. 100 des modifications réglementaires finales approuvées par le gouverneur en conseil et des autres modifications réglementaires publiées dans la Gazette du Canada ont donné lieu à une réduction du fardeau administratif (13 p. 100) ou, à tout le moins, n’ont pas imposé de fardeau administratif additionnel aux entreprises (73 p. 100)[2].
  • La Loi sur la réduction de la paperasse, qui donne force de loi à la règle, a reçu la sanction royale le 23 avril 2015. Le Règlement sur la réduction de la paperasse, qui a été parachevé en juillet 2015, énonce les éléments opérationnels régissant l’application de la règle.
  • Aux termes de la Loi et du Règlement, le président du Conseil du Trésor doit publier un rapport annuel sur l’application de la règle, et la Loi comporte une disposition prévoyant l’examen de la règle tous les cinq ans.
  • En conformité avec l’exigence de publier un rapport sur l’application de l’article 5 de la Loi sur la réduction de la paperasse pour 2014-2015, voici des précisions au sujet des hausses et des baisses du coût associé au fardeau administratif et du nombre de règlements modifiés ou abrogés :
    • Le fardeau administratif annuel net des entreprises a diminué d’environ 2,7 millions de dollars; 11 règlements ont eu comme effet d’accroître le fardeau de plus de 500 000 $ au total, 60 p.100  de ce montant découlant de trois nouveaux règlements et le reste, d’autres changements apportés à la réglementation (p. ex., modifications). Ce fardeau administratif additionnel a été compensé par un allégement de 3 200 000 $ dudit fardeau, allégement associé à 13 règlements. On estime que cela fera économiser 80 000 heures qui, autrement, devraient être consacrées chaque année à des formalités réglementaires. Le tableau 1 de l’annexe D contient la liste détaillée des modifications réglementaires, telles que publiées à la Partie II de la Gazette du Canada en 2014-2015, qui ont entraîné une hausse ou une baisse du fardeau administratif des entreprises aux termes de la règle du « un pour un ».
    • Dix règlements modifiés ainsi qu’un décret et deux règlements abrogés (soit 13 instruments en tout) ont allégé le fardeau administratif des entreprises. Ces changements sont présentés au tableau 1 de l’annexe D.
    • Au total, huit règlements ont été abrogés : trois ont été supprimés et cinq ont été remplacées par quatre nouveaux instruments réglementaires. Ces mesures ont donné lieu à une réduction nette d’un document en application de la règle en 2014-2015. Des précisions sur les règlements abrogés sont fournies au tableau 2 de l’annexe D.
  • En 2014-2015, le changement qui a entraîné le plus grand allégement du fardeau administratif (955 000 $) était le Règlement modifiant le Règlement du Canada sur les normes du travail. Ce changement a comme effet d’alléger le fardeau administratif des petites entreprises en facilitant le calcul du salaire au titre des congés des employés dont les heures de travail varient au quotidien ou dont le salaire est calculé autrement qu’en fonction du temps (p. ex., ventes à commission).
  • Il y a eu 30 règlements exemptés de l’application de la règle, dont 27 comportaient des obligations non discrétionnaires (p. ex., sanctions internationales), 2 avaient trait à des situations d’urgence et 1 était lié à la fiscalité ou à l’administration fiscale. Une liste détaillée est présentée au tableau 3 de l’annexe D.
  • En 2014-2015, les responsables de tous les portefeuilles de règlements ont respecté l’exigence de compenser l’accroissement du fardeau administratif ou l’adoption de nouveaux règlements dans les 24 mois. Les résultats demeurent très bons en ce qui touche le respect des exigences d’analyse et d’établissement des coûts; des améliorations seraient possibles concernant la divulgation des hypothèses servant à l’établissement des coûts, pour contribuer à la robustesse du calcul des coûts, de même que la mobilisation des parties concernées afin d’examiner et, s’il y a lieu, de remettre en question l’exactitude des calculs.
Tableau 1 – Règle du « un pour un », 2012-2013 à 2014-2015
2012–2013 2013–2014 2014–2015 Total
Combien de règlements étaient assujettis à la règle du « un pour un »? 27 36 58 121
Combien de règlements ont été exemptés de l’application de la règle? 9[3] 7 30 46
Combien de règlements ne faisaient qu’abroger d’autres règlements?[4] 4 5 4 13
Combien de règlements avaient une incidence administrative sur les entreprises? 14 24[5] 24 62
Alourdissement du fardeau administratif (millions de dollars, chiffres arrondis) 0,5 2,0 0,5 3,0
Allégement du fardeau administratif (millions de dollars, chiffres arrondis) 3,5 20,0 3,2 26,7
Réduction annuelle totale du fardeau administratif (millions de dollars, chiffres arrondis) 3,0 18,0 2,7 23,7
Nombre total d’heures de moins par année pour les entreprises (arrondi) 98 000 165 000 80 000 344 000[6]
Réduction nette du nombre de règlements 5 14 1 20

Normes de service pour les autorisations réglementaires à demande élevée

Normes de service relatives aux autorisations réglementaires à demande élevée

Les normes de service fournissent aux entreprises une indication claire du temps à prévoir normalement pour recevoir la décision d’un organisme de réglementation, de sorte qu’elles puissent tenir compte de ce délai dans leur planification. Les ministères et les organismes doivent afficher leurs normes de service et leur rendement connexe à l’égard des autorisations réglementaires à demande élevée sur leur page Web consacrée aux lois et aux règlements. Une autorisation réglementaire à demande élevée correspond à un processus de certification ou de délivrance de licence ou de permis dans le cadre duquel au moins une centaine d’opérations sont exécutées chaque année. Les normes de service s’appliquent à un large éventail de secteurs et d’activités commerciales, depuis les licences de paris hors piste jusqu’aux certificats d’inscription dans le cadre du Programme des marchandises contrôlées de Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada.

Des services prévisibles à l’égard des autorisations réglementaires à demande élevée

Les entreprises canadiennes qui importent ou vendent des produits en fibres textiles peuvent s’attendre à ce qu’Industrie Canada délivre un numéro d’identification CA (nécessaire pour l’étiquetage des produits) dans les 5 jours suivant la présentation d’une demande en ligne, ou dans les 20 jours suivant l’envoi d’une demande par la poste.

Les entreprises du secteur de l’aquaculture savent combien de temps elles devront attendre avant d’obtenir des permis pour établir de nouveaux sites ou pour modifier des sites existants. En Colombie-Britannique, Pêches et Océans Canada délivre les permis, mais l’administration provinciale et d’autres ministères fédéraux jouent un rôle dans le processus d’octroi de permis – il s’agit d’un bel exemple de prestation interministérielle et intergouvernementale de services.

Dans un délai de 6 mois, les entreprises peuvent s’attendre à ce que Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada traite les demandes électroniques présentées dans le cadre du Programme des travailleurs de métiers spécialisés (pour les personnes qui veulent devenir résidents permanents en se fondant sur le fait qu’elles sont qualifiées dans un métier spécialisé).

In addition to timeliness standards and service targets, regulators are required to establish a feedback mechanism so that Canadians can raise service issues if expectations have not been met. Providing feedback on the service that businesses receive when they apply for an authorization can help regulators improve service and recalibrate their timeliness commitments over time.

In 2014–15, regulators were required to post service standards for regulatory authorizations with more than 500 annual transactions. This threshold has been adjusted each year to gradually phase in more authorizations. In 2012–13, the threshold was 2,000 transactions, and in 2013–14 it was 1,000. In 2013–14, regulators were also required to transition their pre-existing service standards for HVRAs to the expectations outlined in the TBS guidance document Guide on Improving Service Performance for Regulatory Authorizations.

In 2014–15, for the first time, departments and agencies were also required to report service performance against the standards that were posted in spring 2013, the first year of this initiative.

User-centric service

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has created a one-stop-shop web page to help businesses find information and services related to their tax situation. The CRA’s My Business Account portal now offers the ability to submit enquiries and receive responses electronically. My Business Account portal have also been strategically placed in complex or high-interest web content to connect users with an agent. A Liaison Officer Initiative is helping businesses understand their tax affairs and "get it right from the start," and a smartphone app has been introduced to provide custom alerts for instalments, payments, returns and remittances.

2014–15 new high-volume regulatory authorizations covered by service standards: Annual transactions directly impacting business

Results and observations in 2014–15

  • Service performance was reported against all of the new timeliness standards that were established in March 2013. Performance targets were met or exceeded for 14 of the 15 new authorizations assessed for performance. In the one instance where a department did not meet its target[7], it provided a thorough explanation on its website, demonstrating openness and transparency with stakeholders, and accountability for commitments made.
  • New service standards for an additional 15 HVRAs that impact business were also posted on departmental Acts and Regulations web pages. Appendix E provides a list of these HVRAs and associated service standards posted in 2014–15.
  • Most departments met TBS guidance requirements in 2014–15 by posting their service standards by the deadline of March 31, 2015, providing a clear articulation of the service standard. They also posted information processes and requirements for obtaining the regulatory authorization, and specified a feedback mechanism that stakeholders can access if service expectations are not met.
  • There are now 197 regulatory authorizations, 147 of which have business impacts, covered by more than 400 publicly available service standards. These authorizations address a wide range of activities such as health products licensing and the permitting of import/export of natural resources and agricultural and manufactured goods.
  • The opportunity now exists for stakeholders to provide feedback to regulators through service mechanisms identified on departmental websites. Regulators can use this feedback to address issues that affect service performance, or to adapt service standards based on stakeholders’ experience.
Table 2: High-volume regulatory authorizations covered by service standards, 2012–13 to 2014–15
2012–13[8] 2013–14 2014–15 Total
Number of high-volume regulatory authorizations 15 163 19 197
Number of high-volume regulatory authorizations with business impacts 14 118 15 147
Number of timeliness service standards 24 419[9] 28 471

Forward Regulatory Plans

Forward regulatory plans

Forward regulatory plans describe anticipated regulatory changes or proposals that a department or agency intends to bring forward over a 24-month period. Federal departments and agencies make their forward regulatory plans publicly available on their Acts and Regulations web pages, giving businesses and other stakeholders a heads-up on upcoming regulations that impact them and an opportunity to engage regulators on regulatory design and plan for implementation.

The Guide on Forward Planning and Related Measures to Improve the Transparency and Predictability of the Federal Regulatory System requires that departments and agencies post the following for every regulatory initiative: a concise, plain-language description of the initiative’s objective; an indication of anticipated impacts on business; information on the intended approach to upcoming public consultations, including estimated timing; and a departmental contact in the event that a stakeholder requires additional information.

Departments have been posting annual plans for three years and have been adding mid-year updates as of 2013–14. As such, Canada now has a regularized and highly transparent forward-planning infrastructure. This disclosure of anticipated regulatory changes is of benefit to businesses, trading partners and citizens alike, and has become incorporated into how regulators do business.

However, informal feedback from some stakeholders, though positive, suggests awareness of forward regulatory plans among individual business owners is likely to be low. There may be opportunities to use targeted outreach and new technology tools to raise awareness among stakeholders of forward regulatory plans.

Results and observations in 2014–15

  • In 2014–15, 39 forward regulatory plans, with a total of 451 planned or potential initiatives for the 2015–17 time frame, were posted on departmental Acts and Regulations web pages.
  • This was the second year that departments were required to post a mid-year update to their forward plan, and nearly three-quarters did so in accordance with the fall 2014 deadline; these are similar to results in 2013–14.
  • 118 initiatives (26 per cent) of the 451 initiatives posted in 2015–17 forward plans were identified as having potential business impacts; the vast majority of these initiatives were at early stages of development and identified planned consultations.
  • Nearly three-quarters of all initiatives listed in forward plans (72 per cent) were proposed amendments to existing regulations. Repealed regulations and new regulations each accounted for 13 per cent of the posted initiatives. Since 2012–13, amendments to existing regulations have consistently made up the majority of the initiatives listed in forward plans.
  • The utility of forward regulatory plans for stakeholders can be improved if departments and agencies place greater attention on using plain language to describe the objectives of regulatory initiatives. Addressing deficiencies in this area, combined with timely posting of forward plans and mid-year updates, would help make information on forward regulatory plans more accessible to stakeholders.
Table 3: Forward regulatory plans
2013–15 2014–16 2015–17
Number of forward regulatory plans 32 40 39
Number of posted initiatives 460 455 451
Number of initiatives with anticipated business impacts 111 148 118

Interpretation Policies

Interpretation Policies

Compliance with regulations is the goal of both regulators and stakeholders; while regulators are working to design processes with business needs in mind, they also recognize the importance of providing businesses with timely clarification of what they expect, and tools to help stakeholders comply with regulatory requirements.

Interpretation policies help make regulations and compliance requirements easier to understand by outlining the commitments, practices and tools to be applied by regulators when providing Canadians and businesses with information and guidance on regulatory obligations to be met. This helps reduce administrative burden on Canadians and businesses in particular, who might otherwise expend additional time and resources to interpret regulatory requirements.

The TBS Guide for Developing and Implementing Interpretation Policies sets out the requirements and principles upon which federal departments are to design interpretation policies: predictability, service, stakeholder engagement and improvement.

Departments and agencies are required to outline their practices for responding to regulatory questions, including specifying the conditions under which federal regulators will provide written responses to questions. The policy is also to establish a service timeliness commitment for responding to stakeholders’ questions.

Federal regulators are also called upon to identify the practices and tools they use to engage stakeholders. This could include, for example, consulting Canadians and businesses on the development and review of guidance documents, new information materials, or seeking feedback on their experience using other online resources. Stakeholder feedback is also key to driving further improvements in delivering interpretation services.

For 2014–15, departments and agencies were required to post their interpretation policies on their Acts and Regulations websites, as well as FAQs for their most-accessed regulations. They were to engage stakeholders on their current interpretation practices in order to identify areas for improvement. Metrics that describe how the department or agency will monitor implementation of improvement priorities over time were also to be posted online.

Making it easier to do business with regulators

Businesses can access policies, operational instructions and agreements on Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s interpretation policy web page, including the operational manuals and bulletins that Citizenship and Immigration and Canada Border Services Agency employees consult when carrying out their duties. They can also refer to frequently asked questions (FAQs) on key regulations, including the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, the Citizenship Regulations, and the Passport and Other Travel Document Services Fees Regulations. The page also provides an email address,, where businesses can provide feedback on the available information resources and any relevant consultation opportunities.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada recently surveyed businesses and other stakeholders to solicit feedback, ideas and recommendations on its current suite of policy instruments. This information was then used to inform the development of several improvement priorities. On Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s interpretation policy web page, stakeholders can review the consultation methodology, the themes that emerged, and the improvements proposed by the department. These included a flexible client service model, greater use of electronic feedback, plain language, and use of more interactive tools such as social media and videos. Metrics for monitoring the implementation of improvement priorities are also included. For example, under its proposed flexible client service model, the department has committed to develop stakeholder outreach plans for 100 per cent of new regulatory initiatives, regulatory amendments and policy instruments.

Results and observations in 2014–15

  • All 34 required departments posted interpretation policies, with FAQs on their most-accessed regulations; 97 per cent of the organizations engaged stakeholders to identify interpretation improvement priorities in spring 2015.
  • The method of consultation varied by department/agency and included the use of emails, phone calls, third-party facilitated sessions, roundtable meetings and online consultations. In some cases, departments and agencies used existing consultation frameworks in order to efficiently engage with stakeholders on the interpretation policy initiative.
  • 85 per cent posted improvement priorities based on stakeholder feedback, and 76 per cent posted metrics to assess progress against their improvement priorities.

Administrative Burden Baseline

Administrative Burden Baseline

The Administrative Burden Baseline provides Canadians with a clear metric on the total number of requirements in federal regulations and associated forms that impose administrative burden on business. The baseline is to be updated annually, contributing to the openness and transparency of the federal regulatory system.

In fall 2014, the government-wide baseline count was posted on the TBS website, with links to departmental baseline counts that include a breakdown by regulation. The count reflects regulatory requirements and related forms as of June 30, 2014; it does not include administrative burden that may be associated with legislation or departmental programs or policies.

The guidance document Counting Administrative Burden Regulatory Requirements sets out the requirements for the Administrative Burden Baseline initiative to assist departments and agencies in undertaking their counts.

Results and observations in 2014–15

  • 38 departments and agencies[10] counted relevant administrative burden requirements in their regulations and related forms.
  • All departments and agencies posted Administrative Burden Baseline counts in 2014–15 in accordance with the required format. A departmental breakdown of these counts can be found in Appendix F.
  • In 2014–15, there were 129,860 requirements within 684 regulations and associated forms that impose administrative burden on businesses in Canada, resulting in an average of 190 requirements per regulation.


Openness and transparency contribute to robust regulatory governance. This Annual Scorecard Report provides an overview of results achieved in 2014–15 in implementing initiatives to reduce regulatory burden on business, improve service and enhance the predictability of the federal regulatory system. Moreover, it supports the Cabinet Directive on Regulatory Management’s emphasis on regulation that is accessible, understandable and responsive through engagement, transparency, accountability and public scrutiny.

Appendix A: The Regulatory Advisory Committee’s Advice to the President of the Treasury Board on The 2014–15 Scorecard Report

Deliberations of the Advisory Committee

The Regulatory Advisory Committee was established in September 2013. Committee members serving this past year are Victor Young, Corporate Director and Committee Chair; Bruce Cran, President of the Consumers’ Association of Canada; David Fung, Chairman and CEO of ACDEG Group; and Laura Jones, Executive Vice-President of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business.

The Committee provides advice to the President of Treasury Board on the Annual Scorecard Report. The first annual scorecard, for 2012–13, was published on January 28, 2014, and the second, for 2013–14, was published on January 21, 2015. Both published scorecards included the Committee’s advice to the President of the Treasury Board.

Since its establishment in 2013, the Committee has remained engaged in monitoring the progress related to the implementation of the Red Tape Reduction Action Plan. Specifically in 2015, the Committee met by teleconference on June 22, 2015, and held two in-person meetings on November 23 and 24, 2015. Both of the in-person meetings included in camera sessions of Committee members only, in the absence of government officials.

The Committee’s meetings of November 23 and 24, 2015 included consultations with representatives from several federal regulatory departments and agencies. These discussions represented a follow-up on the Committee’s important stakeholder consultation with industry, consumer and government groups held on October 2, 2014, to seek their views on the impact of reform implementation.

The Chair is in continuous communication, on behalf of the Committee, with senior Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) officials on matters related to the Committee’s operations and planning for upcoming meetings. Discussions between the Committee and TBS officials have been very open, frank and transparent. The Committee continues to be impressed with the presentations that it has received and the consultations it has undertaken. It has no doubt about the personal commitment of TBS officials to the success of the program.

Role of the Committee

The Committee’s role is limited to providing advice on red tape arising from regulation. It has been advised by TBS officials that regulatory red tape makes up a very important part of the total red tape universe. It does not, however, include other potential sources of burden that business may experience in their interaction with government resulting from government rules, policies and legislation.

In our first two reports, we recommended that government undertake to get a better understanding of how much of the burden of red tape felt by the private sector is covered by the definition of “regulatory red tape”. The ongoing lack of understanding as to what components make up the red tape universe remains an area of considerable weakness, and we repeat our recommendation that an analysis be undertaken as to what elements make up the entire red tape universe. The Red Tape Reduction Action Plan is aimed at changing the regulatory system and halting the growth of regulatory red tape. As we stated in our previous reports, “We believe that government is on a very significant journey that will require many more years of hard work. Therefore the key message is that the program is off to a good start and there is much work to be done and that red tape reduction remains a priority for government going forward. At this stage, we should not confuse significant early action with longer term results”. We should, however, take comfort that a solid foundation has been laid for future improvement and expansion.

Stakeholder Consultations

As indicated in our report last year, the Regulatory Advisory Committee hosted a stakeholder dialogue session with some 20 industry and consumer association representatives who were likely to have been directly impacted and/or highly interested in the implementation of the Red Tape Reduction Action Plan. The dialogue with industry and consumer representatives at that time provided the Regulatory Advisory Committee with a rich source of valuable insights on reform implementation. Overall, the dialogue revealed stakeholder support for the red tape reduction reforms, coupled with the view that expanding the Action Plan’s scope beyond regulation (e.g., to legislation and policy) would maximize business and economic impacts. Stakeholders noted encouraging signs of culture change in some regulatory departments and agencies and with senior public servants in particular.

Stakeholders also highlighted improved transparency among regulators but clearly noted that more needed to be done in terms of ongoing consultations. Although the reforms are still early in their implementation, many believed that more outreach by TBS is required to continue to build industry awareness of and involvement in Action Plan implementation. An example can be seen with forward regulatory plans. Although stakeholders view the introduction of forward regulatory plans as an important achievement that can make a difference for business, greater awareness of these plans would enable industry to make better use of the information that is now available.

In response to the Committee’s observations in 2014, TBS officials followed up with a subset of stakeholders that had been engaged by the Committee during its 2014 consultations. Held between May and July of 2015, these informal bilateral discussions with industry representatives reinforced the need to continue to build industry awareness of and involvement in Action Plan implementation. These discussions were either in person or by telephone and helped to underscore the opportunity to enhance engagement and collaboration in order to advance implementation and secure longer-term results.

As indicated earlier in this advice, the Committee met with various government officials in November 2015. Representatives from federal departments and agencies confirmed that the spirit and intent of the reforms are being embraced by senior public service management. Several indicated that having regulatory reform as a clear government priority was helpful to making progress. The Committee came away from the consultation with federal officials with a positive feeling that there was a full understanding of the need to reduce regulatory red tape, and these conclusions reconfirmed the results of the consultations undertaken in 2014.

The consultations also gave us a sense that there is much transformation and modernization taking place in the public service. Importantly, better service and more effective ways to serve the public better are central to many of these improvement initiatives. Red tape reduction is totally consistent with the modernization plans being undertaken. The goal of red tape reduction is seen as a complementary approach, one that encourages TBS and government departments and agencies to work together, as partners, in the drive for more efficient and effective regulatory responses that both protect and advance the public interest, while also taking into consideration the service needs and business realities of regulated parties.

Advice to the President of the Treasury Board for 2014–15

As is required by its mandate, the Regulatory Advisory Committee to the President of the Treasury Board has reviewed the third Annual Scorecard Report related to the government’s Red Tape Reduction Action Plan in 2014–15. The Committee did not perform, nor is it mandated to perform, an “audit-like” review of the scorecard. Rather, the Committee has drawn on the expertise of government officials as well as the members’ business backgrounds and experience to arrive at a general opinion on the overall fairness and reliability of The 2014–15 Scorecard Report.

In last year’s report, the Committee fully anticipated being able to confirm that the implementation of all of the reforms related to: (i) the one-for-one rule; (ii) the small business lens; (iii) forward regulatory plans; (iv) service standards for high-volume regulatory authorizations; (v) interpretation policies; and (vi) the administrative burden baseline would be firmly in place for 2014–15. This has proven to be the case.

Therefore, based on the information provided, the nature of the review undertaken and, in the overall context of the related and pertinent issues described in this report, the Advisory Committee is of the view that The 2014–15 Scorecard Report and the statements made therein (i) are reliable and fairly represent progress to date, and (ii) reflect the ongoing commitment of government to set in place a solid foundation for a meaningful process of regulatory red tape reduction for the long term.

The Committee also can confirm that, in its view, The 2014–15 Scorecard Report reflects a period of continued achievement. In particular, this past year was critical to making progress toward the objective of embedding the understanding of the importance of red tape reduction into the culture of government departments and agencies.

Opportunity to Expand Red Tape Reduction

As stated above, the embedding of ongoing stakeholder consultations into a culture of broad-based red tape reduction is a crucial element to ensuring that the program is successful and ultimately makes a positive difference in the lives of all Canadians. The Committee intends to continue to monitor progress on all issues addressed in this report, including the ongoing development of meaningful metrics while recognizing that the posting of the new Administrative Burden Baseline, for the first time in 2015, represents a good beginning. Also, we will want to see clear evidence that the Action Plan is making a difference on the ground and is lightening the load on businesses, institutions and individuals.

The Committee wants to reiterate that the red tape reduction program is all about reducing waste; improving productivity; and improving the economy while protecting health, safety, security and the environment. It is also about working together to make regulatory red tape reduction a normal part of doing business in government. The ultimate success of this program, therefore, will be when red tape reduction loses its status as a special program requiring special attention and simply becomes an accepted part of doing business as usual. This will take time and continued focus.

The Committee sees the success of the first three years of the program as building a strong foundation for the future. As the program moves forward, the most significant challenge and opportunity remains the expansion of the definition of the red tape universe to include other government rules, legislation and policies that impede the efficiency of the private sector and small business. This has been a theme of the Committee’s first two reports and, with a solid foundation in place on the regulatory side, it is now a natural progression to identify and capture additional rules and policies under a more comprehensive red tape reduction program.

A broader program of red tape reduction could enable the government to address unnecessary red tape in regulation and legislation alike, as both can impose legally binding obligations and associated administrative burden on business. Similarly, the approach could incorporate red tape arising from other instruments, including policies (e.g., procurement) and other sources of inefficiency and business frustration, including those arising from the administration of government programs (e.g., grants and contributions) and services.

The Committee recognizes that great progress has been made in addressing regulatory red tape over the past three years. For government, the challenge is to move to an expanded program beyond the current focus on administrative burden arising from regulations in order to elevate the Action Plan to the next level and to make it one that truly can be classified as meaningful, comprehensive and best in class. The alternative is to stand still and be satisfied with the restrictive ability to reduce red tape based on the current regulatory focus. The Committee’s priority advice to the President of Treasury Board, therefore, is that government seriously review and pursue all opportunities for the implementation of a more comprehensive Red Tape Reduction Action Plan. This is the big red tape reduction challenge for 2015–16 and beyond.

Original signed by:

Victor Young, Corporate Director and Committee Chair

David Fung, Chairman and CEO, ACDEG Group

Bruce Cran, President, Consumers' Association of Canada

Laura Jones, Executive Vice-President, Canadian Federation of Independent Business

Appendix B: Summary of 2014–15 Assessment Results by Portfolio/Entity

Scorecard Methodology

The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat has produced this report based on assessments of progress made by departments and agencies in implementing systemic reforms in the 2014–15 fiscal year. These assessments are intended to drive compliance with requirements of the Cabinet Directive on Regulatory Management. It has also been reviewed by the external Regulatory Advisory Committee.

Through these assessments, 25 regulatory portfolios and portfolio entities received a rating that summarizes their progress for each applicable systemic reform initiative. Portfolios are provided with an opportunity to implement corrective actions for a given systemic reform in advance of being assigned a final rating.

Reform Rating Explanation

= Full compliance demonstrated for most or all reform commitments and guidance requirements

= Generally in compliance with reform commitments and guidance requirements; minor corrective actions are required

= Some compliance demonstrated with reform commitments and guidance requirements; moderate corrective actions are required

= Significant compliance issues evident with reform commitments and guidance requirements; major corrective actions are required

= Inadequate compliance demonstrated with reform commitments and guidance requirements

Table 1 shows the 2014–15 ratings assigned to the 25 portfolios assessed for each applicable systemic reform. A rating of “N/A” is given if a department did not submit a regulation in 2014–15 that was identified as having implications under the specific reform (e.g., the one-for-one rule) or if the organization was beyond the scope of assessment.

Table 1: Reform ratings for 2014– 15
Regulatory Portfolio/Entity Assessed One-for-One Rule Small Business Lens Forward Regulatory Plan Service Standards Administrative Burden Baseline Interpretation Policies
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Portfolio N/A
Agriculture and Agri-Food Portfolio N/A N/A
Canadian Heritage N/A N/A
Public Service Commission of Canada*[11] N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Citizenship and Immigration Canada N/A N/A
Canada Revenue Agency N/A N/A N/A
Environment Canada
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency[11] N/A N/A N/A
Parks Canada[11] N/A
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada N/A N/A
Department of Justice Canada N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Finance Portfolio N/A N/A
Fisheries and Oceans Canada N/A N/A
Health Portfolio
Canadian Food Inspection Agency[11][12]
Employment and Social Development Portfolio
Industry Portfolio N/A
Natural Resources Portfolio N/A N/A
Public Safety Portfolio N/A
Public Works and Government Services Canada N/A
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat N/A N/A N/A N/A
Transport Canada[13] N/A
Atlantic Pilotage Authority Canada[11] N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Canadian Transportation Agency[11] N/A N/A
Veterans Affairs Canada N/A N/A N/A N/A

Appendix C: Small Business Lens

Table 1: Final regulatory changes that applied the small business lens approved by the Governor in Council and published in the Canada Gazette, Part II, in 2014–15
Final Regulations Assessed Agency/ Department Initial Option Cost ($) Flexible Option ($) Cost of Option Implemented ($) Estimated Annualized Costs Avoided ($)
Regulations Amending the Maple Products Regulations Canadian Food Inspection Agency 148,090 115,710 115,710 32,380
Human Pathogens and Toxins Regulations Health Canada 98,150 81,910 81,910 16,240
Regulations Amending the Food and Drug Regulations (Mechanically Tenderized Beef) Health Canada Not estimated[14] Not estimated Not estimated 0
Regulations Amending the Weights and Measures Regulations Industry Canada 4,620,984 2,385,664 2,385,664 2,235,320
Regulations Amending the Canadian Aviation Security Regulations, 2012 (Airport Security Programs) Transport Canada 1,870,440 274,945 274,945 1,595,495
Railway Safety Management Systems Regulations, 2015 Transport Canada 298,151 154,838 154,838 143,313
Order Amending Schedule 1 to the Species at Risk Act (tri-coloured bats) Environment Canada 920 Not estimated[15] 920 0
Totals - 7,036,735 - 3,013,987 4,022,748
Table 2: Regulatory proposals assessed with the small business lens and published only in the Canada Gazette, Part I, in 2014–15
Regulation Name Agency/Department
Multi-Sector Air Pollutants Regulations Environment Canada
Order Amending the Schedule to the Tobacco Act Health Canada
Regulations Amending the On Board Trains Occupational Safety and Health Regulations Employment and Social Development Canada

Appendix D: One-for-One Rule

Table 1: Final regulatory changes with administrative burden implications under the one-for-one rule published in the Canada Gazette, Part II, in 2014–15
Portfolio Regulation Publication Date Net In ($) Net Out ($)
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada Northwest Territories Mining Regulations[16] April 9, 2014 - 618,962
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Regulations Amending the Seeds Regulations (variety regulations) June 4, 2014 - 109,515
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Regulations Amending the Maple Products Regulations (grade standards) December 31, 2014 41,495 -
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Regulations Amending Certain Canadian Food Inspection Agency Regulations (Miscellaneous Program) March 11, 2015 - 0[17]
Environment Canada Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations[18] July 30, 2014 - 130
Environment Canada Order Amending Schedule 1 to the Canada National Parks Act August 13, 2014 29 -
Environment Canada Regulations Amending the Passenger Automobile and Light Truck Greenhouse Gas Emission Regulations October 8, 2014 - 59,190
Environment Canada Products Containing Mercury Regulations November 19, 2014 91,500 -
Environment Canada Order Declaring That the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Coal-Fired Generation of Electricity Regulations Do Not Apply in Nova Scotia December 3, 2014 - 120
Environment Canada Order Amending Schedule 1 to the Species at Risk Act December 17, 2014 741 -
Health Canada Regulations Amending the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990 July 2, 2014 - 55,538
Health Canada Human Pathogens and Toxins Regulations March 11, 2015 230,000 -
Employment and Social Development Canada Regulations Amending the Canada Labour Standards Regulations December 31, 2014 - 955,027
Public Safety Canada Regulations Amending the Accounting for Imported Goods and Payment of Duties Regulations December 3, 2014 - 688,221
Public Works and Government Services Canada Regulations Amending the Schedule to the Defence Production Act June 4, 2014 - 710,047
Transport Canada Regulations Amending the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (Update of Standards) July 2, 2014 - 27,613
Transport Canada Regulations Amending the Canadian Aviation Security Regulations, 2012 (Airport Security Programs) July 2, 2014 198 -
Transport Canada Regulations Amending the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (Part 4, Dangerous Goods Safety Marks) July 2, 2014 - 6,500
Transport Canada Regulations Amending the Marine Transportation Security Regulations July 2, 2014 13,500 -
Transport Canada Regulations Amending the Transportation Information Regulations August 13, 2014 3,313 -
Transport Canada Railway Operating Certificate Regulations November 19, 2014 221 -
Transport Canada Regulations Amending the Transportation Information Regulations December 17, 2014 148,717 -
Transport Canada Regulations Amending the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (Lithium Metal Batteries, ERAPs and Updates to Schedules) December 31, 2014 - 2,920
Transport Canada Railway Safety Management System Regulations, 2015 February 25, 2014 255 -
Total 529,969 3,233,783
Table 2: New regulatory titles and repealed regulations in 2014–15
Portfolio Regulation Net Impact on Regulatory Stock
New regulatory titles with administrative burden
Environment Canada Products Containing Mercury Regulations 1
Health Canada Human Pathogens and Toxins Regulations 1
Transport Canada Railway Operating Certificate Regulations 1
Subtotal 3
Repealed regulations
Environment Canada Federal Mobile PCB Treatment and Destruction Regulations (SOR/90-5) (1)
Health Canada Human Pathogens Importation Regulations (SOR/94-558) (1)
Transport Canada Laurentian Pilotage Authority District No. 3 Regulations (SOR/87-58) (1)
Subtotal (3)
New regulations that simultaneously repealed and replaced existing regulations[19]
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada The Northwest Territories Mining Regulations[20], replace the Northwest Territories and Nunavut Mining Regulations (SOR/2007-273). 0
Environment Canada The Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations replace the Regulations Respecting Applications for Permits for Disposal at Sea (SOR/2001-276). 0
Transport Canada The Railway Safety Management System Regulations, 2015 replace the Railway Safety Management System Regulations (SOR 2001-37). 0
Health Canada The Hazardous Products Regulations replace the Controlled Products Regulations (SOR 88-66) and the Ingredient Disclosure List (SOR/88-64). (1)
Subtotal (1)
Total net impact on regulatory stock for 2014–15 (1)
Table 3: Regulatory changes exempted from the one-for-one rule and published in the Canada Gazette, Part II, in 2014–15
Portfolio Regulation Publication Date Regulation Type Exemption Type
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations April 9, 2014 New regulation Emergency / crisis situation
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Special Economic Measures (Russia) Permit Authorization Order April 9, 2014 New regulation Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Special Economic Measures (Ukraine) Regulations April 9, 2014 New regulation Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Special Economic Measures (Ukraine) Permit Authorization Order April 9, 2014 New regulation Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations April 9, 2014 Regulatory amendment Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Ukraine) Regulations April 9, 2014 Regulatory amendment Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations April 9, 2014 Regulatory amendment Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Ukraine) Regulations April 23, 2014 Regulatory amendment Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations May 7, 2014 Regulatory amendment Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations May 21, 2014 Regulatory amendment Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations May 21, 2014 Regulatory amendment Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Ukraine) Regulations May 21, 2014 Regulatory amendment Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Regulations Implementing the United Nations Resolutions on the Central African Republic July 2, 2014 New regulation Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations July 2, 2014 Regulatory amendment Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Ukraine) Regulations July 2, 2014 Regulatory amendment Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Ukraine) Regulations July 30, 2014 Regulatory amendment Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Ukraine) Regulations August 13, 2014 Regulatory amendment Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations August 13, 2014 Regulatory amendment Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations August 27, 2014 Regulatory amendment Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Ukraine) Regulations August 27, 2014 Regulatory amendment Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations October 8, 2014 Regulatory amendment Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Regulations Implementing the United Nations Resolution on Yemen October 8, 2014 Regulatory amendment Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Special Economic Measures (South Sudan) Regulations November 5, 2014 New regulation Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Special Economic Measures (South Sudan) Permit Authorization Order November 5, 2014 New regulation Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations December 31, 2014 Regulatory amendment Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Ukraine) Regulations December 31, 2014 Regulatory amendment Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations March 11, 2015 Regulatory amendment Non-discretionary obligations
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Ukraine) Regulations March 11, 2015 Regulatory amendment Non-discretionary obligations
Public Safety Canada Regulations Amending the Proof of Origin of Imported Goods Regulations November 5, 2014 Regulatory amendment Tax or tax administration
Transport Canada Grade Crossings Regulations December 17, 2014 New regulation Emergency / crisis situation

Appendix E: Service Standards for High-Volume Regulatory Authorizations

Table 1: New high-volume regulatory authorizations governed by service standards in 2014–15
Department/Entity Name of Authorization Number of Service Standards Number of Annual Transactions Impacts Business
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada Applications to Record Mineral Claims on Crown Lands in Nunavut 1 439 Yes
Applications for Permits to Prospect on Crown Lands in Nunavut[21] 1 25 Yes
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Betting Theatre Licence (Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency) 1 200 Yes
Citizenship and Immigration Canada Electronic applications under Skilled Trades Program (received as of January 1, 2015 via Express Entry) 1 +100 No
Canadian Transportation Agency Code Share and Wet Lease Authorities 1 133 Yes
Employment and Social Development Canada Labour Market Impact Assessments Under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program 1 +100 Yes
Fisheries and Oceans Canada British Columbia Aquaculture Regulatory Program 5 +100 Yes
Temporary (In Season) Quota Transfers: Midshore and Offshore Groundfish and Offshore Northern Shrimp 1 +300 Yes
Introductions and Transfers Program – Licences Issued Under Section 56 of the Fishery (General) Regulations (FGR) 4 +700 Yes
Industry Canada CA Identification Number 2 +100 Yes
Public Safety Canada Authorizations to Transport Restricted and Prohibited Firearms (ATT) (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) 1 +100 No
Firearms Licensing (Individuals) (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) 1 +100 No
Vulnerable Sector Checks (Individuals) (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) 1 +100 No
Health Canada Dealer’s Licence for Controlled Substances 1 686 Yes
New Industrial Hemp Licences 1 1,393 Yes
Natural Resources Canada Security Screening Approval (Explosives Regulations, 2013, Natural Resources Canada) 1 600 Yes
Transport Licence Application (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission) 2 216 Yes
Public Works and Government Services Canada Controlled Goods Program (visitor exemption certificates) 1 1,948 Yes
Controlled Goods Program (security assessments) 1 2,792 Yes
Controlled Goods Program (temporary worker exemptions) 1 363 Yes
Table 2: 2014–15 performance reporting against new service standards for high-volume regulatory authorizations posted in March 2013
Department/Entity Name of Authorization Service Standard Performance Target Result Estimated Number of Transactions
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada Lands-Related Permits on Indian Lands Review, execute and register complete permit applications that meet all requirements within 15 business days. 80% 94% 400
Agriculture and Agri-food Canada: Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency Inter-Track Betting and Foreign Race Inter-Track Betting Successful applicants will receive their domestic and foreign inter-track betting authorization from the Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency within 7 business days of receipt of a complete and accurate application. 99% 99% 3,500
Canadian Heritage Canadian Audio-Visual Certification Office (tax credit application) The Canadian Audio-Visual Certification Office is committed to issuing Canadian Film or Video Production Certificates for tax credit applications within 90 to 120 days from receipt of a complete application. 85% 88% 2,400
The Canadian Audio-Visual Certification Office is committed to issuing Accredited Film or Video Production Certificates for tax credit applications within 90 to 120 days from receipt of a complete application. 85% 95%
Certification of Cultural Property for Income Tax Purposes The service standard for certification of cultural property is four months after the published deadline for each Review Board meeting. 80% 90% 600
Environment Canada Permits Under the Export and Import of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Material Regulations (EIHWHRMR) The administrative review process will be completed within 60 days for shipments of wastes or materials to or from the United States, and materials to or from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries. 70% 64% 4,500
Finance Canada: Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Approval to release assets vested in trust and/or vest a non-schedule “A” asset (Form 298) Decision will be provided on a Form 298 request within three business days. Where requests require additional information from the financial institution and involve further analysis, our decision may take longer. 80% 99% 300
Fisheries and Oceans Canada Catch Certification for Exporters of Fish and Seafood Products to Meet International Regulatory Requirements (eg. European Union Council Regulation no. 1005/2008) Registration requests will be responded to within 10 business days. 90% 100% 15,000
Grouping requests will be responded to within 10 business days. 90% 99.54%
Priority catch certificates (fresh and/or exported on application date) will be issued within 2 hours. 90% 94.75%
Catch certificates (processed products exported after application date) will be issued within 48 hours. 90% 99.94%
Fax or mail requests will be responded to within 14 business days. 90% 100%
Certification for Canadian Exporters of Aquatic Species regarding the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna (CITES) Telephone and email inquiries will be responded to within 2 hours. 90% 100% 257
CITES Permit will be issued within 40 calendar days, starting on the day the application is received. 90% 98.79%
Health Canada (including the Public Health Agency of Canada) Import/Export Permits for Controlled Substances The Office of Controlled Substances (OCS) commits to a service standard of 30 business days from the date an application is deemed complete by the OCS to the date a decision is issued to the applicant (permit sent/application refused). 90% 96% 4,000
Laboratory Biosafety and Biosecurity (Permit to Import Human Pathogen(s)) The Public Health Agency of Canada commits to a service delivery standard of 20 business days for the issuance of a permit to import human and/or terrestrial animal pathogen(s) from the receipt of a complete application and any additional information or documents requested. Processing times may take longer for incomplete permit applications, emerging pathogens or any with unknown risk group classifications. 80% 96.60% 1,100
Industry Canada Radio Operator Certificates Applications for the issuance of a new Amateur Radio Operator Certificate will be processed within 4 weeks. 90% 97.3% 15,000
Applications for the issuance of a new Professional Radio Operator Certificate (class GOC, ROC-MC or ROC-A) will be processed within 4 weeks. 90% 99.5%
Parks Canada Overweight Vehicle Permits Successful applicants will receive their permit or a reason for its denial within 48 hours. 90% 100% 200
Public Safety Canada Carrier Code Application Process The Canada Border Services Agency will strive to issue a carrier code to those who meet carrier code eligibility requirements within 3 business days. 85% 99.25% 3,000
Natural Resources Canada Licence Application for Nuclear Substances and Radiation Devices Licence application for nuclear substances and radiation devices: screen the licence application for completeness and issue a notification that the application is or is not ready for technical assessment, within 20 business days. 90% 90% 1,540
Licence application for nuclear substances and radiation devices: conduct a technical assessment and issue a licensing decision within 80 business days of receipt of an application deemed complete by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. 80% 95%
Licence Application for Class II Nuclear Facilities and Prescribed Equipment (licences and certifications)[22] Licence application for Class II nuclear facilities and prescribed equipment: screen the licence application for completeness and issue a notification that the application is or is not ready for technical assessment, within 20 business days. 90% 95%
Licence application for Class II nuclear facilities and prescribed equipment: conduct a technical assessment and issue a licensing decision within 80 business days of receipt of an application deemed complete by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. 80% 92%

Appendix F: Administrative Burden Baseline

The figures in Table 1 represent the number of federal requirements in regulations and related forms that impose administrative burden on businesses in Canada, by regulatory department/agency for the period July 1, 2013, to June 30, 2014. It does not include administrative burden that may be associated with legislation or departmental programs or policies.[23]

Table 1: Regulatory administrative burden requirements posted in 2014–15 (by regulator)
Department/Agency Number of Regulations Number of Requirements Average
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada 12 288 24.0
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 4 134 33.5
Canada Border Services Agency 30 1,426 47.5
Canada Revenue Agency 30 1,776 59.2
Canadian Dairy Commission (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada) 2 4 2.0
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 1 89 89.0
Canadian Food Inspection Agency 34 10,989 323.2
Canadian Grain Commission (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada) 1 1,056 1,056.0
Canadian Heritage 3 797 265.7
Canadian Intellectual Property Office (Industry Canada) 6 569 94.8
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 10 8,169 816.9
Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada) 2 731 365.5
Canadian Transportation Agency 7 545 77.9
Citizenship and Immigration Canada 1 14 14.0
Competition Bureau (Industry Canada) 3 444 148.0
Copyright Board of Canada 1 16 16.0
Department of Finance Canada 42 1,818 43.3
Employment and Social Development Canada 7 2,791 398.7
Environment Canada 53 9,985 188.4
Farm Products Council of Canada (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada) 3 47 15.7
Fisheries and Oceans Canada 30 5,350 178.3
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada 55 2,809 51.1
Health Canada 95 15,649 164.7
Industry Canada 8 1,693 211.6
Labour Program (Employment and Social Development Canada) 32 21,468 670.9
Measurement Canada (Industry Canada) 2 335 167.5
National Energy Board 14 1,298 92.7
Natural Resources Canada 28 4,507 161.0
Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (Industry Canada) 4 799 199.8
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (Department of Finance Canada) 33 2,875 87.1
Parks Canada 25 773 30.9
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board 1 59 59.0
Public Health Agency of Canada 2 42 21.0
Public Safety Canada 6 229 38.2
Public Works and Government Services Canada 1 388 388.0
Statistics Canada 1 157 157.0
Transport Canada 94 29,695 315.9
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat 1 46 46.0
Grand total 684 129,860 189.9


  1. À l'alinéa 7e) de la Loi sur la réduction de la paperasse et à l'article 6 du Règlement sur la réduction de la paperasse, on utilise le mot « exempter », alors que l'on retrouvait le terme « exclure » dans les fiches d'évaluation précédentes. C'est la terminologie que l'on retrouve dans la Loi et dans le Règlement qui est utilisée dans le présent document.
  2. Il y a 328 règlements finals; les pourcentages indiqués sont calculés en fonction des 291 règlements visés par la règle.
  3. Dans les deux fiches d’évaluation précédentes, on indiquait que huit règlements avaient été exclus (exemptés) de l’application de la règle en 2012-2013. Une analyse ultérieure a montré qu’un règlement avait été omis, soit le Règlement modifiant le Règlement de l’impôt sur le revenu (partie XLIX — placements admissibles) (DORS/2012-270), d’où cette mention de neuf règlements dans le présent document.
  4. Il s’agit de règlements abrogeant d’autres règlements, de sorte qu’ils n’engendrent pas de fardeau administratif additionnel dans l’optique de la règle du « un pour un ».
  5. Dans la Fiche d’évaluation de 2013-2014, on indiquait que 23 règlements avaient eu une incidence administrative sur les entreprises au cours de l’exercice. Une note de bas de tableau précisait que l’un des instruments réglementaires comportait deux règlements, de sorte que le total était de 24 règlements. Les chiffres pour 2013­-2014 sont donc ajustés en conséquence ici.
  6. Avant l’arrondissement, les chiffres étaient de 98 192 heures en 2012-2013, de 165 218 heures en 2013-2014 et de 80 288 heures en 2014-2015. Le total pour ces trois exercices est de 343 698 heures.
  7. Environment Canada demonstrated a best practice by explaining the unique circumstances affecting its 2013–14 result against the service standard for the issuance of export permits under the Export and Import of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Materials Regulations. The service standard is to complete the authorization within 60 days, 70 per cent of the time. This involves completing the review of applications and issuing a permit if appropriate. Exporters and importers provide specific information and, in the case of export permits, the department must secure approval from the receiving jurisdiction. In 2013–14, the US government shutdown affected Environment Canada's performance because 98 per cent of exports of hazardous waste and hazardous recyclable materials are sent to the United States. The department's performance result was 64 per cent, and it noted that if export permits had been removed from the assessment, the result would have been 79 per cent. Of note, in 2014–15 the department achieved a result of 76 per cent against this service standard.
  8. In The 2012–13 Scorecard Report, it was reported that there were 24 HVRAs governed by service standards, 19 of which were new. Since that time, departments and agencies (i.e., Citizenship and Immigration Canada; the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission; and Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada) have updated some of these authorizations and service standards on their web pages. Moreover, one HVRA reported in 2012–13 (Transport Canada’s Defect Investigations and Recalls) was determined in 2014–15 to not have been an HVRA. In order to present an updated three-year count of all HVRAs and associated service standards in this Scorecard Report, a full recount was conducted. Updated figures are presented accordingly in this report.
  9. The figures for 2013–14 are significantly higher than for the first and third years of implementation because departments were to bring all existing high-volume authorization service standards into line with posting requirements based on TBS expectations for this reform area.
  10. The document Counting Administrative Burden Regulatory Requirements specified 36 federal entities required to establish administrative baseline counts and to update them annually. Though it appears separately in the list of 36 organizations specified in the guidance, Indian Oil and Gas Canada's baseline count was included in Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development's count. In addition, three organizations (the Canadian Dairy Commission, Measurement Canada and the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada) posted counts separately from their portfolios.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Denotes a Government of Canada institution that was assessed separately from its governing organization and assigned its own rating at the request of the pertinent minister.
  12. Although the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has previously posted service standards associated with many of its high-volume regulatory authorizations, it received a "red" rating as it was not in a position to post additional service standards this year. The CFIA is currently engaged in an ambitious, long-term initiative to modernize the way it does business, including a comprehensive review of its user fee structure and service standards. As the review of its user fee structure progresses, the CFIA will be in a better position to post and report against modernized service standards that better reflect its revised service environment.
  13. Transport Canada posted its new two-year plan and mid-year update after the deadlines stipulated in guidance. In addition, some of the posted initiatives were missing required information concerning the anticipated timing of consultations. The new forward regulatory plan for Transport Canada was posted and updated on May 22, 2015.
  14. This regulatory proposal considered the development of a flexible option that would have delayed implementation by six months beyond the proposed three months. However, this was not pursued, as explained in the Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement, due to health and safety concerns. While costing of a flexible option was not provided, the assessment of the small business lens noted this as an area for improvement.
  15. An estimate of the cost of a flexible option was not provided by the regulator, as the amendment served to add the species to a Schedule to the Species at Risk Act, with the action to be undertaken set out in the enabling legislation and not subject to modification through a flexible option.
  16. The Northwest Territories and Nunavut Mining Regulations were repealed, and two separate regulations (the Nunavut Mining Regulations and the Northwest Territories Mining Regulations) were introduced, which led to a net reduction in administrative burden of nearly $619,000.
  17. The Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement (RIAS) for this miscellaneous amendment reported that the one-for-one rule applies to the amendment to section 135.1 of the Health of Animals Regulations. This removes a reporting requirement for industry that if triggered would impose associated administrative costs. As this requirement has never been triggered, it has never been reported on or enforced. Any associated administrative costs for industry to report are multiplied by zero occurrences per year, and therefore the RIAS net cost/relief was reported as $0.
  18. This ministerial (non-GIC) regulation repealed the Regulations Respecting Applications for Permits for Disposal at Sea.
  19. There are some regulatory changes that result in the simultaneous introduction of new regulations and the elimination of one or more other regulatory titles ("repeal and replace”). When a new regulation repeals one title, there is no net change in the number of regulations. However, if the new regulation repeals more than one title, there is a net reduction. For instance, the Hazardous Products Regulations replaced two repealed regulations, resulting in a net reduction of one regulation.
  20. Repealed and replaced the Northwest Territories and Nunavut Mining Regulations (SOR/2007-273). The Nunavut Mining Regulations (which did not trigger the one-for-one rule, as it did not create new administrative burden) were introduced simultaneously, and together with the new Northwest Territories Mining Regulations led to a net reduction of administrative burden of nearly $619,000.
  21. The Applications for Permits to Prospect on Crown Lands in Nunavut is not a high-volume regulatory authorization, as the estimated number of annual transactions is less than 100. However, because it was posted by the department, it was included in the 2014–15 assessment process.
  22. This authorization was originally counted as four separate authorizations in 2012–13. However, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission now presents this as one authorization.
  23. For example, businesses are required to complete surveys such as the Annual Retail Trade Survey, the Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, and the Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours, which are mandated under the Statistics Act. As the requirements in these surveys do not stem from the Corporate Returns Regulations, the only regulation administered by Statistics Canada, they are not captured under Statistics Canada's Administrative Burden Baseline count.