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FAQ - General
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I need to evaluate a migrated record that has a 667 note « CETTE NOTICE VERSÉE EN LOT DOIT ÊTRE ÉVALUÉE AVANT D'ÊTRE UTILISÉE, POUR S'ASSURER QU'ELLE RÉPONDE AUX NORMES DU PFAN ». 1XX should be modified to a $XX field according to PFAN practices. What value should I use in 4XX $w/2?
Canadiana is a national authority file and any record that has been added to it is considered part of it, even if it has not been evaluated. The appropriate value is therefore "e" (Established form of the earlier heading (National Authority File)).
What if the record has a 670 added at the CIP stage and I need to add information from the same work after it is published? Should I add another 670 or add the information to the existing 670?
The information must be added to the existing 670 field.
Example :
670 current | Mon labo dans un pot Mason, 2020 : $b formulaire du CIP de BAC (Jonathan Adolph; non-Canadien)
670 modified | Mon labo dans un pot Mason, 2020 : $b formulaire du CIP de BAC (Jonathan Adolph; non-Canadien) page de titre (Jonathan Adolph) quatrième de couverture (concepteur d'activités scientifiques pour le magazine FamilyFun et professeur de journalisme)
When "CIP" appears without further specification in subfield $a, this should be entered as a location in subfield $b with the name of the entity in field 1XX as the information found in parentheses. Record personal names in direct order.
Example :
Record before modification | 100 1# Bédard, Brigitte, $d 1968-
670 ## Et tu vas danser ta vie, 2015. CIP. |
Record after modification | 100 1# Bédard, Brigitte, $d 1968-
670 ## Et tu vas danser ta vie, 2015 : $b CIP (Brigitte Bédard) page de titre (Brigitte Bédard) page 4 de la couverture (née à Montréal; journaliste indépendante; écrit régulièrement pour le magazine catholique Le Verbe)
I need to modify a record locked by another participant, what can I do?
In Record Manager, when creating a new authority record, or when modifying an existing record, you may save the record in the “In Progress” file, in order to continue working on the record without immediately replacing the master record in Canadiana.
If you save your record in the In Progress file without locking the master record, any other contributor may modify the master record in Canadiana; if that happens, you will no longer be able to replace the master record by your own version of the record. Therefore, you risk losing the work you have done. Of course, it will always be possible to copy and paste each field individually from your In Progress record to the master record, but this is time-consuming, and additional information, as well as additional fields, may have been added to the master record by the other cataloguer, which represents a collective duplication of searching and typing efforts.
If you save and lock your record in the In Progress file, you will avoid these issues, as this will prevent all other contributors from modifying the record. Please note that a record will remain locked for 90 days, unless you unlock it yourself or replace it. After 90 days, the record will automatically unlock, unless you extend that duration by saving the record again in the In Progress file.
Records may remain in the In Progress file as long as work isn’t finished, but they may be forgotten there, being therefore uselessly inaccessible to other institutions.
IMPORTANT: Should a PFAN member need to work on a locked record, she/he should forward the following message to the PFAN discussion list, to alert members.
Message adressé aux personnes répondantes des institutions du PFAN.
Nous avons besoin de modifier la notice suivante : [Control number]
Est-ce que l’institution ayant verrouillé la notice peut nous contacter lorsqu’elle sera déverrouillée ?
Merci à tous.
[This message is not meant to put pressure on the institution working on a record, but simply to avoid having authority records remaining locked for no valid reason.]
Last update: 2021-06-29