PFAN - Rules for contribution

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General Rules for Contributions

  1. The file contains descriptions of persons, families, corporate bodies, geographical entities, works and expressions.
  2. Participating libraries contribute to the file by establishing authorities generated in the course of their cataloguing activities. However, participating libraries are not obligated to establish an authority record for each access point included in a bibliographic record nor all the authority records related to a particular access point except in the following cases:
  1. All bodies that are part of an established hierarchy; e.g., when establishing a body that is entered subordinately to its parent body, if a name authority record for the parent body is not present in the authority file, it must be established and contributed as well.
  2. All bodies referred through in cross-references; e.g., if an authorized access point is entered independently and a variant access point is given through a higher body, the higher body needs to be represented in the authority file as well; this may mean that the library will need to create an additional name authority record in addition to the one the library needs to use in its catalogue.
  3. All personal and corporate names used in see also references (5XXs); e.g., when establishing a name for an author who uses a pseudonym, or an access point representing an earlier or later name of a corporate body, the library will need to connect the access points by means of see-also references. In order to avoid blind references, the participant will need to make sure that the corresponding authorized access point is established.
  4. All access points under which preferred titles are established; e.g., if an author-title record with the conventional collective title Works is entered under an author who is not established in the authority file, a name authority record for the author must be contributed as well.
  5. Although participating libraries are not required to contribute name-titles authority records, if one is contributed, all eligible elements must be represented in the authority file.
  1. The file does not contain duplicates. Participating libraries must ensure that an authority record does not already exist before creating a new one. Consequently, participating libraries must update an existing authority record rather than create a new one when they wish to include additional information about the entity represented by the record (for example, a birth date).
  2. When an authority contains coding which indicates that it is not RDA compliant (008/10 (Descriptive cataloging rules) containing a value other than z and no 040 $e "rda") is revised, the access points it contains must be revised, if necessary, to comply with RDA and the coding in fields 008 and 040 modified accordingly.
  3. The authorities must be formulated in MARC21 according to RDA and follow the options indicated in the LC-PCC PS, the LAC-BAnQ policy statements and other policies established by the Standards Committee.
  1. A name authority record must contain the following elements:
  1. the authorized access point (MARC field 1XX);
  2. the sources used to justify the authorized access point, including additions that are part of the authorized access point, variant forms of the access point and certain identification elements (MARC field 670);
  3. the cross-references leading to the authorized access point from variant access points (MARC field 4XX) or from related access points (MARC field 5XX) if appropriate.
  4. control data and the content designation for proper identification and manipulation of the data.

An authority record may contain :

  1. additional information, recorded in fixed fields (008) and in note fields of the authority record (MARC fields 667, 675 ou 678);
  2. optional MARC fields such as fields 046 et 3XX;
  3. equivalent access points in the MARC 7XX linking fields.


Last Update: 2019-05-23

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Mandatory MARC Fields

MARC Field Note
Leader Supplied by WMS
003 Supplied by WMS
008 Code completely
040 Supplied by WMS
046 $f $g Supply the birth date (9.3.2) and death date (9.3.3.) if they are known but not included in the authorized access point
368 $c Supply another designation associated with a person (9.6) when it is not included in the authorized access point for:
  • a person named in a sacred text or in an apocryphal book
  • a fictitious or legendary person
  • a real non-human entity
4XX Supply if necessary
500 Supply for different identities
510 Supply for sequential relationships between corporate bodies other than conferences, only to immediately preceeding or succeeding entities (establish relationships between conferences only in records for authorized corporate access points)
663 Supply for individuals who have three different identities or more
667 Supply for certain situations explained in Name Authority Manual, 667 and in other guidelines
670 Supply to cite the catalogued resource and to justify the authorized access point, including additions that are part of the authorized access point, variant access points and certain identification elements
675 Supply to cite the catalogued resource when the resource does not supply any information

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Core RDA Elements for PFAN

(combination of core RDA elements and "core if" RDA elements with additional elements)

Version: January 2021

Explanation of symbols in this table:

"Element" Column: • A plus sign (+) identifies additional elements chosen by PFAN as core elements in records, with specified conditions, in addition to core RDA elements and "core if" RDA elements.
FRBR Column:
FRBR/FRAD Entities: C = Corporate Body (collectivité)

E = Expression

F = Family (famille)

O = Work (œuvre)

L = Place (lieu)

P = Person (personne)

Element RDA No FRBR Decision with restrictions, if applicable MARC coding
Status of identification + 5.7 Yes 008/33
Source consulted + 5.8 Yes 670, 675
Cataloguer's note + 5.9 Yes in certain situation explained in the Name Authority Manual, 667 and in other guidelines 667
Preferred title for the work

Musical work

Legal work

Religious work

Official communications






O Yes 1XX
Form of work 6.3 O Yes, in the authorized access point if needed to differentiate 1XX, 380
Date of work

Legal work



O Yes, in the authorized access point if needed to differentiate; see Date of a treaty below 1XX, 046
Place of origin of work 6.5 O Yes, in the authorized access point if needed to differentiate 1XX, 370
Other distinguishing characteristic of work

Legal work



O Yes, in the authorized access point if needed to differentiate 1XX, 381
Medium of performance 6.15 O Yes, in the authorized access point; (1) if the title is not distinctive, provide if applicable;

(2) if the title is distinctive, provide if necessary to differentiate

1XX, 382
Numeric designation of musical work 6.16 O Yes, in the authorized access point; (1) if the title is not distinctive, provide if applicable;

(2) if the title is distinctive, provide if necessary to differentiate

1XX, 383
Key 6.17 O Yes, in the authorized access point; (1) if the title is not distinctive, provide if applicable;

(2) if the title is distinctive, provide if necessary to differentiate

1XX, 384
Date of a treaty 6.20.3 O Yes, in the authorized access point 1XX, 046
Identifier for work 6.8 O Yes 016
Content type 6.9 E Yes 1XX, 336
Date of expression

Religious work



E Yes, where necessary, in the authorized access point for expressions of musical and religious works 1XX, 046
Language of expression 6.11 E Yes, in the authorized access point for a translation or an edition in another language 1XX, 377,


Other distinguishing characteristic of expression

Musical work

Religious work




E Yes, in the authorized access point if needed to differentiate 1XX, 381
Identifier for expression 6.13 E Yes 016
Status of identification + 8.10 Yes 008/33
Undifferentiated Name Indicator + 8.11 Yes; see the Name Authority Manual, 008/32 for PFAN policies regarding authority records for undifferentiated names 008/32
Source consulted + 8.12 Yes 670, 675
Cataloguer's note + 8.13 Yes in certain situations explained in the Name Authority Manual, 667 and other guidelines 667
Preferred name for person 9.2.2 P Yes 100
Date of birth 9.3.2 P Yes, in the authorized access point if available at time of creating the authorized access point

Yes, as an element (field 046) if available but not included in the authorized access point



Date of death 9.3.3 P Yes, in the authorized access point if available at time of creating the authorized access point

Yes, as an element (field 046) if available but not included in the authorized access point

100, 046
Period of activity of person 9.3.4 P Yes, in the authorized access point if needed to differentiate 100, 046
Title of personne 9.4 P Yes, in the authorized access point (1) for titles indicating royalty, nobility, an ecclesiatical rank or office, or a term of address for a person of religious vocation; (2) if needed to differentiate for another term of rank, honor or office 100, 368
Fuller form of name 9.5 P Yes, in the authorized access point if needed to differentiate 100, 378
Other designation associated with a person 9.6 P Yes, in the authorized access point (1) for saints and spirits and (2) if needed to differentiate

Yes, as an element (field 368) if not included in the authorized access point, for a person named in sacred scriptures or apocryphal books, a fictitious or legendary person, or a real non-human entity

100, 368
Profession or occupation 9.16 P Yes, in the authorized access point (1) for a person whose name consists of a phrase or appellation not conveying the idea of a person and (2) if needed to differentiate 100, 374
Identifier for person 9.18 P Yes 016
Preferred name for family 10.2.2 F Yes 100
Type of family 10.3 F Yes, in the authorized access point 100, 376
Date associated with family 10.4 F Yes, in the authorized access point 100, 046, 376
Place associated with family 10.5 F Yes, in the authorized access point if needed to differentiate 100, 370
Prominent member of family 10.6 F Yes, in the authorized access point if needed to differentiate 100, 376
Identifier for family 10.10 F Yes 016
Preferred name of corporate body 11.2.2 C Yes 11X, 151
Place associated with corporate body, etc. 11.3.2 C Yes, in the authorized access point for individual conferences, etc. or isolated occurrences in a series of conferences, etc. 11X, 370
Other place associated with corporate body 11.3.3 C Yes, in the authorized access point if needed to differentiate 11X, 370
Date of conference, etc. 11.4.2 C Yes, in the authorized access point for individual conferences, etc. or isolated occurrences in a series of conferences, etc. 11X, 046
Date of establishment 11.4.3 C Yes, in the authorized access point if needed to differentiate 11X, 046
Date of termination 11.4.4 C Yes, in the authorized access point if needed to differentiate 11X, 046
Period of activity of corporate body 11.4.5 C Yes, in the authorized access point if needed to differentiate 11X, 046
Associated institution 11.5 C Yes, in the authorized access point (1) for confereneces, etc., if the institution’s name provides better identification than the place name or if the place name is unknown or cannot be readily determined;

(2) for other corporate bodies, if needed to differentiate when the institution’s name provides better identification than the place name or if the place name is unknown or cannot be readily determined

11X, 373
Number of conference, etc. 11.6 C For individual conferences, etc. or isolated occurrences in a series of conferences, etc. 11X
Other designation associated with corporate body 11.7 C Yes, in the authorized access point (1) for a name that does not convey the idea of a corporate body; (2) if necessary to differentiate 11X, 368
Identifier for corporate body 11.12 C Yes 016
Preferred name for place + 16.2.2 L Yes, in the context of RDA 11.2 (for ex., the name of a government) 151
Creator 19.2 O Yes, in the authorized access point (if there is more than one creator responsible for the work, only the creator having principal responsibility named first in manifestations embodying the work or in reference sources is required; if principal responsibility is not indicated, only the first-named creator is required) 1XX, 5XX
Other agent associated with work 19.3 O Yes, in the authorized access pointe (if the authorized access point representing that agent is used to construct the authorized access point representing the work) 1XX, 5XX
Source consulted + 24.7 Yes 670, 675
Source consulted + 29.6 Yes 670, 675
Related person + 30.1 P, F, C For different identities 500
Explanation of relationship + 30.2 For individuals having three or more identities 663
Related corporate bodies + 32.1 P, F, C For sequential relationships between corporate bodies other than conferences, only to the immediately preceeding and immediately succeeding entities (establish relationships between conferences only in the records for authorized access points of corporate bodies) 510

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