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== Agenda ==
== Agenda ==
1. Updates
2. Roundtable
# Updates
# Using both official languages at GCWP - Laura Piper (DTO)
# Misinformation / disinformation campaign - Lauri Sullivan (CSE)
# Adobe Target: 2023-24 service year - Nick Pjontek and Celena Bedford (Service Canada)
=== Updates ===
* The DTO newsletter is coming out shortly
* The Heads of Communications message is also going to be sent soon detailing the footer implementation - please continue footer work as this message is just to ensure that everyone is informed of this change
* Theme lead survey questionnaire to better support theme and topic tree:
** Thanks if you already have responded
** Reminder to those who have not yet responded to please fill it out as soon as possible - we’re missing 10 responses
* Web Executive Board agenda items for Thursday, February 16 are:
** Adobe Target
** Quasi-judicial design kickoff
** Governance models
** Reminder about footer implementation
==== Departmental updates ====
Taste the Commitment page is now live. Happy Agriculture Canada day!
=== Using both official languages at GCWP ===
Laura Piper (DTO Chief, Standards and Guidance)
GCWP meetings are a welcoming and safe space, where all are encouraged to speak in their second language, even if it is imperfect.
=== Misinformation / disinformation campaign ===
Lauri Sullivan (CSE Marketing Manager)
Online disinformation campaign page was published last week ahead of the ad campaign that started this week.
* Vanity URL: []
* Public Safety previously led on this advertising initiative, but this year CSE took on the lead for the ad campaign, with Principle Publisher’s help
* Involved gathering and building the research expertise across different disinformation themes which are often broad
* Focus groups provided good data to help inform content development, including:
** “I don’t want the gov to tell me about disinformation but want the tools to do it myself”
** “I can detect disinformation but I think other people might not”
** “I don’t want the government to tell me what to believe”
** “I can judge for myself what is real or not but a list of tools would be great if the tools help make clear decisions”
* The intent is that others not only amplify but make social media messages on mis/disinformation themselves as it relates to their departments
* Contact [mailto:Lauri.Sullivan@CSE-CST.GC.CA Lauri] or [mailto:nancy.paille@CSE-CST.GC.CA Nancy Paille] if you have content to link to
=== Adobe Target: 2023-24 service year ===
=== Nick Pjontek and Celena Bedford (Principle Publisher Analytics Services team - Service Canada) ===
A/B testing and personalization service (Adobe Target)
* Renewal reminder that service contract for Adobe Target ends March 10
* Please be in touch if you want to use Adobe Target next fiscal year
* Target offerings include:
** Personalization which serves up different content depending on the location of the user
** A/B testing which lets you assess which of two or more variations performs better with users
* Email your questions or interest to []