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=IT Plan=
=IT Plan=
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<div style="background-color:#e59a41; padding:5px; border:2px solid #bd5e01; width:100%; margin-top:20px;">
<span style="color:#00000; font-size:medium;">'''Question: Why an extract on Feb 28?'''</span>
<span style="color:#00000; font-size:medium;">'''Question: Why an extract on Feb 28?'''</span>
<span style="color:#bd5e01; font-size:medium;">'''Answer:'''</span> The Feb 28th extract is the next quarterly update after the Nov 15th extract, will be the basis for the written plan numbers.
Between the Nov 15th and Feb 28th, Departments are to work with their SSC Client Executive to confirm capacity and plans for the 2020-21 Fiscal year.
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<span style="color:#00000; font-size:medium;">'''Question: What is SSC 3.0?'''</span>
<span style="color:#bd5e01; font-size:medium;">'''Answer:'''</span> SSC 3.0 will take an enterprise approach that will build upon other Government of Canada programs such as “[Tell Us Once”], the [ Cloud First Adoption Strategy], and the [ Directive on Automated Decision-Making for the responsible use of artificial intelligence]. SSC is committed to a team-based, collaborative approach that will engage, enable, and empower SSC employees to help provide the digital services Canadians expect. SSC 3.0 will support a government-wide Enterprise Digital Workplace Platform. This means federal public servants will have access to devices ranging from mobile to traditional workstations from anywhere. SSC 3.0 will prepare us to leverage new digital technologies to the fullest across the GC and to deliver the best possible services to Canadians. For more information please see: []
<div style="background-color:#e59a41; padding:5px; border:2px solid #bd5e01; width:100%; margin-top:20px;">
<span style="color:#00000; font-size:medium;">'''Question: SSC to define when a BRD is needed vs. a ticket'''</span>
<span style="color:#bd5e01; font-size:medium;">'''Answer:'''</span> Look at [ SSC catalogue], "how to order" is identified on their site
Click on the "Order" button to determine which services require a [ BRD]
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<span style="color:#00000; font-size:medium;">'''Question: Can MAF Q1 apply to activities as well? Gate 6+ was identified in the question'''</span>
<span style="color:#bd5e01; font-size:medium;">'''Answer:'''</span> TBS appreciates the need for clarification on indicator Q1. All IT Plan investments (projects or activities) will be considered as effort to improve the aging IT in the GC.  So long as the IT Plan identifies the activity as an ongoing operational activity, it will be included in the numerator of Q1 B and Q1 C.
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<span style="color:#00000; font-size:medium;">'''Question: Where can I get a list of projects which require DARB approval for MAF Q2?'''</span>
<span style="color:#bd5e01; font-size:medium;">'''Answer:'''</span> A list of CEPP projects which may apply to Q2 MAF has been posted here: [ Question 2B - List of CEPP projects]. It is up to the Departments to assess the PCRA level of each project against their OPMCA level.
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<span style="color:#00000; font-size:medium;">'''Question: CIO reporting to DM - Many departments are concerned about the need for continuous updates to IT Plan as well as Deputy Head approval'''</span>
<span style="color:#bd5e01; font-size:medium;">'''Answer:'''</span> TBS is not seeking additional attestation letters from your Deputy Head. However, as per the Policy, your Deputy Head in accountable IT Plan investments no matter when it is added to the system. Deputy Head sign-off is still required before submitting the online data to OCIO. It is up to the Departments to decide the appropriate process to ensure Deputy Head approval of all IT investments since this could have a significant demand on partner organizations. In addition, the ADM CEPP May 8th deck identified that CIOs need a seat at the executive table. The Feb 28th date simply represents the next known date for our usual Quarterly update of IT Plans for CEPP prioritization.
TBS will only be looking for two attestation pieces:
Signed attestation March 31 by Deputy Head
Checkbox in Clarity on Nov 15th to identify Deputy Head and CIO approval of itemized investments
<div style="background-color:#e59a41; padding:5px; border:2px solid #bd5e01; width:100%; margin-top:20px;">
<span style="color:#00000; font-size:medium;">'''Question: Can you clarify what is happening with services?'''</span>
<span style="color:#bd5e01; font-size:medium;">'''Answer:'''</span> In previous years, services were entered/managed in Clarity and applications were linked to those.  There was reference to a new application being implemented for services this year, but yet service information is still in Clarity.  Can you clarify what is being done with regard to services? Are they being entered/managed in Clarity or in a different tool?
It’s best to work with the team in your Department who completed the GC Service Inventory to ensure that applications can aligned as much as possible. This list of GC services is stored in another system (outside of Clarity.)
Once the GC Service Inventory is available to our team, we will do some fit-gap reports and share with the community to identify next steps and impacts.
The intent is to eventually have a single list of Services with all application linked to those services in order to inherit the mission criticality.
Further guidance will be forthcoming from TBS regarding the intersection of GC Services, APM, Mission criticality and CBAS in the coming months.
The services team has developed a FAQ which touches upon this question:
En: []
Fr: []
<div style="background-color:#e59a41; padding:5px; border:2px solid #bd5e01; width:100%; margin-top:20px;">
<span style="color:#00000; font-size:medium;">'''Question: November through March, how do you interpret "this fiscal year" in AQ1 and AQ2 if we are looking at next year’s planning? Is it the current year? Or next year?'''</span>
<span style="color:#bd5e01; font-size:medium;">'''Answer:'''</span> The guide states "this fiscal year", however, this would not be effective for next year’s planning activities which are due November 15th. This “fiscal year” should represent the date a project passes Gate 3 (Business case and general readiness ◦For confirmation of funding and business outcomes).
<div style="background-color:#e59a41; padding:5px; border:2px solid #bd5e01; width:100%; margin-top:20px;">
<span style="color:#00000; font-size:medium;">'''Question: What is the right Level of Detail for the IT Plan items?'''</span>
<span style="color:#bd5e01; font-size:medium;">'''Answer:'''</span> Many departments wonder, “What is the right level of detail for the IT Plan?” Should I report every project/run activity on a separate line item? Should I have 100 line items? 20? It is sometimes hard to know at what granularity to report so the following should give departments a bit of guidance.
Projects should be broken down individually. One line item should correspond to a departmental project.
Run activities should be regrouped and rolled up to a few line items. There are a few ways in which a department may choose to do so:
* A natural breakdown that already exists internally, for example, by directorate or sectors
* By service lines
* By IT Expenditure categories
* Or other groupings
Regrouping Run activities does not decrease their visibility, it simply bundles them up. These activities are non-discretionary, and do not require a high-level of granularity. TBS does analysis on all the IT Plans and if some discrepancies are noticed (i.e. the Run one year greatly differs from other years), it will be challenged.
Departmental IT Plan data from Clarity is used to report a demand profile at a high level. Analysis is done also at a high level, and when needed, TBS will engage with departments to further understand the data or to challenge it. No conclusions are made solely by TBS on departmental data. Furthermore, departments should be engaging with their account teams at SSC to ensure a common understanding of the data in Clarity.
<div style="background-color:#e59a41; padding:5px; border:2px solid #bd5e01; width:100%; margin-top:20px;">
<span style="color:#00000; font-size:medium;">'''Question: What if my project is not approved? Should I include it in the IT Plan?'''</span>
<span style="color:#bd5e01; font-size:medium;">'''Answer:'''</span> Yes, the IT Plan is a plan and should give TBS & SSC a forecast for the next three years when it comes to departmental projects and run activities. In the essence of a continuous update model, departments should be updating Clarity regularly to account for new changes and additional information on projects and run activities. We are expecting departments to include a list of their approved projects as well as their forecasted projects/activities for the next two years (2020-2021).
<div style="background-color:#e59a41; padding:5px; border:2px solid #bd5e01; width:100%; margin-top:20px;">
<span style="color:#00000; font-size:medium;">'''Question: All my prioritization & achievability scores are now 0, where did they go and why?'''</span>
<span style="color:#bd5e01; font-size:medium;">'''Answer:'''</span> When changes were brought to the GC Prioritization Framework, some of the questions were changed and some answers modified. Furthermore, all the questions were included in Clarity to facilitate reporting and generate scores automatically once the answers are selected and answered. In order for your scores to be generated, you will have to answer all of the prioritization and achievability questions.
<div style="background-color:#e59a41; padding:5px; border:2px solid #bd5e01; width:100%; margin-top:20px;">
<span style="color:#00000; font-size:medium;">'''Question: My score isn’t appearing even though I’ve answered all the questions in Clarity related to the GC Prioritization Framework, why?'''</span>
<span style="color:#bd5e01; font-size:medium;">'''Answer:'''</span> In order for the score to appear, you need to answer all of the questions, save the page and Refresh it as well. This should make your score appear.
<div style="background-color:#e59a41; padding:5px; border:2px solid #bd5e01; width:100%; margin-top:20px;">
<span style="color:#00000; font-size:medium;">'''Question: What can I expect following the fall submission deadline?'''</span>
<span style="color:#bd5e01; font-size:medium;">'''Answer:'''</span> The initial focus for the first reporting date following the fall deadline on Nov. 15 2019 will the new or additional work requiring SSC Services. Departments are required to include in their IT Plan any new work for SSC for 2020/21 and 2021/22. Including this work early on will give SSC the chance to lay the groundwork needed to be ready to provide the services needed by departments earlier and anticipate their workload.
TBS will conduct analysis and create a demand profile of departmental IT Plan data and work with SSC to create a full picture of demand and supply and what the next two years would look like. Here are a few things that will be analyzed:
*looking at alignment to priorities
*sustainability & end-of life, how departments are investing to maintain their application portfolio health
*SSC services
*other analysis
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<span style="color:#00000; font-size:medium;">'''Question: How do I request a Clarity license?'''</span>
<span style="color:#bd5e01; font-size:medium;">'''Answer:'''</span> Departments can submit their requests for licenses to CIOB-DPPI IT-Division-TI {{}} and their request will be actioned. Departments are required to notify if any licenses need to be deleted or replaced to keep the licenses as up to date as possible.
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<span style="color:#00000; font-size:medium;">'''Question: How do I export data from Clarity?'''</span>
<span style="color:#bd5e01; font-size:medium;">'''Answer:'''</span> When in Clarity, departments can go into their IT Plan dashboard, and for any given portlet<ref>A portlet is a table populated with data from a source; in this case, this IT Plan data from your department.</ref>, there will be a cog<ref>The wheel at the top right corner of the portlet.</ref>, if you click on it, a few options will pop up and you can click on Export to Excel (Data Only). This will give you a table with the columns you see in Clarity into Excel.


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