
Jump to navigation Jump to search
Line 35: Line 35:  
|'''Network / Réseau'''
|'''Network / Réseau'''
|November 30, 2023 /
le 30 novembre, 2023
=== Public Service Pride ===
To celebrate Pride season, here is a list of upcoming events organized by various networks. We encourage you to participate, as these events offer excellent opportunities for networking and learning:
4:00pm to 7:00pm ET /
16 h 00 à 19 h 00 HE
|'''Networking Event for Black Employees organized by ISED BEN'''
'''ISED BEN''', is hosting a networking event for Black employees to celebrate its two-year anniversary! Allies are welcomed.
This is a chance to meet and network with your fellow Black public servants from across the National Capital Region. Feel free to share this invitation to any federal Black employees in the National Capital Region.
'''Where:''' Sens House (73 York Street, Ottawa - above Lowertown Brewery)
[ Be a Drag Star (]
'''When:''' Thursday, '''November 30th''' from 4pm to 7pm
[[gccollab:discussion/view/21204372/a-journey-into-exile-un-voyage-dans-lexil|A Journey into Exile : GCcollab]]
[ Honouring Intersectional Voices - Celebrating Unity in Diversity (]
'''[ Please RSVP]''' to help us plan.
[ Understanding 2SLGBTQIA+ Inclusion and How to be an Ally (]
[ Celebrating and Honouring Two Spirit Pride (]
We hope to see you there!
[ Understanding 2SLGBTQIA+ Inclusion and How to be an Ally (]
[ You Belong: Creating an Intersectional Public Service (]
Evénement de réseautage pour les employé(e)s noir(e)s organisé par le REN d'ISDE
[ Emerging from the Purge: A look at the history of the LGBT Purge (]
Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer que le '''REN d'ISDE''' organise un événement de réseautage pour les employé(e)s noir(e)s afin de célébrer son deuxième anniversaire ! Les allié(e)s sont les bienvenu(e)s.
=== Fierté à la fonction publique ===
Voici une liste d'événements à venir organisés par des réseaux. Nous vous encouragerons à y participer car de tels événements offrent d'excellentes opportunités de réseautage et d'apprentissage :
[ Soyez une vedette du drag (]
Ce sera l'occasion de rencontrer et réseauter avec d’autres fonctionnaires noir(e)s dans la région de la capitale nationale. N’hésitez pas à partager cette invitation avec tout(e)s fonctionnaires noir(e)s dans la région de la capitale nationale.
[[gccollab:discussion/view/21204372/a-journey-into-exile-un-voyage-dans-lexil|Un voyage dans l'exil : GCcollab]]
[ Honorer les voix intersectionnelles - Célébrer l'unité dans la diversité (]
'''Où''' : Sens House (73 rue York, Ottawa - au-dessus de Lowertown Brewery)
[ L'inclusion des personnes 2ELGBTQIA+ et comment être un(e) allié(e) (]
'''Quand''' : Jeudi '''30 novembre''' de 16 h 00 à 19 h 00
[ Célébrer et honorer la Fierté des personnes aux deux esprits (]
[ L'inclusion des personnes 2ELGBTQIA+ et comment être un(e) allié(e) (]
'''[ Merci de confirmer votre présence]''' pour nous aider à planifier.
[ Vous avez votre place – création d’une fonction publique intersectionnelle (]
[ Sortir de la Purge : un regard sur l'histoire de la Purge LGBT (]
Nous espérons vous y voir!
   Line 101: Line 96:  
Les réseaux d'employés sont un moyen efficace d'accroître l'inclusion sur nos lieux de travail. Nous encourageons les gens à utiliser cette liste pour établir des liens, partager des ressources et des meilleures pratiques et se rassembler pour faire avancer les choses. Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour ajouter votre initiative au tableau ci-dessous, veuillez nous [[|contacter]].
Les réseaux d'employés sont un moyen efficace d'accroître l'inclusion sur nos lieux de travail. Nous encourageons les gens à utiliser cette liste pour établir des liens, partager des ressources et des meilleures pratiques et se rassembler pour faire avancer les choses. Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour ajouter votre initiative au tableau ci-dessous, veuillez nous [[|contacter]].
<span lang="FR-CA">Communauté des employe.e.s
latino-americain.e.s (IRCC)</span>
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|'''Name of Network or Community / Nom du réseau ou de la communauté'''
|'''Name of Network or Community / Nom du réseau ou de la communauté'''
Line 111: Line 108:  
|'''Aboriginal Employee Advancement Committee'''  
|'''Aboriginal Employee Advancement Committee'''  
'''<br />
'''<br />'''
Comité d’avancement des employés autochtones
Comité d’avancement des employés autochtones
|Indigenous / Autochtones
|Indigenous / Autochtones
Line 143: Line 140:  
|'''Anti-Racism Ambassadors Network (ARAN)'''
|'''Anti-Racism Ambassadors Network (ARAN)'''
'''<br />
'''<br />'''
Ambassadeurs du Réseau anti-Racisme (ARAR)
Ambassadeurs du Réseau anti-Racisme (ARAR)
|All / Tous
|All / Tous
Line 189: Line 186:  
|BEACON  is a network of Black employees at NRCan who have voluntarily come together  to share their lived experiences and support each other.  BEACON works strategically and  collaboratively with all levels of employees at NRCan to create awareness  about Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), and eliminate anti-Black racism  that exists within NRCan. One of the primary objectives of BEACON is to  advocate for the resolution of issues affecting Black employees – promoting  an NRCan where the qualifications and contributions of Black employees are  recognized and celebrated, in addition to enabling and promoting the  professional aspirations and advancements of Black talents.
|BEACON  is a network of Black employees at NRCan who have voluntarily come together  to share their lived experiences and support each other.  BEACON works strategically and  collaboratively with all levels of employees at NRCan to create awareness  about Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), and eliminate anti-Black racism  that exists within NRCan. One of the primary objectives of BEACON is to  advocate for the resolution of issues affecting Black employees – promoting  an NRCan where the qualifications and contributions of Black employees are  recognized and celebrated, in addition to enabling and promoting the  professional aspirations and advancements of Black talents.
|'''Black Executive Network (BEN)'''
|'''Black Executives Network (BEN)'''
|Black / Noir
|Black / Noir
Line 199: Line 196:  
Trudy Samuel
Trudy Samuel
Senior Director, Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Director General, Equity Strategy
Natural Resources Canada
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Albert Tshimanga
Albert Tshimanga
Director, Call Centre Operations
Senior Director
Lead Engagement, Governance and Corporate Services
NextGeneration HR & Pay
ESDC – Service Canada
Shared Services Canada
|'''BC Committee for the Advancement of Native Employees CANE'''
|'''BC Committee for the Advancement of Native Employees CANE'''
Line 224: Line 226:  
|'''Centre on Diversity and Inclusion (CDI)'''
|'''Centre on Diversity and Inclusion (CDI)'''
'''<br />
'''<br />'''
Centre sur la diversité et l'inclusion (CDI)
Centre sur la diversité et l'inclusion (CDI)
|All / Tous
|All / Tous
Line 243: Line 245:  
|'''Community of Federal  Visible Minorities (CFVM)'''
|'''Community of Federal  Visible Minorities (CFVM)'''
'''<br />
'''<br />'''
La Communauté des Minorités Visibles Fédérales (CFMV)
La Communauté des Minorités Visibles Fédérales (CFMV)
|All / Tous
|All / Tous
Line 254: Line 256:  
|[ Community of Federal Visible Minorities (CFVM)]
|[ Community of Federal Visible Minorities (CFVM)]
[ La Communauté des Minorités Visibles Fédérales (CFMV)]
[ La Communauté des Minorités Visibles Fédérales (CFMV)]
|'''Data Equity Network  Réseau du GC sur l'équité en matière de données'''
|All / Tous
|Interdepartmental /
|[ GC Data Equity Network- Réseau du GC sur l'équité en matière de données - Home / Accueil (]  A [ GCXchange] account is needed
|'''Department of Fisheries and Oceans Pacific Aboriginal Circle'''
|'''Department of Fisheries and Oceans Pacific Aboriginal Circle'''
Line 283: Line 292:  
|'''Disability Management, Accommodations and Accessibility Community of Practice'''
|'''Disability Management, Accommodations and Accessibility Community of Practice'''
'''<br />
'''<br />'''
Communauté de pratique de la gestion de l'incapacité, obligation des mesures d'adaptation et accessibilité :'''
Communauté de pratique de la gestion de l'incapacité, obligation des mesures d'adaptation et accessibilité :
|All / Tous
|All / Tous
Line 293: Line 302:  
|'''Federal Black  Employee Caucus (FBEC)'''
|'''Federal Black  Employee Caucus (FBEC)'''
'''<br />
'''<br />'''
Caucus des Employés Fédéraux Noirs (CEFN)
Caucus des Employés Fédéraux Noirs (CEFN)
|Black / Noir
|Black / Noir
Line 312: Line 321:  
'''Comités et Cercle des champions et des présidents sur l'équité en emploi (CCPÉE)'''
'''Comités et Cercle des champions et des présidents sur l'équité en emploi (CCPÉE)'''
|All / Tous
|All / Tous
|Interdepartmental /
|Interdepartmental /
Line 332: Line 341:
|'''ESDC Visible Minorities Network (VMN)'''  
|'''ESDC Visible Minorities Network (VMN)'''
|All / Tous
|All / Tous
Line 362: Line 371:  
|Departmental – ESDC
|Departmental – ESDC
Line 381: Line 389:  
|'''Federal Public  Service Indigenous Training and Development Community of Practice'''
|'''Federal Public  Service Indigenous Training and Development Community of Practice'''
'''<br />
'''<br />'''
Communauté de pratique de la Formation et développement autochtone de la Fonction publique fédérale
Communauté de pratique de la Formation et développement autochtone de la Fonction publique fédérale
|Indigenous / Autochtones
|Indigenous / Autochtones
Line 403: Line 411:  
|'''Federal Government  Latin - American Heritage Group'''
|'''Federal Government  Latin - American Heritage Group'''
'''<br />
'''<br />'''
Gouvernement Fédéral Latin - American Heritage Group
Gouvernement Fédéral Latin - American Heritage Group
|Latin - American
|Latin - American
Line 429: Line 437:  
|'''Federal Youth  Network'''
|'''Federal Youth  Network'''
'''<br />
'''<br />'''
Réseau des Jeunes Fonctionnaires Fedéraux
Réseau des Jeunes Fonctionnaires Fedéraux
|All / Tous
|All / Tous
Line 441: Line 449:  
|'''<nowiki>Filipino Public Servants Network (FPSN) | Réseau des fonctionnaires philippins (RFP)</nowiki>'''
|'''<nowiki>Filipino Public Servants Network (FPSN) | Réseau des fonctionnaires philippins (RFP)</nowiki>'''
|Filipino / Philippins
|Filipino / Philippins
|Interdepartmental /
|Interdepartmental /
Line 453: Line 461:  
'''Communauté de pratique de l'analyse comparative entre les sexes Plus (ACS+)'''
'''Communauté de pratique de l'analyse comparative entre les sexes Plus (ACS+)'''
|All / Tous
|All / Tous
|Interdepartmental /
|Interdepartmental /
Line 461: Line 469:  
|'''GoC Women in Non-Traditional Sectors'''  
|'''GoC Women in Non-Traditional Sectors'''  
'''<br />
'''<br />'''
Femmes du gouvernement du Canada occupant des postes non-traditionnels
Femmes du gouvernement du Canada occupant des postes non-traditionnels
|Women  / Femme
|Women  / Femme
Line 470: Line 478:  
[ Femmes du gouvernement du Canada occupant des postes non-traditionnels]
[ Femmes du gouvernement du Canada occupant des postes non-traditionnels]
|'''Indigenous Centre of Expertise'''  
|'''Indigenous Centre of Expertise'''
|Indigenous / Autochtones
|Indigenous / Autochtones
Line 482: Line 490:  
|'''Indigenous Federal  Employees Network (IFEN)'''
|'''Indigenous Federal  Employees Network (IFEN)'''
'''<br />
'''<br />'''
Réseau des employés fédéraux autochtones (REFA)
Réseau des employés fédéraux autochtones (REFA)
|Indigenous / Autochtones
|Indigenous / Autochtones
Line 514: Line 522:  
For further information and general inquiries, contact us at []
For further information and general inquiries, contact us at []
|Interdepartmental Accessibility Community of Practice
|'''Interdepartmental Accessibility Community of Practice'''
La communauté de pratique interministérielle sur l’accessibilité
'''La communauté de pratique interministérielle sur l’accessibilité'''
|All / Tous
|All / Tous
|Interdepartmental /
|Interdepartmental /
Line 538: Line 546:
|'''Interdepartmental Black Employee Networks (I-BEN)'''
|'''Interdepartmental Black Employee Networks (IBEN)'''
'''<br />'''
'''<br />'''
Réseaux des employés noirs interministériel (I-REN)
Réseaux des employés noirs interministériel (RENI)
|Black / Noir
|Black / Noir
|Interdepartmental /
|Interdepartmental /
|Interdepartmental Black Employee Networks (I-BEN)
|Interdepartmental Black Employee Networks (IBEN)
Réseaux des employés noirs interministériel (I-REN)
Réseaux des employés noirs interministériel (RENI)
[ GCXchange/GCÉchange]:
Liza Daniel
Chair / présidente
Darren Ruck
Talent Management Advisor / Conseiller de la gestion de talents
Aida Kamara
Co-Chair of I-BEN, Analyst/Advisor, Expenditure
|'''Interdepartmental Communications Working Group on Diversity and Inclusion'''  
|'''Interdepartmental Communications Working Group on Diversity and Inclusion'''  
'''Groupe de travail interministériel sur les communications en matière de diversité et d'inclusion'''
'''Groupe de travail interministériel sur les communications en matière de diversité et d'inclusion'''
|All / Tous
|All / Tous
|Interdepartmental /
|Interdepartmental /
Line 568: Line 576:  
[[gccollab:groups/profile/7510926/eninterdepartmental-communications-working-group-on-diversity-and-inclusionfrgroupe-de-travail-interministu00e9riel-sur-les-communications-en-matiu00e8re-de-diversitu00e9-et-dinclusion|Groupe de travail interministériel sur les communications en matière de diversité et d'inclusion]]
[[gccollab:groups/profile/7510926/eninterdepartmental-communications-working-group-on-diversity-and-inclusionfrgroupe-de-travail-interministu00e9riel-sur-les-communications-en-matiu00e8re-de-diversitu00e9-et-dinclusion|Groupe de travail interministériel sur les communications en matière de diversité et d'inclusion]]
|'''Interdepartmental Network of Disability and Accessibility Chairs Network / Réseau interministériel des présidents de comités des personnes en situation de handicap et en matière d’accessibilité.'''  
|'''Interdepartmental Network of Disability and Accessibility Chairs Network / Réseau interministériel des présidents de comités des personnes en situation de handicap et en matière d’accessibilité.'''
|All / Tous
|All / Tous
Line 577: Line 585:  
|'''Interdepartmental Network on Diversity and Employment Equity (IDNDEE)'''  
|'''Interdepartmental Network on Diversity and Employment Equity (IDNDEE)'''  
'''<br />
'''<br />'''
Réseau interministériel sur la diversité et l'équité en matière d’emploi (RIDÉME)
Réseau interministériel sur la diversité et l'équité en matière d’emploi (RIDÉME)
|All / Tous
|All / Tous
|Interdepartmental /
|Interdepartmental /
Line 587: Line 595:  
|'''Interdepartmental Terminology Committee on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion'''  
|'''Interdepartmental Terminology Committee on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion'''  
'''<br />
'''<br />'''
Comité interministériel de terminologie sur l'équité, la diversité et l’inclusion
Comité interministériel de terminologie sur l'équité, la diversité et l’inclusion
|All / Tous
|All / Tous
|Interdepartmental /
|Interdepartmental /
Line 601: Line 609:     
'''Réseau des employés Noirs d’ISDE'''
'''Réseau des employés Noirs d’ISDE'''
|Black / Noir
| Black / Noir
|Departmental - ISED
|Departmental - ISED
|The Black Employees Network (BEN) provides Black employees supported by allies, the opportunity to come together as a united voice to address challenges faced by Black employees and work together to eliminate anti-Black racism, discrimination and systemic barriers to inclusion in the Department.
| The Black Employees Network (BEN) provides Black employees supported by allies, the opportunity to come together as a united voice to address challenges faced by Black employees and work together to eliminate anti-Black racism, discrimination and systemic barriers to inclusion in the Department.
Le Réseau des employés noirs (REN), avec le soutien d’alliés, offre aux employés noirs l’occasion de se rencontrer et d’unir leurs voix pour aborder les difficultés auxquelles les employés noirs font face et travailler ensemble pour éliminer le racisme anti-Noirs, la discrimination et les obstacles systémiques à l’inclusion au sein du Ministère.
Le Réseau des employés noirs (REN), avec le soutien d’alliés, offre aux employés noirs l’occasion de se rencontrer et d’unir leurs voix pour aborder les difficultés auxquelles les employés noirs font face et travailler ensemble pour éliminer le racisme anti-Noirs, la discrimination et les obstacles systémiques à l’inclusion au sein du Ministère.
   Line 621: Line 629:  
|'''ISED Racial Equity Network/ Réseau pour l'équité raciale de l'ISDE'''
|'''ISED Racial Equity Network/ Réseau pour l'équité raciale de l'ISDE'''
| National
|Departmentai - ISED
|Departmentai - ISED
|The Racial Equity Network is a place where racialized employees and allies at ISED can share their diverse perspectives on how to build a more inclusive department. This is a safe space focused on listening and learning, where everyone is welcome, regardless of their background and differences.
|The Racial Equity Network is a place where racialized employees and allies at ISED can share their diverse perspectives on how to build a more inclusive department. This is a safe space focused on listening and learning, where everyone is welcome, regardless of their background and differences.
Line 681: Line 689:
|'''Latin    American Employees Community (IRCC)Communauté des employe.e.s    latino-americain.e.s (IRCC)'''
|Latin - American
|Departmental - IRCC
|[ Latin    American Employees Community (IRCC) : Latin American Employees Community    (IRCC) : GCconnex]
[ Communauté des employe.e.s    latino-americain.e.s (IRCC) : Communauté des employe.e.s    latino-americain.e.s (IRCC) : GCconnex]
|'''LGBTQ2 Secretariat /Secrétariat LGBTQ2'''
|'''LGBTQ2 Secretariat /Secrétariat LGBTQ2'''
|Interdepartmental /
|Interdepartmental /
Line 706: Line 722:  
|'''Muslim Federal  Employees Network (MFEN)'''
|'''Muslim Federal  Employees Network (MFEN)'''
'''<br />
'''<br />'''
Réseau des Employés Fédéraux musulmans  
Réseau des Employés Fédéraux musulmans  
Line 719: Line 734:  
[ Réseau des Employés Fédéraux Musulmans]
[ Réseau des Employés Fédéraux Musulmans]
|'''My Menopause at Work   
|'''My Menopause at Work  '''
'''Ma ménopause au travail''''''
'''Ma ménopause au travail''''
|All / Tous
|All / Tous
Line 726: Line 741:     
[ My Menopause at Work / Ma ménopause au travail]  
[[gccollab:groups/profile/17842681/my-menopause-at-work-ma-m-nopause-au-travail|My Menopause at Work / Ma ménopause au travail]]  
Manage your menopause transition at work with information and peer support.
Manage your menopause transition at work with information and peer support.
Line 735: Line 750:  
|'''National Employment Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (NEEDIC)'''
|'''National Employment Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (NEEDIC)'''
'''<br />
'''<br />'''
Comité national sur l’équité en matière d’emploi, la diversité et l’inclusion (CNEEDI)
Comité national sur l’équité en matière d’emploi, la diversité et l’inclusion (CNEEDI)
|All / Tous
|All / Tous
Line 746: Line 761:  
'''La Communauté nationale des gestionnaires (CNG)'''
'''La Communauté nationale des gestionnaires (CNG)'''
|All / Tous
|All / Tous
|Interdepartmental /
|Interdepartmental /
Line 759: Line 774:  
'''Réseau national des femmes'''
'''Réseau national des femmes'''
|Women / Femme
|Women / Femme
| National
|Interdepartmental /
|Interdepartmental /
Line 772: Line 787:  
|Departmental - NRCAN
|Departmental - NRCAN
|'''NRCan Indigenous Employees Network (IEN)'''
|'''NRCan Indigenous Employees Network (IEN)'''
Line 788: Line 803:  
|'''NRCan Pride Network'''
|'''NRCan Pride Network'''
| National
|Departmental - NRCan
|Departmental - NRCan
|The  Pride Network is a community of 2SLGBTQ2+ employees and their allies at  NRCan. Pride Network holds social activities and educational events as well  as provide mutual support to one antoher to promote a healthy and inclusive  work environment and increase advocacy. This network contributes to NRCan's  goal of being a diverse, inclusive and respectful workplace, where LGBTQ2+  employees feel valued, and are engaged and productive.
|The  Pride Network is a community of 2SLGBTQ2+ employees and their allies at  NRCan. Pride Network holds social activities and educational events as well  as provide mutual support to one antoher to promote a healthy and inclusive  work environment and increase advocacy. This network contributes to NRCan's  goal of being a diverse, inclusive and respectful workplace, where LGBTQ2+  employees feel valued, and are engaged and productive.
Line 794: Line 809:  
|'''Network of Asian  Federal Employees (NAFE)'''
|'''Network of Asian  Federal Employees (NAFE)'''
'''<br />
'''<br />'''
Réseau des employés fédéraux asiatiques (REFA)
Réseau des employés fédéraux asiatiques (REFA)
|Asian / Asiatique
|Asian / Asiatique
Line 811: Line 825:  
|'''Pacific Aboriginal Network'''
|'''Pacific Aboriginal Network'''
'''<br />
'''<br />'''
Regional federal Indigenous employee network
Regional federal Indigenous employee network
|Indigenous / Autochtones
|Indigenous / Autochtones
Line 828: Line 842:     
|All / Tous
| All / Tous
|Departmental - PSPC
|Departmental - PSPC
|The EEDI provides leadership and advocacy fostering and sustaining a diverse and inclusive workplace, through engagement, education, information sharing and personal accountability at all levels.
| The EEDI provides leadership and advocacy fostering and sustaining a diverse and inclusive workplace, through engagement, education, information sharing and personal accountability at all levels.
      Line 847: Line 861:  
|'''Persons with Disabilities Network'''
|'''Persons with Disabilities Network'''
'''<br />
'''<br />'''
Réseau des personnes en situation de handicap'''
Réseau des personnes en situation de handicap
Line 867: Line 881:  
The  overall mandate of our network is to enhance the work experiences of 2SLGBTQ+  employees by creating a safe and accepting environment through engagement,  education and advocacy.
The  overall mandate of our network is to enhance the work experiences of 2SLGBTQ+  employees by creating a safe and accepting environment through engagement,  education and advocacy.
Pride / Fierté (IRCC) : [[|]]
Pride / Fierté (IRCC) : [[|]]
|'''Positive Space  (LGBTQ2+)'''
|'''Positive Space  (LGBTQ2+)'''
'''<br />
'''<br />'''
Espace Positif
Espace Positif
Line 897: Line 911:  
|'''Racialized Women Belonging Group'''
|'''Racialized Women Belonging Group'''
'''<br />
'''<br />'''
Groupe d’appartenance des femmes racialisées'''
Groupe d’appartenance des femmes racialisées
|Women / Femme
|Women / Femme
Line 904: Line 918:  
|[ Racialized Women Belonging Group]
|[ Racialized Women Belonging Group]
[ Groupe d’appartenance des femmes racialisées]  
[ Groupe d’appartenance des femmes racialisées]
|'''The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) Black Employees Network (the BEN)'''
|'''The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) Black Employees Network (the BEN)'''
Line 913: Line 927:  
|[ The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) Black Employees Network (the BEN)]
|[ The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) Black Employees Network (the BEN)]
[ Le réseau des employés noirs (REN) du Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor (SCT)]
[ Le réseau des employés noirs (REN) du Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor (SCT)]
|'''<nowiki>2SLGBTQIA+ Pride Network | Reseau Fierté 2ELGBTQIA+</nowiki>'''
|Departmental - DFO
|<nowiki>To create and facilitate community spaces that are specifically tailored to providing networking opportunities and resources to 2SLGBTQIA+ DFO/CCG employees | Créer et animer des espaces communautaires spécialement conçus pour offrir des possibilités de réseautage et des ressources aux employés 2ELGBTQIA+ du MPO et de la GCC.</nowiki>
|'''Ukrainian Canadians in the Public Service (UCPS)'''
|'''Ukrainian Canadians in the Public Service (UCPS)'''
Line 965: Line 985:       −
|'''Women in Defence and Security (WiDS)'''
|'''Women in Defence and Security (WiDS)'''
'''L'association Women in Defence and Security (WiDS)'''  
'''L'association Women in Defence and Security (WiDS)'''
|Women / Femmes
|Women / Femmes
Line 993: Line 1,013:  
'''Centre d’expertise sur la diversité et l’inclusion (CE-DEI) de la région de l’O. T.'''
'''Centre d’expertise sur la diversité et l’inclusion (CE-DEI) de la région de l’O. T.'''
|All / Tous
|All / Tous
|Regional - Quebec
| Regional - Quebec
|Departmental - ESDC
|Departmental - ESDC
|We support employment equity and diversity in the W-T Region. We are creating an environment conducive to innovation, learning, and development in response to the Privy Council Office’s Call to Action on anti-racism, equity, and inclusion. The Centre offers advice and guidance, learning resources, reports, support tools and contact information for employees and leaders in the W-T Region.
|We support employment equity and diversity in the W-T Region. We are creating an environment conducive to innovation, learning, and development in response to the Privy Council Office’s Call to Action on anti-racism, equity, and inclusion. The Centre offers advice and guidance, learning resources, reports, support tools and contact information for employees and leaders in the W-T Region.
Line 1,007: Line 1,027:  
== GC Diversity Initiatives - Initiatives De Diversité Du GC ==
==GC Diversity Initiatives - Initiatives De Diversité Du GC==
There are numerous initiatives springing up throughout government at the local, regional and national level, aiming to make the Federal workplace more diverse, inclusive and anti-racist. This is a centralized page where employees of any department can share what they are working on in order to aid in breaking down silos, increasing collaboration and spreading diversity and inclusion best practices within the public service.
There are numerous initiatives springing up throughout government at the local, regional and national level, aiming to make the Federal workplace more diverse, inclusive and anti-racist. This is a centralized page where employees of any department can share what they are working on in order to aid in breaking down silos, increasing collaboration and spreading diversity and inclusion best practices within the public service.
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Dans la ligne ci-dessous, veuillez fournir un bref aperçu du travail que vous réalisez et inclure toute référence et tout lien ainsi que les coordonnées des personnes qui sont au courant du projet.
Dans la ligne ci-dessous, veuillez fournir un bref aperçu du travail que vous réalisez et inclure toute référence et tout lien ainsi que les coordonnées des personnes qui sont au courant du projet.
|'''CSC’s Black Employee Network BEN'''  
|'''CSC’s Black Employee Network BEN'''
To provide Black employees at Correctional Service Canada support that will allow them access to resources, workshops, guidance to key training opportunities, information sessions, mentors/sponsors and networking across regions and sectors.
To provide Black employees at Correctional Service Canada support that will allow them access to resources, workshops, guidance to key training opportunities, information sessions, mentors/sponsors and networking across regions and sectors.
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[[:File:ARAN - Aller de l’avant avec l’Optique d’Analyse Centrée sur les Noirs - FRENCH.pptx|File:ARAN - Aller de l’avant avec l’Optique d’Analyse Centrée sur les Noirs - FRENCH.pptx - wiki (]]
[[:File:ARAN - Aller de l’avant avec l’Optique d’Analyse Centrée sur les Noirs - FRENCH.pptx|File:ARAN - Aller de l’avant avec l’Optique d’Analyse Centrée sur les Noirs - FRENCH.pptx - wiki (]]
|'''Hiring - Diverse Hiring and cross cultural supports.'''  
|'''Hiring - Diverse Hiring and cross cultural supports.'''
|The Federal Internship for Newcomers (FIN) Program, delivered by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), helps managers find top talent quickly by providing access to pools of highly qualified newcomers to Canada.  The skills, experience and new perspectives these candidates bring to their teams contributes to the creation of diverse and inclusive workplaces across the public service.
|The Federal Internship for Newcomers (FIN) Program, delivered by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), helps managers find top talent quickly by providing access to pools of highly qualified newcomers to Canada.  The skills, experience and new perspectives these candidates bring to their teams contributes to the creation of diverse and inclusive workplaces across the public service.
For more information please email the FIN Team at
For more information please email the FIN Team at
|'''Joint Learning Program'''
|'''Joint Learning Program'''
|Joint Learning Program – Anti-Racism: Let’s Talk virtual session, Respecting Difference/Anti-Discrimination in-person workshop (unavailable during the pandemic).<nowiki></nowiki>     <nowiki></nowiki>  <nowiki></nowiki>
|Joint Learning Program – Anti-Racism: Let’s Talk virtual session, Respecting Difference/Anti-Discrimination in-person workshop (unavailable during the pandemic).<nowiki></nowiki>     <nowiki></nowiki>  <nowiki></nowiki>
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== GC Informal Networking and Mentorship Program - Programme informel de Réseautage et de Mentorat sur l'équité du GC ==
==GC Informal Networking and Mentorship Program - Programme informel de Réseautage et de Mentorat sur l'équité du GC==
Equity and equity seeking employees can use the Equity Mentorship and Networking Program to connect with colleagues across the GC who have similar lived experiences. The program can be used to set up small coffee meetings between employees across departments and levels interesting in connecting and receiving advice and colleagues from accross the public sector who share in their lived experiences.  
Equity and equity seeking employees can use the Equity Mentorship and Networking Program to connect with colleagues across the GC who have similar lived experiences. The program can be used to set up small coffee meetings between employees across departments and levels interesting in connecting and receiving advice and colleagues from accross the public sector who share in their lived experiences.  
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!'''Areas of Interest / Expertise / domaines d'intérêt / d'expertise'''
!'''Areas of Interest / Expertise / domaines d'intérêt / d'expertise'''
!Can be a guest speaker / Peut être un conférencier invité
!Can be a guest speaker / Peut être un conférencier invité
|'''Aalya Dhanani'''
|Senior Advisor, Anti-Racism,  Equity and Inclusion
Founder/Chair, Anti-Racism Ambassadors Network
Mental Health Lead, FlexGC
|Racialized / South Asian
|Leading with Empathy, Community Building, Mental Health and Anti-Racism, Engagement, Facilitation, Career Development, Policy, GBA+
|'''Adwoa Gyasi-Nimako'''
|'''Adwoa Gyasi-Nimako'''
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|'''Anu Shukla-Jones'''
|'''Anu Shukla-Jones'''
|Senior Advisor / Canadian Institutes of Health Research
|Senior Advisor / Canadian Institutes of Health Research
|Racialized / South Asian
| Racialized / South Asian
| Yes
|Engagement and consultation, Policy Development and Implementation, Peer Support/Advocacy, Career Advancement, Leading teams, Sharing (information, resources and experiences), Mental health and wellness
|Engagement and consultation, Policy Development and Implementation, Peer Support/Advocacy, Career Advancement, Leading teams, Sharing (information, resources and experiences), Mental health and wellness
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|'''Christopher K. Scipio'''
|'''Christopher K. Scipio'''
|Currently on interchange/assignment as the Senior Advisor, Black Executive Network/Le Reseau des executifs noirs (BEN/REN). Home department: Department of National Defence, Senior GBA+ Advisor
|Currently on interchange/assignment as the Senior Advisor, Black Executive Network/Le Reseau des executifs noirs (BEN/REN). Home department: Department of National Defence, Senior GBA+ Advisor
|GBA+, anti-racism & anti-oppression, talent management, leadership, conflict resolution, self-advocacy, policy innovation.     
| GBA+, anti-racism & anti-oppression, talent management, leadership, conflict resolution, self-advocacy, policy innovation.   
|'''Diyyinah Jamora'''
|'''Diyyinah Jamora'''
|She / Her
|She / Her
|Social Media Analyst / ISC/CIRNAC
|Social Media Analyst / ISC/CIRNAC
Line 1,189: Line 1,222:  
|Networking, Idea sharing, collaboration, CoP, Leading Teams  
| Networking, Idea sharing, collaboration, CoP, Leading Teams  
|'''Makenzy Ricketts'''
|'''Makenzy Ricketts'''
|She/ Her
|She/ Her
|A/ Labour Relations Advisor
|A/ Labour Relations Advisor
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|Transformation Management Branch / ESDC
| Transformation Management Branch / ESDC
|Black, women, Person with invisible disability
|Black, women, Person with invisible disability
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|'''Muhammed (Ali) Khan'''
|'''Muhammed (Ali) Khan'''
|He / Him
|He / Him
|Diversity and Inclusion / ISC
|Diversity and Inclusion / ISC
|South Asian
|South Asian
Line 1,264: Line 1,297:  
|Business Expertise Senior Consultant / Service Canada
|Business Expertise Senior Consultant / Service Canada
|Black, Woman
|Black, Woman
| Yes
|Employee Engagement, Leading Teams, Wellness, Career Development, Diversity
|Employee Engagement, Leading Teams, Wellness, Career Development, Diversity
|'''Reshmeena Lalani'''  
|'''Reshmeena Lalani'''
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|South Asian, racialized women with a hearing exceptionality  
|South Asian, racialized women with a hearing exceptionality
Line 1,296: Line 1,329:  
|Networking, Engagement, Community Building, Collaboration, Leading Teams, Project Management, Change Management  
|Networking, Engagement, Community Building, Collaboration, Leading Teams, Project Management, Change Management
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|Leadership/Career Development, Networking, Coaching, Mentoring, Disability Inclusion/Accessibility, Having Difficult Conversations, Self-Care, Wellness, Ongoing process of (un)learning  
|Leadership/Career Development, Networking, Coaching, Mentoring, Disability Inclusion/Accessibility, Having Difficult Conversations, Self-Care, Wellness, Ongoing process of (un)learning
|'''Aimée Gonzalez Ferriol'''
|Policy Analyst, Regulatory Operations, Office of Energy Efficiency.
|Latin American (Caribbean)
|Career development, wellness, leadership, allyship, GBAPlus, DEI.

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