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|'''Network / Réseau'''
|'''Network / Réseau'''
|November 15, 2023  
|November 30, 2023 /
le 30 novembre, 2023  
2:00pm - 3:30pm ET
4:00pm to 7:00pm ET /
|'''A presentation around Official Languages impacts on Indigenous employees'''
16 h 00 à 19 h 00 HE
by the Interdepartmental Network on Diversity and Employment Equity (IDNDEE) & Anti-Racism Ambassadors Network (ARAN)[[File:AR EVENTS.png|alt=ARAN-ARAR|thumb|85x85px|ARAN-ARAR]]
|'''Networking Event for Black Employees organized by ISED BEN'''
The ''Impacts of Official Language Modernization on Indigenous Inclusion in the Federal Public Service Workplace'' discussion paper was prepared to provoke deeper thinking and discussion on linguistic and cultural plurality in relation to implementing a modernized ''Official Languages Act'' and its related instruments.
'''ISED BEN''', is hosting a networking event for Black employees to celebrate its two-year anniversary! Allies are welcomed.
Discussion Paper:
This is a chance to meet and network with your fellow Black public servants from across the National Capital Region. Feel free to share this invitation to any federal Black employees in the National Capital Region.
Impacts of Official Language Modernization on Indigenous Inclusion in the Federal Public Service Workplace
Prepared for Deputy Minister Wilson
'''Where:''' Sens House (73 York Street, Ottawa - above Lowertown Brewery)
Prepared by Carolyn Laude, Strategic Communications Advisor, Knowledge Circle for Indigenous Inclusion, October 13th, 2023
'''When:''' Thursday, '''November 30th''' from 4pm to 7pm
KCII wants to acknowledge and thank Manon Tasse for her research contributions to this paper during the time she worked at the Knowledge Circle.
'''[ Please RSVP]''' to help us plan.
Presentation: [ OL II IDNEED_ARAN_November 15_2023.pptx]
We hope to see you there!
Evénement de réseautage pour les employé(e)s noir(e)s organisé par le REN d'ISDE
Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer que le '''REN d'ISDE''' organise un événement de réseautage pour les employé(e)s noir(e)s afin de célébrer son deuxième anniversaire ! Les allié(e)s sont les bienvenu(e)s.
Ce sera l'occasion de rencontrer et réseauter avec d’autres fonctionnaires noir(e)s dans la région de la capitale nationale. N’hésitez pas à partager cette invitation avec tout(e)s fonctionnaires noir(e)s dans la région de la capitale nationale.
'''Où''' : Sens House (73 rue York, Ottawa - au-dessus de Lowertown Brewery)
'''Quand''' : Jeudi '''30 novembre''' de 16 h 00 à 19 h 00
'''[ Merci de confirmer votre présence]''' pour nous aider à planifier.
Nous espérons vous y voir!

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