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|You will have the tools and systems in place that support you in delivering programs and services to individuals
|You will have the tools and systems in place that support you in delivering programs and services to individuals
|'''''Content'' - Data-enabled digital services and programs:''' drive cross-government improvement in client and employee services, data and cross-agency integration
|'''''Contenu'' – Services et programmes numériques axés sur les données''' : Orienter à l’échelle fédérale l’amélioration des services aux clients et aux employés, des données et l’intégration entre divers organismes.
|You will be able to organize, use and share data and information so that others can benefit, and to improve services and programs
|You will be able to organize, use and share data and information so that others can benefit, and to improve services and programs
|'''''Rules'' - Action-ready digital strategy and policy:''' set strategy, policy and guidance that enables safe, secure, reliable and privacy-enabled operations
|'''''Règles'' – Stratégie et Politique sur le numérique prêtes à l’emploi''' : Définir une stratégie, une politique et des orientations qui permettent des opérations sûres, sécurisées, fiables et respectueuses de la vie privée.
|Policies and guidance will support you and your organization through digital change
|Policies and guidance will support you and your organization through digital change
|'''''People/Mindset'' - Structural evolution in funding, talent and culture:''' drive changes to policy and governance that prioritize and unlock the full value of digital investment
|'''''Personnes/état d’esprit'' – Évolution structurelle du financement, des talents et de la culture''' : Susciter des changements de politique et de gouvernance qui accordent la priorité à un investissement en matière de numérique et en exploitent son plein potentiel.
|You will have access to the skills and resources needed to be digital, and work digitally
|You will have access to the skills and resources needed to be digital, and work digitally

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