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Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement (RIAS): Low-Impact Template

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Provide a brief statement to describe the issues or the problems that the regulation will address and why government intervention is needed.

Background (if applicable)

(Optional section for low-impact proposals, to be determined by the Regulatory Affairs Sector of the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS-RAS) analyst.)

Provide background information, including context, description of the legislative regime, and program design, etc. Ensure that the background presented is relevant to the proposed regulatory action (maximum one page in length).


Outline the objectives of the proposed regulation.


Provide a brief description of the proposed regulation.

“One-for-One” Rule

(For more information, consult Controlling Administrative Burden That Regulations Impose on Business: Guide for the “One-for-One” Rule.)

State whether the “One-for-One” Rule applies and whether the proposal is considered an “IN” or an “OUT” under the rule. If a “carve-out” has been granted, state the type of carve-out that has been granted and provide a brief rationale for the carve-out. If the rule does not apply because there are no administrative cost increases or decreases on business, include the following statement (or a similar statement): “The ‘One-for-One’ Rule does not apply to this proposal, as there is no change in administrative costs to business.”

Describe the increase in administrative costs (if IN) or decrease (if OUT). State the total annualized administrative cost increase (if IN) or decrease (if OUT) and describe the assumptions associated with their monetization. The annualized increase or decrease must be presented in terms of total administrative costs to all businesses as well as the average administrative cost per business.

Note that the following parameters must be used to monetize INs and OUTs:

  • A forecasted impact time period of 10 years beginning in the year the IN comes into force or the OUT will be repealed;
  • A price base year of 2012 (all valuations must be presented in constant year 2012 prices);
  • A present value base year of 2012 (increases (INs) or decreases (OUTs) must be discounted back to 2012); and
  • A 7 per cent discount rate. Note: this is a real discount rate; as such, estimates should not be adjusted for inflation prior to discounting.

Summarize the consultation activities and stakeholder feedback on the department’s estimates of administrative costs or savings to business (if any).

Small business lens

On an exceptional basis, the small business lens may apply to a low-impact proposal (to be determined on a case-by-case basis with TBS-RAS). If the lens applies, consult the small business lens section of the Medium- and High-Impact Template for instructions.

If the small business lens does not apply, include the following statement (or a similar statement): “The small business lens does not apply to this proposal, as there are no costs (or insignificant costs) on small business.”

Consultation (if applicable)

Describe the consultation process, the main views of consulted parties, and how they were taken into account.


Justify the proposed regulatory option, particularly by demonstrating how the proposal will address the objectives stated above, how it is proportionate to the degree and type of risk presented by the issue, and how it will not unduly impact other areas or sectors. A brief qualitative assessment of expected benefits and costs must be included.

Implementation, enforcement and service standards (if applicable)

(Optional section for low-impact proposals, to be determined by the TBS-RAS analyst.)

Describe the implementation plan and compliance and enforcement strategies, if appropriate. Identify the service standard associated with the regulatory program (when required), and describe how the department will monitor its performance against the standard.


Identify the contact person(s) for public enquiries.