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March 27, 2024 - Updates, priorities of the week
Back to GC Web Priorities Meetings - Réunions des Priorités Web du GC
Meeting information
1. Updates
2. Roundtable
Notes and action items
- Questions about the budget, but we don’t have any information we can share at the moment
- For web, the budget will mean a publishing break when it comes out
- Publishing research summaries on Using a Wizard to help people get answers during Covid-19
- More publications are coming soon
- Revamping the Slack channel to make it more user friendly
- If your email address changes, you can still use the same Slack account, here are instructions:
Institutional landing page template
- We anticipate launching the new ILP in April
- No hard deadline for departments to update their content
- We’ve included guidance for all of the components
- This version is based on the Beta version operating since 2021
- We will send out more information when it’s ready to launch
Question: Are there rules around when to use the Supertask button
A: Yes, we have included guidance for that
- Platform tool run by CDS
- Operating since 2019
- Uses Amazon web cloud services
- To help users through government processes
- Benefits
- Reduces time effort and cost
- Provides clarity for end-users
- Increase trust and satisfaction
- Doesn’t BCC users like email does
- GC Notify doesn’t store personal data for more than 7 days by default, can be shorter
- Support team provides 24 hour support
- 422 federal services
- GCNotify is public facing, but only public servants can create an account
- Three steps to create a service
- You create a service name and email address
- has high confidence from users
- You can customize domain if needed
- Quick and easy to set up a service
- Can contact users by email or text
- Includes reporting if your users received the message
- You can format text messages with markup language
- You can use API integration
- You can manage different types of access to team members
- We had to find a way to manage bounce rate, so we made a guide to help keep accurate contact information
- If too many emails don’t work, Amazon could suspend the service, as they would assume we are spamming
Q: Have you thought about including “no reply” so users can opt out.
A: You can include a reply to the message. We’re looking to improve on that. We are looking at that and other ways to improve end-user experience. So far we’ve left that to departments, how they configure the opt in/opt out aspect.
Q: What else is on your roadmap this year?
A: We just released self-serve logos, which will ease our workflow. We’ve also done some other self-serve features. Additionally, we created an Incidents and Service Interruptions, which is public facing.
Q: Any plans for a subscription feature so users can add themselves?
A: Yes, we are looking into that.
Q: Are the custom logos vetted by TBS?
A: We don’t vet the logos ourselves, it’s the responsibility of the department to do that.
- The Federal Sustainability Development Strategy website has been moved over to from a dedicated domain, if you have links to the FSDS content on you will want to update them and point to the page instead