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January 17, 2024 - Updates, priorities of the week
Back to GC Web Priorities Meetings - Réunions des Priorités Web du GC
Meeting information
1. Updates
2. Roundtable
Notes and action items
DTO Update
Transition to ESC continues and accelerates. Our email addresses will transition very soon.
Our colleagues in CDS are doing a survey on technology adoption. Please take a look at the survey:
Round table
- "Housing costs on your mind?" SEM campaign was launched on Monday
Principal Publisher
- We’ve asked AEM reps if they have any major upcoming updates because we’ll need some downtime over the next couple weekends to make some upgrades. If you know of any major upcoming updates let Principal Publisher know.
- Next week is a meeting of the housing working group, we look at data and collaborate on updates, homelessness etc.
- Housekeeping note, for password, usernames etc. if you have staff that left your team, make sure that you clean up old passwords and access
- Please proactively fix broken links. We have reached out to Media Relations teams to request they update content on this page: Media Contacts -
DTO reminder
One more week left to comment on the Audit of patterns and templates.
Next step is to move to eliminating some of the patterns.
- State Funeral website for the Honourable Ed Broadbent launched on Monday:
Public Safety
- Published Research Security Research Security - yesterday in conjunction with yesterday's announcement on Research Security and the Research Security Centre.
It would be helpful to have guidance for how to present footnotes and table notes.
Notices of privacy breach - where is the best place to post them?
A: There is no designated place, however best to place it where the context is most appropriate.
(After discussion)
There has been a problematic warning which is unclear if the privacy breach relates to the public or former employees.
This matter will be discussed with TBS and DTO.
What is the timeline for the layered navigation pattern?
At this time we don’t know, will have to determine this later in the year.