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Interdepartmental Organizational Change Network / Réseau interministériel du changement organisationnel

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Welcome to the Interdepartmental Organizational Change Network (IOCN)

You may wonder, what the Interdepartmental Organizational Change Network (IOCN) does as a Community of Practice (CoP) or as a Community of Interest (CoI). We embrace Organizational Development (OD), Change Management (CM), and Mindful Change Leadership (MCL).

What is OD and CM?

Although there are a number of definitions of Organization Development (OD) and Change Management (CM), we offer the following as a source of information to understand the essence of the field of OD and CM:

  • Organization development is a system-wide process, led by clients, to increase the effectiveness and well-being of their organization, through the application of action-research and human behavioural science knowledge.
  • Change management is a structured approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from a current state to a desired future state. It includes both organizational change management processes and individual change management models, which together are used to manage the people side of change.

Find out more details by reading the IOCN's Terms of Reference AGzz IOCN - ToR.jpg

1-diverse email us.jpg Do you want to contact us and get involved? Send us an email

Please note that by joining any of the groups listed on this page you become a member of the IOCN.

Our Sites

GCCollab: Government of Canada Organizational Culture and Change (IOCN-RICO CM CoP)

GCxchange: The IOCN is now active on gcxchange, join us at A Mindful Change Leadership (MS Edge recommended)

GCCollab: Mindful Change Leadership Development (MCLD) - Program Cohort, CoP & CoI

♥ NEW -THE OFFERING!!: Invitation to the Mindful Change Leadership Development (MCLD) Program 2025 English Offering

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Convergence: A page dedicated to leverage the various sessions offered by, and to, the Federal Government of Canada employees





Blogs / Les blogues - GCCollab
Blogs - gcxchange (internal to public service access)


Events - GCCollab

Events - gcxchange (internal to public service access)


Recordings for the Group / Les enregistrements pour le groupe :


Tool Compendium (GCPedia internal to public service access)


GCcollab Group Files


  • Revised and Updated Februray 2025.

Community Guidelines

Participation and Wiki Etiquette

  • Please participate - if you see typos or obvious mistakes or can add to the document please take the time to do so directly on the page.
  • Please be courteous - Sample G&C's Wiki Etiquette