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GC Enterprise Architecture/What's New in EA

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M365 Pathfinders

Departments that want to use M365 for Information Management need to fill out the Draft Standard Assessment Framework published by the IM Policy team as well as GC EARB Presenter Template and send them to the GC EA Mailbox (

For the updated policy for systems that manages information management, please refer to the presentation to the GC EARB by the IM policy:

For list of departments that have come forward to GC EARB to get endorsement of their M365 as Record Management, please see below:

GC EA is currently working on creating a draft M365 Reference Architecture as a system that manages Information. It was presented at the GC EA Community of Practice on Feb 3, 2022.

Records of discussions and GC EARB presentations are posted on the: GC Enterprise Architecture Review Board GCconnex page.

Other References