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February 1, 2023 - Updates, priorities of the week
Back to GC Web Priorities Meetings - Réunions des Priorités Web du GC
Meeting information
1. Updates / Mises à jour: DTO, PCO, PP, HC, other departments
2. Quasi-judicial design kickoff - Peter Smith/Annie Crombie
3. DRR template - Luc Bujold
Updates from DTO
- Black History Month campaign went live this morning.
- DTO newsletter being finalized and is coming out shortly.
- GC task success results for Q3 are showing some improvements:
- Q3 results report
- We’ll present more details at next Wednesday’s GCWP
- Heads of Comms email will be sent soon to reiterate the timeline for implementing the footer update.
Updates from departments
David Pepin: PHAC Infobase will be doing another card sort exercise to see if the current organization of top categories and tags work.
Please participate if you have a few minutes:
Marilyn Brooks: Environment theme is looking for anyone who has related content to add, or who wants to get involved in the ECCC working group. Contact Marilyn Brooks.
Annie Crombie for CRA: Get ready to do your taxes page is now published.
Quasi-judicial design kickoff - Peter Smith/Annie Crombie (DTO)
Presentation: Quasi-judicial design
Held a meeting on Monday with quasi-judicial institutions to move forward on a design that balances the need to meet policy requirements and engender trust in the user while also conveying independence from the departments they are rendering decisions about.
This design need was identified before the pandemic but we’re only getting back to it now.
Department Results Reports (DRR) template - Luc Bujold (TBS)
A new proposed template for this report is being reviewed to improve accessibility.
Our DRR template approach will be in 2 phases:
- Phase 1 (for May 2023): looking at heading, structure, levels, etc – we want to know what the biggest issues are for you.
- Phase 2: Writing for the web, communicating more simply, and also using current trends for better digital display.
During this process, Luc is happy to take any concerns you have by any method of contact.
NOTE: DRR is a legislative requirement at TBS. This is why people are still writing it as a paper publication. There might be a workaround for this. Happy to hear your ideas.
What are the criteria for the use of icons?
There are no strict rules against them but take care not to use them without good reason. Select them carefully so you choose ones that convey meaning.
Icons have been applied on as a visual cue for something you use often and that isn’t necessarily related to the word. i.e., a bank for your bank account, or a key for your GCKEY.
Suggestion: if we are designing them, we should think about creating a central store so we can share them and pool advice on how it might help accessibility.
Theme leads might want to look through the lens of themes.