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Community-curated resources to learn everything digital.
Taken a course, attended an event, or know a talented expert on user experience research? Let’s learn together.
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Pick a learning competency

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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Development & Automation


Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Exposure and practical experience in developing and using algorithms to independently learn from and make predictions or decisions based on data..

Development & Automation Application & web development and coding. Bootcamp in developing web and mobile applications; introduction to DevOps.

Data Practical skills and tools required to conduct analytics, develop and test hypotheses, visualize and share reproducible result.

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Core Skills

Design Exposure and practical skills related to techniques and tools used in user experience research & design and process and service design in a digital age.

Disruption Hands-on experimentation on the Internet of Things, drones, blockchain, virtual reality, machine vision and 3D printing and other technologies in an innovative laboratory environment;

Core Skills Skills that support all digital competencies - think accessibility and open source software.

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User Experience


Test Methodology for creative problem-solving to address user needs.

User Experience Process of improving user satisfaction with a product by enhancing the enjoyment and accessibility of the product.

More Ideas? Art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and experiences with visual and textual content.