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Artificial Intelligence

Data Science

Development and Automation

Artificial Intelligence Software that contains source code that anyone can analyze, change, and improve.

Data Science A broad field of processes, algorithms, and systems used to extract knowledge and inferences from data.

Development & Automation A type of code used to create and format wiki pages.

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Digital Disruption

Digital Government Policy

Open Source

Digital Disruption A broad field of processes, algorithms, and systems used to extract knowledge and inferences from data.

Digital Government Policy Techniques used to display data and information in easily understandable formats.

Open Source Software that contains source code that anyone can analyze, change, and improve.

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User Experience


Test Methodology for creative problem-solving to address user needs.

User Experience Process of improving user satisfaction with a product by enhancing the enjoyment and accessibility of the product.

Other Art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and experiences with visual and textual content.

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More Ideas?

Accessibility The quality of being easily reached, entered, or used by people who have a disability.

More Ideas? Send a message and let's get started.