The Square/Disruption

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What does disruption mean?

 Disruptive (technology) refers to any enhanced or new technology that replaces and disrupts an existing one. Learning what disruption means involves hands-on experimentation on the Internet of Things, drones, blockchain, virtual reality, machine vision, 3D printing, and other technologies in an innovative laboratory environment.

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Disruption Practices & Skills
1. Definition
Disruption v. innovation, systems thinking, taxonomies, etc.
Type of Resource Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Notes
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
2. Cultural Implications
Foresight, digital rights, thinking differently, etc.
Type of Resource Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Notes
Report (with summary) Automation Across the Nation: Understanding the potential impacts of technological trends across Canada Brookfield Institute
Presentation Slides The Future of Work: The Rise of the Sharing Economy, Transformative Technologies, and Shifting Labour and Skills Needs in Canada FWD50 Conference Presented by Alexandra Cutean, Information & Communication Technology Council
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
3. Processes
Criteria, measurement, disruption in government, etc.
Type of Resource Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Notes
Presentation slides Communicating change and tech disruption to citizens FWD50 Conference 2018 Presented by Mike Kujawski
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
4. Technology
Internet of things (IoT), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), drones, digital ID, etc.
Type of Resource Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Notes
Online course Big Data Emerging Technologies Yonsei University via Coursera
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?