The Square/Dev & Automation-test

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What is Development & Automation?

 Technologies that perform a process by means of programmed commands combined with automatic feedback controls to ensure execution of the commands. Learning development and automation includes application development, web development, coding, and devOps.

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Development & Automation Practices & Skills
1. Coding
Type of Resource Name/Title of Resource Organization Contact/Link Notes
Article + video An Introduction to Computational Thinking DevMountain Blog A story with examples, analogies, etc.
Online course Applied Scrum for Project Management University of Maryland via edX
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
2. Programming
Spectrum of development, overview of popular languages, etc.
Type of Resource Name/Title of Resource Organization Contact/Link Notes
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
3. Systems architecture
Open source, security, cloud, etc.
Type of Resource Name/Title of Resource Organization Contact/Link Notes
Online course Web Accessibility for Developers Ryerson University via Canvas Network
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
4. Database design
Automation in everyday life, interactive bots, etc.
Type of Resource Name/Title of Resource Organization Contact/Link Notes
Presentation slides Metadata: It's boring. We're bad at it. So let's automate it! FWD50 Conference 2017 Presented by Stephen Ludlow
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
5. Algorithm design
Automation in everyday life, interactive bots, etc.
Type of Resource Name/Title of Resource Organization Contact/Link Notes
Presentation slides Metadata: It's boring. We're bad at it. So let's automate it! FWD50 Conference 2017 Presented by Stephen Ludlow
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
6. Interaction design
Automation in everyday life, interactive bots, etc.
Type of Resource Name/Title of Resource Organization Contact/Link Notes
Presentation slides Metadata: It's boring. We're bad at it. So let's automate it! FWD50 Conference 2017 Presented by Stephen Ludlow
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
7. Visual design
Type of Resource Name/Title of Resource Organization Contact/Link Notes
Presentation slides Metadata: It's boring. We're bad at it. So let's automate it! FWD50 Conference 2017 Presented by Stephen Ludlow
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
8. Design research
Type of Resource Name/Title of Resource Organization Contact/Link Notes
Presentation slides Metadata: It's boring. We're bad at it. So let's automate it! FWD50 Conference 2017 Presented by Stephen Ludlow
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
8. Usability testing
Type of Resource Name/Title of Resource Organization Contact/Link Notes
Presentation slides Metadata: It's boring. We're bad at it. So let's automate it! FWD50 Conference 2017 Presented by Stephen Ludlow
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?
Expert, video, article, course, etc. Name/Title Organization Contact/Link Anything to add?