Important: The GCConnex decommission will not affect GCCollab or GCWiki. Thank you and happy collaborating!
GC Diversity Networks - Réseaux de la-diversité-du GC
The GC Diversity and Inclusion Landscape / Le paysage de la diversité et de l'inclusion au sein du GC = Throughout the Federal Public Service, communities of practice, working groups and teams from coast to coast to coast are working hard to help move the dial forward and make the GC more Diverse, Inclusive and Anti-Racist. Click on the following links to learn about what's underway.
Upcoming Events contains a list of GC-wide interdepartmental events.
GC Diversity Networks highlights the networks active at the National, Regional, or Local level, and includes their contact details as well.
GC Diversity Initiatives shows what initiatives are Currently Underway aiming to push the dial forward in the Federal Public Service.
GC Informal Networking and Mentorship Program Equity and equity seeking employees can use the Equity Mentorship and Networking Program to connect with colleagues across the GC who have similar lived experiences.
Dans toute la fonction publique fédérale, des communautés de pratique, des groupes de travail et des équipes d'un bout à l'autre du pays travaillent d'arrache-pied pour faire avancer les choses et rendre le GC plus diversifié, plus inclusif et plus antiraciste. Cliquez sur les liens suivants pour en savoir plus sur ce qui est en cours.
Événements à venir contient une liste d'événements interdépartementaux à l'échelle de l'Union européenne.
Réseaux de la diversité du GC met en évidence les réseaux actifs au niveau national, régional ou local, et inclut également leurs coordonnées.
Initiatives de la diversité du GC Initiatives en matière de diversité du GC montre les initiatives en cours visant à faire avancer les choses dans la fonction publique fédérale.
Programme informel de réseautage et de mentorat du GC Les employés en quête d'équité peuvent utiliser le Programme de mentorat et de réseautage en matière d'équité pour entrer en contact avec des collègues de tout le GC qui ont des expériences de vie similaires.
Upcoming Events - Événements à venir
Please include any network events that are open to employees across the GoC. Please include contact information for the organizers. If you would like assistance in adding your event, please email or
Veuillez indiquer tout événement de réseau ouvert aux employés du gouvernement du Canada. Veuillez indiquer les coordonnées des organisateurs. Si vous souhaitez obtenir de l'aide pour ajouter votre événement, veuillez envoyer un courriel à ou
Date | Event Details / Détails de l'événement | Network / Réseau |
February 10, 11, and 12, 2025, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM EST /
le 10, 11 et 12 février 2025, 9h00 à 16h00 HNE |
Rising 2025: Black Excellence and Canadian PolicyDate: February 10, 11, and 12, 2025 (3 days) Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (ET)
À l’aube de 2025 : l’excellence noire et les politiques canadiennesDate : 10, 11 et 12 février 2025 (trois jours) Heure : de 9 h 00 à 16 h 00 (HE)
February 13, 2025 1:00 - 3:00 PM EST /
13 février 2025, 13h00 à 15h00 HNE |
Building Our Futures: Sharing Lessons Learned From Supporting Black YouthIn collaboration with ESDC’s Supporting Black Canadian Communities Initiative and ESDC’s Social Innovation and Community Development Directorate, the purpose of this event is to examine systemic challenges facing Black youth and recognize effective, community-led measures to address barriers through the provision of youth-focused programs. This event is a valuable opportunity for public servants working in social development, grants and contributions and youth-focused units to stay informed of emergent issues facing Black youth, and receive recommendations on federal policies and programs directly from community experts.
Construire nos avenirs : Partager les leçons tirées du soutien aux jeunes NoirsRéalisé en collaboration avec les responsables de l’initiative Appuyer les communautés noires du Canada d’EDSC et la Direction de l’innovation sociale et du développement communautaire d’EDSC, cet événement a pour objectif d’examiner les défis systémiques auxquels sont confrontés les jeunes Noirs et de reconnaître les mesures efficaces, dirigées par la communauté, pour surmonter ces obstacles grâce à la mise en place de programmes axés sur la jeunesse. Cet événement constitue une occasion précieuse pour les fonctionnaires travaillant dans le domaine du développement social, des subventions et contributions et au sein d’unités axées sur la jeunesse de se tenir informés des problèmes émergents auxquels sont confrontés les jeunes Noirs et de recevoir des recommandations sur les politiques et les programmes fédéraux directement de la part des experts communautaires.
February 14, 2025, 1:30 - 2:30 PM EST /
14 février 2025, 13h30 à 14h30 HNE |
Infinity Career Chat series - English discussion with Maryrose RodgerDescription Join us for Infinity’s Bi-monthly Career Chat featuring Maryrose Rodger, Executive Director for Reconciliation, Treaties, and Engagement at Canadian Heritage. In this one-hour session, Moderator Dani Marshall will explore Maryrose’s experiences, challenges, and successes as a neurodivergent leader. Come prepared to learn about career growth, inclusive leadership, and how to navigate the public service as a neurodivergent professional.
Série de discussions de carrière Infinité - Discussion en anglais avec Maryrose RodgerDescription Joignez-vous à nous pour la série de Discussions de carrière bimensuelles d’Infinité, avec la participation de Maryrose Rodger, directrice exécutive pour la Réconciliation, les traités et l’engagement à Patrimoine canadien. Au cours de cette séance d’une heure, la modératrice (Dani Marshall) abordera avec Maryrose son parcours, ses défis et ses réussites en tant que dirigeante neurodivergente. Venez découvrir des conseils sur le développement de carrière, le leadership inclusif et la façon de faire progresser votre carrière dans la fonction publique en tant que personne neurodivergente.
Infinity | Infinité |
February 19, 2025 (English), 10:30 AM - 4:00 PM EST /
20 février 2025 (français), 10h30 à 16h00 HNE |
Black Youth Conference 2025We are thrilled to invite you to a groundbreaking event that will empower, inspire, and connect Black youth within the federal public service – the Black Youth Conference 2025. Brought to you by ESDC Labour Program, ESDC Black Employee Network (BEN), and Federal Youth Network (FYN). When:
Together, we’ll:
We need you to make this event unforgettable. Register now and secure your place in this historic moment. Conférence des jeunesse Noirs 2025Nous sommes ravis de vous inviter à un événement novateur qui renforcera, inspirera et reliera les jeunes Noirs au sein de la fonction publique fédérale - la Conférence des jeunesse Noirs 2025. Cette conférence est organisée par le Programme du travail du EDSC, le Réseau des employés noirs du EDSC (BEN) et le Réseau fédéral de la jeunesse (RFJ).
- Le 19 février 2025 : Sessions en anglais - 20 février 2025 : Sessions en français - Heure : 10h30 à 16h00 HNE - Endroit : Zoom Events - s'inscrire ici
- Explorer des stratégies de bien-être mental. - Profiter de l'expérience d'un groupe de discussion sur le développement de carrière. - Créer des liens significatifs dans le cadre d'un atelier de réseautage.
BEN & FYN | REN et RFJ |
February 19, 2025, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST /
19 février 2025, 13h00 à 14h00 HNE |
Overview of the Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics HubThe Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics (GDIS) Hub is Statistics Canada's primary platform for all gender, diversity and inclusion related data. The Hub enables data users to easily find disaggregated and intersectional data, analytical products and insights. This session provides an overview of data holding at Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics (GDIS) Hub.
This is an introductory webinar; it may be too basic for advanced data users. Carrefour des statistiques sur le genre, la diversité et l'inclusionLe Carrefour des statistiques sur le genre, la diversité et l’inclusion (SGDI) est la principale plateforme de Statistique Canada pour toutes les données liées au genre, à la diversité et à l’inclusion. Le carrefour permet aux utilisateurs de données de trouver facilement des données désagrégées et intersectionnelles, des produits analytiques et des informations. Cette séance offre un aperçu des données au Carrefour des statistiques sur le genre, la diversité et l’inclusion (SGDI).
Il s’agit d’un webinaire d’introduction. Il est possible que les concepts présentés soient trop généraux pour les utilisateurs de données chevronnés. |
February 25, 2025, 12:00 - 1:00 PM EST /
25 février 2025, 12h00 à 13h00 HNE |
Coffee & Conversations - Ramadan EditionThe Muslim Federal Employees Network (MFEN) invites you to their Coffee & Conversations event scheduled for February 25, 2025 from 12-1 pm EST.
Café et conversations - édition du RamadanLe Réseau des employés fédéraux musulmans (REFM) vous invite à son événement Café et Conversations qui aura lieu le 25 février 2025 de 12 h à 13 h HNE.
February 26, 2025, 1:00 - 2:30 PM ET /
26 février 2026, 13h00 à 14h30 |
Interdepartmental Virtual Speed Mentoring with Black Executives!You are invited to the dynamic Interdepartmental Virtual Speed Mentoring Event hosted by ECCC's Black Employees Network in collaboration with the Black Executives Network.
Location: MS Teams Audience: Black Employees in the Federal Public Service RSVP: Confirm your spot by February 17, 2025. Mentorat virtuel éclair interministériel avec des cadres noirs!Vous êtes invités à participer à un événement dynamique de mentorat virtuel éclair interministériel organisé par le Réseau des employés noirs d’ECCC, en collaboration avec le Réseau des exécutifs noirs et le Réseau des professionnels noirs de Services public et Approvisionnement Canada.
Lieu : MS Teams Destinataires : les employés noirs de la fonction publique fédérale RSVP : réservez votre place avant le 17 février 2025. |
ECCC's Black Employees Network & Black Executives Network | Réseau des employés noirs d’ECCC, le Réseau des exécutifs noirs et le Réseau des professionnels noirs de Services public |
February 26, 2025, 1:00 - 3:00 PM ET /
26 février 2026, 13h00 à 15h00 |
Protecting Our Stories: Archiving and Amplifying Black History in CanadaIn collaboration with ESDC’s Supporting Black Canadian Communities Initiatives, ESDC’s Social Innovation and Community Development Directorate and Canadian Heritage’s Black Employee Network, this event offers an opportunity to participate in a virtual tour of the Black Loyalist Heritage Centre in Nova Scotia and celebrate various community-based initiatives that seek to showcase, preserve and raise awareness about the diverse histories of Black communities in Canada. Community experts will explore how Black ingenuity, cultures and ways of life have enriched Canada's multicultural landscape for over 400 years.
Protéger nos histoires : Archiver et amplifier l’histoire des personnes noires au CanadaOrganisé en collaboration avec l’initiative Appuyer les communautés noires du Canada d’EDSC, la Direction de l’innovation sociale et du développement communautaire d’EDSC et le Réseau des Employés Noirs de Patrimoine Canadien, cet événement offre l’occasion de participer à une visite virtuelle du Black Loyalist Heritage Centre en Nouvelle-Écosse et de célébrer diverses initiatives communautaires visant à mettre en valeur, à préserver et à faire connaître les diverses histoires des communautés noires au Canada. Des experts de la communauté exploreront comment l’ingéniosité, les cultures et les modes de vie des Noirs enrichissent le multiculturalisme au Canada depuis plus de 400 ans.
GC Diversity Networks - Réseaux de la diversité du GC
This is a crowdsourced list containing information on all networks, communities, working groups and teams work to answer the Clerks Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity and Inclusion.
If you or your Community of Practice, Network, Working Group or Team is working in Diversity, Inclusion, anti-Racism or Ableism in the Government of Canada, please add the name of you group in the first column below. In the second column please indicate if the group is working at the regional, national or local level. In the third column please indicate if the network is interdepartmental and in the last column please list a brief description of the network including information on how to join.
Employee networks are an effective way to increase inclusion within our workplaces. We encourage folks to use this list to make connections, share resources and best practices and come together to move the dial forward. If you need assistance in adding your initiative to the below table please email [] or [].
Il s'agit d'une liste de sources multiples contenant des informations sur tous les réseaux, communautés, groupes de travail et équipes qui travaillent pour répondre à l'Appel à l'action des greffiers sur l'antiracisme, l'équité et l'inclusion.
Si vous ou votre communauté de pratique, votre réseau, votre groupe de travail ou votre équipe travaillez dans le domaine de la diversité, de l'inclusion, de l'antiracisme ou du capacitisme au sein du gouvernement du Canada, veuillez ajouter le nom de votre groupe dans la première colonne ci-dessous. Dans la deuxième colonne, veuillez indiquer si le groupe travaille au niveau régional, national ou local. Dans la troisième colonne, veuillez indiquer si le réseau est interministériel et dans la dernière colonne, veuillez fournir une brève description du réseau, y compris des renseignements sur la façon de s'y joindre.
Les réseaux d'employés sont un moyen efficace d'accroître l'inclusion sur nos lieux de travail. Nous encourageons les gens à utiliser cette liste pour établir des liens, partager des ressources et des meilleures pratiques et se rassembler pour faire avancer les choses. Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour ajouter votre initiative au tableau ci-dessous, veuillez envoyer un courriel à ou
Communauté des employe.e.s latino-americain.e.s (IRCC)
Name of Network or Community / Nom du réseau ou de la communauté | Community Supports / Soutien aux communautés | Local, Regional or National / Local, régional ou national | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Description of Network / Links and Contact Details / Description du réseau / liens et coordonnées |
Aboriginal Employee Advancement Committee
Indigenous / Autochtones | Regional - Quebec | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Aboriginal Employee Advancement Committee
Comité d’avancement des employés autochtones Championne / Champion : Caroline Garon at |
Accessibility Network / Réseau de l’accessibilité | Accessibility / l’accessibilité | National | Departmental / départemental - DFO/CCG / MPO/GCC | To develop a Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) network of engaged employees who will help shape the department’s view of accessibility in the workplace.
Accessible Communications Community of Practice / Communauté de pratique sur les communications accessibles | All / Tous | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Our Community of practice aims to connect colleagues from all fields and areas of communications across the GC to exchange ideas and work towards improving accessible communications. We meet quarterly. If you're interested in joining email: Martine Bareil or Christina Richard.
Anti-Racism Ambassadors Network (ARAN)
All / Tous |
National |
Interdepartmental / Interdépartemental |
Anti-Racism Ambassadors Network / Ambassadeurs du réseau anti-racisme
International Equity Collective GCXchange: Anti Racism Ambassadors Network - Ambassadeurs du Reseauu anti-Racisme |
Anti-Racism Secretariat / Secrétariat de lutte contre le racisme | All / Tous | National | Departmental -ESDC | Anti-Racism Secretariat The Federal Anti-Racism Secretariat, within the Employment and Social Development Canada, coordinates federal action and drives Changing Systems, Transforming Lives: Canada's Anti-Racism Strategy 2024-2028
Generic email: [[1]] |
Atlantic Diversity Community of Practice
Communauté de pratique de la diversité de l'Atlantique |
All / Tous | Regional - Atl | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Atlantic Diversity Community of Practice |
Black Employees Advisory Council of NRCan (BEACON) | Black / Noir | National | Departmental - NRCan | BEACON is a network of Black employees at NRCan who have voluntarily come together to share their lived experiences and support each other. BEACON works strategically and collaboratively with all levels of employees at NRCan to create awareness about Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), and eliminate anti-Black racism that exists within NRCan. One of the primary objectives of BEACON is to advocate for the resolution of issues affecting Black employees – promoting an NRCan where the qualifications and contributions of Black employees are recognized and celebrated, in addition to enabling and promoting the professional aspirations and advancements of Black talents. |
Black Executives Network (BEN) | Black / Noir | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Interim Steering Committee: Trudy Samuel Director General, Equity Strategy Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Senior Director Lead Engagement, Governance and Corporate Services NextGeneration HR & Pay Shared Services Canada |
BC Committee for the Advancement of Native Employees CANE | Indigenous / Autochtones | Regional - BC | Departmental- ISC -CIRNAC | BC Committee for the Advancement of Native Employees CANE
Services Canada and Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada Indigenous employee network. Contact: Chair Richard George at |
Breaking the Silence -- Pregnancy and Infant Loss, Infertility, Fertility Treatments and Adoption | All / Tous | National | Interdepartmental | This group is for employees and managers within the federal public service who have either personally experienced pregnancy loss, infant loss, infertility, fertility treatments, and/or adoption processes, or are looking for ways to support employees/colleagues who have been impacted by these experiences. The aim of this group is to connect federal public servants, share resources, and explore ways to better support each other.
Contact: |
Centre on Diversity and Inclusion (CDI)
All / Tous | National | Departmental / Départemental | Centre on Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) |
Champions and Chairs Circle for Indigenous Peoples (CCCIP) | Indigenous / Autochtones | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Champions and Chairs Circle for Indigenous Peoples (CCCIP) |
Community of Federal Visible Minorities (CFVM)
All / Tous |
National |
Interdepartmental / Interdépartemental |
Community of Federal Visible Minorities (CFVM) |
Data Equity Network Réseau du GC sur l'équité en matière de données | All / Tous | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
GC Data Equity Network- Réseau du GC sur l'équité en matière de données - Home / Accueil ( A GCXchange account is needed |
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Pacific Aboriginal Circle | Indigenous / Autochtones | Regional - Pacific | Departmental - DFO | Department of Fisheries and Oceans Pacific Aboriginal Circle
DFO & CCG Positive Space Initiative
MPO & GCC Initiative espace positif |
Gender, sexually romantically diverse employees (2SLGBTQQIA+)
National | Departmental – DFO/CCG
Départmental – MPO/GCC |
Positive space promotes a safe and inclusive work environment for diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions.
Positive Space / Espace positif (DFO/MPO) [[3]] L'espace positif favorise un environnement de travail sûr et inclusif pour diverses orientations sexuelles, identités de genre et expressions de genre. |
Disability Management, Accommodations and Accessibility Community of Practice
All / Tous | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental | |
Federal Black Employee Caucus (FBEC)
Black / Noir |
National |
Interdepartmental / Interdépartemental |
Federal Black Employee Caucus (FBEC) |
Employment Equity Champions and Chairs Committees and Circle (EECCC)
Comités et Cercle des champions et des présidents sur l'équité en emploi (CCPÉE) |
All / Tous | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Employment Equity Champions and Chairs Committees and Circle (EECCC)
Comités et Cercle des champions et des présidents sur l'équité en emploi (CCPÉE) |
ESDC Employees with Disabilities Network (EwDN) | Disabilities | National | Departmental - ESDC | The Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)’s Employees with Disabilities Network (EwDN) is an employee-led forum for employees of ESDC, including employees of Service Canada and Labour Program. |
ESDC Employee Pride Network (EPN) | LGBTQ2+ | National | Departmental - ESDC | The Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)’s Employee Pride Network (EPN) provide a safe forum for LGBTQ2+ employees and their allies to connect and discuss issues related to the promotion of a healthy and inclusive work environment for LGBTQ2+ employees. |
ESDC Visible Minorities Network (VMN) | All / Tous | National | Departmental - ESDC | Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)’s Visible Minorities Network (VMN) provides employees a forum to work together to address the needs, issues, concerns and challenges of members of visible minorities within ESDC. |
ESDC Indigenous Employees' Circle (IEC) | Indigenous / Autochtones | National | Departmental - ESDC | The Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)’s Indigenous Employees' Circle (IEC) is the network for First Nations, Métis and Inuit employees of the Department. The network also welcomes allies who support a positive and inclusive workplace for Indigenous employees. |
ESDC Black Engagement and Advancement Team (BEAT) | Black / Noir | National | Departmental - ESDC | The Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)’s Black Engagement and Advancement Team (BEAT)'s mandate is to identify and implement tangible and sustainable solutions to change the existing landscape for all Black employees at ESDC. |
ESDC Women’s Network (WN)
National | Departmental – ESDC
The Women’s Network is an employee-led by and for ESDC women, including Service Canada and the Labour Program. Membership to the Women’s Network is voluntary and open to all women (cis, trans, two-spirit, genderqueer and more) who share a common goal of a diverse and inclusive workplace.
The Network provides a safe forum for women to connect, communicate, and discuss issues related to women within ESDC as much as anywhere else and in everyday life. [[4]] ************** Le Réseau des femmes est un forum dirigé par les employés et pour les femmes d’EDSC, y compris celles de Service Canada et le Programme du travail. L’adhésion au Réseau des femmes est volontaire et ouverte à toutes les femmes (cis, trans, bispirituelles, genderqueer et plus) qui partagent un objectif commun d’un milieu de travail diversifié et inclusif. Le Réseau offre un lieu sûr où les femmes pourront communiquer et discuter des enjeux liés aux femmes, que ceux-ci soient vécus au sein d’EDSC autant que partout ailleurs et dans la vie de tous les jours. |
ESDC Learning Branch Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee
All / Tous | National | Branch-level (ESDC) | The Learning Branch’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee was established to enhance diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace and ensure alignment with departmental and government-wide commitments to anti-racism, equity and inclusion.
Federal Public Service Indigenous Training and Development Community of Practice
Indigenous / Autochtones |
National |
Interdepartmental / Interdépartemental |
Federal Public Service Indigenous Training and Development Community of Practice
Federal Government Latin - American Heritage Group
Latin - American |
National |
Interdepartmental / Interdépartemental |
Federal Government Latin - American Heritage Group |
Federal Interdepartmental Table on Aboriginal Issues | Indigenous / Autochtones | Regional - Quebec | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Federal Interdepartmental Table on Aboriginal Issues
Federal Youth Network
All / Tous | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Federal Youth Network |
Filipino Public Servants Network (FPSN) | Réseau des fonctionnaires philippins (RFP) | Filipino / Philippins | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
An interdepartmental network connecting public servants of Filipino descent | Un réseau interministériel réunissant les fonctionnaires d'origine philippine
Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) Community of Practice
Communauté de pratique de l'analyse comparative entre les sexes Plus (ACS+) |
All / Tous | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) Community of Practice
Communauté de pratique de l'analyse comparative entre les sexes Plus (ACS+) |
GoC Women in Non-Traditional Sectors
Women / Femme | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
GoC Women in Non-Traditional Sectors
Femmes du gouvernement du Canada occupant des postes non-traditionnels |
Indigenous Centre of Expertise | Indigenous / Autochtones | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
The Indigenous Centre of Expertise provides expertise and support on hiring Indigenous talent, creating tailored pools and inventories, liaising and building partnerships with Indigenous communities and building an inclusive and barrier free staffing process to all federal public service hiring managers and HR professionals
Indigenous Federal Employees Network (IFEN)
Indigenous / Autochtones |
National |
Interdepartmental / Interdépartemental |
Indigenous Federal Employees Network (IFEN) |
Infinity - The Network for Neurodivergent Public Servants / Infinté - Le réseau des fonctionnaires neurodivergents | All / Tous
National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Infinity is a professional network made by and for neurodivergent public servants. Infinity aims to connect, empower, and drive personal and professional growth among current and aspiring public servants who identify as neurodivergent. // Infinité est un réseau professionnel créé par et pour les fonctionnaires neurodivergents. Infinité a pour but de mettre en relation, d'autonomiser et de favoriser le développement personnel et professionnel des fonctionnaires actuels et futurs qui s'identifient comme neurodivergents.
For further information and general inquiries, contact us at |
Interdepartmental Accessibility Community of Practice
La communauté de pratique interministérielle sur l’accessibilité |
All / Tous | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Since May 2020, the Interdepartmental Accessibility Community of Practice (IACoP) is a collaborative platform open to all Government of Canada departments and agencies to share information, tools and best practices. These meetings also allow members to share and leverage successes and lessons learned as they each work towards meeting the requirements of the Accessible Canada Act and the goals set out in the Accessibility Strategy for the Public Service of Canada.
The IACoP will enable departments and agencies to identify where additional support and guidance is required in order to finalize departmental Accessibility Plans by December 2022 and publicly report progress annually starting in 2023. You can become a member today by emailing Public Services and Procurement Canada Accessibility Office ([[5]]) to request membership and invitation to forward meetings.
La CdPIA permettra aux ministères et aux organismes de déterminer dans quels domaines un soutien et des conseils additionnels sont nécessaires afin de finaliser les plans d'accessibilité ministériels d'ici décembre 2022 et de rendre compte publiquement des progrès réalisés chaque année à partir de 2023. Vous pouvez devenir membre dès aujourd'hui en envoyant un courriel au bureau de l'accesibilité de SPAC ([[6]]) pour demander l'adhésion et l'invitation aux réunions futures. |
Interdepartmental Black Employee Networks (IBEN)
Black / Noir | National | Interdepartmental /
Interministériel |
Interdepartmental Black Employee Networks (IBEN)
Réseaux des employés noirs interministériel (RENI) GCXchange/GCÉchange: Liza Daniel Chair / présidente Darren Ruck Talent Management Advisor / Conseiller de la gestion de talents |
Interdepartmental Communications Working Group on Diversity and Inclusion
Groupe de travail interministériel sur les communications en matière de diversité et d'inclusion |
All / Tous | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Interdepartmental Communications Working Group on Diversity and Inclusion
Groupe de travail interministériel sur les communications en matière de diversité et d'inclusion |
Interdepartmental Network of Disability and Accessibility Chairs Network / Réseau interministériel des présidents de comités des personnes en situation de handicap et en matière d’accessibilité. | All / Tous | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental | |
Interdepartmental Network on Employment Equity and Diversity (IDNEED)
All / Tous | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Interdepartmental Network on Employment Equity and Diversity (IDNEED) (Formerly: IDNDEE) / Réseau interministériel d’équité en emploi et diversité (RIMEED) (Auparavant: RIDÉME) |
Interdepartmental Terminology Committee on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
All / Tous | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Interdepartmental Terminology Committee on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Comité interministériel de terminologie sur l'équité, la diversité et l’inclusion [[7]] |
ISED Black Employees Network/
Réseau des employés Noirs d’ISDE |
Black / Noir | National | Departmental - ISED | The Black Employees Network (BEN) provides Black employees supported by allies, the opportunity to come together as a united voice to address challenges faced by Black employees and work together to eliminate anti-Black racism, discrimination and systemic barriers to inclusion in the Department.
Le Réseau des employés noirs (REN), avec le soutien d’alliés, offre aux employés noirs l’occasion de se rencontrer et d’unir leurs voix pour aborder les difficultés auxquelles les employés noirs font face et travailler ensemble pour éliminer le racisme anti-Noirs, la discrimination et les obstacles systémiques à l’inclusion au sein du Ministère.
Kirwins Charles, Champion for ISED Black Employees Network (BEN) / Champion pour le Réseau des employés noirs (REN) d'ISDE Director, Office of the Corporate Secretary/ Directeur, Bureau du Secrétaire Général (BSG) |
ISED Racial Equity Network/ Réseau pour l'équité raciale de l'ISDE | REN/RER | National | Departmentai - ISED | The Racial Equity Network is a place where racialized employees and allies at ISED can share their diverse perspectives on how to build a more inclusive department. This is a safe space focused on listening and learning, where everyone is welcome, regardless of their background and differences.
To best support the professional aspirations of its members, the Network will place an emphasis on hearing from members on challenges facing racialized employees and work with its Champion to ensure that barriers to professional growth are recognized and addressed. It is also commits to providing broad support to its members and sharing updates from senior management work, including issues related to human resources and around addressing systemic racism and unconscious bias in the organization. / Le Réseau pour l’équité raciale est un lieu où les employés racialisés et les alliés d’ISDE peuvent partager leurs diverses perspectives sur la façon de construire un ministère plus inclusif. Il s’agit d’un espace sécuritaire axé sur l’écoute et l’apprentissage, où chacun est le/la bienvenu(e), quels que soient leurs origines et différences. Afin de soutenir au mieux les aspirations professionnelles des membres, le Réseau mettra l’accent sur l’écoute pour mieux répondre aux défis auxquels sont confrontés les employés racialisés. Le Réseau s’engage à travailler avec son champion pour s’assurer que les obstacles à la croissance professionnelle sont reconnus et abordés. Il s’engage également d'apporter un large soutien à ses membres et à partager les mises à jour des travaux de la haute direction, notamment en ce qui concerne les ressources humaines, la lutte contre le racisme systémique et les préjugés inconscients au sein de l’organisation. |
Jewish Public Servants Network (JPSN)
Réseau des fonctionnaires publiques juifs (RFPJ) |
Jewish / Juif | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Jewish Public Servants Network (JPSN)
Réseau des fonctionnaires publiques juifs (RFPJ) |
Joint Employment Equity Committee (JEEC) | All / Tous | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
The Joint Employment Equity Committee (JEEC) provides a national forum that includes the Treasury Board Secretariat, the Public Service Commission, Bargaining Agents and departmental representatives. Laura Mackenzie
Manages the agenda and secretariat [[8]] Debbie Johnston Winker, JEEC Co-chair Senior Director at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada [[9]]
JEEC Co-chair [[10]] |
Knowledge Circle for Indigenous Inclusion
Cercle de Savior pour l'inclusion des Autochtones |
Indigenous / Autochtones | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Knowledge Circle for Indigenous Inclusion
Jeremy Tait Primary contact for KCII, Director and Departmental Liaison, Engagement, Communications, for KCII (PCH) |
Latin American Employees Community (IRCC)Communauté des employe.e.s latino-americain.e.s (IRCC) | Latin - American | National | Departmental - IRCC | Latin American Employees Community (IRCC) : Latin American Employees Community (IRCC) : GCconnex |
LGBTQ2 Secretariat /Secrétariat LGBTQ2 | Pride | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
The LGBTQ2 Secretariat activities include working with LGBTQ2 stakeholders across the country, as well as across the federal public service to support the integration of LGBTQ2 considerations into the Government’s work. Dupuis2, Joël (PCH), Analyst,
Fernand Comeau (PCH), Executive Director, LGBTQ2 Secretariat |
Manitoba: Manitoba Aboriginal Employee Association | Indigenous / Autochtones | Provincial - Manitoba | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Manitoba: Manitoba Aboriginal Employee Association
Co-Chair Tina Kabestra at |
Muslim Federal Employees Network (MFEN)
Muslim |
National |
Interdepartmental / Interdépartemental |
Muslim Federal Employees Network (MFEN)/ Réseau des employés fédéraux musulmans (REFM) |
My Menopause at Work
Ma ménopause au travail' |
All / Tous | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
My Menopause at Work / Ma ménopause au travail Manage your menopause transition at work with information and peer support. Gérez votre transition vers la ménopause au travail grâce à l'information et au soutien de vos pairs. |
National Employment Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (NEEDIC)
All / Tous | National | Departmental - CGC | Canadian Grain Commission / Commission canadienne des grains
Contact: Chair: Elizabeth Tabert at |
National Managers Community (NMC)
La Communauté nationale des gestionnaires (CNG) |
All / Tous | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
National Managers Community (NMC) |
National Women's Network
Réseau national des femmes |
Women / Femme | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
National Women's Network |
Natural Resources Canada Visible Minority Advisory Council
All / Tous | National | Departmental - NRCAN | |
NRCan Indigenous Employees Network (IEN) | Indigenous / Autochtones | National | Departmental - NRCan | This network is composed of a community of NRCan employees of First Nation, Inuit, and Métis ancestry living across Canada. The network serves as a forum to advance Indigenous interests within the Department, share information, and support awareness activities that promote Indigenous cultures and values. The Indigenous employees network also share resources on their Source page for anyone interested in learning more about Indigenous communities. |
NRCan Persons with Disabilities and Accessibility Network (PwDAN) | All / Tous | National | Departmental - NRCan | This network is open to all NRCan employees, not just those with disabilities, who want to help make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities. Their goals are to address issues of culture change and accommodation; create a workplace that fosters dignity and self-worth; help persons with disabilities realize their full potential and how they can fully contribute to NRCan's objectives. PWDAN also shares resources for both employees and managers to bridge any gaps and ensure individuals' success. |
NRCan Pride Network | Pride | National | Departmental - NRCan | The Pride Network is a community of 2SLGBTQ2+ employees and their allies at NRCan. Pride Network holds social activities and educational events as well as provide mutual support to one antoher to promote a healthy and inclusive work environment and increase advocacy. This network contributes to NRCan's goal of being a diverse, inclusive and respectful workplace, where LGBTQ2+ employees feel valued, and are engaged and productive. |
Network of Asian Federal Employees (NAFE)
Asian / Asiatique |
National |
Interdepartmental / Interdépartemental |
Network of Asian Federal Employees (NAFE) |
Pacific Aboriginal Network
Indigenous / Autochtones | Regional | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Pacific Aboriginal Network
Regional federal Indigenous employee network Contacts: Co-Chair: Rod Cunningham at Co-Chair: Mikele Sasakamoose at |
Palestinian Employee Network (PEN) / Réseau des employés palestiniens (REP) | ALL | National | Interdepatmental/
Interdépartemental |
The Public Service Palestinian Employee Network (PEN) is an interdepartmental community dedicated to fostering connection, support, and advocacy for Palestinian employees and allies across the public service. Our mission is to provide a safe, empowering platform where members can share experiences, exchange ideas, and collaborate on initiatives that promote anti-racism, equity, inclusion, and respect. //
Find us on GCexchange, we ask anyone wanting to join to fill-out a membership application./ Retrouvez-nous sur GCÉchange. Nous demandons à toute personne souhaitant se joindre à nous de remplir une demande d'adhésion Palestinian Employee Network - Réseau des employés palestiniens - Home /
Chair: Tanya Lepine-Darwiche DEI Advocate: Abeer Farhat |
Pay Administration Branch (PAB) EEDIC
All / Tous | National | Departmental - PSPC | The EEDI provides leadership and advocacy fostering and sustaining a diverse and inclusive workplace, through engagement, education, information sharing and personal accountability at all levels. |
Persons with Disabilities Champions and Chairs Committee (PwDCCC) | Disabilities | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Persons with Disabilities Champions and Chairs Committee (PwDCCC) |
Persons with Disabilities Network
Disabilities | National | Departmental - CRA |
Fierté@IRCC |
2SLGBTQIA+ | National | Departmental - Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) | Pride@IRCC is an employee-led network that focuses on promoting 2SLGBTQIA+ inclusion in the workplace. Fostering an environment that allows everyone to engage fully and authentically is an important part of that inclusion.
The overall mandate of our network is to enhance the work experiences of 2SLGBTQ+ employees by creating a safe and accepting environment through engagement, education and advocacy. Pride / Fierté (IRCC) : [[11]] |
Positive Space (LGBTQ2+)
Pride | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Positive Space (LGBTQ2+) |
Public Service Pride Network (PSPN)
Le Réseau de la Fierté à la fonction publique (RFFP) |
Pride | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Public Service Pride Network (PSPN) |
Racialized Women Belonging Group
Women / Femme | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Racialized Women Belonging Group |
The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) Black Employees Network (the BEN)
Le réseau des employés noirs (REN) du Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor (SCT) |
Black / Noir | National | Departmental - TBS | The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) Black Employees Network (the BEN)
Le réseau des employés noirs (REN) du Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor (SCT) |
2SLGBTQIA+ Pride Network | Reseau Fierté 2ELGBTQIA+ | 2SLGBTQIA+ | National | Departmental - DFO | To create and facilitate community spaces that are specifically tailored to providing networking opportunities and resources to 2SLGBTQIA+ DFO/CCG employees | Créer et animer des espaces communautaires spécialement conçus pour offrir des possibilités de réseautage et des ressources aux employés 2ELGBTQIA+ du MPO et de la GCC. |
Ukrainian Canadians in the Public Service (UCPS)
Ukrainian Canadians | National | Interdepartmental / Interdépartemental | Ukrainian Canadians in the Public Service (UCPS/UCFP) aims to become a proactive body connecting Ukrainian Canadians from all federal agencies and of all ethnic origins into a one-voice community. The UCPS strives to represent Ukrainian-Canadian public servants and promote the Ukrainian-Canadian identity of employees across the Public Service of Canada. Its pillars of work are:
- Assisting departments that deploy staff to Ukraine in facilitating Ukrainian-language learning and introduction to cultural values; - Celebrating Ukrainian-Canadian identity in the federal public service; and - Maintaining the network and supporting its members. Contact: Aleksander Bajrak at |
Visible Minorities Champions and Chairs Committee (VMCCC) | All / Tous | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Visible Minorities Champions and Chairs Committee (VMCCC)
Erica Tao Regional DG at PCH, member of VMCCC Steering Committee and liaison officer for VMCCC |
WAGE - GBA Plus – Tools
FEGC - ACS Plus – Outils |
All / Tous | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
WAGE - GBA Plus – Tools
FEGC - ACS Plus – Outils |
Women in Defence and Security (WiDS)
Women / Femmes | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental | |
Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)
Les femmes en sciences, technologies, génie, et mathématiques (STGM) |
Women / Femmes | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)
Les femmes en sciences, technologies, génie, et mathématiques (STGM)
[[12]] |
W-T Centre of Expertise for Diversity and Inclusion (COE-DAI)
Centre d’expertise sur la diversité et l’inclusion (CE-DEI) de la région de l’O. T. |
All / Tous | Regional - Quebec | Departmental - ESDC | We support employment equity and diversity in the W-T Region. We are creating an environment conducive to innovation, learning, and development in response to the Privy Council Office’s Call to Action on anti-racism, equity, and inclusion. The Centre offers advice and guidance, learning resources, reports, support tools and contact information for employees and leaders in the W-T Region.
W-T COE-DAI website Contact : |
Federal Employee Network for Arab Women (FENAW) / Réseau des employées fédérales des femmes arabes (REFFA) | Arab Women / femmes arabes | National | Interdepartmental /
Interdépartemental |
Our network’s vision aims to empower, support and inspire Arab Women to assist them in advancing in their careers.
Our mission focuses on building an inclusive community for Arab Women within the federal public service to support and equip them with the necessary tools they need to achieve their desired professional goals. Through different ways to connect and network, FENAW will also support members who face any form of discrimination that may arise in the workplace. Federal Employee Network of Arab Women : Federal Employee Network of Arab Women : GCconnex
La vision de notre réseau vise à autonomiser, soutenir et inspirer les femmes arabes pour les aider à progresser dans leur carrière. Notre mission se concentre sur la création d’une communauté inclusive pour les femmes arabes au sein de la fonction publique fédérale, afin de les soutenir et de les doter des outils nécessaires pour atteindre leurs objectifs professionnels souhaités. Par le biais de différentes façons de se connecter et de réseauter, le REFFA soutiendra également les membres qui font face à toute forme de discrimination qui pourrait survenir sur le lieu de travail. |
GC Diversity Initiatives - Initiatives De Diversité Du GC
There are numerous initiatives springing up throughout government at the local, regional and national level, aiming to make the Federal workplace more diverse, inclusive and anti-racist. This is a centralized page where employees of any department can share what they are working on in order to aid in breaking down silos, increasing collaboration and spreading diversity and inclusion best practices within the public service.
In the first column please indicates the main driver behind your initiative. This can be networking, career development, employee retention, hiring practices, performance Management, employee networks etc. In the second column please provide a brief overview of the initiative and in the third column please include any links or resources along with the contact details of organizers.
If you need assistance in adding your initiative to the below table please contact us.
De nombreuses initiatives voient le jour dans l'ensemble du gouvernement aux niveaux local, régional et national, dans le but de rendre le lieu de travail fédéral plus diversifié, inclusif et antiraciste. Il s'agit d'une page centralisée où les employés de tous les ministères peuvent partager ce sur quoi ils travaillent afin de contribuer à briser les silos, à accroître la collaboration et à diffuser les meilleures pratiques en matière de diversité et d'inclusion au sein de la fonction publique.
Dans la première colonne, veuillez indiquer le principal moteur de votre initiative. Il peut s'agir de réseautage, de développement de carrière, de rétention des employés, de pratiques d'embauche, de gestion du rendement, de réseaux d'employés, etc. Dans la deuxième colonne, veuillez fournir un bref aperçu de l'initiative et dans la troisième colonne, veuillez inclure tout lien ou ressource ainsi que les coordonnées des organisateurs.
Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour ajouter votre initiative au tableau ci-dessous, veuillez nous contacter.
Area of Focus / Domaine d'intérêt | Tell us about your initiative / Parlez-nous de votre initiative
Dans la ligne ci-dessous, veuillez fournir un bref aperçu du travail que vous réalisez et inclure toute référence et tout lien ainsi que les coordonnées des personnes qui sont au courant du projet. |
CSC’s Black Employee Network BEN | VISION
To provide Black employees at Correctional Service Canada support that will allow them access to resources, workshops, guidance to key training opportunities, information sessions, mentors/sponsors and networking across regions and sectors. MISSION To promote the career advancement of Black employees within the Correctional Service of Canada by connecting them to opportunities, resources and networking prospects in order to support and empower Black employees to achieve their potential. By creating an atmosphere of encouragement in which black employees can prosper and flourish, it is our goal to ensure that the BEN will always be a safe space for employees to share their lived experiences and knowledge. We are not an advocacy group but a L.I.F.E. (Learning, Insight, Friendship, Education/Encouragement) group. We will endeavour to bridge the gap between connecting black employees to resources that will aid in furthering their careers, raise concerns to upper management, a space to share successes and triumphs. |
ESDC Black-Centric Lens | The Black-Centric Lens is a tool that will be embedded all internal processes to give specialized attention to Black Canadian communities to help policy analysts take their history, needs and lived experiences into account when designing or modifying the Department's programs, policies and services.
Contacts :,,, , NC-GBA-ACS-GD File:Black-Centric Lens Official - Final.pdf - wiki ( File:Guide Polycopie- Fr-finale.pdf - wiki ( File:Guide Handout- Eng -final.pdf - wiki ( File:Optique Analyse centree sur les Noirs - Finale.pdf - wiki ( File:ARAN - Moving forward on the Black Centric Lens ENG.pptx - wiki ( |
Hiring - Diverse Hiring and cross cultural supports. | The Federal Internship for Newcomers (FIN) Program, delivered by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), helps managers find top talent quickly by providing access to pools of highly qualified newcomers to Canada. The skills, experience and new perspectives these candidates bring to their teams contributes to the creation of diverse and inclusive workplaces across the public service.
For more information please email the FIN Team at |
Joint Learning Program | Joint Learning Program – Anti-Racism: Let’s Talk virtual session, Respecting Difference/Anti-Discrimination in-person workshop (unavailable during the pandemic). |
Mentorat |
Mentorship Plus |
Promotion | Mosaic Leadership Development program
Programme de perfectionnement en leadership Mosaïque : Aperçu |
Raising Awareness | AMA - wiki ( Ask Me Anything sessions is a platform to share stories, listen, ask respectful questions and continue on our journey to becoming more inclusive organizations. Cette séance fait partie de la série de séances Demandez-moi n’importe quoi qui nous sert de plateforme afin de partager des histoires, d’écouter, de poser des questions de façon respectueuse et de poursuivre notre parcours en vue de devenir une organisation plus inclusive. |
Recruitment | Service Canada W-T Regional Recruitment Initiative (RRI): Equity Representation in Recruitment. Increasing representation for equity deserving groups in the W-T region as a response to the Clerk’s call to Action. Email: |
Speakers / orateur | Federal Speakers' Forum on Diversity and Inclusion
GC Informal Networking and Mentorship Program - Programme informel de Réseautage et de Mentorat sur l'équité du GC
Equity and equity seeking employees can use the Equity Mentorship and Networking Program to connect with colleagues across the GC who have similar lived experiences. The program can be used to set up small coffee meetings between employees across departments and levels interesting in connecting and receiving advice and colleagues from accross the public sector who share in their lived experiences.
If you are interested in being added to this platform please make a GC Wiki account and add your name to the table below:
Les employés en quête d'équité peuvent utiliser le Programme de mentorat et de réseautage en matière d'équité pour entrer en contact avec des collègues de tout le GC qui ont des expériences de vie similaires. Le programme peut être utilisé pour organiser de petites rencontres autour d'un café entre des employés de tous les services et de tous les niveaux intéressés à établir des liens et à recevoir des conseils et des collègues de tout le secteur public qui partagent leurs expériences vécues.
Si vous êtes intéressé à être ajouté à cette plateforme, veuillez créer un compte GC Wiki et ajouter votre nom au tableau ci-dessous :
Name / Nom | Pronoun / pronom | Position / Dept | Member of an Equity or Equity Seeking Group(s) / membre d'un groupe d'équité ou de recherche d'équité | Can Informally Mentor (Y/N) / peut être un mentor informel | Interested in Networking with Other Equity Employees / intéressé par le réseautage avec des employés d'équité | Areas of Interest / Expertise / domaines d'intérêt / d'expertise | Can be a guest speaker / Peut être un conférencier invité | |
Aalya Dhanani | She/Her | | Senior Advisor, Anti-Racism, Equity and Inclusion
Founder/Chair, Anti-Racism Ambassadors Network Mental Health Lead, FlexGC |
Racialized / South Asian | Yes | Yes | Leading with Empathy, Community Building, Mental Health and Anti-Racism, Engagement, Facilitation, Career Development, Policy, GBA+ | Yes |
Adwoa Gyasi-Nimako | She/Her | | Advisor/ESDC | Black | Yes | Yes | Recruitment, Retention, Advancement, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Networking. | Yes |
Aïssatou Keita | She/Her | | Policy Analyst GBA+ Center of Expertise | Black, African (sub-Saharan) | Yes | Yes | Networking, community outreach, Collaboration, GoC, Policies, Diversity and Inclusion, Career/Personal Development | Yes |
Anna Candido | She/her | | Plain language editor / Impact Assessment Agency | Filipino
Asian Racialized / visible minority |
Yes | Yes | Communication, writing, plain language, anti-racism, equity diversity and inclusion | No |
Anu Shukla-Jones | She/Her | | Senior Advisor / Canadian Institutes of Health Research | Racialized / South Asian | Yes | Yes | Engagement and consultation, Policy Development and Implementation, Peer Support/Advocacy, Career Advancement, Leading teams, Sharing (information, resources and experiences), Mental health and wellness | Yes |
Christopher K. Scipio | He/Him | | Currently on interchange/assignment as the Senior Advisor, Black Executive Network/Le Reseau des executifs noirs (BEN/REN). Home department: Department of National Defence, Senior GBA+ Advisor | Black | Yes | Yes | GBA+, anti-racism & anti-oppression, talent management, leadership, conflict resolution, self-advocacy, policy innovation. | Yes |
Diyyinah Jamora | She / Her | | Social Media Analyst / ISC/CIRNAC | Filipino | Yes | Yes | Social Media, Networking | Yes |
Felicie Hassika | She/ her | | Anti-racism Equity Diversity and Inclusion / OSIP | Afro-Canadian | Yes | Yes | SME in AREDI topics Networking, Employee Engagement, Community Building, Leading Teams, Collaboration, AREDI workshops delivery, BEN network executive member | Yes |
Latoya Barham | She / Her | | Lead of Anti-Racism, Anti—Discrimination, Inclusion and wellbeing taskforce / Transport Canada | Black (Caribbean) | No | Yes | Networking, Idea sharing, collaboration, CoP, Leading Teams | No |
Makenzy Ricketts | She/ Her | | A/ Labour Relations Advisor | Black | No | Yes | Networking, Employee Engagement, Community Building, Leading Teams, Collaboration, GC Communities of Practice | Yes |
Marsha Thompson | She/Her | | Transformation Management Branch / ESDC | Black, women, Person with invisible disability | Yes | Yes | Networking, Employee Engagement, Community Building, Leading Teams, Collaboration, micromissions | Yes |
Melanie Wyke | She / Her | | Senior Program Advisor,
Supporting Black Canadian Communities Initiative ESDC |
Black, South Asian, mixed / Caribbean
Woman |
Yes | Yes | Networking, Employee Engagement, Community Building, Leading Teams, Collaboration, Anti-Racism Initiatives, and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Initiatives | Yes |
Mikelle Sasakamoose | She/her | | TC TMX Secretariat, Transport Canada | First Nations, Status Indian | Yes | Yes | Networking, Employee Engagement, Community Building, Leading Teams, Collaboration, GC Communities of Practice, Recruitment and Retention | Yes |
Moss Elmouftaquir
✊🏽 |
He/His | | Co-chair of ESDC Visible Minorities Network | African | Yes | Yes | Brainstorming on ideas to improve D&I, Networking and Engagement, Anti-racism training, discrimination/racism conflict resolution, Recruitment/Retention, Support | Yes |
Muhammed (Ali) Khan | He / Him | | Diversity and Inclusion / ISC | South Asian | Yes | Yes | Networking, Employee Engagement, Community Building, Leading Teams, Collaboration, GC Communities of Practice | Yes |
Nicole Bekzadeh | She / Her | | Business Expertise Senior Consultant / Service Canada | Black, Woman | Yes | Yes | Employee Engagement, Leading Teams, Wellness, Career Development, Diversity | Yes |
Reshmeena Lalani | She/Her | | Section Manager, International and Large Business Audit at CRA | South Asian | Yes | Yes | Networking, Collaboration and Knowledge sharing to break down silos | Yes |
Rubina Boucher | She/her | | BDSB/SCBO | South Asian, racialized women with a hearing exceptionality | Yes | Yes | Fostering Belonging through peer support, community/self advocacy, mobilization, social work, human-centered design, intersectionality and cultural competency | Yes |
Sagal Abdullahi | She/Her | | Black Engagement and Advancement Team/ ESDC | Black Women | Yes | Yes | Networking, Engagement, Community Building, Collaboration, Leading Teams, Project Management, Change Management | Yes |
Tabassum Khan | She/Her | | Advisor, DEI / OSFI-BSIF | South Asian, Muslim | Yes | Yes | Informal Mentorship, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Networking, Retention, Collaboration, Knowledge Sharing, Multiculturalism, Gender, and Unconscious Bias | Yes |
Teresa Morgan | She/Her | | Regional Field Coordinator ON & NU/Joint Learning Program | Black Canadian | Yes | Yes | Networking, Community Engagement, Allyship, Leading Teams, Collaboration, Recruitment/Retention, Support | Yes |
Angela Renwick | She/Her | | Policy Analyst | Caribbean-Canadian (Mixed ethnicity) woman | Yes | Yes | Community building, Networking, Leading Teams, Collaboration, DEI, intersectionality | Yes |
Hans Park | He/Him | | Senior Labour Relations Advisor | Korean | Yes | Yes | Networking, Personal Development, HR, Leadership, Wellness, Mentoring, Coaching | Yes |
Meredith Richmond | She/Her | | Ontario Regional Lead - National Managers' Community | Woman, disability (mental health, neurodivergence), Queer | Yes | Yes | Leadership/Career Development, Networking, Coaching, Mentoring, Disability Inclusion/Accessibility, Having Difficult Conversations, Self-Care, Wellness, Ongoing process of (un)learning | Yes |
Aimée Gonzalez Ferriol | She/Her | | Policy Analyst, Regulatory Operations, Office of Energy Efficiency. | Latin American (Caribbean) | No | Yes | Career development, wellness, leadership, allyship, GBAPlus, DEI. | No |