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Qualiware Tips and Tricks

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Revision as of 21:55, 17 April 2019 by John.bain2 (talk | contribs)
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Look and Feel

Relationship Connector Labels

Do not rename the relation


Keyboard Short Cuts

Text Editor

F8 Open the extended text editor for the selected field. Press F8 to close it again.
CTRL + N Remove formatting from the selected text.
CTRL + B Embolden the selected text.
CTRL + I Italicize the selected text.
CTRL + U Underline the selected text.
CTRL + D Insert a picture with a link to a diagram in the repository.
CTRL + L Insert a link to an object in the repository.
CTRL + T Create a table.
CTRL + C Copy the selected text or object.
CTRL + V Insert the copied text or object.
CTRL + X Cut out the selected text or object.
CTRL + Z Undo.
CTRL + Y Redo.
CTRL + F Open the Search Dialog.
F3 Go to the next item in search.
CTRL + A Select everything.
CTRL + S Save.

Object/Symbol Property Dialog

F8 Open the extended text editor for the selected field. Press F8 to close it again.
CTRL + Tab Go to the next field in the current properties tab.
CTRL + SHIFT + Tab Go to the previous field in the current properties tab.
CTRL + PageDown Switch to the next properties tab.
CTRL + PageUp Switch to the previous properties tab.
Esc Close the Properties tab.

General QLM Shortcuts

F1 Open Help information pertaining to the selected object.
F2 Rename the selected object.
F3 Search.
F5 Refresh the screen.
ALT + F4 Exit QualiWare.

Repository Explorer

Toggle whether all templates are shown in the repository explorer.
Enter Open the selected object.
CTRL + B Open the properties for the selected object.
CTRL + L Display all properties and links in the Message window for the selected object.
CTRL + F Open the Search Dialog.
ALT + 1 Open the previous revision of the selected object.
ALT + 2 Open the revision dialog for the selected object.
ALT + 3 Open the subsequent revision of the selected object.
ALT + 4 Open the default revision dialog for the selected object.


1 Reset the zoom level to default.
< Zoom out.
> Zoom in.
Z Change the cursor to the zoom tool.
Shift + Z Automatically zoom to view the entirety of the model.
CTRL + G Toggle the drawing grid.
CTRL + SHIFT + G Change the grid size (default: 10).
Left Arrow-key, Right Arrow-key, Down Arrow-key, Up Arrow-key Move the selected object in the arrow key direction.
J Align the selected objects respective of the first selected object.
S Copy the Size of the first selected object to all the subsequently selected objects.
Spacebar Automatically re-draw the selected connections.
ALT + Left-click Selecting an object and ALT+ Left-clicking on an object’s label opens the label editor.
CTRL + A Select all objects in the diagram.
CTRL + F Find a symbol in the diagram.
B Open the properties dialog for the selected object.
L Display all properties and links in the Message window for the selected object.
SHIFT + A Display all Audit information in the Message window for the selected object.
SHIFT + B Open a dialog window with recently opened diagrams.
SHIFT + R Open a new Repository Explorer tab.

Work Arounds