CSPS Digital Academy - On the Circuit Talks

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CSPS Digital Academy - On the Circuit Talks

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What are On the Circuit Talks?

The Canada School of Public Service’s Digital Academy is pleased to launch its pilot of On the Circuit Talks. They are 45-minute, talk-show type, monthly sessions where we have lively, open discussions, including debates, on some of the most current and emerging digital-related topics that are top of mind. Public servants have long asked for discussions like this one. We’ve designed these Talks with you in mind. This is your chance to speak with us directly, share your ideas and insights. We’re including you in our discussions with experts.

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Upcoming Session

Digital Identity- The Way of the Future?

The next Canada School of Public Service’s Digital Academy On the Circuit Talks is taking place on April 28, 2022, from 12:30 PM to 1:15 PM (ET). We want to hear your thoughts about digital identity and what it means for the Government and public service.

Particularly as we see an uptake worldwide, in contactless, digital technologies and solutions. Experts also expect the global mobile identity adoption to increase to over 850 million users by 2026. How does the public service make sure that we are equipped to respond to changes that come with increased use of digital identity?

Join in the discussion with Host Neil Bouwer, Vice President of Innovation and Skills Development Branch and Guest Tim Bouma, Director, Verification and Assessments, CIO Strategy Council as they unpack digital identity. Including what digital identity means; areas such as healthcare that are seeing the highest adoption; and how we address issues such as privacy, confidentiality, security and protection.

Send us your questions in advance: (https://forms.office.com/r/t8HD61i1c5), or ask them live. Whichever you prefer. Looking forward to seeing you on the Circuit!

* Click here to register *

Date & Time:

April 28, 2022 | 12:30 pm to 1:15 pm (ET)


English, with interpretation in French through Wordly.


WebEx Webinars

Webinar number 2536 810 9290

Webinar password OTCT2022 (68282022 from phones)

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Neil Bouwer

Vice-President, Innovation and Skills Development Branch, Canada School of Public Service
Neil Bouwer has also served as an Assistant Deputy Minister at the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Natural Resources Canada, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, and the Privy Council Office of Canada; and in executive positions at the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada, Human Resources and Social Development Canada and the Business Development Bank of Canada. He has also worked at the Department of Finance and Western Economic Diversification Canada, and has Economics degrees from McGill University and St. Thomas University. Neil actively supports the Government of Canada policy and data communities, the Advanced Policy Analyst Program and the Free Agent HR Program.


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Tim Bouma

Director, Verification and Assessments, CIO Strategy Council
Tim Bouma is the Director of Verification and Assessments at the CIO Strategy Council, a Canadian non-profit organization dedicated to developing standards for the Canadian Digital Ecosystem. Tim’s area of focus is digital identity and has been a key contributor to the Public Sector Profile of the Pan-Canadian Trust Framework, a collaborative effort with the Provinces and Territories, to develop a standards-based approach to digital identity for all Canadians.

Past Sessions

Title Description Date
Why You Need to Be Data Literate For our first Talk, we want to hear your thoughts on data literacy, why it’s important and what it means to you. Be part of the discussion as we explore this topic with one of the top data leaders. Come and hear what your colleagues across data and other communities are saying about this issue. February 28, 2022
Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence and Biometric Technology The next Canada School of Public Service’s Digital Academy On the Circuit Talks is taking place on March 31, 2022, from 12:30 PM to 1:15 PM (ET). We want to hear what you think about responsible use of artificial intelligence (AI) and biometric technology in the government.

Come and learn what AI and biometric technology is about. Be part of the discussion as we talk about how it is being used, concerns that you may have, potential opportunities and more.

The School has successfully launched the pilot of these Talks. The first session on the importance of understanding data, held on February 28, 2022, was a hit. We had a great discussion.

March 31, 2022


Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page or contact us at digitalacademy-academiedunumerique@csps-efpc.gc.ca with the subject "CSPS-DA On the Circuit Talks" for any questions or feedback.