Best Practices Forum on Official Languages/Mauril

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March 4.png


Mauril Application from CBC/Radio-Canada: Culture and Entertainment at the Heart of Official Languages Learning

CBC/Radio-Canada invites you to discover their new platform, Mauril, to learn English and French as a second language.

Mauril is a new, free and publicity-free digital platform using a wide range of exciting and entertaining content from CBC/Radio-Canada to help users learn English and French.

Funded and endorsed by the Government of Canada, this new tool is designed and deployed by CBC/Radio-Canada, in collaboration with a committee of pedagogical experts. It’s meant to help improve oral comprehension and integrate language knowledge in everyday life.


Renée-Claude Ménard, Chief of Staff, Radio-Canada

Anne Hébert, Manager, Strategic and Digital Market Development, CBC/Radio-Canada

Thierry Karsenti, PhD, Canada Research Chair on Information and Communication Technologies in Education, professor at the Université de Montréal


Introduction by Julie Boyer, Assistant Deputy Minister, Official Languages, Heritage and Regions, Canadian Heritage, and Sarah Boily, Executive Director, Policy and Research, Canadian Heritage

  • Why did CBC/Radio-Canada create an application for language learning?
  • How to design a language learning application adapted to the Canadian context?
  • The keys to language learning

The presentation will be followed by a Q&A period.


Date and time: March 4, 2021, 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (ET)

Information: or

Registration: Participation via Zoom. No registration required.

Meeting ID: 830 253 3906

Phone number: 1 204 272 7920

Code: 440171325