NextGen Learning- Previous News

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Published: January 23, 2020

Have you visited GCcampus lately? Have you encountered any issues or have had a negative experience? Do you want to help us improve things better?

We want to hear from YOU!

The Canada School of Public Service (CSPS) is the process of procuring a new modern digital learning platform to deliver the Next Generation Learning.  We are using an Agile procurement process in collaboration with Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC). With this approach, up to the top 3 highest scoring vendors will each deliver a prototype solution for us to evaluate.

We need your help. Your participation will help us procure the best solution possible.

How can we use your help?

200 testers will be given access to the 3 prototypes with pre-scripted scenarios. These scenarios will help assess the prototypes and provide individual scores for each one of the vendors. You would be helping us evaluate the prototypes on:

  1. Capabilities (functions) in different areas based on the scenarios;
  2. Overall usability of the experience and interfaces
  3. Accessibility (WCAG) of the systems; and
  4. The quality of Official Languages of the various prototypes.

As a tester you will be scoring the different prototypes in these dimensions, informing our decision to choose the best system to provide you and the rest of the public service with the best  learning experience possible.

What will the CSPS do with your testing?

The scores you provide will enable us to choose a vendor to provide the Next Generation Digital Learning Environment (NGDLE). Your participation is essential!

When and where will the testing take place?

The prototypes should be ready for testing summer 2020 (dates and details to follow). Your time commitment should be approximately 12 hours over a period of 5 days once we start. Testing will be online, so you can test from wherever you like, as long as you have appropriate online access. Given the sensitive nature of the procurement process, employer authorized spaces should only be used, and we ask that you don’t share your opinions or results of the 3 prototypes until the final contract is in place.

So, are you in?

We invite you to sign up now!

If you would like more information on the procurement process and progress of the NextGen Learning platform, please visit our GCpedia page for the latest updates and information.

We’re looking forward to your participation!

The NGDLE Team!