
Created page with "Security Profile, Availability, and Disaster Recovery Information: Security Profile: Provide the security profile for the solution (eg. PBMM, PBHM, etc). If the solution inclu..."
Security Profile, Availability, and Disaster Recovery Information:
Security Profile: Provide the security profile for the solution (eg. PBMM, PBHM, etc). If the solution includes multiple components with different security profiles, include all security profiles.
Maximum Allowable Unplanned downtime: provide expected maximum allowable downtime in hours per year if system is expected to run 24/7, or general availability hours if the system is expected to run during business hours and have downtime otherwise.
Availability requirements: Provide an estimate for availability requirements: Medium availability is 95%, High availability is >=99%
Disaster Recovery: select expected disaster recovery needs
• Hot Site: Facility and equipment are set up and ready to go, with either synchronous or asynchronous data replication. It is available and running 24/7.
• Warm Site: Equipment is available and configured. Latest application data must loaded or restored.
• Cold Site: Available space/facility where you need to set up the equipment, connectivity, load the software and data.
• None: best effort disaster recovery.
Authentication: select the authentication method from the options below. DCAM, ICM/ECM, or Sign in Canada are the preferred methods:
• DCAM (Active Directory solution using ADFS)
• ICM/ECM – GCKey, MyKey
• Sign in Canada
• Other: Specify the authentication method if none of the above are being used.
Hosting Solution: Specify all hosting options:
o End State Data Centre (specify EDC)
o Legacy Data Centre (specify specific data centre)
o Cloud – specify cloud solution
Workload Migration: Is any workload migrating out of legacy data centres: Yes/No
Network Details:
• Network Connectivity: Specify the network(s) the solution will use: eg. GCNet, Science Net, GCSI, etc.
• Solution Sensitivity to Network Delay: