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==About the Oversight Group ==
The Oversight Group was established as a result of the ''Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act'' Reset Memorandum of Understanding, signed in November 2017, by Yukon First Nations with Final Agreements, the Government of Yukon, and the Government of Canada. The Parties are committed to working together to re-establish collaboration for the purpose of fully implementing the development assessment process in accordance with the Yukon First Nation Final Agreements and facilitating its improvement in the spirit of partnership, respect and cooperation.

The purpose of the Oversight Group is to oversee the development assessment process in the Yukon and promote its ongoing improvement while respecting the independence of the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board.

The Oversight Group consists of four members:
*Daryn Leas and Emmie Fairclough, who are the two representatives appointed by Yukon First Nations
*Jasmina Randhawa, who is the representative appointed by the Government of Yukon
*Dionne Savill, who is the representative appointed by the Government of Canada

First Nations and stakeholders that are not party to the Reset Memorandum of Understanding (including the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board, Yukon First Nations without Final Agreements, Transboundary First Nations, industry and other interested groups) are encouraged to contact the Oversight Group if they have questions or input.

==Oversight Group Priorities==
The Oversight Group approved a series of priorities, which was informed by submissions from Yukon First Nations, the Government of Yukon, the Government of Canada and the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board. The Oversight Group also took into consideration the concerns and interests expressed by various non-governmental organizations, including industry and conservations groups. These priorities may be addressed through forums, working groups, technical committees, or any other means as agreed upon by the Oversight Group.

The priorities generally fall into three common themes:
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>''Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act'' Forum</li>
<li>Consultation and Engagement </li>
<li>Policy/Procedural Aspects </li>

For further details on the priority areas, see the [ Oversight Group Priorities Document].

==Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act Forum==

The ''Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act'' Forum originally flowed from the ''Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act'' 5-year review as a means to continuously and collaboratively improve the environmental assessment process for all Yukoners. Though the Forum has been inactive in recent years, the outcomes of Bill C-17, the ''Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act'' Reset Memorandum of Understanding and the establishment of the Oversight Group have encouraged the revitalization of the Forum.

The purpose of the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act Forum is to create a community of practice for practitioners to engage in multi-lateral discussion, analysis and training, and to develop recommendations to address a number of related topics. The Oversight Group will provide guidance and direction to the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act Forum.

The ''Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act'' Forum may include discussion of the following priority areas:
*Cumulative Effects
*Traditional Knowledge
*Consultation and Engagement
*Mitigative Measures
*Providing Economic Potential and Benefits
*Improving Communications of Pre-submission Requirements
*Other priority areas identified by the Oversight Group

The next ''Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act'' Forum is planned for November 2019.

==''Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act'' Forum Documents==
[ Updated Form Terms of Reference]

==Upcoming Events==
The next ''Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act'' Forum is planned for November 2019. Details will follow once confirmed.

==Oversight Group Meetings and Record of Decisions==
*Oversight Group Records of Decision – [ September 11, 2018]

==Oversight Group Documents==
*[ Oversight Group Terms of Reference]
*[ Oversight Group Priorities Document]
*[ Oversight Group Fact Sheet]

==Related News and Agreements==
*[ News release: Canada, Yukon and Yukon First Nations Governments Meet at the Intergovernmental Forum and Reach Agreement on Implementation of Yukon Environmental Assessment Legislation]
*[ YESAA Reset MOU]

==Contact the Oversight Group==
Dionne Savill, Chair <br>
Email: []<br>
Phone: 867-667-3888<br>
Mailing address: <br>
415C-300 Main Street<br>
Whitehorse, YT<br>
Y1A 2B5<br>
