Theme Management Committee Covid-July 27 2020 - Comité de gestion des thèmes Covid-27 juillet 2020


1. Updates

2. Roundtable

Notes and action items

1.  Updates


  • Continuing work on Travel
  • Design research and breadcrumb blog posts coming soon
  • We are updating our research summaries


  • Exposure app is the focus - potentially launching this week
  • Federal/Provincial/Territorial - the development of the public health plan is coming
  • UX testing kick off meeting this week - interaction app for kids
  • Taking another look at Feedback widget
  • Pages about risk level going out
  • Update for situational dashboard coming next week

No updates from PCO and PP

2. Federal/Provincial/Territorial meeting update - Manitoba engagement study, COVID app demo - Susan Harper (Health Canada)

  • Meeting was on July 21
  • Next meeting is August 18
  • Mary-Beth (PCO) provided an update on travel page changes
  • Chelsea from CDS did a presentation on the Exposure App
  • Richard from Manitoba provided an overview of their “roadmap to recovery,” including their phased engagement approach and QA tool called Engage MB
  • Really well received and was nice to hear how others are coping with reopening

3. Roundtable:

  • What’s coming this week?
  • Items to bring to F/P/T?


  • One time payment for persons with disabilities is being launched today or later this week


  • Nothing to add for this week, will check about items to bring


  • Passport services are resuming this week
  • Announcement for international students coming soon
  • Changes to web content as result of that


  • Focusing on CEWS redesign
  • Still working on CERB transition to EI

ECCC - Karine Meunier

  • Starting an advertising campaign - looking to create a new portal next year about fighting climate change
  • Looking to build a content inventory related to everything available related to the environment
  • Looking to build content


  • No updates


  • Working with Susan and Mary-Beth about Museum guidance
  • Looking for support on creating a list of non-governmental links of guidance documents
    • For example, page of links of guidance documents related to various sports documents

Public Safety

  • Attended an interdepartmental meeting last week with CRA about Frauds and Scams
  • It might mean some changes to the Frauds and Scam page for COVID-19


  • New epidemiological information going live this week
  • New updates on guidelines
  • Talked with Susan Harper about adding numbers of First Nations into situational dashboard


  • Nothing to report


  • C-20 bill is going through the Senate right now and it should go out today
  • Will be updating the ERP page based on this


  • Supporting launch of Exposure App

Ordre du jour

1. Mises à jour

2. Table ronde

Notes et actions à prendre