Please send us your feedback on the Enterprise Solutions/Shared Services content to the [Enterprise Architecture team]


Enterprise Solutions

Enterprise Shared Services


Enterprise Solutions/Shared Services Guiding principles

Dan Cooper don't be bashful

Enterprise Solutions/Shared Services definition

Enterprise solutions/shared services are whole-of-government architectural, governance, vendor management and procurement approaches where IT is aligned to common business services defined by business capabilities, (Business Capability Model 2.0). Enterprise solutions/shared services enable across Government of Canada departments. Enterprise solutions/shared services can be supplied internally, other GC departments and external service providers, private sector (public cloud) and other jurisdictions, use of provincial credentials for example. Enterprise Solutions/Shared Services can occur across all, several or individual architecture layers of the EA framework, Business, Information, Application, Technology, Security and Privacy, BIATSP.

Benefits of Enterprise Solutions/Shared Services

• Horizontally enable external and internal business services and provide cohesive experience to users and other stakeholders.

• Reduces the total cost of ownership, that includes procurement, development, operation maintenance and decommission for services by streamlining the number of GC digital solutions.

• Enhances integration and collaboration, creates transferable skill sets, and leverage innovative work across the GC and the private sector.

• Maximize enterprise investment by consolidating solutions into Enterprise Solutions, based on Business Capability Model (BCM)

Service & Digital Target Enterprise Architecture

The Service & Digital Target Enterprise Architecture and Whitepaper were presented at GC EARB on July 16, 2020 for pre-endorsement.

The Service & Digital Target Enterprise Architecture defines a model for the digital enablement of Government of Canada services that addresses many of the key challenges with the current GC enterprise ecosystem.

• It seeks to reduce the silos within the current GC ecosystem by having departments adopt a user and service

delivery centric perspective when considering new IT solutions or modernizing older solutions.

• It advocates a whole-of-government approach where IT is aligned to business services and solutions are based

on re-useable components implementing business capabilities optimized to reduce unnecessary redundancy.

• This re-use is enabled through the use of published APIs shared across government. This approach allows GC

to focus on improving its service delivery to Canadians while addressing the challenges with legacy systems.

Decision Making Framework for Enterprise Solutions/Shared Services

Presented at GC EARB on June 4th, 2020

Under the Policy on Service and Digital, departmental CIO’s are responsible for “submitting to GC EARB, proposals concerned with the design, development, installation and implementation of digital initiatives”. They are also responsible for “adopting, as applicable, enterprise solutions within their respective department.”

Increasingly, a number of departmental digital initiatives propose solutions that address matters with common business capabilities, resulting in a diverse range of applications in operations across the GC IT landscape. TBS has recognized a need to provide assistance to departmental CIO’s to inform decision-making with respect to the adoption of enterprise solutions.

The following presentation is the first iteration of a working draft of a decision making framework that will be used as a guide for the adoption of enterprise solutions. The framework will be added to the revised GC EARB presenter template. Please send us your feedback on the decision making framework for enterprise solutions to the TBS Enterprise Architecture team

Enterprise Solutions/Shared Services and the EA Framework

The Business Architecture layer of the the EA Framework has the following assessment criteria for GC EARB reviews:

  • Promote Horizontal Enablement of the Enterprise

-Identify opportunities to enable business services horizontally across the GC enterprise and to provide cohesive experience to users and other stakeholders

-Reuse common business capabilities, processes and enterprise solutions from across government and private sector

-Publish in the open all reusable common business capabilities, processes and enterprise solutions for others to develop and leverage cohesive horizontal enterprise services.

DRAFT: Patterns and Practices regarding Enterprise Solutions/Shared Services: Spectrum of Options

Enterprise Solutions may be governed using three general models that provide relative advantages in terms of addressing technical debt, minimizing total cost of ownership, maximizing use of talent, maximizing consistency of technology and business processes, and optimizing infrastructure.

Model Illustration
Product Owner Model. This model uses departmental clusters or business owners to govern distributed instances of enterprise solutions. This model leverages enterprise standards, product owners, departmental clusters, governance and oversight. This model may also leverage distributed technical infrastructure to support solution clusters
Centralized Model Icon
Enterprise Service Provider Model. This model provides all services to the entire Enterprise in a consolidated manner, governed by a centralized authority, and is fully integrated across all instances.
Decentralized Model Icon
Federated Model. This stand alone, or decentralized model allows departments to implement their own stack components, influenced by standards, using APIs via interoperability standards. Governance manages exemptions from the Standard; however, a decentralized enterprise with multiple service delivery methods and business units may be successful in finding justifications for significant deviations for standards
Federated Model Icon

The following initiatives endorsed by GC EARB have characteristics of Enterprise Solutions/Shared Services.

Enterprise Solutions/Shared Services can be identified across all the layers of the EA framework, BIATSP.

Business Architecture

GC BCM v2.0 (GC Business Capability Model)

Investing in Enterprise Capabilities at CBSA, 2020-01-31

Digital Workspace Standards & Profiles. 2019-10-31

Accessible Information and Communication Technology (ICT), 2019-06-19

Standard for ITSM Integration, 2018-06-28

Information Architecture

A Framework for Government-Wide Data Governance & Stewardship, 2020-03-02

Enterprise Data: Update to the Enterprise Architecture Review Board, 2019-07-04

API Store, 2019-04-04

Data Analytics as a Service, 2019-03-21

GC Data Strategy, 2018-05-31

Enterprise Data Management and Architecture, 2018-05-31

GCdocs and GCdocs Managed Service, 2018-05-31

Data Sovereignty & Public Cloud, 2018-03-22

Enabling interoperability


Grants and Contributions, 2017-11-09

Application Architecture

Canada School of Public Service – Next Generation Digital Learning Environment, 2020-07-02

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) Industrial Security Systems Transformation (ISST) Project GC EARB – 2020-06-18

Communications Security Establishment – NextGen HR and Pay for High Security Organizations - 2020--06-04

Digital Comptrollership Program (formerly Financial Management Transformation)

NRCan – Canadian Geospatial Platform (Federal Geospatial Platform), 2020-03-26

SSC IT Service Management Tool Project (Service Management Transformation Program), 2020-03-02

Statistics Canada cloud architecture for Drupal, GC reference architecture for the GC, 2020-01-17

NSERC/SSHRC/CIHR – Tri-Agency Grants Management Solution, 2019-11-14

Open Source Standards and Whitepaper, 2019-10-03

GCcase Search Engine, 2019-06-19

GC Mainframe Strategy, 2019-06-19

eProcurement Solution, 2019-05-02

Gartner Assessment of CRA/CBSA SAP Strategy, 2019-03-21

ATIP Online Request Service (AORS), 2019-02-07

VidCruiter SaaS, 2018-11-18

Open First Whitepaper, 2018-09-13

Asset Discovery & Inventory Management. 2019-08-30

Talent Cloud, 201-07-12

Enterprise Managed SharePoint service, 2018-05-31

Project and Portfolio Management (GC PPM), 2018-05-31

Technology Architecture

TBS – Process and status of Split Tunneling requests, 2020-06-18

Digital Communications and Collaboration (DCC): Network and Security Design Principles, 2020-03-26

Cloud eXchange Point (CXP) readiness process, 2020-01-31

GC Cloud Enablement: Cloud Connection Patterns, 2020-12-19

SCED and A unified, consolidated, and regionalized hub strategy for interconnectivity to and from the GC infrastructure, 2019-12-05

Digital Communications and Collaboration (DCC), 2019-11-14

Enterprise Mobile Device Management, 2019-06-13


SSC Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) service, 2020-07-30

Security Architecture and Privacy

Enhancing email security with Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC)., 2020-01-31

Digital Credential and Access Management, 2019-09-19

Enabling Secure Access to Protected B Cloud Services, 2019-09-19

Cyber Security Digital Identity Reference Architecture, 2019-07-04

Pan-Canadian Trust Framework, 2019-05-02

Sign IN Canada Way Forward, 2019-05-02

Verified.Me POC, 2019-05-02

MyAlberta Digital Identity, MADI-2019-05-02

Update of the GC Digital Identity Strategy, 2019-01-10

HTTPS Everywhere” Standard, 2018-03-08

Last update on 2020-08-04

Updates completed from the following GC EARB meetings
2020 2019 2018
2020-01-17 2019-01-10 2018-03-08
2020-01-31 2019-01-24 2018-03-22
2020-03-02 2019-02-07 2018-04-05
2020-03-26 2019-03-07 2018-04-26
2020-04-09 2019-03-21 2018-05-10
2020-04-23 2019-04-04 2018-05-18
2020-05-07 2019-05-02 2018-05-31
2020-06-04 2019-06-13 2018-06-14
2020-06-18 2019-06-19 2018-06-28
2020-07-02 2019-07-04 2018-07-12
2020-07-16 2019-07-25 2018-08-30
2020-07-30 2019-08-22 2018-09-13
2019-09-19 2018-09-27
2019-10-03 2018-09-27
2019-10-31 2018-10-19
2019-11-14 2018-11-01
2019-12-05 2018-11-15
2019-12-19 2018-11-29