Welcome to the GCwiki!
The GCwiki is a public wiki hosted by the Government of Canada to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing.
Like GCcollab, the wiki is open to public servants from all levels of government, academics and students from Canadian universities and colleges, external partners, and anyone by invitation. The wiki supplements existing work on GCcollab and will host information, working documents, and projects from communities across Canada.
Please note that the GCwiki is currently in its beta development phase. If you encounter any issues or would like to provide feedback, please contact the GCTools Help Desk. If you would like to get involved in the development of the GCwiki, send us a message and let us know what you’re working on.
Why the GCwiki?
-Work in the open: share your ideas, information, and projects as they unfold and by doing so, find diverse partners and connections in real-time.
-Create together: draft projects and connect with your peers in other departments, sectors, or regions across Canada.
-Connect-the-dots: consider the GCwiki like a public square – an online space where Canadians connect to share ideas across interdisciplinary communities to create solutions for public benefit.
About the Platform
The GCwiki content is available to the public, however, users must have an account and be logged in if they wish to add or modify content.
Wikis are designed to be collaborative. Pages do not have “owners”, but instead, they have creators and editors. Any member of a wiki can create and edit articles. The collaborative nature of wikis creates interactive content which is constantly evolving.
The Digital Enablement Division within the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat manages GCcollab and GCwiki, but does not moderate individual pages.
To learn more, please refer to the GCwiki help page.
Featured Communities
Take a look at some of the most recent and active pages in the GCcollab community!
Want to feature your wiki page or project? Send an image and brief description of your project to our Inbox!