GCOnboard/Being Digital

Being Digital

No matter what you do, you touch digital in some way as a GC employee, through program or service delivery and as an end user of digital solutions.

Here is a header

People expect and need their government to build and deliver simple, secure, and efficient digital services and programs.

By improving digital skills and enhancing our use of digital tools and platforms, our jobs become easier. All government employees and every government organization can better fulfill their job roles, improve services and programs to better serve people, and make more informed decisions at all leadership levels.

What is Digital?

It is how the integration of people, skills, behaviours, information and technology shape our work and the ways in which we interact.

Digital is about good delivery – through client services, programs, research, or internal services – all public servants need to be digitally fluent.

Find out more about our Digital Standards

The Digital Ambition – Delivering Digital Government

“The Digital Ambition is not just about the technology, it is about how we work and think differently to deliver government in a Digital Age. It is about process, program design, evolution, and culture. At its core, it is about those we serve.”​  Catherine Luelo, Chief Information Officer for the Government of Canada, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat    

We are working on achieving the Digital Ambition but we are not there yet - we need YOU to help get us there

The Digital Ambition
Strategic Themes What does Realizing the Ambition Mean for YOU!
Tools - Excellence in technology and operations: maximize the effectiveness and value of technology investments across government You will have the tools and systems in place that support you in delivering programs and services to individuals
Content - Data-enabled digital services and programs: drive cross-government improvement in client and employee services, data and cross-agency integration You will be able to organize, use and share data and information so that others can benefit, and to improve services and programs
Rules - Action-ready digital strategy and policy: set strategy, policy and guidance that enables safe, secure, reliable and privacy-enabled operations Policies and guidance will support you and your organization through digital change
People/Mindset - Structural evolution in funding, talent and culture: drive changes to policy and governance that prioritize and unlock the full value of digital investment You will have access to the skills and resources needed to be digital, and work digitally

Find out more about the Digital Ambition

Coming Soon...Digital Skills and Competencies for all Public Servants