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CSPS Going Virtual Tiger Team Resources
As the public service shifted abruptly to virtual in spring 2020, the Canada School of Public Service’s Event Management Services struck a ‘Going Virtual Tiger Team’ explore effective options for the virtual delivery of its offerings, both in terms of experience design, and the selection and integration of technologies. This portion of work will focus on a specific set of offerings: hosting virtual standalone gatherings, specifically meetings, collaborative sessions, corporate events, and conferences. Through this forum, employees at CSPS developed a range of job-aids, placemats, checklists, and decks. Below, you will find resources that might help your team continue to develop and delivery quality events in virtual spaces.
Please note that these resources are up to date as of August, 2020 – MS Teams and other platforms continue to push updates on a regular basis. Some of these resources remain in-progress, or continue to be road-tested around the School - Feel free to use, adapt, or refine these resources as needed for the context of your team and work.
There are other helpful document and resource repositories that will support your team in remote and virtual collaboration, learning, and event design and delivery:
- Busride: Going Remote Guide (developed by the CSPS Digital Academy)
- Learning Lab Playbook 3.0 (developed by the CSPS Learning Lab; GCCampus login required)
Platform-Specific Job Aids
Meeting Invitation Placemat | This placemat can be sent along with Outlook invitations for events or meetings in MS Teams. It outlines the basics meetings functions of Teams. (Document is EN/FR) |
Meeting Interface Placemat | This placemat would help a producer or facilitator do a live walk-through of MS Teams functions during a tech dry run with participants. It is a visual explanation of the meeting interface on desktop and mobile platforms of MS Teams. (Document is EN/FR) |
Producer Checklist | This is a checklist/guide for producers coordinating collaborative sessions or small presentations in MS Teams. As with the tech dry run guide, it is meant for MS Teams, but could also easily be adapted. |
Tech Dry Run Guide | This is a guide for a ‘session 0’ tech check-in with participants before the learning event/session proper. While it is specific to MS Teams, but could easily be adapted for another platform as needed. |
Facilitation Essentials: Designing Successful Virtual Gatherings | Intro to 3 key elements to designing successful virtual gatherings |
Les éléments essentiels de la facilitation: Concevoir des rassemblements virtuels réussis | Introduction à trois éléments clés pour concevoir des rassemblements virtuels réussis |
A Guide to Hosting and Harvesting Meaningful Conversations in Virtual Spaces | Co-created by Art of Hosting facilitators, May 2020 |