Theme Management Committee Covid-August 19 2020 - Comité de gestion des thèmes Covid-19 août 2020


1. Updates

Notes and action items

1. Updates


Apologies for those who couldn’t get on last week’s call about accessibility. We talked to Brad and he can do another Special accessibility session - Monday - 3 p.m. It’s a repeat of last week’s presentation. Share it with colleagues and invite others.

We would love feedback on the session. Was it too technical? Was there anything missing?

  • GCKey discussion
    • There was a credential stuffing event. Heads of Comms message went out on Saturday. Alert code went out for departments to add to their websites if needed. If you haven’t received it and would you like it, please let us know .
    • Was this the right medium to send it or should we send it on working level? If you have put it up, could you let us know.
  • Federal/Provincial/Territorial meeting yesterday
    • We co-hosted a meeting with the NWT. They have 11 official languages and shared the challenges of  communicating in so many languages. They shared how they use simple illustrations to address language gaps while awaiting translations. Use illustrations as opposed to photographs because they can use a low resolution to avoid taking too much bandwith/data.
    • See F/P/T meeting notes and presentation
  • Callout for DTO newsletter and web managers email items
    • If you have something that should be added, please let us know by tomorrow COB
  • COVID branding update is coming soon


  • No updates


  • Update to AEM 6.5 should be weekend of September 11
  • Have done lots of testing
  • Social media will be coming out and there will be a Town hall next week
  • If you have questions, reach out to Debbie Laurin


  • Email notification updates.  
    • Two postings went out this week
    • One went out on Monday about kids and Wednesday was masks
  • We continue to update the data daily
  • We added shareable content to COVID alert app landing page
  • Updated medical device list


  • CEWS redesign
  • CERB new benefits announcements go out next week and transition content is ready
  • Page Feedback Widget

2.              Travel wizard prototype demo - Scott/Jennifer/David/Dimitrios/Lisa Willems

  • Currently doing testing on the travel wizard and additional pages
  • Shared a prototype
  • Testing in English first, but will begin in French once the English content is stable
  • Testing so far indicates that people who use the wizard are generally successful - 7/10 used the wizard
  • Testing so far indicates that people have more trouble solving their tasks if they try to go through the web content instead of using the wizard
  • Wizards like these have been tested recently with screen readers, and worked very well - although we haven’t specifically tested this one with any assistive devices yet
  • Alert fatigue was evident in the testing
    • Participants were skipping over alert text explaining that the final determination is made at the border, so that message was taken out of an alert, moved lower on the page, and people seem to be reading it more
    • Blog post: Alert fatigue during COVID-19
  • Most of the testing is being done on phones and the prototype is working really well
  • Subway pattern is also working well for navigation purposes
  • Will present a deck next week with more details of the testing


  • Critical maintenance of the ISED website this weekend so it will be offline from Friday to Sunday night

3. Roundtable:

    • Other items for the F/P/T meetings?
      • Intersections with other jurisdictions?

Ordre du jour

1. Mises à jour

Notes et actions à prendre