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Groupe de travail federal provincial territorial sur la gestion du contenu web COVID-19/7 Juillet 2020
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Accueil | Réunions | Espace collaboratif | Contacts |
Ordre du jour
1. Introductions - nouveaux membres du groupe
2. Réouverture des entreprises
- Page de soutien aux entreprises sur
- Efforts fédéraux en matière de langage clair pour les lignes directrices concernant la réouverture
3. Page centrale pour les restrictions de voyage au Canada
- Quel contenu et quelles pages existent pour chaque province ou territoire
- Comment nous pouvons créer des liens à partir du contenu fédéral
4. La visualization des données
- Data integration and visualization (anglais - pptx)
5. Table ronde : lancement d'initiatives ou de contenus dans les 2 prochaines semaines, points à venir pour l’ordre du jour
Introductions - new additions to the group
- T.N.-O. : Umesh
- N.-É. : Kara McAllister
- Î.-P.-É. : VL Weeks, Beth Doucette
- Ont: Marcella Young - SCT, David Tallan, Lauren Sugar, David Cox, Stephanie
- Man:Edward Cormier
- Alb: Gene Smith, Sharon
- Collègues du GC : BCP, SC, ASPC, PP, SCT, etc.
- Sheldon Bauld, Christina Carrigan, Julie Tierney
Mises à jour
- Étude des tâches de Gerry McGovern - sera déposé sur Slack.
- Application de notification en cas d’exposition à la COVID-19 - La collaboration se poursuit avec l’Ontario.
- Un aperçu de la situation financière sera présenté demain.
- M-R : L’application de notification en cas d’exposition à la COVID-19 avec le gouvernement d’Ontario (idéalement d’ici la prochaine réunion afin de discuter davantage avec les représentants de ce qu’ils ont fait et de ce qu’ils prévoient faire à l’avenir
Reopening businesses
- Support for businesses page on - *Short-term plan for Business-ÉBAUCHE
- Trying to get a sense of what information businesses are looking for on
- Lots of similarities btw business and individuals around financial support
- Two main areas: financial support; guidance and standards
- Deck will be shared on the Wiki by Gil for the rest of the group (link above)
- Main business landing page mirrors other covid19 landing pages for findability and structure
- Ontario was one of the top 50 searches (net new) - assumption is many Ontario businesses looking for information/guidance
- To ensure effectiveness of the business support, we are doing 3 rounds of unmoderated testing; page success widget, daily monitoring of analytics and task success survey
- Federal plain language efforts for reopening guidance DRAFT deck re developing guidance Designing_guidance-DRAFT
Central page for travel restrictions within Canada - Mary Beth
- Interprovincial wiki page created by Mary-Beth
- Links (mini content inventory) to main travel advice from each province
- Main aim is to ensure Canadians understand where they can go (within Canada)
- Celeste: the question of travel also depends on where I reside (i.e. if I’m coming from a place with more cases)
- Christina: Northwest territories - borders are restricted
- Issue with the restrictions is the charter of rights for Canadians to be able to move freely - so we have the restrictions but the ability to enforce them is difficult
- Cannot prohibit them from entering but can manage their travel w/in the province - it’s tricky
- Page that has the most traction is the border entry/exit restrictions
- Would be great to have it in one central page - but even just in the territory it’s been hard to explain only in this jurisdiction
- Aiming to one central page ( many seemed in agreement even though it’s tricky) without duplicating the information
- VL (PEI): The link on the wiki is good for those in the atlantic bubble but not for the rest of Canadians
- Needs some more thinking ( preliminary spreadsheet with what province you are from and to which you’re travelling to - perhaps this could feed into the wizard?)
- Goal: Improve Travellers within Canada section (new page?) for Canadians wanting to take summer vacations:
- Currently: Travellers within Canada
- What content/pages exist for each province/territory:
- What tasks do they have?
- Central page with links - Posted to the wiki: COVID-19 Interprovincial and territorial travel connections
- How we can link out from the federal content
Data visualization - Rob/Michael
- Main goal is to aggregate data from multiple sources for different audiences and that the data is consistent across all
- Important considerations included audience; data overload for the public and being unable to understand or misinterpret; and urgency and privacy concerns
- Impact: 152K since launch (in 3 weeks) - the epidemiological and economic research data
- Key takeaways: solution is repeatable and collaborative nature allowed data to be efficiently published in a timely manner
- Ontario's data visualization:
- Alberta's data page:
Round table: initiatives or content launching in the next 2 weeks, forward agenda items
- Forward agenda items:
- Engagement piece from Manitoba - Richard Cormier
- Plain language efforts on guidance - Peter
- Crisis Communications content design checklist: