Federal Provincial Territorial COVID-19 web management working group/July 7 2020

Home Meetings Collaboration space Contacts

Meeting information

Tuesday, July 3, 2020 - 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM EDT

Join Hangouts Meet

Join by phone

  • ‪+1 647-734-3101‬ (PIN: ‪636 359 639‬#)


  1. Introductions - new additions to the group
  2. Reopening businesses

Engagement piece from Manitoba Support for businesses page on Canada.ca Federal plain language efforts for reopening guidance

  1. Central page for travel restrictions within Canada

What content/pages exist for each province/territory How we can link out from the federal content

  1. Round table: initiatives or content launching in the next 2 weeks, forward agenda items

Notes and action items