Federal Youth Network/Home ENG/Events/In Person Learning Days/NCR Event/Speakers

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FYN In Person Learning Days: NCR Event - Speakers

Branding: Setting Yourself Apart

Speaker Name and Biography

Chris Scipio

Mélanie Copeland

Anna Wong

Maame De-Heer

FlexGC: Organizational Culture in a Hybrid Model

Speaker Name and Biography

Natasha Côté-Khan

Uwais Patel

Ask Us Anything: Career and HR Panel Discussion

Speaker Name and Biography

Meenakshi Sharma

Lowa Lumbala

Exploring Resumes and Tips on Standing Out

Speaker Name and Biography

Audrey-Anne Racine

Priyanka Sharma

Using Your Voice for Change

Speaker Name and Biography

Abe Greenspoon

More information to come

Speed Mentoring - in-person

Mentor Name and Biography
More information to come


Moderator Name and Biography

Olivier Langlois

Hudson Pu

Charlene Engmann

Natale Dankotuwage

Diana Best