CSPS Digital Academy Events/ Annual Digital Government Forum 2022 - Event Program

Event Program for Annual Digital Government Forum: The Need to Build Modern Services for All
November 22, 2022 | 10:30 AM – 3:30 PM (ET)
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We have a great hybrid event planned for you! There are some great speakers lined up, with more coming. Keep an eye on this Program as we continue to update it. We're looking forward to seeing you in person or online!

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Pre-Event Networking

  • Connect with others in person and online in our virtual space
  • Chat with participants on GCmessage
  • Join in on the conversation on Twitter using #ADGF2022

10:30 AM - 10:35 AM

Opening Video

10:35 AM - 10:45 AM

Welcome Remarks - Masters of Ceremony

  • Erica Vezeau, Director General, Digital Academy, Canada School of Public Service

10:45 AM - 11:00 AM

Opening Remarks - Setting the Stage

  • Marc Brouillard, Chief Digital Officer, Department of Fisheries and Oceans

11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Panel Discussion

Description: Join in the discussion as experts across industries delve further into the issues around modernizing services to citizens. Learn what the current environment looks like; where gaps exist; some of the challenges organizations are facing; and how some are leveraging technologies and approaches to better meet citizen expectations and bolster service experience for all.


  • Andrea Guertin, Managing Director, Bridgeable
  • More to come


  • Raj Thuppal, Chief Digital Officer and Assistant Deputy Minister, Digital Services and Transformation, Transport Canada

12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

Lunch & Learn, Networking, and Kiosks

  • Connect with new and existing colleagues in person and in the virtual space
  • Come and see what others across the public service are doing in this area. Check out their kiosks and speak with them live, both in-person and online
  • Chat with participants on GCmessage
  • Join in on the conversation on Twitter using #ADGF2022

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Keynote Speaker - Fireside Chat and Q&A

Description: Take part in the discussion as a senior leader in one of our largest service departments share his insights on modernizing services for citizens. Hear about their journey, with concrete examples; their vision for the future for service delivery; and their advice to public servants as we work together to build better services for all.


  • Wendy Luciani, Executive Director of Partnerships, Canadian Digital Service
  • More to come


  • Kelly Acton, Assistant Deputy Minister, Digital Policy and Performance, Office of the Chief Information Officer of Canada, Treasury Board Secretariat

2:00 PM - 3:25 PM

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

1. Using Open Data to Enhance Government Services for All

Description: Learn about the importance of open data, how it can be used to improve policy development and service delivery, and its inclusion in the 2022-24 National Action Plan on Open Government and upcoming GC Open Government Strategy.

Hear from stakeholders about their open data journey, how to make more open data available, and help shape the future of data and Open Government in Canada, to help build stronger digital services for all.


  • Sidra Mahmood, Open Data Lead, Chief Data Officer, Employment and Social Development Canada
  • Jean-Noé Landry, Former Executive Director, OpenNorth.ca; Obama Scholar 2021-2022; Senior Fellow, Canadian Urban Institute; Senior Advisor, Inter-University Data Studio on the Socio-Ecological Transition, Concordia University
  • More to come


  • To come

2. Delivering Better Services: Supporting Teams to Make the Digital Standards a Reality

Description: Join us for an ‘Ask Me Anything’ (AMA) session with members of CDS’ partnerships team. Learn how CDS works with teams across the GC to support their digital efforts- by providing tailored advice, sharing resources and making connections to better align with the Digital Standards. Ask the team questions about design research, agile ways of working, people-centered service delivery and more!

The team will draw on examples from partnerships with digital delivery teams across the GC, share lessons earned, common stumbling blocks, and best practices


  • Tamreen Arif, Senior Policy Advisor, Canadian Digital Services
  • Manu Kabahizi, Consulting Digital Practitioner, Canadian Digital Services
  • Charlyne Lefebvre-Paillé, Senior Advisor, Research & Design, Canadian Digital Services
  • More to come


  • To come

3. Showcases - Modernization in Action

Description: This is an opportunity to see and hear how other governments and sectors are effectively modernizing services and responding to citizens’ expectations. They will show you what works and how they measured success; speak to some of the challenges they faced and how they were confronted. Come and see modernization in action!


  • Dan Batista, Executive Director, Institute on Digital-Centred Service
  • More to come


  • Erica Vezeau, Director General, Digital Academy, Canada School of Public Service

3:25 PM - 3:30 PM

Closing Remarks

3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Post-Event Networking: Modernizing Services Through the CSPS Accelerator Program

Description: Join cohorts virtually as they share their experiences, lessons learned, and digital best practices while experimentally collaborating in the open using human-centred and iterative ways to define problems and developing solutions. Learn about the Accelerator, as well as how cohorts’ initiatives are helping to modernize the way we design and deliver services to citizens

  • Join the conversation online and speak directly with innovators from the CSPS Accelerator Program. Hear how they continue to improve services in innovative ways.
  • Connect on Twitter using #ADGF2022