Coordinated Governance Model

Revision as of 11:40, 8 December 2020 by Deepika.kalia (talk | contribs)

Reference Materials

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Link to the TBS policy that describes the mandate for GC EARB and outlines the related responsibilities for Departmental CIOs.

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The Government of Canada's Digital Standards form the foundation of the government's shift to becoming more agile, open, and user-focused. They will guide teams in designing digital services in a way that best serves Canadians.


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Link to the criteria of when to come to EARB as well as the mandatory procedures to be incorporated.

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GC Enterprise Architecture and the Architecture Standard including the GC view of B-I-A-T-S+P.

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“Presenter” intake presentation to be completed by departments.

French Presenter Template


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Link to TBS directive with detailed requirements for APIs.

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