Theme Management Committee Covid-May 22 2020 - Comité de gestion des thèmes Covid-22 mai 2020


1. Updates

2. Presentation: Collecting educational resources for parents

3. Presentation: Structured data

Notes and action items

  1. Please add home education resources to the Parent resources Google document
  2. Structured data instructions
1. Updates


  • Met this morning with Gerry McGovern about results of Top Task study. Results will be shared at TMC on Monday.
2. POR on web results update - Celeste Cote (PCO)
  • Focus group happened recently with 8 people in BC about their views of the page
  • We discourage POR for web as there is a specific methodology for testing websites and we don’t want to see POR influencing decisions that will have a negative impact on usability
  • The good news is that people  beyond the web community are very interested in what people come to the website for
  • Get in touch with your advertising and POR folks to make sure they aren’t doing POR on your website, but also to let them know about what sort of research is being done and see how you may be able to add value to each other’s work
  • Share results of Gerry McGovern study with them
3. Parent/children resources - Mary Beth Baker (PCO) and Susan Harper (HC PHAC)
  • Goal is to create a page to support parents through COVID-19
  • Aim to 250-300 resources to provide to parents
  • Current search results yield too many results (174,000) and many aren’t useful for this task
  • Lots of existing content yet no way to sort it and share it with parents
  • We need departments to identify their best content

Phased approach:

  • Phase 1: Web page
  • Phase 2: Finder MVP: tag content with specialized metadata
  • Phase 3: Improve finder based on usage, feedback and testing

Action item

  • Add your op 10 kids’ activity pages to our Resource inventory
  • Tag home education pages with new tag (instructions to come)
  • Confirm completion of task through Slack Channel: (#parent-resources)
4. Structured Data - Scott Duncan (DTO)

Presentation: TMC Structured data - work to date and measuring success

Slack channel for structured data

Findings so far:

  • The FAQ schema is not efficient for sending people to specific sub-pages
  • Don’t be tempted to add FAQ’s to content pages. Follow our guidance on FAQs
  • We are not at a stage to provide firm guidance yet, although through this pilot  we have learned some interesting things

Ordre du jour

  1. Mises à jour
  2. Présentation: Rassembler des ressources éducatives pour les parents (version française à venir)
  3. Présentation: Les données structurées (version française à venir)

Notes et actions à prendre

  1. Veuillez ajouter vos ressources éducatives au document Google Resources pour les parents
  2. Instructions pour les données structurées