Theme Management Committee Covid-April 24 2020 - Comité de gestion des thèmes Covid-24 avril 2020


1. Updates

2. Personal protective equipment (PPE) page - Susan

3. Usability testing - Peter

Notes and action items

  1. Updates


  • Have a prototype for updates on COVID landing page to reduce the number of links in each band - will do some testing over the weekend
  • Testing CEWS page
  • Testing CERB
  • Working on briefing materials for senior management

Susan Harper

  • Looking at being part of a structured pata pilot project
  • Governance is approved and working on socializing it
  • Used the Inventory to find duplicate content and pages that needed improvement - very helpful...others should try it

2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) page - Susan Harper

  • Showed a mockup of the page and wants to bring in a whole of government perspective
  • Going through approvals over the weekend and hope to be live next week
  • Asked community what their thoughts are and what it is missing
  • Celeste brought up the description of masks in relation to audiences - medical professionals vs. general public
  • Looking for content gaps - if you have any questions or feedback, please email Susan

3. Usability testing - Peter Smith

  • Will be posting links to research on the GC Wiki Research and data sharing page in the coming days as well as the #themes-thèmes Slack channel
  • It is in translation as well and should be available in French in a few weeks
  • Showed the COVID-19 UX Testing Tracker that DTO has been using to track all the studies and tasks
  • Many have been done with very low numbers
  • The spreadsheet is growing daily
  • Valuable resources to support data-driven decisions
  • DTO is working on creating short video clips to show others

Ordre du jour

1. Mises à jour

2. Page de l'équipement de protection individuelle - Susan

3. Tests d'utilisation - Peter

Notes et actions à prendre