Theme Management Committee Covid-Mar 27 2020 - Comité de gestion des thèmes Covid-27 mars 2020


Presentation - Using alerts (Google Doc)

Presentation - Using alerts (.pptx)

  1. Update on new framework
  2. Contact information
  3. How to use alerts in a crisis
  4. IA discussion for Economic response

Notes and action items

Action items

  • Susan Harper presenting – COVID contact us – slides. Get her slides to share. Indigenous has been added to the themes of deck (from March 25th)
  • Approval was received of new and look and feel for Mobile and Desktop
  • It will be launched on Sunday
  • Use #financial-working-group channel in Slack for your comments on the Financial support portion of the IA

Forward agenda:

  • Women’s shelters
  • Indigenous
  • Other ideas

Contacts for questions re COVID GC-wide response

Alert Guidance

  • Peter – DTO presented on alert guidance.
  • Live page has been updated:
  • Share Questions, comments and feedback to help improve alert guidance.
  • Alerts are contextual and should be a case by case basis
  • See presentation from March 26 re when links should point to main COVID response pages and when they should point to task-based content

Financial and economic IA

  • David (DTO) talking about the possible name change for financial support. He raised that it is currently called Canada’s Economic Response Plan. Thinking about changing it to something about what we are offering instead of what people are looking for. Economic Response Plan feels very much like language that resonates mostly with govt people. It sounds like a campaign.
  • Adding in self-employed. Self-employed folks have trouble understanding which category they fit in (indiv. vs business) so suggest specific content / link from each to a page for self-employed folks 2. The main business page (FIN) should link to ISED's landing page with resources for small businesses, who have specific and different needs compared to other business.
  • Self-employed – new category. Do they fit in individuals or businesses Figuring it out. More testing needs to be done examining self-employed, individuals and businesses.
  • Financial support for Canadians abroad. Where does this go in Individuals? Does this go in Travel or Support for Individuals?
  • Add more content to Women’s Shelter – announcement coming next week
  • Indigenous: Where do they fit? In Focus On or Financial support for Individuals. Switch Indigenous People to Indigenous Communities
  • Currently in Individuals: linking to only Indigenous Fund – adding more Indigenous content next week
  • More work to be done: Women’s shelter, Indigenous areas
  • Discussion on business. Invited people to Share your IA thinking by Monday for the tasks/topics related to the COVID-19 page for businesses and employees.
  • Discussion about Money and Finance section and elaborate on Mortgages
  • Identify Gaps and Mistakes in IA and then send messages in Slack Channel to discuss
  • Use #financial-working-group channel in Slack for your comments
  • Should we create separate ones for Individuals and Business respectively, and continue discussion there?
  • Creating a possible subpage of maintain your business for small business
  • Still seeing duplication – so need to find ways to eliminate it
  • Encourage people to think about their tasks and then see how it fits in IA and have a look.

Ordre du jour

Présentation - Utiliser les alertes (document Google)

Présentation - Utiliser les alertes (.pptx)

  1. Mise à jour sur la nouvelle page de lancement COVID-19
  2. Les contacts
  3. Comment utiliser les alertes en temps de crise
  4. Discussion sur l'architecture de l'information pour le plan d'intervention économique (en anglais uniquement)

Notes et actions à prendre