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Planning and Creating a New Kiosk

Kiosk owners, as outlined in the Roles and Responsibilities for the vExpo, are responsible for planning and creating the final designs of their kiosks. Guidance material has been developed to support you throughout this process. Follow these 5 steps to plan and create your new virtual kiosk, utilizing our three-part video tutorial for assistance:

    1. Plan your kiosk (Step 1)
    2. Design and export your kiosk panels (Steps 2 and 3)
    3. Build and publish your kiosk (Steps 4 and 5)

    Refer to our FAQ for any questions.

    1. Plan your kiosk

    Begin by using the Kiosk Mock-up Creation Guide to formulate a rough idea of your kiosk content, including visuals, interactivity, and navigation. This document covers essential topics such as recommended applications for content creation, the structure of a virtual kiosk, and steps for creating your mockup.

    Once you've familiarized yourself with the guide and envisioned your content, utilize the Kiosk Mockup Template to organize your kiosk content and layout. This is an opportunity to sketch and experiment before finalizing your panel design.

    Once your kiosk mockup is completed, transfer the corresponding content to the Kiosk Content Planning Template. This tool will assist you later in the process. Ensure all planned content for your kiosk is available in both official languages, including decorative text, description card text, thumbnail images, and hotspot links.


    2. Design your kiosk panels

    Refer to the instructions in the Creating Your Final Kiosk Design Guide to transform your mockup into high-resolution panel images with consistent layout, good design, and overall balance. Utilize one of our blank canvas templates to capture your designs in the required layout and format before exporting them as .png files. In total, you should have 8 image panels: left, central, right, and title in both official languages.

    While you can create the required panel images using the provided guides and tutorials, you may also seek support from your department’s communications, marketing, or multimedia team.

    Common applications for this purpose include Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD, Sketch, Figma, Canva, and PowerPoint.


    3. Export your kiosk image files

    Once your kiosk designs are finalized in both official languages, export each individual kiosk panel as .png files. These will be used to create the 3D version of the kiosk. For a 3 panel kiosk, you should have a total of 8 panels (4 panels per language): left, central, right, and title.

    Name each image file using the following naming convention:

      1. English right panel: Kxxxxxx_EnCA_Right
      2. French right panel: Kxxxxxx_FrCA_Right
      3. English centre panel: Kxxxxxx_EnCA_Centre
      4. French centre panel: Kxxxxxx_FrCA_Centre
      5. English centre title panel: Kxxxxxx_EnCA_CentreTitle
      6. French centre title panel: Kxxxxxx_FrCA_CentreTitle
      7. English left panel: Kxxxxxx_EnCA_Left
      8. French left panel: Kxxxxxx_FrCA_Left

      4. Create your kiosk using the vBuilder self-serve tool

      Ensure you have all the required content ready to create your kiosk. You will need:

      • The link* you received to access the kiosk edition page;
      • The panel image files;
      • The URLs to link to your content; and
      • The final text to appear on your kiosk, in both official languages.
      • If you haven’t been provided with the link to access the vBuilder, contact the Tech Lab vExpo team (techlab-labtech@csps-efpc.gc.ca) to request a new kiosk. In your request, include the event for which your kiosk will be used, the event host name, and your kiosk/organization name.

      Follow the instructions in the Kiosk vBuilder guide to create your kiosk.

      5. Publish your kiosk

      Once you have completed your kiosk using the Kiosk vBuilder tool, and have received all approvals to publish your kiosk on a public-facing site, contact the Tech Lab team (techlab-labtech@csps-efpc.gc.ca) to confirm that your kiosk is ready to be published.

      Note: Please allow up to 2 working days for your kiosk to be published.