Digital Talent/Digital Talent Strategy

Attracting, developing, and retaining digital talent in the GC

GC Digital Talent Strategy Infographic

Looking for a quick overview of the digital talent strategy? View the Digital Talent Infographic (PDF).

Thumbnail of the GC Digital Talent Infographic. Click to open an accessible PDF file.

The Government of Canada’s Digital Talent Strategy defines a long-term vision for attracting, developing, and retaining digital talent.

We define digital talent as people who work in digital disciplines. They have the skills and experience in fields including but not limited to:

  • Software development
  • Development operations
  • Data, analytics and artificial intelligence/machine learning
  • User experience research and design
  • Technical architecture
  • Security engineering
  • Product management
  • Digital leadership
  • And many, many more domains

They typically work in multidisciplinary teams, require modern tools and technology, and take a user-centered approach to solving problems.

The draft Strategy was open for feedback from May to August 2023 and is now nearing its final stages. The current version is no longer open for feedback. The final version will be published in Fall 2023. Thank you for your contributions!

The Government of Canada Digital Talent Strategy (Google Doc)

Beta version - Summer 2023


Share your thoughts

Key questions for you include:

  1. What were you pleased to see included in the strategy?
  2. What key elements are missing from the strategy?
  3. What would make this strategy better?
  4. What research should we review to improve the strategy?
  5. What digital skills are important for all digital practitioners to have?

Please provide your comments directly in the Google Doc. If you have any issues accessing or commenting on the document, please share feedback with Ashley at

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