Federal Public Service Organizational Ombuds Community


Federal Public Service Organizational Ombuds Community

Our guiding principles Our Activities List of organizational Ombuds

Welcome the Federal Public Service Organizational Ombuds Community

What is an organizational ombuds?

According to the International Ombuds Association organizational ombuds work with individuals and groups in an organization to

  1. provide a safe space to talk about an issue or concern,
  2. explore options to help resolve conflicts, and,
  3. bring systemic concerns to the attention of the organization for resolution.

An organizational ombuds operates in a manner to preserve the confidentiality of those seeking services, maintains a neutral/impartial position with respect to the concerns raised, works at an informal level of the organizational system (compared to more formal channels that are available), and is independent of formal organizational structures.

A diverse service offering

The organizational ombuds community currently consists of 26 ombuds in 47 agencies or departments and continues to grow.

Although the ombuds role remains the same, the composition of their office, the population served, their geographical locations, their groups and levels, as well as the diversity of complementary services offered, vary greatly depending on the department or agency.

The following programs can be offered in your ombuds office.

gestion informelle des conflits gestion de l'invalidité
santé mentale et mieux-être formation
valeurs et éthiques coaching
conflits d'intérêt / activité politique services antiracisme, équité, diversité et inclusion
intégrité scientifique agent principal pour la divulgation interne d'actes répréhensible
programme d'aide aux employés enquêtes
prévention du harcèlement et/ou de la violence en milieu de travail entrevues de départ / rétroaction

Communauté des ombuds organisationnels de la fonction publique